“There is a growing consensus, both within the academic community and outside, that the current (political, economic) approaches to meeting human needs are unsustainable. Issues like global warming, the depletion of natural resources, access to clean water, the decline of biodiversity, [treatment of women, children’s rights] or HIV/AIDS are threatening the very core of survival on this planet. Institutions of higher education, obliged by their missions to prepare their students for life in the twenty-first century, cannot overlook these issues. They must address the question of how to foster a society that allows all people, today and in the future, to be healthy, to have their basic needs met, and to have fair and equitable access to the world’s resources. Universities and colleges that educate most of the people who develop and manage society’s public and corporate institutions have a profound responsibility to use their accumulated (intellectual, technological) expertise in order to achieve a sustainable future.”

from the Salzburg Seminar description


Fifty-eight global competencies, many relating to the recognition of the interdependency and interconnectedness of all systems, are listed here below. Some are more crucial or fundamental than others. All are worthy of note because any one of them may strike a responsive chord within a reader. The competencies of a global learner include:

  • Intercultural relations skills
  • Interest in/reading about international current events
  • Ability to identify countries of the world and their locations
  • Ability to communicate with non-English speaking persons
  • Ability to listen
  • Technological awareness (Internet literacy)
  • Awareness of global issues
  • Empowered to acknowledge one’s ability to make a difference
  • Understanding of the dynamics of interactivity between government, business, and education
  • Comfortable with differences
  • Understanding of different political and economic systems while acknowledging economic interdependence
  • Awareness of history
  • Realize that challenges facing our world cannot be solved by the same kind of thinking and actions that created them
  • Knowledge of at least one non-Western culture
  • Environmental literacy
  • Understand the impact of other cultures on our lives and that culture affects behavior and attitude
  • Recognize that one’s own culture, religion, and values are not universally shared.
  • Ability to speak at least one other language
  • Self-confidence in one’s own ability, identity, skills, and cultural background.
  • Seek peaceful resolution of differences
  • Awareness of diversity, similarities, and interdependencies
  • Read on a regular basis newspapers and magazines covering international issues.
  • Identify historical and current major world events
  • Ability to be flexible and resourceful
  • Understand different education systems around the world
  • Understand different groupings within America’s own multicultural structure
  • Participate in a voluntary in-service programs (local, national, and international levels).
  • Ability to work in diverse teams
  • Understand various faith traditions
  • Awareness of world demography
  • Be motivated by love rather than fear
  • Realize that all the people of the world are important
  • Have a commitment to lifelong global learning
  • Ability to empathize and sympathize even while not accepting
  • Exposure to other cultures through participation in international study
  • Ability to function as a responsible member of the human species within the community of life
  • Awareness of human rights issues
  • Tolerance for ambiguity
  • Have knowledge of the United Nations and other international organizations
  • Knowledge of international business practices
  • Visit a non-English speaking community or country
  • Focus on quality of life issues in the world community (Recognize that the local concept of quality of life may be different in other parts of the world)
  • Participate in at least one student foreign exchange program
  • Understand decision making in a global community
  • Be able to apply trained skills to an international context
  • Accept responsibility for global citizenship
  • Ability to articulate human differences and similarities
  • Knowledge of human and social geography
  • Exercise moral leadership
  • Develop a long-term perspective
  • Understand that your community may become endangered without global competence
  • Experience the literature, music, and art of other cultures
  • Enjoy surprises, do not fear them
  • Be aware of the diversity of world sport
  • Have respect for human dignity
  • Speak, write, and read another language
  • Understand what it means to be ethical
  • Seek exposure to other cultures locally, including dining in ethnic restaurants whenever possible




ENGL 2333               WORLD LITERATURE SINCE 1650                  Dr. Vicki Sapp

Spring 2015                               Course Project



Assignment Description

Read the introductory pages here below carefully. A key part of this assignment will be to align our texts, power points and discussions this term with some (each of you choose the ones most relevant to your experience) of the 58 Global Competencies; use these as important guidelines for your essay.


Write an essay in which you identify how our texts, power points and discussions have helped you achieve several (as many as you see fit) of the “global competencies” listed here above. Write this in an instructive way, as if you were designing lesson material for other “global learners.” Organize your discussion by either the competency points with texts as illustration, or by the texts/contexts you choose with the competency points used as illustration. Specifically and carefully explain how these relate and illustrate/support.



Essay format (paragraphs for introduction, body subtopics, conclusion). At least 500 words (not really possible to cover the assignment adequately in fewer).


Essay composed in Times Roman, 12-pt. font, double-spaced throughout. Any outside research/sources documented by MLA style. (See link here for MLA guidelines and samples).


