Please choose ONE of the medical surgical case studies below

NRSG370 Assessment Task 2: Case Study – Medical/Surgical #1

Melody King, 36, Peritonitis following ruptured appendix

Ms. Melody King presented to the Emergency department with 2-3 days of severe Right Lower Quadrant abdominal pain, which required emergency laparoscopic surgery for removal of a ruptured appendix.

She has a past medical history of asthma and depression, with her current prescribed and compliant medications list which includes:

  • Ventolin
  • Seretide
  • Sertraline

Melody’s observations were as follows:

  • BP 95/45mmHg
  • HR 120
  • Temp 38.3°Celcius
  • RR 22/min and shallow
  • SpO2 95% on room air

She complained of increasing nausea and centralised abdominal pain 7-8 on a scale of 0 to10. Physical assessment showed a distended abdomen and generalised abdominal guarding. To investigate her condition further, pathology results reveal a raised white blood cell (WBC) count and CRP.

You are the RN caring for Melody post-operatively on the surgical ward.



NRSG370 Assessment Task 2: Case Study – Medical/Surgical #2

Jack Buun, 69, femoral neck fracture post a fall

Jack Buun presented to the emergency department (ED) via ambulance after a fall in his backyard, which lead him to twist and fall directly on the lateral aspect of his right hip. On examination the paramedics reported his right leg to be shortened and externally rotated, and Jack was unable to get up and in a significant amount of pain. His wife Ethel found him and called the Ambulance. Jack has a past history of hypertension that is well controlled.

Jack required emergency surgery under general anaesthetic for his femoral neck fracture, and underwent a hemiarthroplasty. You are called to the post anaesthetic recovery unit (PACU) to receive handover and are happy that he meets the discharge criteria of the hospital. You are told that Jack received the following intravenous medications for pain during and after his surgery:

  • 20mg Morphine
  • 100mg Tramadol
  • 40mg Paracoxib
  • 1g Paracetamol

Jack also received 0.625mg of droperidol in the PACU for nausea. On arrival to the orthopaedic ward you conduct further assessment as follows:

  • Vital Signs: BP 145/80, HR 120, SpO2 96% on 2L via nasal prongs, Temp 37.1° Celsius, RR 10;
  • Drowsy but rousable to voice commands;
  • Pinpoint pupils;
  • Neurovascular observations (Right Lower Limb): Cool, pale, touch present, movement present, capillary refill sluggish, dorsalis pedis present but thready;
  • Pain 3/10.

You are the RN caring for Jack on the surgical ward.

Temperature responses of ammonia-oxiding prokaryotes

I. Explains in your own words what is the reading II. Summarized in your own words what is the reading III. Identifies the purpose of the article. IV. Explains the purpose of the article. You think is relevant and Why. V. indicates if the article is relevant VI. Provides data from the relevance of the article and/or problematic of the article. VI. Points out the author’s point of view about the problem. VII. Explains what is the author’s point of view wabout to the problem. VIII. Points out the author’s point of view about the problem. IX. The article is consistent with the current reality. X. Exposes your personal position in the data presented in the article

Case Study – Clinical Reasoning Cycle


1) Consider the person:

  • Recognising changes in their condition and their present situation –

2) Collect, process & present related health information:

  • Collect cues and inform
  • ation – Here you review the patients current medical/surgical history and gather specific information on the present situation.

3) Process information:

  • This is where you pull all your data and cues together to interpret what is relevant and what is not; to analyse and consider if there is any other information you need about the patient’s current health status. This should include applying relevant information such as the pathophysiology, pharmacology, pathology etc that is relevant. When doing this, try and discriminate between the present health situation that needs immediate intervention (priority), and changes in health that should be considered later in the plan of care.
  • Once you have processed the information you move to the next stage of the clinical reasoning cycle, to predict an outcome:

4) Identify the problem:

  • Involves making a clinical decision about an actual or potential health problem that will determine the course of action that needs to be taken.
  • This is where you will examine the facts, link the information and establish a definitive problem/issue. (For your case study remember you will need to prioritise 3 problems/issues based on the health assessment data that you have identified for the person at the centre of care. What are their immediate needs?).

5) Establishing the goals/s:

  • Make a plan, this will be specific to each individual patient and focuses on achievable outcomes. For your case study you will need to prioritise care related to the identified problem / issue; a desired outcome, a time frame.

6) Take action:

  • This is where you follow through with the decided goals and plan. For the case scenario this is where you will discuss the nursing care that would be implemented for your patient, linking this to the assessment data and history.

7) Evaluate outcomes:

  • This is where you review the patient’s condition to see whether they have improved, and the goals of their plan of care have been met. For the case study remember that you will be evaluating the nursing care strategies to justify the nursing care provided.

