What is your Worldview?

Purpose:  Demonstrate your ability to consider, develop or analyze, and support a Philosophical argument by composing a credible piece of academic writing.


Goals: Reflect on what you’ve learned, struggle through the process of relaying that to others via writing, create tangible ‘proof’ of the knowledge you’ve gained, feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.


Format: MLA or APA format, saved as .doc, .docx, .odt, or .rtf file extensions only.


Requirements: Use a MINIMUM of five (5) academic or scholarly sources (no wiki sources, encyclopedias, youtube videos, about.com, blogs or other similar internet sources) and include a Works Cited page. The paper should contain 1,000 – 1,250 words total. Excluding the Works Cited page, no more than 25% of your paper should be cited or direct quotes. This paper is to represent YOUR thinking; sources merely help give credibility to your thinking. Make sure you carefully tie your sources into your thought process so that the flow of the paper is smooth and easy to follow.


Point value:

Completed term paper: 100 points


Deadlines: Completed term paper due (between 1,100-1,250 words): Sunday, July 19


Topic: What is Your Worldview?


A one page outline from which the paper was developed MUST accompany this paper, and is not considered part of the total word requirement. A Works Cited page is also required. Good writing constitutes 20% of the paper’s grade. The paper MUST be submitted in the Desire2Learn Dropbox. Plagiarism results in an instantaneous zero for the assignment and deep suspicion about your character.

A well-written worldview paper will address these basic questions and express one’s philosophical position in such a way as to demonstrate that the student comprehends at least four of these significant issues. You MUST address “a” and “f” in your paper.

  1. Epistemology – Where did the knowledge of what I base my worldview on come from?
  2. Metaphysics – How does my worldview shape or impact the meaning of my life, or vice-versa?
  3. Religion – Where does God fit in my worldview, or does he?
  4. Ethics – How are my ethics (morals) shaped by the worldview I hold?
  5. What are the greatest influencers that have shaped my worldview?
  6. What role do these philosophical concepts play in your personal worldview?
  7. As a conclusion, how has this class impacted your own personal worldview?


How will I be evaluated?

The main thing I will look for is how well you achieve the purpose and goals of this assignment. The strength of your argument will reflect in your grade. You should spend some time thinking about your argument and trying to make it as strong as possible. You will be evaluated on the thoughtfulness of your objections as well as the success of your responses to those. The originality of your work will reflect in your grade; this should be your argument as much as possible. Unlike the discussion boards, grammar, structure, and spelling will be taken in part into consideration. Lastly, meeting the general requirements, structural details, and deadlines outlined in this assignment sheet will contribute to your grade.

Marketing Plan Develop a preliminary/basic marketing plan for a hypothetical or real company.

Marketing Plan Develop a preliminary/basic marketing plan for a hypothetical or real company. The following elements must be included in your paper. 1. Executive Summary/Abstract a. Summarize plan in a few paragraphs b. Include positioning statement 2. Overview of company a. Mission statement b. Product/service description c. Competitors d. SWOT Analysis 3. Market Segment a. Identify the primary and secondary target markets. b. Provide rationale for selection 4. 4 Ps, Branding strategy a. Clearly identify product and/or service b. Price strategy i. What is your pricing strategy-penetration, skimming, competition, cost plus, etc. ii. Rationale for your selected strategy. 1. Fixed/variable costs 2. Competition 3. Target group and willingness to pay iii. Selected strategy’s relationship to market positioning. c. Place (Distribution) Plan i. What is your strategy in determining how and where the consumer buys your product/service? d. Advertising and Sales Promotion Plan i. How are you going to reach your target market? ii. Advertising iii. Which media will be most effective? iv. Will you use social media? v. What types of sales promotion strategies will you employ? 1. Free samples, coupons, product demonstrations, etc. e. Develop a branding strategy that covers brand nam

Which rule of success do you find to be the most important with regards to reverse logistics? How have you seen this in your personal or professional life? Offer examples as appropriate

1. Which rule of success do you find to be the most important with regards to reverse logistics? How have you seen this in your personal or professional life? Offer examples as appropriate. 2. This week’s objective relates to culture, the environment or the current social climate in the world. Research this topic and related materials in the library and on the web. Here are two articles attached, they will prove to be great research sources. 29CFR HAZ COMM STANDARD.docx GAO EPA paperwork burden 2000.pdf After reading the GAO Report, what is your understanding of the framework for Environmental Health and Safety between the government and business? There are some green groups that do not seem to be included in the negotiations on this topic. Did you by chance run across any information that shows some glimmer of hope that perhaps some green group has managed to find a way to get into the negotiations? Remember, 2 references for each question at least


Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, students will choose a case, event or issue relating to criminology/ criminal justice and apply a particular theory (or theories) of crime to the topic identified.



Main Sections


In addition to a title page and reference list, your paper should include the following five elements:


1.) An introduction (1 paragraph)

2.) A Summary of the case or issue (1½-2 pages)

3.) A description of the theory/theories chosen (1-2 pages)

4.) An explanation of how the theory “fits” and applies to the particular case (1½ -2 pages)

5.) A conclusion (1 paragraph)


Due Date: All reports will be due for submission (via Blackboard) on June 10, 2015 at 11:59 PM. Turnitin software may be used for plagiarism detection.


