BEHIND BARS America has 5% of the world’s population, and 25% of its prisoners. In fact, there are more people in jail in this country than in Russia or China. Why? How have the policies of the last 40 years, such as “War on Drugs” and “Three Strikes, You’re Out” caused this condition? Are all these prisoners in jail for violent crimes? Has our public safety been enhanced by putting all these people away? And even though white Americans commit crimes at the same rate as blacks, one in nine black men aged 20-34 is behind bars. What can be done to correct this situation?

God Paper

Dear student, My name is Billy Joe Bob. I am kind of on a worldview scavenger hunt, looking for truth wherever I can find it. I was raised in a non-religious home out in the middle of nowhere and I must confess that I know absolutely nothing about the God of the Bible and Christianity. I have heard words like “omnipotence,” “omniscience,” “omnibenevolence,” “Trinity,” and “sovereignty” thrown around before, but it all sounds like another language to me. Could you please clearly explain what the Bible says about who God is? What’s so great about the God of Christianity? Please focus in depth on at least three attributes of God while walking me deeply into specific Bible passages that support those attributes. You don’t need to dumb it down for me. I am not a moron. I am looking for someone to articulate with clarity, depth, and sound biblical interpretation who God is in the Christian worldview. If you use Christian terms, please explain them in a way that an outsider like me can wrap his head around. Thanks! Billy Joe Bob Answer Billy Joe Bob’s letter in no less than 5 full pages in length and no more than 7 full pages. Assessment: Papers will be graded on quality of biblical argumentation, clarity of expressing the gospel to someone beyond the Christian bubble (please avoid “Christianese” unless terms are accessibly defined), and depth of understanding God’s attributes in the Christian worldview. Do not “pad” papers with lengthy Scripture quotations. Verse citations will suffice (e.g., Rom. 8:28-30). ​Due Date: God Papers are due at the beginning of class on April 1st. Attached is a screenshot of the rubric the teacher will be using to grade the paper

Roger Angell’s Late Innings

Requirements A clear and narrow thesis statement. Support your thesis with close analysis of at least 3 quotes from the reading. Integrate and cite quotes using appropriate MLA format for poetry or prose. Length: at least 2 pages in MLA format and include a Works Cited (page 3). Do not use block quotes. Cohesive Structure: an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. No block quotes; for help integrating large amounts of text please see your instructor. Use a formal academic tone, and Standard English. Do not use: I, me, we, you; or other variations of the personal pronoun (I) or second person (you).

Generation Selfish

Minimum length Four full pages Perspective First (no you) Audience Older generations Content A recent Reason-Rupe poll indicates that a majority of Americans—71%–believe that the young millennial generation is selfish (qtd. in Gillespie 2). In a thesis-driven essay, argue whether you believe this is true. Consider what it means to be selfish and selfless and why these qualities are important or unimportant. Use examples and data to make a case against the above criticism or agreeing with the poll. Also, what makes someone selfish? Is such self-centeredness necessary to survive, or is it destructive to persons and society? Likewise, what makes someone selfless? Upbringing? Religion? Pressure? Experience? Extrinsic reward? If others know about the generosity or sacrifice, does that make it less selfless? Think about the “random act of kindness” movement and the kinds of people we notice and praise. Additionally, consider the areas that such qualities affect: relationships, education, workplace, social justice, and others. As part of your thinking, you may want to do your own “selfless” act and use that to discuss the value of this quality. Outline Required (see description on page 4) Research Use at least three different credible sources. These sources should not speak for you. They should provide support for your ideas or opinions against which you react. You must follow MLA guidelines when inserting this information into your paper. Deadline TH 3.31 Grading I will grade this paper 0-100 using the paper feedback form.


