Long Term Liabilities

Write 300–400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Discuss debt and equity financing.

How are they different?

What is the Time Value of Money and how does it relate to valuation of bonds?

Discuss bonds at par, premium, and discounted

What is the difference between the coupon rate and market rate?

Entrepreneur Interview Prospect

Identify the entrepreneur you want to interview. Be sure you have at least 2 others as a backup in the case the initial person is hard to connect with. Try to meet with someone who is within the industry you want your plan to focus on. You will gain the most out of the interview. Contact your professor if you need ideas of who to interview.
Schedule an appointment to meet face-to-face preferred, or by phone. No email correspondence as the means of the interview.
Then submit a one-page proposal that covers:
Who the entrepreneur is and why you picked that person.
Describe the business the entrepreneur runs and elaborate on what the business provides, the geographical location, and how long has it been in business.
Establish an interview meeting time. If you are unable to verify the actual appointment by the due date of this assignment, explain your process for reaching the entrepreneur. Remember this interview assignment will be due in WEEK #4. Give yourself a timeline to move onto your backup if you are not getting a prompt response.
Number of Sources – Cite the text in relationship to the entrepreneur you propose to interview.
In-text citations and Reference page in APA format.


In this course, you will complete an applied final project rather than taking a traditional proctored final exam. You will integrate the information you have acquired during the course with insights you have gained. The instructions for this assessment (a reference letter) and the rubric that will be used to grade your submission are posted below. Reference Letter Purpose: You will demonstrate an understanding of the basic theories and techniques of counseling psychology, identify the characteristics of an effective helper, and discuss ethical attitudes and codes relevant to psychology. Guidelines: Fast-forward ten years. You have just graduated with a doctorate from a counseling psychology program. You are applying for a position with a foundation-supported community health center. Rather than asking you to submit multiple reference letters, the health center wants you to have one instructor from your graduate program write a comprehensive letter describing all aspects of your educational journey, your effectiveness as a counselor, and your ability to act ethically in a variety of circumstances. You approach your training director, Dr. Smith, and ask for a letter to be submitted with your application packet. Dr. Smith agrees to your request, and so you give Dr. Smith the instruction sheet below. For this project, you must take on the role of Dr. Smith and write an effective, professional letter (including appropriate salutation and closing) that will convince the community health center to hire you. The letter must cover all areas requested by the foundation and emphasize your mastery of the counseling psychology discipline. Here is the instruction sheet: To the person providing this reference, Many of the references we receive extol the virtues of the applicant and predict future success. We want to determine that the applicant has a good understanding of the counseling psychology profession and all that entails. Please comment on the items listed below as they apply to the applicant: length of time and capacity in which you have known the applicant focus of the applicant’s studies in the graduate program theoretical approach that the applicant most frequently uses and how he or she came to identify that approach as the best fit for the applicant therapeutic techniques that the applicant has used successfully with a variety of patients in practicum settings response of the applicant to supervision and in regard to countertransference and boundaries an ethical dilemma that the applicant has faced and how it was addressed strengths of the applicant that will be useful in preventing “burnout” Thank you for your time and for the information you are providing, which will help us to evaluate this applicant.

Yanomamo/Yanomami Research Ethnography Paper

Culture Paper: 20% Due on Sunday, 7/12 at 11:59 pm- Each student will select a specific culture and write a minimum 5 page paper (double spaced, 12pt., Times New Roman) describing it utilizing an anthropological perspective. You may select any culture or subculture to write your paper on as long as conducting the research does not pose a risk to you or anyone else. Emphasis should be placed on applying the course theories and perspectives to analyze the culture (you could discuss their language, symbols, economics, kinship system, religion, etc.). You are required to utilize a minimum of 3 outside scholarly anthropological sources in the paper, but be sure to cite everything properly using MLA format and include a works cited page. Do not use Wikipedia or Everyculture.com and if you do, be sure to place all direct quotes in quotation marks or significant points will be deducted. If you plagiarize, you will receive a zero on this paper.