Technical Requirements: Reports are expected to be 5-6 pages double-spaced (not including title page or references), using 12 pt. Times New Roman font. APA format should be adhered to for formatting and referencing purposes.



Late assignments will incur a penalty of 5% per day for the first week, and 10% per day thereafter.



Choosing a Theory


In addition to using your lecture notes and course readings, you will probably find it necessary to supplement your analysis with additional information on the particular theory chosen. Accordingly, I have put the following resources on hold at the library. Of course, you are also more than welcome to use other sources, including journal articles and books. Nevertheless, these are great starting points!


Cullen, F. T., & Wilcox, P. (2010). Encyclopedia of criminological theory. Thousand Oaks, Calif: SAGE Publications.

Call Number: Volume 1 HV6017 .E527 2010 v.1

                      Volume 2 HV6017 .E527 2010 v.2



Cullen, F. T., & Agnew, R. (2011). Criminological theory: Past to present : Essential readings. New York: Oxford University Press.

Call Number: HV6025 .C83 2011



Tibbetts, S. G., & Hemmens, C. (2010). Criminological theory: A text/reader. Los Angeles: SAGE.

Call Number: HV6018 .T53 2010


Barlow, H. D., & Kauzlarich, D. (2010). Explaining crime: A primer in criminological theory. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield.

Call Number: HV6018 .B367 2010


Akers, R. L., & Sellers, C. S. (2009). Criminological theories: Introduction, evaluation, and application. New York: Oxford University Press.

Call Number HV6018 .A38 2009



Marking Guidelines


Content (out of 15)

Thorough explanation of issue/case/event (out of 5)

Thorough explanation of theory (out of 5)

Appropriate application of criminological theory (out of 5)


Organization (out of 5)

The paper is clearly written, includes an introduction and conclusion, and is structured in a way that makes sense and flows seamlessly.


Technical Expectations, Spelling and Grammar (out of 5)


The paper adheres to the technical guidelines mentioned above, and is free from spelling and grammar errors.



Total:          /25

Definition of Health and Wellbeing

Write at least one in-depth paragraph for each question below.
A. What is your definition of health and wellbeing? Give at least three
examples of how this definition can be carried out in everyday life.
(Think about examples from your own personal and/or professional experiences.)

B. Identify and explain/describe three major factors which will contribute to health and wellbeing. For each factor – give at least one specific example

C. Should the focus of health and wellbeing be placed on addressing health problems, prevention or both? Explain why this is important.

D. What context(s) should be addressed in health and wellbeing? (e.g., individual, family, community, society, global). Explain why this is important.
E. What is health and wellbeing?
F. Identify three examples supported by this definition.
What similarities/differences do you note from these perspectives? What ideas seem to be common among the subject? What ideas stand out as unique?

What perspective(s) have guided the health care organization? Have your own perspectives differed from those of your organization? In what ways?

What perspective(s) have guided your life? What perspectives would you like to hold in the fu

management essay based on case study using 10 specified management theories

You will answer 2 essay questions, (however question will not be known. will need you to write 2 separate essays of 2 pages each. each essay should apply a minimum of 3 theories listed below.please formulate your own questions. please formulate 2 most likely to be tested to answer in the essay and formulate 3 other questions that you don’t need to answer) applying theory to your examination of the case study Question B1 – Apply at least 3 course topics to answering the question Question B2 – Apply at least 3 course topics to answering the question The 10 conepts are: 1) Mintzberg’s managerial roles 2) The big 5 personality model 3) Attribution theory 4) Transaction model of communication 5) The Fiedler model of leadership 6) University of Michigan studies of leadership 7) Rational decision making 8) Decision making biases 9) Recruitment and selection 10) Competitive advantage i have attached notes on the 10 theories but it might not be sufficient. so require u to do some research and apply more on these theories. PLEASE APPLY MOSTLY THEORIES AND ALSO CRITICAL THINKING AND ARGUMENT

Topic #1: The draft has been reinstated for men and women and your number is called up. You have two options: You can report for duty or you can go to Canada and avoid the draft. What do you do? Argue why you have chosen that option. * Topic #2: What is a hero? How do others define this concept? How do you define it? Think about some of the characters in the selections you have just read; do they fit the definition of “hero”? How does a hero relate to his or her society? Argue your definition of a hero.

Essay #1

English 305

The guidelines: Choose ONE

Topic #1: The draft has been reinstated for men and women and your number is called up. You have two options: You can report for duty or you can go to Canada and avoid the draft. What do you do? Argue why you have chosen that option.


Topic #2: What is a hero? How do others define this concept? How do you define it?  Think about some of the characters in the selections you have just read; do they fit the definition of “hero”? How does a hero relate to his or her society? Argue your definition of a hero.


