Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Information Systems (SCIS), and Customs-Trade Partnerships Against Terrorism (C-TPAT).

In the last three weeks we focused on the customer along with procurement and manufacturing strategies, information technology. We then became familiar with Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Information Systems (SCIS), and Customs-Trade Partnerships Against Terrorism (C-TPAT). Chapter Six will expose you to operational integration. In this chapter you will be reading about sales and operations planning (S&OP) and forecasting. The first part of this course taught us about the strategic importance of logistics in achieving business success. The supply chain provides the framework in which logistical strategies help to achieve business success. In a 4 page word APA format write a paper giving an overview of the process above up to this point. The focus is the logistical strategies within the supply chain. Please remember sources such as Wikipedia and blogs are not acceptable academic resources. Required: Title page, in-text citations, and reference page and APA format. Text is as below. Use it as one of the references as well. Supply Chain Logistics Management Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply chain logistics management (4th Ed ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin, as one of the references

Doctor Faustus

Literary Research Essay Instructions

(1000+ words)

MLA Format


In this assignment you will offer an interpretation of a text or texts that we have read together this semester or one that is somehow closely related.[1]  You will choose a text, formulate a thesis that offers an interpretive stance based on your analysis of the text, and your body paragraphs should interact with the text in such a way that you use the text to prove/argue your claim.


You must incorporate at least three scholarly sources into your text.  These can be incorporated in a variety of ways, but they should indicate your research into the scholarship already published in your topic, thus strengthening your position by situating within the larger scholarly community.



  • Reading before writing – the more informed you are on a subject, the easier and more effective your writing will be.


  • Scholarly sources – these are found almost solely through the databases accessed through the library. Scholarly sources are published by universities or organizations affiliated directly with academic endeavors.


  • Hard work – there is no shortcut to quality research. Recognize that this will take hours of your time, and do not procrastinate.  Sloppy and/or rushed research usually leads to failing grades.


  • Revision – rewriting is often the difference between passing and failing or an A and a B. It is not enough to simply spell check or grammar check; you must rework every aspect of your essay in painstaking detail to make sure it is as clear and well-executed as it can be.  A repetition of small mistakes becomes a sizeable one, and the most salient point that is not well presented becomes nonsense.
  • Argument, not Summary – remember your job is not to summarize the text for your reader; instead, quotation, paraphrase, and summary of the text should only be employed to illustrate the arguments that you make. Limit yourself to short quotations, and make sure that each are placed within an argument and effectively argued after they are used.
  • Show, don’t Tell – even though your essay is all about your voice and your argument, stating something as fact without explanation does not make it so. Instead, everything that you Tell your reader must be Shown.  The essence of showing is argument.  Explain and argue every point that you make.
  • Plagiarism – review the chapters related to properly citing, quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing another’s work, because you will be dealing with a variety of sources.


[1] While you may make reference to a work or works that you have already written on this semester, your main focus for this essay, including the primary work, the thesis, and the subordinate arguments, must be original both to you and this particular assignment.  The only stipulation for a “closely related text” is that it be a text that was not written after the Renaissance.

Provide three examples of impacting issues that caused the U.S. Civil War to erupt in 1861

This is the TOPIC , Provide three examples of impacting issues that caused the U.S. Civil War to erupt in 1861. During the war, what were some advantages and disadvantages that belonged to the Confederacy? How did the Lincoln administration manage to turn the tide of the conflict and cause the Confederacy’s defeat by 1865? INSTRUCTION ,Provide statistics to support your answer. Choose 1 of the 5 essay questions to answer and submit your paper by 4/24/15, unless you choose #5, which is due on 5/1/15). Write 3-5 pages to explain your position. Paragraphs in this assignment need at least 5 sentences. Type and double-space your answers. Use at least two sources to support your answer. (The textbook and/or notes from class may be used as references). Do not use Wikipedia or Facebook or as sources. Consult the professor if you have any questions about what sources to use. Use parenthetical citation format within your essay anytime you use one of your sources. Provide a work cited page in addition to your 3-5 pages essay.

What is the difference between the probability of a stock out and the magnitude of a stock out?

1. What is the difference between the probability of a stock out and the magnitude of a stock out? Provide examples. Please remember to include in-text citations and a reference list to support your points. Text is as below. Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply chain logistics management (4th Ed ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. 2.Are recalls related only to the toy industry? Do more research on the concept and discuss another industry that has accumulated a large number of recalls (other than automobiles) and give some examples. Text is as below. Not Just China: The Rise of Recalls in the Age of Global Business 1st Ed Bapuji, Hari; PISBN: 9780230104518 Make sure its 2 references per question