Come up with an interesting way to introduce your essay. Consider some of the techniques mentioned in MyWritingLab and in Chapter 16 of Writing Analytically for gaining reader interest. Do not assume that your reader is only your instructor or someone else in class. Imagine, instead, that the reader is someone who may have only a passing familiarity with Lysistrata. Try to arouse the potential reader’s curiosity about your topic and about what the reader will gain and learn from reading your essay. Somewhere in your introduction, usually at the end of it, you need to provide your thesis statement. This will be a sentence or two in which you definitely announce your answer to the question about Lysistrata posed above. Please choose to focus on either marriage or leadership, not on both. Take a look at what Rosenwasser and Stephen say in Chapter 11 on pages 229-231 (123-125) about the tension that should be found in a good thesis statement, and try to convey that tension in your thesis statement. Body: In the body of your paper, you should focus on identifying and explaining the insights into marriage or leadership that you’ve gained by your analysis of Lysistrata. Be sure the reader has a general understanding of what Lysistrata is all about (if you haven’t already explained that in the introduction). More specific details about and quotes from the play should be included as you explain each lesson learned and derive that lesson from some specific action or scene in the play. Be sure to apply the lesson learned to the new context as well. For example, you might argue that one lesson that Lysistrata teaches leaders is that ritual and ceremony is essential when trying to secure buy-in for new initiatives. To support this point, you could describe the scene in which Lysistrata and her co-conspirators share a skin of wine and recite an oath, promising to refrain “from the male altogether.” Then you could explain how a leader in a more contemporary and common context could emulate this ritual and ceremony. You might even supply an example from your own life. Arrange the insights from the least original and surprising and insightful to the most original, surprising, and insightful. Do your best to derive lessons about marriage or leadership that are unexpected, unusual, and original. Try to defamiliarize Lysistrata, marriage, and leadership for your readers so that they see this play and these topics in a way that they’ve never seen them before. Conclusion: Come up with an interesting way to conclude your essay. Consider some of the techniques mentioned in MyWritingLab and in Chapter 16 of Writing Analytically for bringing your essay to a satisfying close and for avoiding the typical problems with conclusions. You might, depending on what your topic is, use the conclusion of your essay to look to the future and to recommend actions that your reader can and should take after reading your essay. Or consider the implications for us all if you are right about the insights you’ve gained and shared about your topic. Seriously consider offering any qualifications or honest concessions that seem logically justified and necessary no matter how valid your conclusion may be

Legal Issues, Values and Ethics (CIA And HUMINT Organizations)

The attached Word Document is the previous paper that this project must work with. (Instructions below) Write 5 to 7pages, double-spaced, of the proposed Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section of your course project for instructor and peer feedback. The Legal Issues, Values and Ethics section should: 1. List, and briefly describe the major regulatory and legal requirements that your organization does, or will operate under (i.e. Executive Orders, Military Regulations, Laws, etc.). 2. Analyze the implications of regulatory and legal requirements with the HUMINT scenario and intended activities from Part 3. 3. Establish a code of values and ethics that will serve as the overarching moral code to guide your organization’s personnel as they conduct HUMINT activities. Note(s): (1) Intelligence organizations typically have a myriad of regulatory and legal requirements that will apply. For purposes of this project portion, include the top five (no more than five will be necessary). Also include peer-reviewed references that contribute to the substance of the paper, and support the topic thesis.

The Balance Sheet – Responses


Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with a reply of at least 1 paragraph about their primary task response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:

What did you learn from your classmate’s posting?

What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?

What clarification do you need regarding the posting?

What differences or similarities do you see between your posting and other classmates’ postings?

How would this topic be of value to you in your life or career?

*You don’t have to answer all the questions. As long as it’s a paragraph response then it’s good. Also please split the responses, and write the response as if you are having a conversation with the person. Please do not combine the responses. Thanks*

Ex: Classmate 1 – Respond to in its entirety


      Classmate 2 in its entirety

Post by Joseph Palmaffy:

Define and explain two common types of receivables.

