Healthcare Quality Review

Based on the required reading, write a double-spaced four page summary (not including your reference page) of the state of healthcare quality in the United States. Include in your review how the findings in the 2012 AHRQ report will impact the care you will provide as a nurse practitioner (if applicable) or as someone involved in healthcare delivery (for non-nursing students). Note— In this case, the writing is for a Master of Nursing in Care (Case) Management References Chapters 1-2: Sollecito, w. A., & Johnson, J. K. (2013). McLaughlin and Kaluzny’s continuous quality improvement in health care (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.81545_PPTxx_CH01.pptmView in a new window 81545_PPTxx_CH02.pptmView in a new window Institute of Medicine (1999). Report brief: To err is human: Building a safer health system. Retrieved from Institute of Medicine (2001). Report brief: Crossing the quality chasm: The new health system for the 21st century. Retrieved from Clancy, C. M. (2009). Ten years after To Err is Human. American Journal of Medical Quality, 24(6), 525-528.Ten Years After To Err is Human.pdfPreview the documentView in a new window Docteur, E., & Berenson, R. A. (2009). How does the quality of U. S. health care compare internationally? Retrieved from (Links to an external site.) Since 2003, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) has published an annual report entitled the National Healthcare Quality Report. Review the key themes and sections, then browse the rest of this 2012 report – National Healthcare Quality Report 2012 (Links to an external site.)

Vietnam War

Explain Walter Lippmann’s perspective on the Vietnam War during each time period(1963-1964,1965-1966,&1967-1968) and analyze how his thoughts on the conflict changed over time. Structure: An introduction paragraph with a single sentence that sums your argument (thesis) on how his views changed. Three clearly defined body paragraphs analyzing each Lippmann’s article. A brief conclusion summing your case and how his thoughts changed over time. Citations: When you use information from Lippmann’s columns, you must provide citations using endnotes provided on a separate page. Please do not use anything besides the articles unless you need clarification. If you have any questions message me. Thanks!!

We know there are many qualitative aspects of decision-making as well as quantitative aspects? What happens if an organization cannot justify the potential value in an option or opportunity within their logistics network?

1.We know there are many qualitative aspects of decision-making as well as quantitative aspects? What happens if an organization cannot justify the potential value in an option or opportunity within their logistics network? 2. Supporting logic is important is that in that it can evaluate current ways of doing business based on facts and eliminates any biases. Do you think that bias can affect your daily decision-making? 3. Do you think that a plan developed and implemented using the data from supported logic is always right? Or have investments been made and then a recovery plan implemented to try and correct a plan that did not meet expectations. Should a company only depend on technology while making these decisions? 4. “Ryder’s reverse in logistics capability mainly consists of a full suite of various integrated reverse logistics and IT solutions to handle the goods that are returned from one end to the other. This solution mainly aims at initiation of material authorization, sorting of products, reconciliation of credit and technical repair among others of which most has been explained above. All the solutions of Ryder are mainly aimed at making improvements on retail industries as well as cutting on cost.” In your opinion, what are some of the RL and IT solutions that improve the process from beginning to the end? 5. Many companies have realized a huge profit by providing an organized method for returns. In some cases, as much as 10 percent of the annual profits. What are some items a company would need to manage in order to have an efficient return process? How does this apply to Reverse Logistics? 6. Read the following article: Do you feel REI made the correct decision? Why or Why not?

performance apparaisal and performance managment link to articles part 1 explain performance appraisal and performance management in layperson terms. part 2 make a case for performance evaluations and their usefulness in the workplace. in making this case, you should directly address at least two of the claims that the author makes and refute/counter with a different perspective. You can do this in two ways: 10 offer information from a valid and a reliable source that counters the claim (you’ll need to explain it) 2) explaining how to improve the appraisal process or approach to address the specific concern. part 3 discuss the advantages and disadvantages of 360 performance reviews.

IT Project Management

Project Schedule (M3D2) •Identify the steps for drawing up a project schedule and explain how it helps in project time management. Project time management requires drawing up a feasible project schedule. The project schedule provides the possible start and end dates to a project. Consider the aspects of a project schedule and respond to the following: •Identify the importance of balancing adherence to the project schedule and being flexible. •Specify the level of detail at which you should define activities in a project schedule and assign timelines against them. Give an example from your experience to illustrate this. •Identify the ways by which a project schedule may serve as a tool for managing and monitoring progress of a project.

Identify the best method of implementing changes in project scope. Organizational processes and systems continue to operate over months and years.