Tim Durham: The Playboy of Indiana from CNBC American Greed Show

am doing my final paper on Tim Durham: The Playboy of Indiana Tim Durham’s ambition was to be the world’s richest man and with a multimillion-dollar yacht, 70 sports cars, and a Playboy magazine model girlfriend, he may have fooled some. Too bad it was all bankrolled by a $200 million fraud. CNBC takes a look at the price tag behind the decadent lifestyle of the “Playboy of Indiana.” https://youtu.be/2L1bCV0uNgQ I selected this episode and I have to apply the principles, concepts, and theories of the auditing course and arrive at a conclusion to better understand and apply auditing. By gathering the facts, apply the course material, and arrive at a conclusion(s) regarding the instance. This assignment is due next Wednesday by midnight, April 29, 2015. 1) Exploring a topic within the perspective of this course and applying what we’ve learned in this course to today’s society and our lives in the 21st century. 2) Performing research and summarizing your work and the work of others in this course. 3) Writing style. 4) Integrating course material, discussion, and sources shared. 5) Providing a ‘lessons learned’ or ‘insights gained.’ FOCUS or TOPIC It is the time for me to assign a topic for this paper. I have requested ideas from the class and at this point the topic for the final paper is: American Greed. The paper should be written at an appropriate level for this course. Undergraduate research papers should be in the 8-10 double-spaced page range and use credible sources. The length of the final paper for this course should be easily met if one regularly organizes the weekly notes and responses in a file that can be reviewed frequently. There are many discussion notes and sources that are included in the weekly discussions that are valuable in evaluating how you are progressing through the material in this course. This paper must use an approved style, such as APA, reference page, title page, working table of contents (generated by the software), a glossary of terms, and may contain appendices if you choose. The emphasis of this paper is to highlight your own analysis or conclusions and demonstrates your ability to critically assess the resources you’ve selected and the topic that you’ve presented. SUMMARY The summary should contain an overview of this course’s descriptive topic. This should be the target for your conclusion in which you propose a solution(s) or course(s) of action. This topic of this course should be included throughout the paper and citations to the text and class discussion and lectures is required as well as citations from other sources. I will upload the course outline and syllabus for you to see the book used. If you need the book I can give you my online info to log into the e-book. This is an online Auditing class in Accounting. Whittington, Ray and Kurt Pany. Principles of Auditing and Other Services. 2011. McGraw Hill. 18th Edition. eBook ISBN-13: 007767376XR180 Student Resources: http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/007811103x/student_view0/chapter1/index.html

Although eyewitness testimony is frequently used in the court system, it is not reliable because it is mostly dependent on trusting the witness.

THESIS: Although eyewitness testimony is frequently used in the court system, it is not reliable because it is mostly dependent on trusting the witness.


Works cited

Works Cited


“How Reliable Is Eyewitness Testimony?” American Psychological Association.    American Psychological Association, Apr. 2006. Web. 18 Mar. 2015.

Loftus, Elizabeth F. Eyewitness Testimony. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1996. Print.

Pansky, Ainat, and Einat Tenenboim. “Inoculating Against Eyewitness Suggestibility Via             Interpolated Verbatim Vs. Gist Testing.” Memory & cognition 39.1 (2011): 155-

  1. ProQuest. Web. 12 Apr. 2015.


Walker, Suedabeh. “DRAWING ON DAUBERT: BRINGING RELIABILITY TO THE            FOREFRONT IN THE ADMISSIBILITY OF EYEWITNESS            IDENTIFICATION TESTIMONY.” Emory Law Journal 62.4 (2013): 1205-42.         ProQuest. Web. 22 Mar. 2015.


Wells, Gary L., and Elizabeth A. Olson. “Eyewitness Testimony.” Annual Review of

Psychology 54 (2003): 277-95. ProQuest. Web. 21 Mar. 2015.

* For sources that are on a database, just look up the title of the article on Google

Formal report

Submit a formal proposal, recommendation report, feasibility study, or project report. Include a cover memo or letter of transmittal, title page, a table of contents, a list of illustrations, an informative abstract, a bibliography/list of references (at least six different sources), and appropriate internal documentation. This document should be substantial. Students in courses requiring such reports may satisfy two instructors with one report. Do not attempt this assignment unless you’re required to do a long paper this quarter. Submit a memo by the last class of the second week of the semester explaining your topic and plan

analyze the affect of instagram.

analyze the affect of instagram. Of course, mass culture does not simply shape the consciousness, the thinking, the values of Americans, but also reflects these things. However, in this paper, you should concentrate on how it shapes. Ask yourself how the aspect of mass culture you are discussing influences how we view ourselves, others, society, relationships, whatever is relevant. Of necessity, this will be highly speculative, but try if possible to base your speculating on your own experiences or what you have observed.

Term Paper Topic: Will China maintain sustainable growth in the future?