Receivables are debts owed to a company that are expected to be paid and are considered in accounting terms as assets. “The basic accounts receivable relationship that exists between the business owner and the lender occurs when the business owner extends credit to the debtor to help the debtor finance existing operations. These types of loans increase the current assets of the company and are accounted for in the general ledger and in the accounts receivable account for the borrower.” (Lewis, 2015)

Trade receivables are generally good for up to a year whereas accounts receivables are good for up to two months

Why does a business depreciate?

I business depreciates because its assets lose value overtime. “Depreciation is the systematic reduction in the recorded cost of a fixed asset.” (Overview of Depreciation | Depreciation Accounting, 2015) Businesses use this to pay less taxes and manage their liquidity.

What are three methods of depreciation?

A – Straight line depreciation is

B – Declining balance depreciation is

C – Use-based Depreciation is where as items are used they are devalued for example if it is known that a tractor will last for 10,000 hours it can be depreciated by the hours that have been used.

Provide the formula for each of the three methods of depreciation along with an example and rationale for use.

A – The formula for Straight line depreciation is (Cost – Residual value) / Useful life. (Accounting Study, 2015) The items useful life is assessed in the beginning and then it depreciates over that time period.

B – The formula for Declining balance depreciation is Depreciation = Book value x Depreciation rate; Book value = Cost – Accumulated depreciation (Accounting Study, 2015) This is used when you have item such as cars where there is a value determined by a given standard.

C – The formula for Use-based depreciation is the initial cost of the item divided by the total hours of use – the hours used. For example ($1000/1000hours)X 100 = $100 of the initial value of the item has been used therefore it is only worth $900.

Example would be straight line depreciation, provide the formula, and why a business would chose to use it.

A company would chose a straight line depreciation method to keep things as simple as possible and also if it is difficult to determine the exact life of the item based on its hourly use or book value.  If they believe the item will need to be replaced after five years it is easy to calculate the reduction formula.


Accounting Study. (2015). Retrieved from Accounting Info: http://accountinginfo.com/study/dep/depreciation-01.htm

Lewis, J. (2015). Accounting Types for Accounts Receivable. Retrieved from Chron: http://smallbusiness.chron.com/accounting-types-accounts-receivable-33150.html

Overview of Depreciation | Depreciation Accounting. (2015). Retrieved from Accounting Tools: http://www.accountingtools.com/overview-of-depreciation


Post by Lisa Duquette:

Accounts Receivables

Define and explain two common types of receivables.

Notes receivable is similar to the basic accounts receivable. It does tend to differ in ways like the length of time a borrower has to repay the account. As to where the basic accounts receivable helps to increase the asset of the company.

Trade receivable is a lot like the other accounts receivables, this is asset to the company when the transaction is noted in the ledger the right way.  This happen as a result of direct company sales.

Why does a business depreciate?

A business depreciates because the business chooses to do so. They do this by their asset, gauging their performance over a defined period of time. A business does this so they can accurately report their earnings and losses to the IRS.

What are three methods of depreciation?

Depreciation expense: is when you buy something and over time it loses its value and is not worth as much. A business is allowed to write off a part of the price of the expense.

Accelerated depreciation: is where a business owner is allowed to depreciate their assets earlier. Rules for this are often put in place by our elected officials. This is done to encourage business owners to use this money on equipment. Doing something like this helps spend lots of money.

Double-Declining Balance: this is like the accelerated method. This starts out high in the first few years and slowdown in the later years after that. You choose a percentage to depreciate by each year.

Provide the formula for each of the three methods of depreciation along with an example and rationale for use.

