
Length: Your paper must be at least 5 pages (to the bottom of the 5th page), double spaced, with 12 point font and traditional margins. If it is short of that, 25 points will be taken off for every page it is short. That being said, I want 4 pages of important research and analytical content and not 5 pages of meaningless fluff. Purpose: I would never create an assignment just to waste your time. There are numerous purposes to this assignment. First, this assignment gives you the opportunity to explore a question in much greater depth than you normally would in the class. Being a 15 week class with lots of material to cover, we barely scratch the surface of most issues. Because we spend so little time on each topic, you are able to develop a general understanding of most issues, but you are never able to become an expert on any of them. This research paper gives you the opportunity to become an expert on something. It is expected that, by the time your paper is complete, you will be an expert on whatever topic you have written about and will be able to speak fluently on the subject, answering most questions someone could ask you. Secondly, this paper gives you the opportunity to work on your reading and writing skills, which are essential, not only to an effective career, but to any kind of communication or development you would like to accomplish in your life. Thirdly, this paper gives you practice in finding information. We are surrounded by information, yet it is often hard to find relevant information. This paper forces you to do that. Finally, this paper forces you to use your analytical skills to seek out ideas and arguments, evaluate them for bias and error, and make conclusions based upon them. If you do this assignment well, the lessons learned from it will prove invaluable, so I expect that you will put your heart and soul into it. Description: For this paper, you will pick a problem that you would like to solve using a governmental solution. Your problem should be narrow enough that you can adequately answer it within 5-10 pages without being too broad. It should also be a problem you are interested in. Your paper should have several sections. You are welcome to put a heading on each section, as is done in this guide. Defining your Problem: In the first few paragraphs of your paper, you should define your problem. In other words, state your problem, be specific, and make sure it is clear what you are talking about. For example, instead of writing about the amount of pollution, write about the amount of benzene leaked from oil refineries in the Pasadena area. That is a very specific problem that is well defined. In doing this, also discuss what is causing your problem. For example, benzene leaks at refineries might be due to neglect of infrastructure, negligence, lack of code enforcement, etc. Extent of the Problem: Once you have specifically defined your problem, now you should talk about the extent to which your problem is an issue. Address how many people it affects, what demographics it affects, what geographical areas if affects, etc. Then describe in what way the problem harms people. How is being affected by this problem worse than being affected by other problems? What will happen if this problem is not solved within the next few years? Be sure to include all of this information and back it up with data to prove that you are not just making it up. Literature Review: Once you have discussed the problem, you must begin looking at possible solutions to the problem. Search through academic journals (which can be found on the San Jac Library website), policy papers, governmental reports, and newspapers to find information on how other people have proposed to fix this problem or similar problems. Cite their studies as sources, explain their theories, and evaluate their evidence. Explain what is good about their solutions, as well as why their solutions fall short. Present Your Solution: Finally, present your solution to fix this problem. To fix this problem should the government Regulate, Subsidize, Ration, Tax, Spend, Contract Out, Privatize, Charge fees, Educate, Create Public Trusts, Conduct Research, etc? Develop a well thought out solution the problem. Argue for your solution: Once you have presented your solution, explain why your solution is better than the other solutions that have been proposed. To do this, present research one how your solution has been used in other places to fix similar problems, or use some other scientific or logical method to prove that your solution is efficient, effective, equitable, and ethical. Grading: Grammar: Since this is a semester long paper, your grammar, spelling, and sentence structure is expected to be flawless. 25 points will be used to grade grammar. I will count off about 3 points for every grammatical error I find, up to 25 points. Sources: You should cite your sources within your paper and on a work cited page, using either MLA or Chicago style citations. You are to use reputable sources, including academic sources, government documents, or major news sources. 25 points will be based upon your use of sources. Fact Based research: You are expected to use facts to present your case. It is unacceptable to make a claim without facts or evidence to back it up. These facts should come from the sources you cited. 25 points will be based upon whether your evidence was based upon facts and not based upon merely opinions or unbacked assertions. Instructions: You are expected to follow all of the instructions listed above. Failure to do so will result in 25 (or more) points being taken off of your paper.