The term paper assignment is to analyze an issue of current interest in international finance. Ideally this task will involve an application of the analytical tools learned in the course and/or other economics courses to an international economic policy issue. The student’s task is to (1) define the issue narrowly enough to make the topic workable, (2) include the most relevant background information on the subject, (3) analyze the problem from an economic viewpoint and (4) recommend policies or strategies that would improve the current situation or solve the problem. Support your arguments with economic concepts and data whenever possible. Prepare this paper as if you were putting together a consultant’s report for policy makers of a government, executives of a firm, or an individual client involved or interested in the issue. Your job is to provide an overview of the issue, an analysis of the economic efficiency and/or economic interests involved, and your opinion as to the best policy that the government, firm, individual or organization should pursue. Format The text should be approximately 10-12 pages long, typed and double spaced, and should not exceed 15 pages. This page count does not include the executive summary and any tables and charts you may wish to provide, but any such exhibits should be related to points made in the text. Clarity of presentation, neatness, spelling and grammar count, not only in the grade you receive now, but in any presentation you do for the rest of your professional career. In addition, the paper should include citations in the text (or through footnotes or endnotes) attributing critical information and ideas to their proper sources. You may use any system of citation you wish, such as references plus a bibliography, footnotes, or endnotes, and based on any standard reference style. Make sure to identify website sources with the URL address. Beware of relying on information from website sources of dubious origin. Executive Summary In addition, you are required to include, at the beginning of the paper, an executive summary (abstract) of approximately 1 to 1½ pages (double spaced). This is a standard feature of most reports in business, banking and government and will help you to focus your thoughts in describing and summarizing your work in a concise manner. Preliminary Draft TurnItIn Option Students are expected to follow the guidelines for scholarship and citation as presented in the Babson College Student Handbook. All students will be expected to follow the honor code regarding the originality of their work. In this connection, there are two TurnItIn submission files on the course Blackboard site,”Assignments” page. Each student may use, but is not required to use, the TurnItIn preliminary submission facility, to receive an originality report. This report will show how much of your text matches text from external sources (articles, books, other papers, internet sources, etc.). Remember that you are can quote other sources as long as they are properly identified and cited; just remember that you should use quotes sparingly, so that you have room to present your own thoughts on the term paper topic. Students can generate their own originality report by using the “Preliminary Draft” TurnItIn folder before the final term paper submission, in order to check the citations and sources used in their term papers. If you do this, please examine the originality report carefully to determine that you have adequately documented your sources, and have followed the guidelines for academic integrity contained in the student handbook. In addition, please remember that it may take 24 hours after a preliminary draft submission is submitted before the originality report is generated, depending on the volume on the TurnItIn server. Final paper submissions should be made to the final draft submission Turnitin file on the Assignments page. If for some reason the Turnitin facility is not operating correctly, the backup plan is to email your final paper directly to me, at kjones@babson.edu). Deadline All final papers will be due on Wednesday, April 29 at midnight (Wednesday 11:59:59 PM). Late papers will receive a penalty of one full letter grade for each day the paper is late. Late penalties will be strictly enforced. Checklist: Before submitting your paper, please check the following items: 1) Have you corrected any spelling and grammar mistakes? 2) Have you sought help from the Writing Center, or a qualified proofreader, if necessary? 3) Have you numbered your pages? 4) Have you included relevant charts, tables and/or statistics to enhance or support your presentation, wherever applicable? (Note: all exhibits should have a supporting discussion or explanation in the text of your paper) 5) Have you included an executive summary? 6) Have you given proper credit to your sources, including tables and charts, through a system of either footnotes or citations? [Standards for scholarship are set forth in the student handbook.] 7) Optional: Have you submitted a preliminary draft of your paper to TurnItIn on the Blackboard site (Assignments page) to get an originality report? 8) Have you formatted your paper for easy printing and presentation? All charts and tables must be formatted to print out in compact form in hard copy. 9) Have you included your name on the title page of your paper?


These 4 sources will be used for the research paper. The issue question: Does Growing Organic Really Matter?Every source’s A.B must be 1 page long. 1)Dunn, James W., Piotr Bórawski, and Adam Pawlewicz. “Development Of Organic Farming In The Usa.”Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia (2014): 55-68. 2)Sutherland, Mhairi A., Jim Webster, and Ian Sutherland. “Animal Health And Welfare Issues Facing Organic Production Systems.”Animals (2076-2615) 3.4 (2013): 1021-1035. 3)Bigot, Céline, et al. “Discriminating Organic And Conventional Foods By Analysis Of Their Microbial Ecology:An Application On Fruits.”Food Control 48.(2015): 123-129. 4)Johnson, Rachel K. ‘WHAT ARE PEOPLE REALLY EATING AND WHY DOES IT MATTER?’. Nutrition Today 35.2 (2000): 40-46. Web. The A.B structure: There should be 3 parts: Summarize: Some summarization of the source. What is the point of this book or article? What topics are covered? Assess: After summarizing a source, it may be helpful to evaluate it. Is it a useful source? How does it compare with other sources? Is the information reliable? Is the source biased or objective? What is the goal of the source? Reflect: Once you’ve summarized and assessed a source, ask how it fits to a research based on the issue question Does Growing Organic Really Matter? How does this source can help you to shape an argument? How this source can be used in a research project?