argument for God’s existence

In Meditation Three of Descartes’ Meditations, the meditator defends a cosmological argument for God’s existence. Reconstruct the argument as charitably as possible, paying close attention to the details of the text. Make sure you discuss all of the premises in the argument and show how they are supposed to work together to lead to the conclusion. Is the argument compelling? Why or why not? Present the most challenging objection you think one could raise against the argument and: a. Defend the argument against this objection, or b. Present the best response Descartes could make against the objection and explain why this response doesn’t work

Book “Crazy in America”

Read Pfeiffer’s Crazy in America and answer the following questions: What are (3) issues/points/topics of discussion that jumped out at you that you did not realize before? Which case study had the most impact on you and why? From the author’s recommendations, her Top Ten list – which (3) do you think are the most important and be the focus of change for the criminal justice system? Do you think they are attainable? Why or why not? Use evidence and research to support your conclusions. Use APA style for citation and can use up to (3) outside sources for support.

Group Behavior in Organizations

Choose a generic organization (manufacturing plant, hospital, etc.). Assume that you are a hired consultant for this organization. You have been asked by the president of the organization to prepare a background paper on the results of your research and to make recommendations to improve group productivity in the organization. Your research has identified the following problems: Role conflicts within groups Communication problems among group members Lack of cohesiveness in groups with diverse members Excessive intergroup conflict In an eight to ten-page paper, include the following: Introduction – clear explanation of the type of organization Explanation of how each problem could impact a group’s productivity (use examples to illustrate points) Recommendations to resolve each problem Suggestions, based on your knowledge of group dynamics, for a company-wide training program on best practices for group productivity Conclusion/Summary Writing the Final Paper The Final Paper: Must be eight to ten double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style. Must include a title page with the following: Title of paper Student’s name Course name and number Instructor’s name Date submitted Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis. Must use at least six scholarly sources. Must document all sources in APA style. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style

Implementing Sustainable Practices

In this week’s resource, Meadows comments on self-organization—an organization’s ability to change itself by creating new structures and behaviors. Moreover, Meadows notes that self-organization is the strongest form of system resilience. For this 1 page paper, address how the following relate to the concept of sustainability: • Leverage points • Self-limiting behavior • Closed vs. open system • Communication • Resource:Thinking in Systems by Donella H. Meadows o Chapter 6, “Leverage Points—Places to Intervene in a System” o Chapter 6 focuses on the importance of changing the structure of systems to produce more desirable leverage points. In addition, the chapter discusses balancing and reinforcing feedback loops, and the ability to self-organize as the strongest form of system resilience. While reading this chapter, focus on places that you can intervene in your own system. Link to Chapter 6:

Specialist Fire and Rescue Services

How to get a good essay mark


  1. Structure
    1. Introduction – what is the essay about, what it is not about, what shall I prove?
  2. Body of essay
    1. Point
    2. Expanation
    3. Evidence
    4. Link to theme of essay


Do this for all points you wish to make – 1 point or issue per paragraph


You should consider at least 3 operational and 4 environmental issues


  1. Write in sentences – no longer than 40 words (max)
  2. Refer to concepts or theories – IRMP, CAA, Legislation – explain their importance
  3. Conclusion – Brief summary of main point – do not introduce new material


Marks will be awarded for well written essays demonstrating an understanding of the issues and problems together with appropriate referencing and research.


Use words carefully and sparingly – there is no room for padding!


Unfairness in the American Judicial System

You have been hired as a criminal justice expert by the Justice department. 1. The justice department wants you to explain “Unfairness” in the context of the American Judicial System. 2. Examine the Causes 3. Examine some consequences of “unfairness” 4. Explore solutions to the problem Keep in mind, this report must demonstrate knowledge and understanding of issues and familiarity with various viewpoints criminological literature and crime statistics. Must have table of contents. Table must indicate the pages on which each portion or section the topic begins. Must cite at least 5 peer reviewed journal articles/scholarly books. NO NEWSPAPERS OR MAGAZINES ARTICLES. peer reviewed articles such as professional journal articles (articles published in crime and delinquency, police quarterly, social problems, american psychological review), law review articles, scholarly books, federal and state case law (ex/ appellate court decisions), state or federal statutes , and government publications (Uniform Crime Reports, national institute of justice publications, US Census data) The references can ONLY be from 2009 thru 2015 with at least one published after 2013. Each section of the term paper must have a separate heading and same must correspond to the page numbers noted on the Table of Contents. will be used to find plagiarism I have uploaded an outline of my personal ideas. Can use this to get .