No title page, put name centered at top of page one.



-Complete draft due Thursday, April 28 by 7 p.m. (15% of grade)

-Make edits and revisions according to my comments on your draft.

-Final draft due Thursday, May 7 by 7 p.m. (other 15% of grade)*



Evaluation Points

An “A” exercise will include the following:

  • Draft submitted on or before Thursday, April 28
  • Draft revised according to my edits and comments
  • Final draft submitted on or before Thursday, May 7
  • Assignment Description instructions followed
  • Essay written in mature, “professional” tone and diction
  • Essay structure clear with good paragraph development
  • Supporting text detail included to adequately support and illustrate points
  • Final draft is well edited for major sentence, word usage (spelling, diction) and formatting issues

Second Triumvirate of Rome

I need to develop a thesis to apply to the second triumvirate of rome and write a 800-1100 word abstract that makes clear what I will argue and what my main points of evidence will be for a 8 page argumentative/research paper. I have attached a paper with around 900 words of a rough summary of the second triumvirate. However I need a thesis to apply to this abstract. I have attached the summary which has some errors. The three main people are Mark Antony, Octavian (Augustus), and Lepidus (Marcus Aemilius). I am basically asking for a thesis about anything of the second triumvirate that can be argued and supported with evidence. This 800-1100 word paper is an abstract for an 8 or more page research paper.

Direct Instruction

Topic: Choose 1 of the following prompts for which to create a thread. Use your textbooks or other credible sources to support your thoughts and opinions; cite specific references and examples using correct APA format. Where applicable, include Scripture references to strengthen your position on the prompt. Prompt 1: Direct instruction involves instructional approaches in which the teacher structures lessons in a straightforward, sequential style, focusing on mastery of knowledge and skills that can be taught in a step-by-step manner. In the first paragraph, discuss the merits of using direct, teacher-centered instructional strategies such as lectures, demonstrations, practice, and reviews. In a second paragraph, discuss some potential disadvantages of this type of instruction.

A researched based argumentative essay

The issue question of this researched based argumentative essay is Does Growing Organic Really Matter? 3 pages should be added to this essay while rewriting it. ###########Same 6 sources should be used. Essay instructions: Choose a position, stake a claim about it, and defend that claim. Research Argument must include: Introduction -Engage your reader with a summary of a news story that presents you topic -Provide brief background information, but not details you will discuss -Explain the relevance of this topic?Why is it research worthy? State thesis or directing question Offer necessary background information to your readers.What do they need to know in order to understand your point of view? -Present the details of the argument, incorporating authoritative evidence from your research with your own analysis. -Make a case for your point of view. -Present a counter- argument fairly, and refuse it convincingly. -Include and summarize fairly and accurately at least one opposing view and then refuse it. Conclude: Reaffirm the thesis statement Reach a decision or a judgement about the merits of the subject Discuss the implications of your findings Offer a plan of action or a proposal that will put your ideas into affect Use the final paragraph, especially the final sentence, to bring the paper to closure. One possible method is to return to the topic that you refer to in the introduction. The essay is attached below. #####What should be changed is written on the last page on the essay.

Proposed Changes in Lease Accounting and Private Business Credit Decisions

Proposed Changes in Lease Accounting and Private Business Credit Decisions

Article: Durocher, Sylvain, and A. Fortin 2009. Proposed changes in lease accounting and private business bankers’ credit decisions. Accounting Perspectives. 8(1): 9-42. The article takes a different way of addressing a problem in financial reporting. Write a 2 page reflection paper that identifies the following: 1. The research question addressed 2. Why the research question is important 3. How the article researches the question 4. What the conclusion of the article is 5. What are the limitations of the research completed in addressing the question The paper should be double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, 1 inch margins.

A Tale of Two Cities

“The assignment is to write a literary analysis. Essentially, your literary analysis will explore a THEME of the novel and examine the literary devices employed by Dickens to convey that theme” That is the main guideline, there must be only 5 paragraphs (intro, 3 body, conclusion). There has to be three specific text-based evidence of each device. There has to be three devices and must be talked about in a thesis statement at the end of the intro. I want the theme to be Resurrection (if you think a different theme would be easier to write about just tell me)

role of health care manager

Using the Treatment and Prevention Table template, linked in the Assessment Resources, complete the following:

  • Identify the primary medical management or treatment (medical, surgical, or prevention) for each of the top 10 potential causes of death. List specific activities or medications.
  • List the setting in which the medical management or treatment you identified would occur:
    • Inpatient (with an overnight stay in the hospital).
    • Outpatient (in an appointment with a health care provider).
    • Long-term care (such as in a rehabilitation center).
    • Other (such as with a behavior choice). If you choose “other,” provide an explanation of your answer in the box.
  • Identify the primary surgical management or treatment for each potential cause of death. Not all of them have a surgical treatment, so some of the boxes in this column may be left blank.
  • List the setting in which the surgical management or treatment you identified would occur.
  • Identify the primary prevention activities or preventive care for each potential cause of death.
  • List the setting in which prevention care you identified would occur.
  • In the Description of Findings section following the table, respond to the following:
    • For each of the top 10 potential causes of death, evaluate which of the three measures (medical treatment, surgical treatment, or prevention) is both most cost-effective and offers the best overall quality care. For each potential cause of death, write a 2–3 paragraph justification of your assessment.

List all the resources you used in the References section of the template in APA format.


Parent Interview (25 points):

This assignment asks you to pull together what you have learned from this class (book and lecture content) and apply it to real life.  It is your opportunity to show me what you now know about parenting practices and the theories and concepts that help frame them.

  1. Interview 2 parents (1 parent from 2 different families; or 2 parents from one family – interviewed separately).  Ask them the following:

  (1) what is your approach to parenting?

  (2) what is your approach to discipline?

  (3) what are your goals in your parenting? (What do you hope to accomplish?)

  (4) Do you think your parenting partner would answer in the same way? 

                                        -If single parent-

      Do you think your own parents would answer in the same way?


Be sure to get enough information on each question so you understand exactly what they mean.  For example, if someone says that they are “strict” in their parenting approach; ask them what they mean (e.g., “what kinds of behaviors do you do that are examples of strict parenting?” If you have short answers it will be difficult to write the paper. Transcribe these for your personal reference and attach to your paper.


Keep diversity in mind when selecting your interviewees (ethnic diversity and family structure diversity).  Also, if interviewing parents from different families, choose parents of different age-group children.


**Note: You cannot interview yourself or your partner if you are a parent. However, you can interview your own parent (s).  Again- remember to interview your subjects separately.

The Paper (25 points):

Your paper will be a total of no less than 5 pages. The first three should summarize your interview results.

  • Summarize these interviews. Include the following demographic information about the person (s) interviewed before you summarize their answers to your questions:
  • age, sex, race/ethnicity
  • marital status (be specific: never-married, married, divorced, remarried; cohabiting)
  • highest level of education for both
  • current job titles, if employed
  • number, ages, and sex of children


*Note:  use descriptive prose; do not list the descriptors as a “fill-in-the-blank” to the above questions.  In other words- DO NOT LIST or copy/paste this assignment, write in your own words.

2.)  Identify all the concepts/terminology you recognize from course content and the theories from which these concepts are derived (if applicable).  Although some theories are found in combination, usually one theory best explains a person’s approach to parenting.  Identify that overriding approach for each person. Finally, Identify the common themes and distinct differences between the interviews.

3.) In your conclusion, briefly discuss the following based on what you have read in your textbook and what you have learned from the parents that you interviewed: (1) what is/will be your approach to parenting?  (2) What is/will be your approach to discipline? (3) What are/will be your goals in your parenting? Use the terminology from class.


Technology Strategy Intel


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The objective is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for a company.

Term Project Description

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This course requires the completion of a comprehensive Strategic Plan.

You have a choice to use either an existing company or a fictitious company. In either case, the Project is to complete a written plan that will suggest a practical Strategic Direction for the company.

The Plan will have 7 sections. The 6 sections will reflect each of the 6 TCOs plus a bibliography. Each section will be 2 – 3 pages in standard business proposal format.

The sections are:

  1. Strategy (TCO F)
  2. Core Competencies (TCO C)
  3. Industry Dynamics (TCO A)
  4. Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation (TCO D)
  5. Product Development Strategy (TCO E)
  6. Strategy to protect innovations (TCO B)
  7. A bibliography listing your references for the project

Ideas to Help Prepare the Course Project

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Section 1 – Strategy

TCO F – Given an organizational and industry context, identify and suggest a deployment strategy that will facilitate the success of a technologically driven organization.

This is the most important part of the project, because it sets the direction for all other sections. In this section, you establish the strategy for an organization.

Often people refer to this component as the “Vision” or “Mission” of a company, but it is not. The Vision for a company could be that you want to be a market leader. However, the technology strategy tells everyone how you will achieve that market leadership. The technology strategy tells the various stakeholders – employees, customers, community, and stockholders – what you are going to do to achieve that market leadership. This strategy should be very clear and easy to understand so that everyone will be “on the same page” when it comes to working together toward that goal.