8) Reflection:

  • Consider the interventions implemented, and establish what you have learnt, what went well and what could be improved. For the case study assessment – Reflect on the patient’s outcomes.

NRSG370 Assessment Task 2: Case Study – Medical/Surgical #1

Melody King, 36, Peritonitis following ruptured appendix

Ms. Melody King presented to the Emergency department with 2-3 days of severe Right Lower Quadrant abdominal pain, which required emergency laparoscopic surgery for removal of a ruptured appendix.

She has a past medical history of asthma and depression, with her current prescribed and compliant medications list which includes:

  • Ventolin
  • Seretide
  • Sertraline

Melody’s observations were as follows:

  • BP 95/45mmHg
  • HR 120
  • Temp 38.3°Celcius
  • RR 22/min and shallow
  • SpO2 95% on room air

She complained of increasing nausea and centralised abdominal pain 7-8 on a scale of 0 to10. Physical assessment showed a distended abdomen and generalised abdominal guarding. To investigate her condition further, pathology results reveal a raised white blood cell (WBC) count and CRP.

You are the RN caring for Melody post-operatively on the surgical ward.


Cultural Impact Paper: Write a paper describing the lasting of cultural impact of thoughts finding their antecedent in the Biblical literature.

  1. Written Assignments (choose from options 1&2)


  1. Responsible Use Paper: Write a paper contrasting a responsible application of the Biblical literature with a popular application of it observed in present Western Culture.
  2. Cultural Impact Paper: Write a paper describing the lasting of cultural impact of thoughts finding their antecedent in the Biblical literature.


Paper must be:

  • Clearly written with good grammar, concise sentences and paragraphs.
  • Minimum 3,000 words (12pts, Times New Roman, double-spaced.)
  • Conform to MLA style in citing sources.
  • Avoid websites as sources.
  • Cite Biblical references within the body of the test.
  • The submission will be on Turnitin. (the website can see all the plagiarism done on the paper and the website used.)

Comment on the following statement; The fill rate of a product reflects the magnitude of a stockout. Is this true or not? Why or why not?

1. Comment on the following statement; The fill rate of a product reflects the magnitude of a stockout. Is this true or not? Why or why not? 2. “If the inventory is not able to sustain the demand of the market for a long time, then such a stock out is deemed to have high levels of magnitude.” Can you give an example of this type of situation? 3. “Phantom inventory”. Discuss how this happen? 4. It’s noted that both the reorder point and safety stock quantity should be reevaluated periodically. In determining reorder point, statistical safety stock is commonly used. How does service level affect the safety stock level? 5. “Many drugs after close research and scrutiny are later on found defective with adverse side effects that may hugely affect the consumer’s health”. How are these drugs are found defective? Give an example of such drugs. How are adverse side effects affected? 6. In the Bluebell recall, did the company state why they changed from one product to all products? How do you feel this will affect the company’s overall image? 7. Here’s a video to review and comment on: What does the video state about avoiding undeclared allergens?

how climate change and global warming is happening in america.

Research and Argument Major Paper

Minimum Requirements

All rough drafts must be turned in to each group member on time in order to receive full credit for that portion. All peer review comments must cover each part of the attached rubric in order to receive full credit for that portion and include a substantive report justifying your scoring. Final drafts must include a minimum of 8 pages, not including the Works Cited page. All papers must have double-spaced pages in MLA format and include an MLA heading on the first page (top left corner) and your last name and page number for all subsequent pages (top right corner; use the insert page number feature on your word processor or manually insert the page numbers at the half-inch part of your one-inch margins. Your final draft must include a thesis statement, which MUST BE UNDERLINED. Your final draft must include a Counterargument section that consists of at least 1 page. It must be labeled Counterargument. This section needs to include any objections you have anticipated and your counter to these objections. You must include a works cited page in MLA format that will cite the articles that you use for your research, which will consist of a minimum of 6 sources, including a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. You may use any relevant sources from your previous two papers. While you may not copy word-for-word from your previous papers, you may use paraphrases of any relevant information that would help support your argument in this paper.