Music Videos – Macro Creative Writing Macro Video, Fear the Boom and Bust – Classical versus Keynesian HYPERLINK “” This amateur video summarizes not only the long standing debate between the Classical (Hayek) and Keynesian economist, but also our current economy and all of the stimulus we have embarked on. What was the goal of all of the government stimulus intervention (ARRA)? Is it Classical (supply driven) or Keynesian (demand driven)? Was it effective? Who pays for it in the short run? Long run? (Remember when assessing the effectiveness of something, you must look at cost versus benefit.) Given what you’ve learned thus far about how both fiscal (T and G) and monetary (Investment via interest rates) policies work on the macro economy, what do you foresee happening from here? (2000 words) All sources of information should be cited, including the text and the video. Direct definitions, phrases, and ideas should be quoted as well as cited. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will result in a zero for that assignment.

Ditching the credit cards and buying with cash/debit

The paper must be written on a macroeconomic topic and must be at least 7 double-spaced pages long. There is no upper page limit. You must include at least 4 references, one of which must be a scholarly book or a scholarly journal article. You may organize your thoughts with help from the textbook, but do not use it as a reference for your course paper. Remember that the course paper is a research paper that will demonstrate your learning of the course learning objectives; therefore, do not put it off until the last moment. Every discipline is different. The following guidelines will help you in writing your research paper. 1. Select a macroeconomic topic you feel comfortable to analyze. Some suggested topics are: The Great Recession of 2008: Causes and Consequences; An Analysis of Unemployment Rate Among Teen-Agers; An Analysis of Unemployment Rate in the Retail Trade Industry, 2005-2010; The Growth of GDP in Post-Recession Years. These are just a few topics you may consider. You may also write your paper on a topic related to your place of employment. 2. Once you have selected a topic and a title of your paper, state your objective clearly in the first or second paragraph. Do not try to analyze too many issues. 3. Ideally, your paper should be organized in four sections: Introduction and Objectives; Literature Review; Analysis; Summary and Conclusions. 4. The second section of your paper, i.e., Literature Review will contain a brief review (2-3 pages) of works relevant to your own research. This is where you will quote references. 5. At the end of your paper, organize the section on “References”. Alphabetize all references and use APA style.

Describe the physiological principles which underpin pulmonary embolism (PE) imaging with ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scintigraphy. Contrast this with the diagnosis of PE by CT pulmonary angiography. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two te

Describe the physiological principles which underpin pulmonary embolism (PE) imaging with ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scintigraphy. Contrast this with the diagnosis of PE by CT pulmonary angiography. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two te

the question is Describe the physiological principles which underpin pulmonary embolism (PE) imaging with ventilation/perfusion (V/Q) scintigraphy. Contrast this with the diagnosis of PE by CT pulmonary angiography. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques (including SPECT and planar). Describe an algorithm which optimizes appropriate application of these techniques while minimising patient risk. referencing should be in Vancouver style and up-to-date. -All the part of question should be discussed.

Explain the immigration similarities and differences among the Asian and Middle Eastern Immigration.

Media Analysis: Keystone XL Pipleline

Media analysis essay must analyze TWO forms of media covering the Keystone Pipeline; one form must be visual (film, TV, documentary,webcast); the other must be print (editorial, news article, essay, book.) Using logic and critical analysis, you will first of all summarize what each (visual/print) media has to say. You will then evaluate how effectively and accurately the media creators that you have chose convey the information. You will evaluate it based on reason and logic, identifying the use of ethos, pathos and logos with particular examples/illustrations, as well as any logical fallacies or inconsistencies in the information. You will also evaluate the work based on it rhetorical success, analyzing its unity, coherence, and relevance. You will then compare and contrast, synthesize, and analyze the point of view plus content of both forms with regard to their effectiveness and accuracy.

the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described in Brave new world and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.

the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described in Brave new world and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.

This is the entire topic “True to other works in its genre, Brave New World is intensely interested in the powers and the limits of technology. In its specific treatment of psychotropic drugs and genetic engineering, Brave New World was, in retrospect, ominously prescient. Huxley criticized a world in which people had to medicate themselves to avoid their true emotions, and he also criticized a social system that essentially manufactured human beings to fit certain social needs and interests. The world that Huxley predicted has come true. In this essay, the similarities and differences between the world Huxley described and our own society will be examined, and the powers and limits of technology will be discussed.”