Differentiate between logistics and supply chain. What are the similarities between the two concepts? Be specific. In what ways are they different? Be specific. Provide examples in your discussion. Lastly, include justification and support for your points.

1.Differentiate between logistics and supply chain. What are the similarities between the two concepts? Be specific. In what ways are they different? Be specific. Provide examples in your discussion. Lastly, include justification and support for your points. 2.Review the three following websites that handle and distribute information to the public regarding Recalls. Link: Link: Link: After reviewing these websites, describe a recall and what it means to you personally. Please support your discussion with in-text citations and references. A minimum of two academic sources are required for each question. Websites and Wikipedia are not academic sources.

Hollywood Vs. History

er Requirements: (Significant points will be deducted if your paper does not meet the following requirements) 1 Primary Source 5-8 Typed Pages Reference Citations (In text) Valid Academic Sources Movies are often based on historical events. However many times Hollywood takes liberties with the facts to create dramatic scenes In some cases, when a particular movie becomes popular, Hollywood’s version of the become the accepted version. This paper gives you the chance to explore the historical background of your favorite movie. You may choose any movie whose subject matter is within the time periods covered in this class. (History of Western Civilzation from Antiquity to the Renaissance)) Once you have watched it, pick 3-5 specific (no less than 3 and no more than 5) facts that the movie presents and analyze them for their historical accuracy. Your analysis could include such topics as the clothes of the time period (Were they accurate?), the roles of the female characters (Would the character really have acted the way they did?), factual errors such as laws that were in effect in the movie that were not in effect in actual history (EX: Portraying women voting in 1860 when women did not get the right to vote nationally until 1920). Paper Requirements: 5-8 Typed Pages Your paper must be at least 5 pages of text in length. Paper under 5 pages in length will be given a grade of ZERO. However, the paper can exceed 10 pages. Cover pages, endnotes, illustrations, maps etc do not count as pages of text. If you use footnotes you MUST extend your paper so that you have at least 8 pages of written text. Font size must be 12 pitch and not above. The paper must be double spaced. Primary Sources When gathering your facts, you MUST include at least 1 primary source in your paper. A primary source is something written in the time period. (A secondary source is something written after the event has occurred) For example if you are discussing the role of women during World War Two in the Pacific you could refer to the War Department’s training manuals for nurses, published during the war as a primary source. Simply putting in a quote from someone that is reprinted in a secondary source is not sufficient. For example a quote from Joan of Arc that you found in a biography of Joan of Arc written by a 20th century author is not a primary source. A quote from a medieval scholar taken from a book written by the medieval scholar is a primary source. An encyclopedia is NOT a primary source. 20 points will be deducted from your paper if 1 primary source is not used. If you are at all in doubt about primary and secondary sources don’t hesitate to ask. Reference Citations: PLEASE READ CAREFULLY Full endnote/footnote citations (University of Chicago Manual of Style, APA or MLA) are required. All style aspects MUST be taken from one of these manuals. This is a history paper. Any and all statements of fact in your paper MUST be referenced. EX: A statement of “Abraham Lincoln was elected in 1860 by a majority of the voters in the North.” must be referenced with the source of your information. Otherwise my comment to you will be “How do you know this?” Your reference MUST be included immediately following the fact you have presented inside the text of the paper. It is not sufficient to simply list the reference book in the bibliography without making a direct correlation to the specific facts taken from the book. If you are at all unclear about referencing footnotes/endnotes PLEASE contact the instructor. Once you have selected a style manual, the entire paper must be completed in this style. All quotations used in this paper must be done in accordance with the style manual selected. No more than 20% of your paper shall be quotations without prior approval from the instructor. This paper is intended to show your analytical ability and not how well you can quote what someone else says or thinks. Failure to properly cite information will result in a significant loss of points. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact me. Valid Academic Sources: You may use any and all sources at your disposal: Internet, special edition DVDs, books, articles, journals. However all of your sources must NOT be of one specific type. You must have a minimum of 2 different types of sources. (This means you MAY NOT use all internet or all text sources) 20 points will be deducted if all of your sources are of the same type. You will be graded on the academic quality of your sources. For example: is NOT a valid academic source unless you are writing a paper about MTV., or are valid sources. Encyclopedias etc use should be kept to a minimum and make up NO MORE than 10% of your bibliography. 20 points will be deducted if your bibliography has more than 10% of its sources as encyclopedia etc. (This includes etc) If you are at all unsure of your sources, particularly internet sources, don’t hesitate to contact the instructor. Examples of movies you may use for this assignment: Gods and Generals, Gone with the wind, Texas Rangers, North and South These are just suggestions. You may use any movie that falls in the timeframe of the class. Remember: I will read and comment on any and all drafts of the paper up until 1 week prior to the due date. If you submit your paper via email it is the student’s responsibility to make sure the instructor has received it