Rough Draft

  • Step 1 – Develop your primary research question according to the exercises provided from the Narrowing Your Broad Topic assignment listed under the Participation Assignments section on Blackboard, as well as the power point lecture entitled Making an Argument listed under Readings & Lectures.
  • Step 2 – Use your primary research question to guide your choice of sources in your research so that you can answer your primary research question. During this process, you should develop additional secondary research questions. Answering these questions will help you to answer your primary research question. Make sure that you consult at least 6 sources, including a minimum of 3 scholarly sources. During your research, use your skills of annotation, summarizing, and analysis to help compile notes for your research.
  • Step 3 – Your answer to your primary research question will become your thesis statement. Your answer to any secondary research questions will become your minor premises in your paper. In order to make a lengthy paper of this sort manageable and well organized, you are advised to develop an outline that lays out your argument and research according to the advice given in class about arrangement. Be sure to include a section labeled Counterargument; this will be where you anticipate any objections to your argument and either concede or refute these objections.
  • Step 4 – Write your rough draft, and be sure to underline your thesis statement, and include the Counterargument section, which should be a minimum of 1 page.
  • Step 5 – Make sure you get your rough draft copy to each group member, as well as an email to me that confirms your group members received your rough draft. Without this confirmation, you will be responsible for any peer reviews that are not completed for your paper.


Applications of the Scientific Method

Assignment 1: Applications of the Scientific Method Due Week 4 and worth 160 points The scientific method is useful in problem solving and decision-making in a wide variety of fields. In this assignment, you will demonstrate how to use the scientific method to make decisions and solve problems in your field of study or everyday life. Write a three to five (3-5) page paper in which you: •Explain the scientific method and describe the overall manner in which you would apply it in your field of study or everyday life. •Identify a specific problem often faced in your field of study or everyday life. Research your problem and assess your data / research. Examples of such problems could be: ◦Business ◾Developing a new product that is superior to competitor’s brands; or ◾Establishing a price for a new product using the law of supply and demand; ◦Information Systems and Technology ◾The use of personal electronic devices for work purpose, or ◾Determining in the most cost-effective computer for your business; ◦Criminal Justice ◾The reliability of eyewitness testimony, or ◾Determining what evidence is revealing to you about a crime; ◦Everyday life ◾Selecting a particular brand of detergent, or ◾Determining the most cost efficient transportation/route for your commute. •Propose one (1) testable hypothesis to explain / solve the problem. State the expected outcomes of your actions and include criteria for determining whether or not these actions would succeed. Note: Your hypothesis should be stated very precisely. •Describe the main actions that you intend to put into place to test your hypothesis that you proposed in Question 3. Describe the way in which you would evaluate the success of your program. Include the results that you would deem as a success and the results that would be considered a failure. •Discuss the wisdom behind the strategy you used to test the hypothesis from Question 4, and describe the additional steps you might take depending on the results of your test. Note: These additional steps might be to revise your original hypothesis (if the results were unsatisfactory) or to propose new hypotheses. The goal is to continuously improve your understanding of the factors influencing your outcomes, to be able to achieve greater results over time. •Use at least two (2) quality resources / references in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and personal blogs do not qualify as quality resources. The body of the paper must have in-text citations that correspond to the references. Integrate all sources into your paper using proper techniques of quoting, paraphrasing and summarizing, along with proper use of in-text citations to credit your sources. Your report must follow these formatting requirements: •Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. •Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: •Apply concepts in physical sciences to evaluate current trends and issues in the modern world. •Describe the physical processes influencing climate and weather, including the roles of natural and anthropogenic activity on climate. •Use technology and information resources to research issues in physical sciences. •Write clearly and concisely about physical sciences using proper writing mechanics

Spiderman and Society

In an essay that is a minimum of 7-pages of text and a maximum of 12-pages of text and
that draws on expert opinions/outside evidence, analyze a superhero (or villain or team of
superheroes – but if you choose to take this approach, you need to clear it with me first) to
show what the superhero’s mythology is helping society to cope with or understand.
Suggested Heroes
 Superman
 The Hulk
 Captain America
 Iron Man
 Thor (interesting in his own way because he IS a mythic figure)
 Wonder Woman
 Green Lantern
 Green Arrow
 The Flash
 Spiderman
 Fantastic Four
 X-Men
 Wolverine
 Robin
 Hawkeye
 Survey several iterations of the superhero you have chosen. Look at TV shows,
movies, webisodes. You can use animated and/or live-action versions. Be as
thorough as possible.
 Learn about the character(s) you’ve chosen. Look the character up on the DC or
Marvel site. Wikipedia’s site on comic book /superhero characters is usually quite
thorough, but still check for references. In particular, make sure you determine the
character’s fictional “origin” or “creation” story as well as the type of villain the
character most
 Brainstorm about the character(s). These questions should guide you:
o What mythological figure is the character you’ve chosen most like?
o How is this character’s story a myth story? (draw on
o What drives the character? How does what drives the character affect the
character’s choices?
o What type of hero is this character?
 the anti-hero (Holden Caufield), This is the guy your mother would not
want you or your sister to date. They are often graceless, inept, and
actually dishonest.
 the tragic hero (Oedipus, Macbeth), This is the guy whose bad end is a
result of flaws within himself.
 the romantic hero (Don Juan, James Bond), This is the guy the girls all
swoon over. He gets the girls, even when he doesn’t want to keep
 the modern hero (Chuck Bartowski), This is the average guy who is put
in extraordinary circumstances and rises to the challenge.
 the Hemingway hero, This is the guy who has been in a war, drinks too
much, gets his girlfriend pregnant, and she dies. Or guys like him.
o Why is this character a hero? What makes him or her heroic?
o Does the hero’s journey fit Campbell’s description of the ‘monomyth cycle’?
What differences are there? Are those differences significant?
o Can the average person relate to this character? Why or why not?
o How does the character get along with other characters?
o What do you like most about this character?
o What do you dislike most about this character?
o Is the character ethical? Is he/she trying to do the right thing, but going about
it in the wrong way?
Write a 2-3 page character analysis (due April 7). In a character analysis, you need to:
1. Identify the type of character you’re dealing with
2. Describe the character
3. Discuss the primary conflict the character faces or deals with
Read the texts posted in the Research Essay topic box prior to our return to class on April
14. For each article, identify one concept or idea that will help you explain about the
character you’ve chosen.