Topic #3:  Therapist Judith Wallerstein argues that parents should stick it out and stay married for their children’s sake. Other experts disagree.  Take a stand on Wallerstein’s claim.


Topic #4: What issues with Celebrity do we as a culture face? Are we too focused on being famous, do we place to much importance in what celebrities do or say or sell? What makes someone a celebrity?  Argue your point


The essay needs to be a minimum of 1000 words in length. You can go longer. Use as many sources as you need, but two is a minimum.

In addition to the hard copy, it needs to be submitted via the Turnitin link posted under Assignments.

What I will look for when I grade these:

  1. A clear thesis, appropriate for the length of the paper. You are arguing the claim not analyzing the sources nor arguing what the sources say. Argue what you think, then use the sources as your evidence to clarify and explain your thesis (claim).
  2. Specific topic sentences (subclaims) that help prove the thesis.
  3. Evidence in the form of source material and your own experience.
  4. Proper documentation: Either MLA or APA is fine. But please review the formats.
  5. Use of sources: did you use them? How did you use them?
  6. Works Cited page: You will need one. I will deduct 10 points if you fail to include one.
  7. Organization: I want to see one introductory paragraph, one concluding paragraph and body paragraphs, preferably lead off with the subclaims (topic  sentences). I prefer that you don’t begin body paragraphs with quotes. You do not have to divide the body into opposition and supporting argument. You can do both within each body paragraph if you wish. I find it easier to do it that way than to separate ideas.
  8. Word count: I will deduct points if the word count is under the required minimum.

Late papers: Not accepted. Don’t do it. Don’t ask.

compare and contrast prophets from Mari to one 8th century BCE biblical prophet

In this thesis paper, you will compare and contrast prophets from Mari to one 8th century BCE biblical prophet. Think about how what they do as prophets is similar and/or different. You don’t need outside sources. Only cite the Bible and the Mari text. Academic titles should be informative and interesting. I would imagine the words “Mari” and “prophecy” should appear, along with either Amos, Micah, Isaiah or Hosea. Then I read the intro paragraph. Please don’t start off with a dictionary definition of “prophecy” or something like “Since the beginning of time, …” You should be brief, and get to your thesis statement soon. The thesis statement is by far the most important part of your paper. I should be able to read your thesis statement and know how your argument will be structured. A thesis statement needs to argue something. Note: you won’t know your thesis statement until your body paragraphs are completed. Then the body paragraphs start off with a topic sentence. This summarizes the entire paragraph to follow and links back to the thesis. I should be able to read your thesis statement and each of the body paragraph topic sentences and know exactly what this paper is about. In each body paragraph, you are using text (Mari and biblical prophet) to argue your thesis. You should use no other sources. Just use the primary sources from Mari or from the Bible. I’d recommend printing out the Mari letters, reading them carefully, taking notes, and looking for patterns. Then do the same with your biblical prophet. Then come up with an outline. Maybe two body paragraphs about similarities, then one about differences. Look to earlier announcement on how to properly cite these texts. You can either quote directly or paraphrase, but then cite source. I would imagine you would have about 3 or 4 body paragraphs.

Social Media Plan

For this module, we’ll be fleshing out your work from previous weeks to complete a rough draft of your final project. You have already identified your topic and the social media choices for your project, and done research on comparable brands or sites.
Now it’s time to get it all ready. This week, you should spend more time researching comparable options on your social media choices. Then it’s time to put it together!
First, you should put together your overview of the project. This starts with the description of your business or brand. Write about what it is and what you want for it, and add the research you have found on comparable businesses or brands. Then what are the goals you have for the business or brand? What are your general goals with social media for it? What audience are you aiming to reach?
Now on to the social media aspect of the project. If you have a real business, brand, or site to work on, you can start by putting the site profiles into the 4 social media sites you’ve chosen (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Screenshots will work for these that you have really made. If you don’t really have a business or brand, you do not need to create faux profiles. However, you should write the information you would include in your profile for each one.
Then, for each social media site, write about your goal for that site, how you will accomplish them, and some ideas for posts or pins. Who is your audience? When and where can you best reach them? How can you really use social media to work for you?
This project should have at least 1-2 pages for your overview and then approximately 1-2 pages per social media site. So the draft will be 5 – 10 pages long. I uploaded module

Cardillo Travel Systems, Inc.

1. Explain the Securities and Exchange Commission’s rationale to charge Cardillo executives with each of the following violations: making false representations to outside auditors failing to maintain accurate financial records failing to file prompt financial reports with the SEC violating the insider trading provisions of the federal securities laws 2. Determine who was in violation or compliance of the AICPA’s Code of Professional Conduct in this case study and analyze the key reasons why they were or were not in compliance. Provide support for the rationale. 3. Analyze the actions taken by Cardillo’s outside auditors and evaluate the level of efficiency of the audit risk management in this case study. Provide support for the rationale. 4. Determine whether or not the five (5) components of internal control were being followed. Support the response with at least two (2) examples. 5. Create an argument for or against whether auditors have a responsibility to assess the judgment of the decisions made by Cardillo’s management. Support the argument. Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.