Crimnal Law & Procedure

1. Question 5. Based on the ruling of the Supreme Court in City of Chicago v. Morales, what protections of the individual do you think must be included in an ordinance proscribing loitering? Question 9.To what extent does the First Amendment protect the right of citizens to advocate on behalf of groups that have been labeled as terrorist organizations by the federal government? Questions11.Evaluate the criticism leveled against the USA PATRIOT Act that the sections quoted in the text unconstitutionally deprive individuals of their civil liberties by such vague terms as “acts intended to influence government policy by intimidation or coercion.” 2. Questions 4.Is a state statute that makes it a criminal offense “to hinder or delay a law enforcement officer in the performance of his or her duties” likely to be held void for vagueness under the tests outlined in Chapter 3? Question 7.Despite the wording of most statutes proscribing the offense of escape, courts increasingly require the prosecution to prove the defendant’s specific intent to avoid lawful confinement. Are courts justified in imposing such a requirement on the statutory law? 3. Question 4. The state charges Larcen Inmatio with escape from prison. The court appoints a public defender to represent him. You are assigned to investigate the case and report your findings to the public defender. Your investigation reveals that Inmatio was convicted of burglary of a dwelling and was serving the second year of a five-year sentence in the state prison. He complained to the warden that another inmate had sexually molested him and requested transfer to another prison or at least another cell block. After confirming that an inmate in Inmatio’s cell block had molested him on one occasion, the warden told Inmatio that he would place him in another cell block. During the next three days the warden took no action. On the fourth day, while Inmatio and other prisoners were on a work detail picking up trash from the roadside outside the prison, Inmatio left without permission and caught a ride to a nearby city where he obtained a construction job. He had no contact with the prison until two weeks later when the local police apprehended him and returned him to prison. Based on your investigation, do you think the public defender can successfully establish the defense of necessity on behalf of Inmatio? 4. Question 4. Explain the difference between the objective and subjective approaches to the defense of entrapment. Which approach is more just? Why? Question 8.The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution requires the court to grant use immunity to a witness who is required to testify over a legitimately invoked right of self-incrimination. In some states, a witness who testifies under a grant of immunity is given transactional immunity, a broader protection than the federal constitution requires. Explain the difference between the two categories of immunity. 5. Question 8. The police suspect Mary Jane Hemphill of having sold marijuana at the Sibanac Bar. An undercover agent approaches her and asks her to go out with him. After a movie, the agent says that he would like to buy some marijuana for his close friend. At first, Hemphill makes no response. They make another date, and after a very pleasant evening together, the undercover agent pleads with Hemphill to help him find marijuana for his friend. She agrees, and the next day she delivers a quantity of the contraband to the agent, who gives her $200. As he concludes his purchase, the undercover agent arrests Hemphill and charges her with the sale of contraband. Hemphill’s attorney pleads entrapment at her trial. Do you think her defense will be successful? Why or why not?