Financial Management in Nonprofit Organizations

Discuss financial management in nonprofit organizations and write an essay that compares and contrasts the application of financial management techniques in nonprofit and for-profit organizations. Sources of funds, use of debt, performance evaluation (efficiency in use of contributions and meeting the organization’s objectives), governance mechanisms in non-profits, etc. • 7 – 10 double-spaced pages, plus appendices, exhibits, and references. •Include a one-page Executive Summary immediately following the title page that includes a statement of the major issue(s) and your conclusions and specific recommendations. The content of an Executive Summary is similar to an abstract. •Properly cite reference sources: these may include course material, information from magazines, journals, and online sources. All reference sources must have a publication date within the last three years.

Health Care Practices and Beliefs of Costa Rican Culture

Costa Rica is the culture I choose; Describe three factors from the list below that pertain to members of the chosen culture/subcultural group. (Descriptions should be based on literature available. Your source must be cited correctly). i. Historical ii. Value orientation iii. Interpersonal relationships iv. Communication v. Religion/magic vi. Social systems vii. Dietary/food habits 3. Using at least three (3) credible references (you must cite your references), explore health beliefs and practices for members of the chosen cultural/subcultural group. One resource must be from a health care research journal. 4. Identify at least one (1) stereotype that is commonly made about persons from this particular group (you must cite the source of the stereotype). 5. a. Select a particular health setting in the western New York area with which you are familiar and explore the following of this setting (if selecting a hospital, pick one unit of the hospital, i.e. specific clinic within the hospital, specific floor, ICU, CCU, etc.): – Mission – Accessibility – Demographics on population(s) served – Staffing – Hours of service – Services available – Payment method b. Based on your assessment of the cultural group you selected and your assessment of the health care setting: (1) Describe cultural and systemic barriers that may inhibit members of this cultural group from seeking health care in the setting you have selected. (2) Describe cultural and systemic bridges that may assist members of this cultural group in receiving health care in the setting you have selected. (c) Delineate recommendations for the provision of culturally sensitive care for persons from this cultural group in the setting you have selected. N.B. Length of paper is to be 9-12 pages (text only, excluding title page and references) This paper is worth 25 points. Grading: 1. Research based discussion of three cultural factors 7 points 2. Research based health and illness beliefs 7 points 3. Research based Stereotype(s) 2 points 4. Description/information on chosen health care setting as relates to: a. Barriers to culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points b. Bridges to culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points c. Recommendations to enhance culturally sensitive care at health care setting for chosen group 2 points 5. APA format formal paper (proper grammar, title page, introduction, discussion, conclusion, reference page) 3 points

Domestic Violence: Community Investigation

1. Research and record for a week the number of domestic violence cases (spousal, child, and/or elder abuse) mentioned in the local news. Note each incident, what happened, who the victims and the perpetrators were, the injuries, and the resolution. 2. Write a 3-4 page analysis describing your findings from your research, and the following points including information from the text: a. Describe and summarize the instances of domestic violence you recorded during the week. Be sure to include the sources of your information with dates. b. Apply the information you learned from your research with that presented in the text. c. Discuss what you learned about domestic violence in your community from recording instances during the week. d. Include a final discussion about what you think should be done to prevent violence in intimate violence, child abuse, and elder abuse in your community.

Did sound revolutionize cinema?

Hi, I need an essay that answers the topic question. Additional scholarly sources can be used in addition to the ones I have provided below. The essay should take an affirmative stance and the evidence should support it. Please include in-text citations and I bibliography as well. Thank you! These are the readings that should be referenced: R. Koszarski, An Evening’s Entertainment: The Age of the Silent Picture Palace 1915-1928 (Berkeley, University of California Press, 1990) pp. 163 to 190 K. Thompson & D. Bordwell, Film History: An Introduction (New York, McGraw-Hill, 2002) pp.55-79 and 146-166 L. Enticknap, ‘Sound’, Moving Image Technology: From Zoetrope to Digital (New York, Columbia University Press, 2005) S. Eyman, The Speed of Sound: Hollywood and the Talkie Revolution 1926-1932 (New York, Simon & Schuster, 1997) C. O’Brien, Cinema’s Conversion to Sound: Technology and Film Style in France and the United States (Indianapolis, Indiana University Press, 2004)