Depreciation expense: Business furniture is most often depreciated over seven years so if you purchase a $700 desk on January 1st of 2008 you may take $100 worth of depreciation in 2008 and then an additional $100 per year for the next six years.  At the end of seven years you have taken the value of the asset to zero in this example. (www.sbscpagroup.com)

Accelerated depreciation: In year two, the value of the asset is $1,000,000 – $200,000 = $800,000. (www.investinganswer.com)

Double-Declining Balance: Depreciation rate for double declining balance method

= 20% x 200% = 20% x 2 = 40% per year. (www.accountinginfo.com)

Example would be straight line depreciation, provide the formula, and why a business would choose to use it. Businesses like to use this one for the reason that it is the simplest method.             The example is:($5,000 purchase price – $200 approximate salvage value) ÷ 3 years estimated useful life. (www.beginnersinvest.about.com)









Explain the different types of reverse logistics as applied to manufacturing, food and beverage operations, inventory management? Do you feel that one type is harder or more complicated than another? Support your position

1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NALPpwR8iQA Watch the above video to understand the transformation of a manufacturing company that would diminish environmental impact. Explain the different types of reverse logistics as applied to manufacturing, food and beverage operations, inventory management? Do you feel that one type is harder or more complicated than another? Support your position. 2. Examine the unique ownership issues related to regulated waste. Near my house is a large landfill near Richmond, Virginia. Each day there are flatbed trucks coming off the interstate and making their way to this landfill. These flatbeds are loaded with plastic covered pallets of trash, neatly bundled. They come from the North and the South along the east coast corridor I-95. These tractor trailers seem to arrive about every 15 minutes, all day. The trash pile which is well behind the major suburban artery carrying commuters to and from work each day is hidden, or was hidden by a thick forest. Now there is a visible mountain slow growing beyond the forest. How does this come to pass that trash from other states is ending in this landfill? Who owns the trash if something should be found that is toxic and begins leaking in the ground water of the air? Examine the waste management world. Get a feel for how big it really is. Then address who owns this waste in terms of liability or other social issues that could arise from the residents who live nearby this landfill or a landfill like it. For question 2, use the text below as one of your references Book Title: Hazardous Materials and Hazardous Waste Management Author Woodside, Gayle Publication Info John Wiley & Sons give 2 references for each question

The Balance Sheet – Accounting

Write up to 300-400 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.


For this assignment, you are required to post a report describing your initial impression of Accounting and Intellipath. *Don’t worry about answering the Intellipath*


The following questions must be answered in the report to receive full credit:


Define and explain two common types of receivables.

Why does a business depreciate?

What are three methods of depreciation?

Provide the formula for each of the three methods of depreciation along with an example and rationale for use.

Example would be straight line depreciation, provide the formula, and why a business would chose to use it.

Ethnographic Perspectives of the Everyday

(times new roman, 12 font, double spaced, 1500 words)


This assignment should conform to all the length, formatting, and other guidelines for writing assignments outlined in this syllabus (see the guidelines below, as well as the General Guidelines for Assignments section under Other Information).

Choose one question from the following list and answer it fully. If you wish to modify or rework part of a question, contact me in advance to discuss your plans and to ensure that you are going in an acceptable direction.

For this assignment please complete one of the two options listed below:

Option 1


Identify, meet, and interview a person raised in a different cultural tradition from your own using the techniques you have learned from the ethnographic methodology section of module 1 in the course resources. Compare the topics discussed to ethnographic information about this same tradition from sources found through the UMUC Online Library. Discuss what you think are the strengths and weaknesses of this interview process.


Option 2


Choose a public setting to observe that you are unfamiliar with. Some suggestions are a store, beauty shop or barber shop, restaurant, train or bus station, airport, religious service, or sports event.

  • Observe your setting at least twice for at least an hour each time.
  • Describe the physical and social setting you are studying; i.e., the location, details about the objects in the setting, the persons involved, and any other defining aspects of the situation.
  • Describe behaviors you observe that either follow or violate cultural “rules” for that particular setting.

For both options 1 and 2:

  • Describe what you learned about the person or the cultural scene.
  • Describe what is important or interesting about what you learned.
  • Describe your reactions to being an “outsider.”
  • Explain whether your perceptions changed as a result of your interview or observations. If so, how did they change?
  • Explain the ways in which your findings (what you learned) relate to the concepts presented in the course materials.