Crisis Communication

APA style and Reading: Crisis Communication – Sellnow & Seeger Part A Reading: Sellnow & Seeger, Chapters Five, Six, and Seven
 Provide an approximate 1000 word reaction paper on the assigned material. Consider for inclusion in your discussion:

 What role does chaos theory play in emergency communication?
 What role does coordination theory play in emergency communication?
 What is community resilience and why is it important?
 What is ‘news framing theory’ and why is it important?
 What is ‘uses and gratifications’ theory and why is it important?
 What are ‘apologia’, ‘denial’, ‘kategoria’, ‘dramatism’, and ‘narrative theory’? What are some of their manifestations? Part B Reading: Sellnow & Seeger, Chapters Eight, Nine, and Ten 
 Provide an approximate 1000 word reaction paper on the assigned material. Consider for inclusion in your discussion:

 What is the value of ‘mindfulness’? Is it common? Why or why not?
 What actions are necessary to maintain a high reliability organization? Are these actions common?
 What is the precautionary principle’ and why is it important?
 How does cultural theory’ impact an organization’s operations and effectiveness?
 What is the basis of the concept of risk communication as argument?
 What are ethical issues associated with risk and crisis communication? What can happen if ethical issues are ignored?
 What is the concept of ‘global causation’?
 What are the conclusions and recommendations to be drawn from this study of theory? Amazon kindle app log in info Go to: or download the kindle app username: password amazon2015 Reading: Theorizing Crisis Communication – Sellnow & Seeger

The Role of Human Resources in Organizations

The Role of Human Resources in Organizations As a Human Resources professional, you may be faced with making tough decisions. This is true because much of your work is on behalf of the larger organization, unlike other departments whose work is primarily focused on their own functions. Therefore, you might receive much of the “heat” for the end-result of what you do on behalf of the organization. Conversely, you might not be recognized for the work that you do, since much of your work is behind the scenes. For this Assignment, review the week’s Learning Resources and consider the larger role and work of the Human Resources Department/Division within organizations. Using the 10K Form available on Bloomberg L.P. (2012). Which is a public company search engine(, select an organization (Wal-Mart, Inc.) using you might research further for the Annual Human Resources Operating Plan. Wal-Mart, Inc. must be located in this search engine (it is) and have a large Human Resources Department or HR Division. There should be adequate information from this site, coupled with the company’s websites, to identify their business vision and mission, objectives, and strategies. Since many organizations do not make their strategic plans widely available, you may need to deduce the organization’s business objectives and strategies and by reviewing Wal-Mart’s 10-k forms, websites, and/or transcripts of quarterly earnings calls with the media, or through your own organizational awareness and/or communications as an employee of this organization. To complete this Assignment, respond to the following in a 2- to 3-page paper: • Describe your selected organization (Wal-Mart, Inc) in 1¬–2 paragraphs • Explain the “visibility” of the Human Resources Department/Division’s role • Analyze how different departments of the organization are impacted by the Human Resources Department or Division’s responsibilities on behalf of the organization • Explain what you perceive as the Human Resources Department/Division’s added value to the success of the organization • Remember to add the resources attached or researched by you.

The Transformation of Great American School Districts: How Big Cities Are Reshaping Public Education.

write a comprehensive paper on one of the books listed above under Texts for Final Papers. The final paper should follow APA guidelines and should be approximately 12 pages (approximately 3600 words) in length. To organize your paper, use the following subheadings: Introduction Major Ideas Elaboration and Analysis (including what you agree with, disagree with, and why) Implications for Today’s Teachers Conclusion *Make frequent references to specific passages in the text, citing specific passages that support the points you wish to make and conclusions that you draw. Generalized discussion without specific citations and references is not acceptable. You may cite other references as long as you are clearly demonstrating your familiarity with the text and you ability to apply it for discussion and analysis.