Implementing Change (M3D1) •Identify the best method of implementing changes in project scope. Organizational processes and systems continue to operate over months and years. However, organizations must also be prepared to change in response to changes in internal and external environments. Projects may also experience changes during the life cycle, particularly changes in scope or timelines. Consider the challenges of managing change and respond to the following: •Give two examples of organizational changes that you think should be implemented through project management. In each case, explain why project management is the best method of implementing the change. •Explain how project managers should manage the changes resulting from an increase or decrease in the scope of an ongoing project. •Explain how project managers should manage the changes resulting from deadlines being brought forward or pushed back on an ongoing project.

Intelligence, Terrorism, and Homeland Security

Define Intelligence – Talk about the National Criminal Intelligence Sharing Plan (NCISP) – Talk about Fusion Centers, what are its goals? What are its criticisms? Define Terrorism – Talk about the different kinds of terrorism (International, Transnational, Domestic, and State Terrorism) – Describe radical terrorist groups that are active in the Middle East (al-Quaida, ISIS, jihad, etc.) – Talk about “homegrown terrorism” meaning terrorists that were brought up and trained in the United States. Define Homeland Security – Talk about Political Violence What are other International Threats? (Mexican Cartels, Right-Wing Extremism, Hate Crimes, Digital Hate, Ecoterrorists, etc.) – Talk about “narco-terrorism” These papers will be checked for plagiarism. Sources must be SCHOLARLY ARTICLE SOURCES, no websites. Paper should have a cover page, table of contents page, and reference page. Each section of the paper should have a heading to make it more organized.

What might be the characteristics of a well-run and needed warehouse? State one characteristic and defend it.

1. What might be the characteristics of a well-run and needed warehouse? State one characteristic and defend it. 2. What are some of the benefits of private warehouse ownership? 3. Why is it important to understand warehouse layout and design? 4. Although excessive inventory can have disadvantages to a business, warehouses actually counter many of the costs of logistics. Transportation costs and having direct access to needed goods are crucial. Warehouses are a much needed component of the supply chain. How important is expansion plans to warehouse operations? 5. When it comes to employee feedback (firsthand information), how should a company acquire this information? What best practices can you offer? 6. We assume that reuse and recycling save the company money. However, what controls do you need to ensure that there is a cost savings? 7. When it comes to efficiencies, what are some of the techniques used by 3PLs (such as FEDX) to store and deliver products? 2 references for each question, for question 1-4, use Supply Chain Logistics Management Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply chain logistics management (4th Ed Ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, as one of the references Use the Text below as your references for questions 5-7. Not Just China: The Rise of Recalls in the Age of Global Business 1st Ed Bapuji, Hari; PISBN: 9780230104518 Make sure its 2 references per question

Artemisia Gentileschi


The research paper is for the class name Women in Art history. The class is about the women artists who were not given any recognition because of the male dominated society. Artemisia Gentileschi is the artist I have chosen and I want the research paper to discuss how she changes female perspective through her paintings featuring female protagonist. I want the paper to discuss her paintings named Suzanne and the elders, Judith and the Judith beheading Holofernes and her self-portrait.

In the painting ‘Suzanne and the elders’ suzzane is shown as the victim of the male dominated society. . Artemisia made multiple paintings of Suzanne and the elders in her lifetime. The paper should discuss about the difference between them in terms of Artemisia’s maturity in the paintings over the years.


In the painting ‘Judith beheading Holofernes’ Judith is killing the general, which is shown as women empowerment.


In the painting ‘Self-Portrait as the Allegory of Painting’ Artemesia is shown redefining what it means to be an artist in a male dominated society.

management essay using management theories after a simulation

while studying MGMT 1001 you have completed two simulated climbs of Mount Everest. This has given you an experience of working in a team. You are now required to write a report. Your report must: Show you understand and have selected issues to analyse as a result of your Everest participation. Analyse these issues by using frameworks and theories from MGMT 1001 course. Reflect upon what you have learnt as a result of your experiences in a supported manner (by utilising theories and frameworks from MGMT 1001). i have attached my management notes for you to use in the report. i am required to use management theories and skills to write the report so please use the notes! about the simulation, I’m unable to share the actual simulation with you but i have sent screen shots and pdf file of the TWO simulations. the first simulation is where the team scored 50+ and the second simulation is the one where the team scored 70+. all the necessary documents are attached. please be sure to view ALL of them i know they are many but most are just screenshots of the simulation. also, 6 academic references are needed and in APA format. i have attached a document on the format too. please follow strictly.