Marijuana and its history

Outline for Final Paper

Marijuana and its history

  • History of marijuana
  • The US and marijuana (before)
  • Marijuana and its uses
  • The US and marijuana (now)
  • Sociological influence of my identity

History of Marijuana

  • Tracing back its history

The US and Marijuana (before)

  • The war against marijuana

Marijuana and its uses

  • Medicinal and recreational use

The US and marijuana (now)

  • Marijuana being legalized now

Sociological influence

  • Exposure to it












Evans, D. (2013, December 30). THE ECONOMIC IMPACTS OF MARIJUANA LEGALIZATION. Retrieved March 4, 2015, from 7 Issue 4/The Economic Impacts of Marijuana Legalization final for journal.pdf

Svrakic, D. (2012, March 1). Legalization, Decriminalization & Medicinal Use of Cannabis:A Scientific and Public Health Perspective. Retrieved March 4, 2015, from

There’s More to Life Than Being Happy



You are required to write a formal academic critique of the following text: There’s More to Life Than Being Happy by Emily Esfahani Smith (see the article below).


Refer to the “Writing Critiques” and “Critique Essay Structure” documents on iLearn to remind you of what a critique is.





  • Length: 700-1000 words
  • Formatting guidelines: APA style (Times New Roman, size 12 font, double-spaced, with normal margins. Make sure you include page headers and a title page, in addition to in-text citations and a reference list, all in correct APA format,)








Consider the following when reading the assigned text:

  • The elements of the rhetorical situation
  • Content (including support, rhetorical appeals, etc.)
  • Organization
  • Language
  • Style
  • Structure of formal academic cri$ques
    Jones effectively convinces his audience that —- through the
    use of statistics and surveys paired with emotional stories.
    Although Myers includes many convincing logical arguments
    through the use of historical facts, her readers may doubt her
    objectivity because of her sarcastic tone.
    Thompson uses personal stories and tells of his extensive
    research in the area to make his readers believe in his
    credibility. These appeals to ethos, combined with his friendly
    tone, creates an effective argument for —-.
    Roberts employs the rhetorical appeals of pathos and ethos
    effectively. However, his use of unsupported logical appeals
    causes his readers to doubt his claim that —- is supported by
    Mitchell’s attempt to convince the audience that —– is
    unsuccessful because of his insensitive word choice and
    angry tone.
    • A strong thesis statement is NOT…
    a simple statement of your topic
    a broad statement
    a statement of facts or statistics
    a summary of the author’s essay you are analyzing
    a statement of what you are going to do in the essay
    Examples of weak thesis statements:
    Abortion is a big issue in the United States à statement of fact
    The author claims abortion is a big issue in the United States à
    broad statement
    I’m going to examine how this author uses pathos, ethos, and logos
    to convince his audience. à announcing what you are going to
    The author uses pathos, ethos and logos. à statement of fact
    Body (Development)
    • a balanced discussion and evaluation of
    the strengths and/or weaknesses of the
    article (based on specific criteria- refer to
    the “Writing Critiques” document on iLearn)
    • supported by evidence from the text
    (quoted and paraphrased) and welldeveloped
    explanations of your points
    • summarize the main points of your critique
    • restate your overall opinion of the text (your
    thesis statement)

Picasso’s Symbolism throughout his Blue Period

Notes from the Instructor, In response to Annotated Bibliography: “I think it would be most profitable to explore the sources, symbolism and meaning of key iconic works such as La Vie, Old Guitarist, Blind Man’s Meal, etc. You already have some good articles dealing with them – you will probably uncover a few more as you read. This should be sufficient. Be careful how you use the word symbolism. There is a difference between: 1) symbolism – small “s”. Usually refers to ANY use of symbols in art. Most art uses some type of visual symbolism, from Egyptian art to the present. Italian Renaissance artists often used this type of symbolism to help viewers identify key figures (such as saints) in their art. 2) Symbolism – capital “S”) – Always refers to the historical movement that was a powerful current in late 19th c European art (approx. 1880s-1890s). This movement often used a single static image as a symbol of larger ideas and concepts. Picasso’s Blue period is a late development of this type of Symbolism. And Gertrude Stein is too late to be Blue Period.” Please use as many sources as they are relevant from my bibliography attached, as well as any necessary sources showing symbolism in the works of Picasso during his Blue Period. The sources should be from online scholarly databases and journals. Thank you!