Freedom to Legal Marriage Policy Analysis

There continues to be debate over same-sex marriage and laws to either favor to dispute the need or legality of it. In this assignment students will investigate the arguments for extending marriage rights to same-sex couples and families. Assignment Details: 1. After reading the text and watching the video: Tying the Knot, look at the following website:, noting the following: a. What benefits do married couples receive in our society? Consider legal, social, and symbolic benefits. b. What are the major arguments given to the legal recognition of same-sex marriage? c. What policies does the state you reside in have regarding same-same marriage? 2. Write a 3-4 page essay summarizing the information you found on the website and highlighted in the video. Be sure to include: a. A historical analysis of changes in marriage and family policy in the United States. b. A summary of what you found from your research on the website. c. A conclusion of your analysis of legal marriage for same-sex committed couples. 3. Essays should be typed, double-spaced, and submitted on D2L.

Meteorology related topic

This is one order of 3 point papers. -two papers require 7 pages and one paper 14 pages. 7+7+14= 28 pages -The third paper can build and expand from the two point paper. there are 6 topic you can choose to write: 1. What effect does the Sun’s energy have to do with the weather on the Earth? If it does, how does it influence the atmosphere and our day today weather? What are the implications? 2. With all the debate about dependency on Oil, what if any will Solar, Wind, Renewable fuels and or Geothermal going to do for us? 3. What is the future of the Weather Forecasting? What part of it do you think will provide the largest benefit to society? 4. Weather is a huge factor in placement and consideration of new energy technology. How do we maintain optimum performance, where do we put these devices? Do we put them in special areas of the country? How do we best use this technology? ( This is meant to be open ended to accommodate the various devices out there) 5. Write a paper about Weather Radar equipment ( present and future ) 6. Write a paper about Weather Satellite Technology ( present and future )

Is the U.S. Tax system Hurting American Competitiveness?

Topic: Is the U.S. Tax system Hurting American Competitiveness? Requirements: 1. A Title Page. Includes the title of your paper, your name, course name and number, the date, and a contact telephone or email address. 2. The Paper Body. Includes a paragraph in which you introduce your topic and state your thesis. For guidelines regarding a good thesis statement, read the descriptions found here: Then present your arguments, and finish with a concluding paragraph summarizes the main points of your paper. The body of your paper needs to be at least 3000 words, and all outside sources need to be cited using APA-style in-text citations. 3. Works Cited Page. You must list the full bibliographic information, in APA format, for each of your citations in the paper body. If you do not cite a reference, it cannot be recorded here. If you do cite a reference, it must be recorded here. Your paper should contain no fewer than 8 new references (not including Freedom Seminar presentations or course readings.)

harriet beecher stowe

Study Guide for Frederick Douglass’ Writings

  • Supplementary Resource

Visit this website for a detailed timeline of Frederick Douglass’ life.  It is amazing!

  • Critical-thinking Questions
  1. In his autobiography Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, what is the first incident that awakens Douglass to the horrors of slavery? Describe the incident. What are the many implications of this act? He sees his own aunt being beaten mercilessly and wonders if he will be next. As an adult he writes that he realizes that this was one of the first times he really became aware that he was enslaved and what the horrors of that position entailed. He saw the injustice and the cruelty and was forever scarred. His world-view grew at that moment as he became aware of what outrages could be perpetrated against an innocent slave.


  1. What interferes with Mrs. Auld’s efforts to teach Douglass to read? What does Douglass overhear that is revelatory and shapes his life?  How does Douglass learn to read?       Mrs. Auld is hardened and no longer tutors him. Slavery hurts Mrs. Auld as much as it hurts Douglass himself. The mentality of slavery strips her of her inherent piety and sympathy for others, making her hardened and cruel.