In this section, you should describe what “SHOULD” be the strategy of a technologically driven company. You should focus specifically on the technology strategy. You should think about all the things we learned in the class that will determine a strategy that will help the company succeed.

Remember that you can use either an existing company or a fictitious company. If you choose to use an existing company, you can visit their web site to see if their strategy is listed. Or you can do a web search on their technology strategy to see if anyone has written any stories about their strategy. For a fictitious company, you should make up a technology strategy that fits that type of company.

Examples of a Technology Strategy:

  • Verizon Wireless – Have the best network of all wireless carriers
  • Honda – Build the best engines
  • Keller – Deploy the best Internet based on-line and blended education technology, not build it, not own it, but use a 3rd party to provide it
  • Intel – Have the fastest and most powerful CPUs

The key is to be able to describe the strategy in a 1 or 2 sentence summary and in detail as well. The description should start or end with the simple sentence statement of the technology strategy. However, there must be sufficient detail to explain why that is the right strategy.

Section 2 – Core Competencies

TCO C – Given an organizational and industry context, identify the core technological competencies of the organization.

Like all subsequent sections of the project, this section is based on the Strategy Section.


  • Verizon Wireless Strategy is the having the best Network. Thus, the core competencies will be built around the network. Things like RF Engineers and wireless security experts would be detailed
  • Intel’s strategy is to build the fastest most powerful CPUs. Thus their core competencies will be built around CPU engineering
  • Keller’s strategy is to deploy the best on-line education technology. Thus their core competencies would be things like educational technology evaluation and on-line education curriculum development

The best way to do this section is to apply the three tests of a core competency (page 123) to the strategy that you detailed in the Strategy Section.

Section 3 Industry Dynamics

TCO A – Given a company situation be able to describe the industry dynamics of technological innovation.

Here you should take the strategy identified in Section 1 and describe in detail why that is the right strategy based on what is occurring in the industry. Provide as much detail as possible as to the industry trends and why you think those trends are important.

Section 4 – Technology Sourcing and Internal Innovation

TCO D – Given an organizational context, develop a plan to increase the innovative capabilities of the organization both through collaboration strategies and internal innovation.

Here you would offer ideas as to what is the best way to “Source” the technology that supports the strategy. A complete discussion about how best to manage the innovative capabilities of the company being described is required.

Section 5 – Product Development Strategy

TCO E – Given information about a company’s industry, and organization, formulate a technological innovation strategy through its new product development strategy.

Product Development is very important to an organization. This section will describe how the company will structure its product development. Obviously, the kind of structure will be determined directly by the technology strategy stated in Section 1.

Section 6 Strategy to protect innovations

TCO B – Given a company situation be able to determine whether and how to protect its technological innovations.

Using the things learned in the class, describe how you would use patents, trade secrets, copyrights, etc. to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) required to support the strategy.





Final Paper Rubric

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Content 50% Points %
Depth of Research 25 25%
Scope of Research 25 25%
Illustrations 25 25%
Use of sound logic 25 25%
Total 100 50%


Editing 15% Points Deduction
(per occurrence)
Spelling Error -2
Punctuation/Grammatical Error -1
Sentence Meaning Unclear -2
Misstatement of Fact -5
Total (not to exceed) 30 15%


Organization 20% Points %
Introduction; Thesis statement contains at least two main points 16 8%
Body text follows order of topics and main points derived from the thesis statement 8 4%
Content subdivisions follow outline 8 4%
Conclusion summarizes; complements thesis; contains no new information 8 4%
Total (not to exceed) 40 points 20%


Documentation 15%
Incorrectly cited or missing
Points Deduction
(per occurrence)
Title page -2
Abstract -1
References in text -2
Bibliography/Works Cited -5
Total (not to exceed) 30 points 15%


Category Totals Possible Points %
Content 100 50%
Organization and Cohesiveness 40 20%
Editing 30 15%
Documentation and Formatting 20 15%
Total 200 100%


A jury of her peers

I go to a community college, I am a “B” student in English. I’m writing my paper about the story “A jury of her Peers” by Susan glaspell. My thesis statement is “In the short story ” A jury of her peers by Susan Glaspell, Minnie Wright’s isolation and oppression drives her to murder her husband. Only Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters can protect Minnie from a male dominated society.” A few things I need in the paper are; 1.) No big educated words2.)I need a cited works page and citations with parentheses and author in the parentheses3.) I’d like the paper to talk about the symbolism of the evidence also4.)Don’t make the paper too complex. I’ve attached one of my papers that I wrote about this story so you can see how I write, this paper was for a different assignment.