Revolutionary Mothers” book

Read Carol Berkin’s book, “Revolutionary Mothers” and answer the follow questions in a well written college level essay (introduction, body and conclusion), 3-4 pages using the Chicago writing style format, double spaced, and 1 inch margins on the left and right side. Question I: What was the role of all colonial women, and how did their daily lives and activities transform during the Revolutionary period? Cite examples from the book Question II: How did all women participate with the” war effort?” In other words, what actions did each group take to fulfill the ” ideas of life, liberty, and property?” Cite examples from the book Question III: How did the “patriarchal colonial society” impact women who left to manage the family businesses when males were killed or injured in military battles and wars? Cite examples from the book. Question IV: Discuss how all groups sacrificed their values in order to change/assist colonial society. Cite examples from the book. Question V: Which group is most similar to your plight and/or struggle?


In this assignment you are a genetics counselor. You met with two parents whose first child has sickle cell anemia. (The parents show no signs of the disease themselves). The mother comes to you in the third month of her second pregnancy, and wants to know if this child will also inherit the disease. As a genetics counselor, you are ready to evaluate this couple’s case by doing the following: 1. Determine what the genotype of each parent is. Is this disease autosomal or sex-linked? Dominant or recessive? 2. Describe the type of test(s) would you give the mother to evaluate if the fetus is also carrying the gene for this disorder. 3. What is the probability that her 2nd child will also have the disorder? 4. Explain to them why is this condition so common in the African-American community. 5. Describe the type of mutation in the hemoglobin gene that causes sickle-cell anemia. Write a two-page report as part of the medical record that describes what you told the couple to explain the above five points. Submit it as a Word document.

learning environment that incorporates the needs of regular and special need students

Select ONE article from a professional journal that relates to the topics covered in this class. Your critique should clearly identify the article’s topic and source, and should be followed first by a review of article and then by your analysis based on ONE of the perspectives detailed below. Organize your critique using the following strategies Critique Instructions: Determine the type of article you are critiquing (ONE of the following three options will describe the perspective of your chosen article) Is this a research article? If so, State the purpose of the study. Identify the research hypothesis. Briefly describe the design and the recommendations. Based on the information provided, decide and state whether you believe the suggested recommendations were appropriate. Justify your position. Is this a description of a program? If so, Briefly describe the essence of the program and the results. Based on the information, what is your analysis of the program? What are the strengths, what are the weaknesses? For what situations might the program be suitable? Is this an opinion? If so, Briefly describe the position of the author. Following your analysis, do you agree or disagree? You must justify your position. To be successful in this assignment: Include your name, the date, and course number on the title page. A full citation, using APA format, must precede your critique. Include a brief summary of the article, answer the applicable questions above based on the type of article you selected (this is your analysis), and end with a conclusion (closing paragraph). Your critique should be 2–3 pages in length. The analysis portion of the review should be approximately one page in length. Use this link to submit your paper on Bb. You may access articles using the WU library.

What is the general role of human communication in the formation, maintenance, or termination of relationships? Second, what are specific instances of how relational formation, maintenance, or termination can be helped by possessing good communication skills?

Communication Written Assignment

Response Question:  What is the general role of human communication in the formation, maintenance, or termination of relationships? Second, what are specific instances of how relational formation, maintenance, or termination can be helped by possessing good communication skills?

*** The following are worth 15 points each and are graded on a sliding scale (any point value from 0-15 is possible):

1) explaining the general role of human communication in the formation, maintenance, or termination of relationships (0 to 15 points)

2) arguing how relational formation, maintenance, or termination can be helped by possessing good communication skills (0 to 15 points)

  • Works Cited material: from COMM 101 University of Arizona custom textbook
    • readings: A-20 – A23 on interpersonal communication (can upload pictures)
    • Tubbs chapters 8 & 9; Tubbs, S. L. (2013). Human communication: Principles and contexts (13th ). New York: McGraw-Hill.
    • Class notes on relational communication & marriage (will upload file)


  • Paper must include:

1) personal reflection/argument has been humanized

2) examples

3) cites course material

  • What do you need to include in your answer to receive full credit?
  1. comprehensive argumentin response to the question that:

2. integrates and cites course material (either lecture or text) to support the argument,

  1. uses examples to illustrate the argument, and
  2. includes personal reflections (experiences/thoughts) to humanize the argument.

** Assignment Content:

  • assignments may consist of multiple questions. To maximize your score you should answer ALL It is helpful if you label your answers (i.e., A., B., C., etc.) and/or use separate paragraphs.


  • Use material from your lecture notes and/or the course text to support your answer (cite sources within your answer – you do not need a reference page unless you cite sources other than the course text). In addition, you should use your own examples and personal experiences to construct an argument that answers the question. Most importantly, be comprehensive and support your claims with evidence.


The Minorities Breaking the Law for Animal Protection Activism. To what extent is it justifiable?

