Discussion 12:Long-Term Care: Mgt Continuum:

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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


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Take a virtual tour of the LeadingAge IDEA House


*EXTRA CREDIT*/ Long-Term Care: Mgt Continuum:

Evaluate the following case scenario and cite any sources used:

A resident in your LTC is diagnosed with a terminal illness which his family has decided to treat using medical marijuana (MMJ) as recommended by a medical doctor. Because this scenario has never occurred before at your LTC, the Director of Nursing has asked you to help develop a process in order to include this treatment into his plan of care. You need to determine a course of action for accommodating the family’s request while taking into account the following legal and ethical considerations:

Your LTC is located in the state of Colorado, but is owned and operated by a company located in Ohio.

This resident has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

MMJ is considered a narcotic in the state of Colorado.

All medications at the facility are currently administered by a nurse or a QMAP (qualified medication administration professional).

MMJ is “recommended” and not “prescribed” by an MD.

The patient is diabetic.

The resident’s eldest daughter lives in California and is his health care proxy.

The patient prefers to smoke the MMJ as a part of his lifelong routine.

Your LTC currently does not provide a smoking area and smoking is not allowed in the individual apartments.

The resident has a roommate who is a non-smoker.

The resident lives in a facility which accepts medicaid reimbursement.

Provide a brief, preliminary plan on how you would deal with this circumstance.

Unit 9 Class Assignment /Strategic Mgmnt in Health Care

Discussion Questions: (please answer in complete sentences) You will find these answers in the chapter and in the 1996 Kaplan and Norton article under Unit 9 Overview.

Why is it important to regularly monitor strategic efforts in an organization?
Why is it necessary to set metrics?
Describe two methods of monitoring and evaluating data.
What are the pros and cons to each?

What are the benefits of using balanced scorecards?
What problems can they present?
Explain why many strategic plans can fail. (list at least three reasons)
List five common KPIs (Google, only two are allowed to be financial)
What is the strategic action cycle, and what are the components?

How does building a scorecard enable a company to link its financial budget with its strategic goals?

How does the personal scorecard help to communicate corporate and unit objectives to the people and teams performing the work?

Conduct and Internet search to locate two different organization’s balanced scorecards. Answer the following questions:

Organization one: ___________________________________________

Are the four balanced scorecard perspectives present?
Are the organization’s goals easily identifiable?
Do the goals relate to the organization’s mission, vision and values?
What are the strategic objectives the organizations are trying to achieve?
How would you improve these scorecards?
Organization two: ___________________________________________

Are the four balanced scorecard perspectives present?
Are the organization’s goals easily identifiable?
Do the goals relate to the organization’s mission, vision and values?
What are the strategic objectives the organizations are trying to achieve?
Riverview Community Hospital

Build a scorecard for Riverview Community Hospital (the example case study at the end of each unit lesson)

What are your metrics for these sections:
Internal business processes
Learning and growth
Draft a Gantt Chart
Draft a visual
You can attach the the answer to these last two as a file.

Case Study with graphs – Topic: Gastroenterology endoscopic procedure

cost, anesthesia cost, procedure cost, and tool cost)
– Analyze endoscopic procedures done in the endoscopy suite versus operating room (endoscopy suite cost versus operating room cost)
– Inventory management (i.e., tools such as stent placement that require to be order prior to doing the procedure where the hospital has to buy before scheduling the patient).

The specific instructions for this research paper are attached along with some case studies to use as guides to complete this paper. References are not required, but please include references if you use them. Thank you!The specific instructions for this research paper are attached along with some case studies to use as guides to complete this paper. References are not required, but please include references if you use them. Thank you!