  1. Describe Douglass’ critical encounters with Mr. Covey and, later, with the apprentices in Mr. Gardner’s shipyard. How does Douglass’ conduct in these situations reflect a change that is occurring within him? Douglass had retained much of his individuality in the bonds of servitude. As he grew older, however, he lamented how learning only made him more miserable, especially during periods where he had some sense of freedom and leisure. At Covey’s farm he had neither; here he experienced his nadir – his lowest, basest, most dehumanizing experience within a lifetime of slavery. This is the moment before the climax, of course; Douglass would eventually find the strength to resist Covey and succeed in asserting his manhood. However, while he was with Covey he typified the experience of many slaves. He did not use his intellect, his body was not his own, he was devoid of happiness and hope, and he lost sight of his personality and individuality. Covey was thus quite successful as a breaker of slaves, at least until Douglass finally fought back.
  2. In “A Parody,” what hymn is Douglass parodying? Do you find the poem effective?  How did Douglass use this parody as a tool to reveal the hypocrisy of Christian slaveholders?  “Heavenly Union,” that he would sometimes sing at Abolitionist meetings. This is Douglass’s Weird Al Yankovic moment. The original hymn was well known in white churches, but in Douglass’s version, the joke is that none of the people singing it are actually part of any real union of humanity. When they go back home after church, they become slaveholders again.


  1. Create a parody on a topic that is of great concern to you today and that needs to be corrected. Can you make this a parody of a hymn popular today?


  1. If you were to write a narrative of your life, what would be the revelatory moments? What truths have you come to understand through hardship? I would mention when I started living on my own and had to mature quicker than my friends back home because I had to start taking care of myself while they were taken care of by their parents, another revelatory moment would be the death of my father and how it showed me the importance of a paternal figure in a persons life.


  1. Can you envision your making a difference in relation to an injustice in our modern society? What are some of the ways that you have had or can have influence to make the world a better place?  In what ways would you consider Douglass a role model for effecting change?

yes i can envision myself doing it, stopping bullying when it is noticeable and trying to help and protect the people the are not able to do it themselves. Some other ways would be teaching young people to be more respectful and patient towards other people. I think he is a role model because he expresses everything he feels and actually tries and makes a big effort on improving things.


2014 Spring Hist 109 Final Exam

We have looked at various American societies from the Hunter-Gathering, Early Agricultural, Late Agricultural, and Industrial Techno Economic Periods.

And we have looked at early American history through the lens of freedom(s).

Take one of the areas below and, discussing freedoms in the context of its relevant techno economic  periods;  trace freedom’s meaning and development over a period of at least 80 years.

Discuss meaning of the freedom(s), how it (they) evolved, how it was articulated, proposed, argued for, fought for or against, gained, lost or became part of some people’s definition of being an American, a free person, etc.

Did this freedom impinge on any other group or individuals’ freedoms?

Remember, this is HISTORY, not an op ed piece. Have a thesis or theses, and then discuss the topic in terms of change over time and specific events and developments, including dates, showing sequence of events.

Also when locating the story within techno- economic  eras, explain the effects of those stages on people and different groups’ interactions.

Areas to pick from:

  • 1) Religious Freedom (different parts, e.g.:)
    • “True Christian Freedom”
    • “Natural Freedom”
    • Spiritual Freedom


  • 2)Economic Freedom, e.g.:
    • Contracts/Free Market
    • Property
    • “Free Labor”


  • 3)Political Freedom e.g.:
    • Democracy
    • Virtuous Republican Citizen
    • Speech (First Amendment)
    • Press (First Amendment)
    • Freedom of Association
    • Assembly
    • Freedom to dissent
    • Freedom to criticize the Govt
    • Freedom from Centralization


4) Personal Freedom:

  • From Deference
  • Social Freedom
  • Freedom to be left alone
  • Freedom from control by others


  • 5) African American Freedom e. g:
    • Equal justice
    • Personal freedom
    • Education
  • 6)Native American Freedom e. g:
    • Spiritual Freedom
    • Land


  • 7)Women’s Freedom


  • 8) Various groupings of white men



Use ONLY class or syllabus materials. Citing sources may be done informally: from Foner and Nace (page #’s) and PPTS (specific PPT & Slide #) I prefer you using endnotes but MLA type parentheticals if necessary.

Use an Outline!!!


Let yourself write a bit more than you will submit, and then edit it down a page or two.