The Minorities Breaking the Law for Animal Protection Activism. To what extent is it justifiable?

There are people who will go to the extent of breaking the law to protect animals under lab testing with the element of brutality and cruelty. Explore how in achieving the halting of experiments or total prevention can make it a worthy act of crime. . Give case studies when such event has happened. Vaguely touch upon the benefits of what the experiments may result in. And on the contrary what will happen if experiments are not carried out. In detail, give the reasons all criminals had, for their criminal actions, Consider if it was justifiable. If it was necessary. And whether If the opposition party undergoing lab experiments did cross the line of the laws for animal testing and went beyond their limits and powers specified in statute. Furthermore, explore more consequential events that has happen to the criminals and the penalties they have faced. Also, write about how criminalisation for animal protection has increase or decrease as a whole, in areas such as, in particular the UK and USA. Consider the remedies for decreasing the rate of criminalisation and what has been done. Harvard citing reference system I apologize for having such a lengthy paper instruction but I felt that it would be beneficial. I will really appreciate it if you could write this assignment as simple and straightforward and informative as possible with a variety of statistics. Thank you so very much. Really appreciate it.

The Great Gatsby Film

Students are required to write a 4-5 page paper (12-point font and double-spaced) in which they critique a film shown in class according to male/female theories. This is not a movie review but an application and exploration of the concepts of male and female communication. Thus, specific examples and quotes from the film should be used to support the paper’s claim/thesis. Students are encouraged to reference clips from the film, and possibly their own observations and experiences in support of the thesis for the paper. No bibliography is required unless additional sources are used. The grading for the paper will be based on the ability to effectively communicate and support one’s thesis through the use of specific examples from the film, class notes, observations, lecture, and textbook readings. The paper should begin with an introductory paragraph, which includes a thesis. (It is better to narrow the focus of the paper and satisfactorily develop a couple of ideas rather than apply so many concepts that it becomes difficult to connect them together in a succinct thesis.) Each paragraph within the body of the paper should support the thesis and begin with a topic sentence. The paper should also include a concluding paragraph that summarizes the main points of the paper. For full credit, pay close attention to grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and other rules of good writing. ….. I have also attached the study guides for both the midterm and the final which contain course topics regarding male and female communication..

Planning for Sustainability

Planning for Sustainability As the resources have highlighted, systems thinking can be an excellent tool for promoting sustainability within an organization, but that can only occur if the organization actively and intentionally engages in planning for sustainability. Take some time to search the Internet for organizations, both nonprofit and for-profit, that promote sustainable planning like the organization highlighted in this week’s Introduction (see below). This week’s introduction: ” The planet Earth, with its plants and animal life, resources, and beauty is an excellent example of a system. When in balance, the system continually recreates and refreshes itself. Without careful planning, however, the environment may become polluted, overused, and mismanaged, causing a clear disruption of natural cycles and systems. Individuals have become increasingly aware of the impact that humans are having on the environment, both in positive and negative ways. Careful planning is necessary to ensure that natural cycles are sustainable for future generations. One organization that is concerned with the sustainability of the environment is the U. S. Green Building Council, a nonprofit community of leaders whose shared vision is to make green buildings available to everyone within a generation. As part of the organization, a certification program examines “any building lifecycle phase” (U. S. Green Building Council, 2009). It promotes a whole-building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in the selection of sustainable building sites, water efficiency, energy use, the use of materials and resources both during building and during operations, indoor environmental quality, innovation in design, and an awareness and education program. Ponder all of the different systems that are interdependent in creating one green building and how the careful consideration of each individual system is necessary for sustainability of the larger system to occur. Focus on sustainable business practices and tools. You will be introduced to the concepts of leverage points and self-limiting behaviors.” Select one organization of interest to you to research in greater depth. While it may be easier to recognize how for-profit organizations plan for sustainability, also consider and explore how other types of organizations engage in sustainability planning. For this Discussion, assume you have been hired by the organization you selected and are responsible for meeting with potential investors who are concerned about sustainability. Please complete the following: • Make a case for why your organization would be a wise investment in a two page response.

According to Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013), “logistics is the process that links supply chain participants into integrated operations”

According to Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013), “logistics is the process that links supply chain participants into integrated operations” (p. 45). Logistics is functional in nature, as such; Create a PowerPoint presentation on an organization of your choice. In this presentation create a logistics operations chart using the information in Chapters 1 and 2. Discuss each step of the process. This presentation should have a minimum of 8 slides. The presentation must have APA formatting with separate title and reference pages. Be creative, remember that this assignment will be graded on content and grammar. Choose your topic wisely. This assignment can be incorporated into your final research paper. Use the text below as one of your references. Supply Chain Logistics Management Bowersox, Closs, Cooper, and Bowersox (2013). Supply chain logistics management (4th Ed ed.). Boston, Mass.: McGraw-Hill/Irwin.