Nieto’s Ranking System

Your task for this assignment is to chart where you currently fall within Nieto’s Beyond Inclusion, Beyond Empowerment Framework in terms of the ranking system.
Copy and paste the chart below into a word processing program, and fill in what your current relationship is to each of the rank categories.
If you feel confused about where you fall, read back through the Nieto Articles. Remember that status is different than rank, and that although you may have experienced low status treatment in one of your rank categories where you are an agent, this does not affect your agent status. For example, If a man is picked-on by a woman because he is a man, this is an example of low-status treatment, it does NOT change his position as Agent within the ranking system of gender. In another example, a White person may have experienced prejudice from a Person of Color, but this does not affect their position as Agent within the ranking system of Race.
Remember also to concentrate on each “channel” of the ranking system individually. For example, if you are disabled, you may not feel like you experience agency in terms of Age rank, but it is important to remember that Age is a different “channel” than Disability. If it helps, you can compare yourself with other people in the same rank–for example, ask yourself who has more access to structural power, who is given more authority in our culture? A disabled person who is 30, or a disabled person who is 6 or 80?
Also remember that in terms of Social Class, Nieto includes most of the middle class and even large numbers of the working class among the “agent” group. You can be considered an agent if you have access to higher education, which we all have as people who meet together in a college classroom.
Pay careful attention to Nieto’s discussion of Indigenous Heritage. If you are indigenous to land outside of the US and its territories, then you are an Agent in this rank category.
Fill in the chart as best you can. Some of you may find yourself having all Agent Ranks, and some of you may find yourselves having mostly Target ranks.
Finally, write a paragraph of minimum 200 words where you reflect on one Rank category, and how it affects your daily life. Please give one specific example for your chosen rank. Fewer points will be awarded for general answers. In your paragraph, you must show that you completed the reading in Nieto by including a minimum of one quote from Nieto (with page numbers) to support your statements. The quotes should be taken from pages 45-77 of the Nieto reading.

Unit 8 Essay: Pre-Columbian Americas – Analyzing the Popol Vuh

Guidelines for Writing your Essay
Please use the following guidelines for writing your essays:
1. Essays should be typed in 12-point font. Please use a simple, clean font such as
Times New Roman or Palatino. Use 1″ inch margins on all sides. Refer to the
individual assignment directions (in the Dropbox tool) to determine the
minimum length for each essay. The length may vary for each assignment.
2. Essays are to be written following the rules of correct grammar and spelling,
both of which will be taken into consideration in the evaluation of the essay. Be
sure to proofread your essays as grammar and spell checks typically do not
catch words used in incorrect contexts.
3. Essays must be original and analytical and must be careful to include wellthought-out responses to the questions posed in the assignment. Make sure to
address ALL parts of the question.
§ Introduction which does ALL of the following: states the
purpose of the essay; frames the era by providing pertinent dates
for the subject; provides a solid historical background moving
from general statements about the subject to increasingly more
specific ones; introduces the author of the document by providing
some specific information important for better understanding why
the author wrote what he or she did.
§ A thesis which specifically explains how the primary and/or
secondary sources (as directed by the instructor) reflects the issues
and developments of the historical period when it was produced.
§ A body of evidence, this is the main part of your essay and it is
where you defend your thesis by referring to several major aspects
of the primary and/or secondary sources, explaining how they
reflect the concerns and issues of author in the context of the
period when it was written. You rely on direct analysis of the
primary and/or secondary source material to back up your
§ A conclusive summary that briefly reiterates your main points,
but more important, suggests how the primary and/or secondary
source points to later historical developments. How might it be a
bridge to a later time in Greek history–do not just jump to the
present and make a superficial remark about how everyone was
4. You must cite your sources in text and provide a complete bibliography at the
end. REMEMBER: Any information or idea that is not your own MUST BE
§ You must give specific examples from the secondary and/or
primary sources used in the development of the paper and must
cite these sources following the MLA style, the University of
Chicago Press’s Chicago Manual of Style or Kate L. Turabian’s A
Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations.
Refer to the online resources Guide to the MLA Style or Turabian
and Chicago Styles Citations. Your instructor will specify the
preferred style. You should use footnotes or endnotes and provide
a full bibliography at the end of your paper.
§ If you use direct quotations, you must not only cite your source,
but must also use quotation marks. Example: Columbus explains
that the weapons of the natives he encountered in the islands of
the Caribbean were unsophisticated, and that their javelin, a
much-used weapon, was “no more than sticks” joined together.
Please include the text and bibliography in one paper–not separate documents.

MUST use 2 secondary sources in addition to the primary-http://www.mesoweb.com/publications/Christenson/PopolVuh.pdf)
the sources must be used in the essay and quoted.
Please READ and follow all instructions carefully.

Reevaluating Student Success Through The Aboriginal Students’ Experience in Higher Education

Guidelines for Final research paper.                                               Due date: April 12, 2019


Grading Scheme: 45%


Synthesize, collate and analyze your learning on the student voice and PSE student experience in a research paper.


Expected Length: Expected length: 10-15 pages (double spaced, including references)

Please Note:

All papers must follow a standard style guide.  The recommended style guides are the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 5th Ed.) or The Chicago Manual of Style.

Provide a bibliography of at least 8-10 pertinent references


Be sure to include:

  • Reflections on what (if any) assumptions, understandings, and impressions you already have about this voice. How did you come to hold these?