Do not share your outlines or essay drafts with any classmate before handing the paper in. Nor may you read theirs. No joint Google Docs





4 to 5 full pp. (not including  endnotes or title sections, or your name, class, date etc) double spaced, 12 pt font, standard margins. Extra Point for using recycled other side or double sided.

Put your CLASS NUMBER on top right of page 1. YOU MUST PUT your name, Hist 109. CLASS DAY, and date under the class #

YOU MUST Number your pages, (MUST BE stapled)


Give your paper a title.


Paper copy due in our classroom between 5-6 pm,

For Monday class, Monday May 12,

For Wed  class, Wed May 14,

For Thu class, Thu May 15

Due on Blackboard Turnitin Assignments  by midnight, the same night you turn in the hard copy.

Remember, if it does not end up on Blackboard’s Turnitin you will lose at least 30 points, deducted from your grade.



OVERALL: Excellent










Precision and Clarity in communication, inc.  vocabulary/ word choice, precision and clarity or vagueness; structure and order, inc. grammar, punctuation.


Following directions

Inc length, documentation



Quality of evidence, and accuracy



Language comprehension is a key process in everyday life. In this assignment, you gain a better understanding for how we develop, produce, and comprehend language.

Imagine you work in an elementary school setting, and you have been asked to write an article to be featured in the teacher newsletter on language acquisition and comprehension in children.
Write a paper discussing language in children. Include the following:
• Introduction
• Describe the process of language development.
• Explain the process of language production.
• Describe the role of language comprehension in childhood.
• Explain how language production and comprehension affect childhood learning and cognition.
• Conclusion
Include a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to support the main points of your paper. Please make sure that you carefully read the instructions for the paper and meet all the requirements. I think it can be helpful to have headings that line up with each of the requirements to ensure that everything is covered.

Abortion should be legal

Every good second essay in this class must represent an improvement from the first essay. If you are writing on the same topic as your first essay you must argue for the opposite position that you argued for in that essay. You are not required to write on the same topic; you can write on anything you want as long as you can write an argumentative paper that does at least these things:

  1. Explicitly state in the first paragraph the main claim of the paper.
  2. Clearly state the reasons given in support of that claim (the premises).
  3. Explain and defend each premise.
  4. Explain at least two objections to your argument.
  5. Explain why you think each of these objections fails to refute your argument.



  • 6-8 pages, double-spaced, 12 point Times New Roman, one inch margins, left alignment, before/after spacing 0, header with your last name and page number (except the first page). The essay should have its own title, not italicized or underlined or bolded or in quotation marks, nouns capitalized, center alignment.


Issue and Thesis Development

  • Does the intro paragraph have a clear and explicit statement of the paper’s main claim (thesis statement, the central point you are arguing for)?
  • How well does the first paragraph introduce your topic?
  • Have you included and defined key terms and concepts?
  • Does your paper give a thorough presentation of the relevant supporting evidence?



  • Is your paper clearly divided into arguments, objections, and replies to objections?
  • Does each section and/or paragraph stick to one main issue?
  • Are the ideas in your paper logically ordered?
  • Is the reader able to effortlessly follow your line of thought?
  • Is the structure of your main argument clearly presented?
  • Is your paper free of excessive unnecessary material (fluff)?



  • How strong are your arguments in support of your thesis?
  • Are your premises explained clearly and defended well?
  • Is your argument free of common fallacies or other erroneous types of reasoning?
  • Are your points insightful, original, and demonstrative of a solid understanding of the issue?


Objections and Replies

  • Do you present the opposing viewpoint fairly and fully?
  • Do you present a strong or common objection (not a trivial or easily dismissed one)?
  • How well do you respond to objections?
  • Do you show how your view on the issue is better than competing views?


Writing and Mechanics

  • Is your writing clear and precise (terms clearly defined and explained, no ambiguities, no ‘guessing’ required of the reader, etc.)?
  • Do you maintain good grammar, punctuation, spelling, etc.?
  • Are quotes and outside sources (if there are any) properly cited?
  • Have you followed directions for format and submission?