Use of Cookies


This assignment has two goals:  1) have students increase their understanding of the concept of Protecting Personal Information (PPI) and other ethical issues related to the use of information technology through research, and 2) learn to correctly use the tools and techniques within Word to format a research paper including using Word 2010/2013’s citation tools.  These skills will be valuable throughout students’ academic career.  The paper will require a title page, NO abstract, three to four full pages of content with incorporation of a minimum of 3 external resources from credible sources, and a Works Cited/Reference page.  Three pages of content means 3 full pages, to the bottom of the third page with text on page 4.  Two pages plus several lines on the third page will not suffice.  Note that submitting a paper that is less than three pages may affect your grade on several rubric items, including page length and several content items. Given a short, underdeveloped paper’s impact on several items in the rubric, a student submitting a paper less than three full pages is unlikely to score higher than a ‘C’ on this assignment.


A list of topics from which students can choose is provided below.  Wikipedia and similar websites are NOT creditable sources.  Blogs and discussion groups are not creditable sources.  The course textbook cannot be used as a source for the research paper.  No more than 10% of the paper may be in the form of a direct citation from an external source.


Topics for Research Paper


  1. Personally Identifiable Information (PII)
  2. Social Engineering
  3. Employee Monitoring
  4. Information Privacy
  5. Electronic Medical Records
  6. Biometrics (in terms of ethical and privacy issues)
  7. Identity Theft
  8. Use of Cookies
  9. Privacy Laws related to Information Technology use
  10. Intellectual Property Rights; Copyright


Writing Quality for the Research Paper


* All Grammar, Verb Tenses, Pronouns, Spelling, Punctuation, and Writing Competency should be without error.


*Remember: spell-check, then proofread. Better yet, have a friend or colleague read it before submitting it. Read it out loud to yourself.


* Remember: there is not their, your is not you’re, its is not it’s, too is not to or two, site is not cite, and who should be used after an individual, not that. For example, “the person WHO made the speech” not “the person THAT made the speech.”


*  In a professional paper one does not use contractions (doesn’t, don’t, etc.) and one does not use the personal you or your. Use the impersonal as in the previous sentence. It is more business-like than saying, “Also in a professional paper you don’t use contractions.”


This is not a speech, it is a research paper.  First and second person should NOT be used.



Complete rubrics for this paper are found in the table below.


For this assignment, you are to construct a short 5 page biography using a bibliography of at least 10 works consisting of any combination of scholarly books, approved internet websites, and/or scholarly journal articles. Only scholarly works may be used.

Research Paper

  1. For this assignment, you are to construct a short 5 page biography using a bibliography of at least 10 works consisting of any combination of scholarly books, approved internet websites, and/or scholarly journal articles. Only scholarly works may be used. No Wikipedia or sources that are not from an academic source.
  2. All work must pertain to an important historical figure from class (i.e., a famous painter, an author, a politician, a social reformer, etc.).
  3. You must discuss how this figure contributed to the period in question.
  4. The bibliographical sketch and the accompanying bibliography must be constructed using the APA format. (An APA model is found in class Blackboard page.)
  5. The report must be at least five full pages of text (the title page and the bibliography do not count), using 12 point New Times Roman font. The
  6. Please check the course calendar for the due dates for this assignment. Absolutely no late work will be accepted.
  7. Plagiarism, copying, and all other acts of cheating will not be tolerated and will result in a penalty.
  8. Your paper must be written in your own words. You should quote and cite outside sources and these should not constitute more than 30% of your paper.