  • A thorough review of the academic literature


  • A report of your discoveries (intellectual, personal, and experiential) and your data collection in context of your literature review


  • Your cumulative and progressive understanding of the ideas and issues relative to this voice


  • An analysis of how such knowledge intersects with the ideas and concepts (from readings/discussions) of this course.
    1. Concluding statements and observations based on your research
    2. How should we think about student experience/engagement differently?
    3. What are the implications for institutional policy and practice?
    4. What are the implications for the development of theory and its application to practice?


Grading will be based on:


  1. Thesis: Clear and identifiable
  • Why did you choose a specific voice?
  • Briefly describe the historical context and relevance of this voice to the student experience.
  • It often helps the reader understand your personal interest in this topic so you may want to describe this briefly. Also, you may wish to describe to the reader your assumptions as to the answer of your question.
  • Provide “operating definitions” (the definitions you will be using) of the key words in your research question.



  1. Structure: Appropriate for thesis, clear transitions and paragraphs
  • How are you going to address this question?


  1. Use of evidence: Excellent use and integration of primary sources of research
  • How have you collected your evidence?
  • Where have obtained your evidence?
  • What kind of evidence have you collected?
  • How are you going to assess the evidence you find, and decide what evidence is relevant to assessing your central question, and what is irrelevant?

For interviews :

  • How did you go about identifying your interviewees?
  • How did you develop your research questions based on your literature review/readings?


  1. Logic and Argumentation: Ideas flow smoothly and logically, argument or position is

clear, connects with primary materials, uses counterarguments to illuminate central


  • How thorough is your review of the literature on the theme and in context of this literature, have you identified strengths, existing gaps- theoretical or practical, in our critical understanding of the student experience of your chosen voice?
  • Who are the main authors who have done work in this area? Core researchers and research areas? Have you provided good context of the work done to date?
  • What are some core positions on this topic –lay out brief arguments and evidence/proof
  • Clearly outline some of the assumptions you are making? Are they valid?
  • How have you worked with facts /observations /existing research to convince others of your observations.

For interviews :

  • How did your interview identify the main gaps, issues or problems that you were interested in investigating? What new insights did it provide?
  • How did you integrate these findings into your broader research on the student voice?
  • How effectively did you use these findings to further understand, analyze and comment on the student voice?


  1. Analysis: Integrates and synthesis materials to pose new questions and offers fresh

ways to consider the research question

  • What is your synthesis and what are some of your core arguments based on the work?
  • How have you tied your essay together? Have you towards the end, restated your question, what you found as well as your response?
  • Have you considered the implications of your findings and analysis?


  1. Mechanics: Sentence structure, grammar, correct use of citations.





hypothetical request for legal advice on an international law issue

Please answer the questions outlined briefly and specifically based on the marking criteria ( guideline). each question requires 250 word limit. please reference based on AGLC4 which you can find in the attachments

please use footnotes swell and bibliography at the end.

if you have any questions based on the concepts I have attached my notes from my classes as well

please email me if you have any questions

Please answer the questions outlined briefly and specifically based on the marking criteria ( guideline). each question requires 250 word limit. please reference based on AGLC4 which you can find in the attachments

please use footnotes swell and bibliography at the end.

if you have any questions based on the concepts I have attached my notes from my classes as well

please email me if you have any questions

The trade conflict between US and China

My thesis aims at understanding the reasons behind the trade conflict between US and China.My professor asked me to write 2 pages for outline (expose) and 8 pages about trade like history of trade and conflict between trade war in the past etc.I will put the structure of the paper which my professor provided me on the additional materials. My thesis aims at understanding the reasons behind the trade conflict between US and China.My professor asked me to write 2 pages for outline (expose) and 8 pages about trade like history of trade and conflict between trade war in the past etc.I will put the structure of the paper which my professor provided me on the additional materials.


Complete a project topic in which you present your company (WALMART) and give a brief introduction to the company (WALMART). Present some basic information about the size of the company, its history, and how it is organized. In addition, present some information about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company. Does the company follow Friedman’s or Carroll’s view of social responsibility?
To complete this assignment, a minimum of two reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced. Use APA style guidelines.Complete a project topic in which you present your company (WALMART) and give a brief introduction to the company (WALMART). Present some basic information about the size of the company, its history, and how it is organized. In addition, present some information about the corporate social responsibility (CSR) of the company. Does the company follow Friedman’s or Carroll’s view of social responsibility?
To complete this assignment, a minimum of two reputable sources must be used, cited, and referenced. Use APA style guidelines.