Community assessment

The town I am writing about is Union City, New Jersey. Please Include information on the following population characteristics and trends in your community over time: age distribution; sex distribution; racial characteristics; ethnic and cultural characteristics; birth rate; death rate; infant mortality rates; leading causes of death; disease specific death rates; morbidity rates; case specific rates for conditions such as tuberculosis, AIDS, STDS, cancer, and other chronic diseases; median family income and its range; poverty statistics; median education level and range. Key sources for information for sections 2 data collection include census data, morbidity and mortality statistics, statistics reported in research and clinical literature on your community or in newsletters and reports on your community. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) is an excellent resource for morbidity and mortality statistics. Statistical information is available on the Internet for your city, county and the state of New Jersey. Visit or call City Hall, local libraries, community organizations to obtain current statistical information on your community.

African Literature and History

Drawing upon Maryse Conde (Segu) and Amadi Elechi (The Concubine) as well as the readings in Curtin (African Historical Textbook) and/or lectures (and using specific examples where appropriate), craft an argument that analyzes the following queries: Placing Maryse Conde (Segu) and Amadi Elechi (The Concubine) into mutual conversation, in what ways are the themes and issues with which each author is concerned similar and/or different? Were historical developments in the western Savannah similar and/or dissimilar to those in what becomes southeastern Nigeria? Finally, explain why such literary works provide significant insights into the historical record, or why in fact they compete with or distort that record, or how they might manage to do both. Remember: There are no right or wrong answers, only answers that feature a central argument and are well formulated and supported with evidence, and those that are not.

Decision making Reflection on Environmental Bill of Rights

Additional instructions                                   Nov. 13, 2014

The basic instructions are set out in the syllabus, as follows:

.subject is an environmental decision making process, perhaps related to work in your degree program

. first objective is to analyze why the decision was made

. second objective is evaluate the decision making process, using explicitly stated criteria


Additional instructions are as follows:


  1. Contact either of us if you want suggestions for a topic. Also, contact us if you want comment on your plans for the paper.


  1. To achieve the first objective, you need to make an argument respecting what factors had the greatest influence on the decision, eg quality of information; lobbying by stakeholders; ideological convictions of decision makers or other factors. That analytical argument must be supported by information, gained from your research.


For purposes of this assignment, research generally can be done by:

. reviewing academic, peer-reviewed publications

. reviewing non-peer-reviewed publications, eg news media

. reviewing documents generated by the actors being studied


  1. To achieve the second objective, you must decide which criteria you will use to evaluate. Commonly used criteria are:

. effectiveness – achieve the desired result

. efficiency – minimize cost of achieving that result

. transparency – degree to which information made public

. accountability – decision maker could not completely independently

. degree of democracy – those affected given a voice in the decision

. distributive fairness – extent to which results of decision are seen to be fair


  1. To facilitate achieving both objectives of analysis and evaluation, the paper should first briefly describe the decision and the decision making process, including a chronological account, as well as identifying major decision making elements, in particular those that are critical to addressing your arguments. This is important context for both sections of your paper.


  1. We suggest you focus only on the decision, not subsequent implementation, but you can look at implementation as well if you prefer.


  1. As noted in the syllabus, length should be 5,000 – 6,000 words. Please do not exceed 6,000 words, not including citations.


Let us know how we can help.  Becky Raboy, Doug Macdonald