During This Term Students Will Complete Two Written Assignments


The assignments are geared towards enhancing understanding and application of core objectives as identified by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board and to achieve specific student learning outcomes.

The core objectives are:


CRITICAL THINKING:  Includes creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.

COMMUNICATION:  Includes effective development, interpretation, and expression of ideas through written, oral and visual communication.

PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY:  Includes the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision making.

SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY:  Includes intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility and the ability to engage effectively in regional, national and global communities.

The two assignments for this term are:


  1. The U.S. President is able to issue an executive order. After discussing what an executive order is, either select an issue you believe could be effectively handled by an executive order and explain why or selective an executive order that you believe was not appropriate and explain why you believe the president was in error in issuing the order.(Communications and Personal Responsibility )


  1. Should federal bureaucrats (employees) be granted discretion in the implementation of public policies? Using the  situation of former  government employee Edward Snowden 1)identify and explain in what capacity he worked for the U.S. government, explain what actions he took and where he is now, 2) outline the position of the federal government.  How does the government see his actions?  How does the government want to deal with him?  3) Place yourself in his (Snowden’s) position.  What would you do, if while working for the federal government, you came to question the legality of the work you did?  What specific actions would you take?  4) Identify what protections you have if you come forward.  5) Explain and justify YOUR decision. (Critical Thinking and Social Responsibility)




Specific guidelines for completing these two written assignments are below.



Both Written Assignments Are Due Apr 15

Each is worth 10% of your final grade ( 2 times 10% = 20%)

specific requirements – assignments are due at the beginning of class.


  1. each is required to be a minimum of 3 full pages ( total 6 pages)
    1. typed, with separate cover letter for each topic , Microsoft word
    2. cover  letter not included in paper page length
  2. due date for both assignments is Apr 15
  3. students must cite specific sources of their information with using APA or MLA guidelines
  4. bonus points: students who complete both assignments and turn them in to me a week before the due date will be awarded 20 additional total written assignment  points
  1. all papers are due at the beginning of class. if you do not turn them in the beginning of class they are considered late, therefore  no bonus points apply and one letter grade deduction for normal due date submission

Additional comments about your paper

  • your paper should be clearly organized
  • please use a spell check, please edit your papers
  • please be aware of the plagiarism and academic dishonesty issue as discuss and referred to in other parts of this syllabus[1]
  • note the due date and the bonus point due date etc.
  • Wikipedia and similar sources are not acceptable for a scholarly paper in this class, please see previous comments earlier in this syllabus
  • late papers will have one letter grade deducted per calendar day
  • you cannot use all web based sources and you must document newspaper, book and or scholarly journal articles appropriately, consistent with MLA or APA requirements
  • you must both web based and non-web based sources (books, articles from newspapers/magazines, scholarly articles) and you must include at least one citation from our class textbook for each of the two written assignments


Grade Evaluation Criteria (Rubric)



  • paper address each area in an organized and detailed manner consistent with the questions requirements,
  • maximum of  three spelling and usage errors
  • Meets/exceeds minimum length criteria
  • Attention to academic referencing and standards clearly evident & comprehensive



  • Discusses each area of the question
  • Lacks some detail that are relevant to a first class answer
  • Barely meets minimum length criteria
  • Obvious spelling and usage errors denote some carelessness in editing
  • Academic referencing acceptable



  • Discusses each area of question
  • Significant detail omitted
  • Meets minimum length criteria
  • Spelling and usage errors denote inattention to editing
  • Academic referencing minimally acceptable, omitted some detail



  • Omitted one or more of the question areas
  • Insufficient detail reflecting clear scholarship deficiencies
  • Excessive spelling and usage errors
  • Academic referencing seriously deficient in form, substance and detail
  • Does not meet minimum length criteria



  • Omits one or more of the question areas
  • Lacks major portions of the details necessary to demonstrate even minimal understanding of the concept
  • Does not meet minimum length criteria by more than 50 %
  • Academic referencing virtually non-existent and poorly presented
  • Spelling and usage errors present with such frequency and magnitude that the overall presentation is degraded


[1] I may require you to turn your paper in to a plagiarism software program to validate its attribution of sources. Please keep this in mind and keep a copy of your paper in an electronic format.

In your opinion, was slavery in New York City substantially different from slavery in the South during the colonial period? How and why?

Write an essay answering the following question: Scholars were surprised at the discovery of the African burial grounds in downtown Manhattan and, later, at the extent of slavery in New York City. Compare the development of slavery in New York City with its development in the Southern colonies. (NOTE: Pay attention to the differences between slavery under the Dutch as opposed to slavery under the English in New York City.) In your opinion, was slavery in New York City substantially different from slavery in the South during the colonial period? How and why? In your essay, consider the following points of comparison: Why did white settlers choose slavery as a labor system? How did the institution of slavery change over time? What was slaves’ experience of slavery? How did slaves resist slavery and/or attempt to gain their freedom? What was the response of whites to these efforts?