Professional Statement of Educational and Career Goals

A three to four page typewritten, double spaced paper is required. It will be used to assess your written communication skills and to evaluate your knowledge of your career choice and your commitment to the social work profession. Please address all items below: • Experiences and/or relationships that have influenced your selection of social work as your professional career (family, education, volunteer involvement employment, receipt of social services, etc.) • The values intrinsic to the profession of social work per the NASW Code of Ethics. Using your own experience, demonstrate how your personal values align or do not align with social work values. • Your understanding of the responsibilities of the social work profession. • Your experience with people of diverse backgrounds, cultures, and lifestyles. • Any personal characteristics or limitations which you have considered in planning for your social work education. • The arrangements you have you made for completing the BASW Program and the University requirements for graduation in terms of finances, time management, completing required courses and a two day per week daytime field practicum in the senior year. • Your short and long-term career plans once you complete your BASW

community research

Choose a County or town in NJ Approved Topic List: Choosing Your Field Project Topic with a Primary Prevention Focus Note: You may not log any work on your field project until you are enrolled in Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Field Experience/Community Health and Population-Focused Nursing Clinical and have selected your topic. What is a Primary Prevention? The Community Health Nursing practicum requires a field project. The project focuses on primary prevention. Primary prevention is the prevention of disease, injury, disability or premature death before they occur. First Steps in Choosing a Field Project Topic First, consider what might be an issue of public health concern in your own community. The pertinent questions to consider are: • What is the biggest contributor to disease (morbidity) and premature death (mortality) in your community? • What are the controversial community health concerns discussed in your local newspaper? • What do you believe people in your community are most concerned about related to health? • What is generating the most visits to the emergency room or hospital admission in your community? • What do you believe is reducing the quality of life in your community? Possible Topic Areas to Choose for Field Project Access to Healthcare • access to mental health services • access to dental health services • access to health services Alcohol and Drug Use • responsible alcohol consumption • prevention of drug abuse, including – IV drug use – prescription drug use Child Health • prevention of neonatal mortality • prevention of unintentional childhood injuries, including: – sudden unexpected infant death (SUID) – poisoning – drowning – motor vehicle related (child safety seat and seat belt use) – sports related – pedestrian related • prevention of child abuse • promotion of vaccination Disabled • promotion of health and well-being, including – access to disability related services and devices, – limit barriers to participating in home, work, school, or community activities Disaster Preparedness • prevention of adverse health consequences caused by natural and human caused disasters HIV/AIDS • prevention of HIV/AIDS, including – sexual transmission – prenatal transmission – IV drug use transmission Oral Health • prevention of dental caries Overweight and Obesity • prevention of overweight and obesity through healthy nutrition and physical activity Physical Environment • promotion of healthy physical environment, including – air quality – land quality – water quality Seniors • prevention of falls • prevention of social isolation • promotion of vaccination Social Environment • safe, affordable, quality housing (prevention of homelessness) Tobacco • prevention of tobacco use • prevention of smoking Unintentional Injuries • prevention of workplace injuries • prevention of motor vehicle related death/injuries – prevention of pedestrian injury and death (includes bicyclists) Violence • prevention of domestic violence/intimate partner violence • prevention of dating violence • prevention of gang violence • prevention of bullying/cyber-bullying • prevention of suicide/depression Women’s and Maternal Health • prevention of unintended pregnancies • lack of breastfeeding/promotion of breastfeeding • promotion of vaccination Resources to Start Your Topic Choice Process • Task Force on Community Preventive Services • Healthy People 2020

Identifying Single, Double, and Multiple Feedback Loops

Pop/R&B music and country music

• The Compare/Contrast Essay requires you to fully describe the similarities and differences between two things. You can call upon your personal experiences with these things but must remain objective and write the essay from the third person point of view. The essay will be two to three pages in length and employ APA format. Follow these guidelines to write the Compare and Contrast Essay: • Topic is Pop/R&B music and country music • Include an APA title page • This essay does not require outside sources o If outside sources are used, include APA in-text citations o If outside sources are used, include an APA Reference page • Include a running header • Be objective and avoid using “I,” “me,” “you,” “we,” or “us.”

Does the following, “solution to weather change problems” require some validation that there is a way to control weather patterns?

1. Does the following, “solution to weather change problems” require some validation that there is a way to control weather patterns? 2. Massive amounts of data can be difficult to manage. What techniques can be employed to ensure the most important data elements are the ones receiving the most attention? 3. What must one determine to decide that money can be saved by implementing GIS? What would be the approach taken to determine if cash flow will be positively or negatively affected by an investment in GIS? For question 1-3, use this as your reference: Transportation Decision Making: Principles of Project Evaluation and Programming. Author: Sinha, Kumares C. / Labi, Samuel 4. What are the most effective methods to alleviate congestions? How can we implement them here in the US? Why? 5. What if the state government put into law all families can only have one car if there is one income in the household, two if there’s two incomes. If this was to happen it would elevate some of the vehicles on the road. Do you think this is a feasible solution and if so, who do you think would be the first state to adopt this law? 6. Privatizations of highways and road pricing have both been proposed as measures that may reduce congestion through economic incentives and disincentives. Thoughts?? For question 4-6, use this as your reference: The Geography of Transport Systems, 3rd ed. Author Jean-Paul Rodrique

a lesson before dying

Essay #1 A Lesson Before Dying For your first paper, write an essay about the lesson of the novel, in other words, what is “the lesson.” You may want to focus your essay on a particular character and the lesson that they are faced with, or discuss an overall lesson that Gaines would like the reader to gain from the entire novel. In this paper I will be expecting you to develop a clear thesis with support from the text. Your essay should be well thought out and developed in a convincing, structured manner. I expect you to follow MLA format. Papers must be typed, double spaced, in Times Roman on a 12-font scale. I will be looking for good writing. That means your paper should be well organized, with clear transitions, and fully developed paragraphs. Capture the reader’s interest. Don’t forget to pay attention to the mechanics: spelling, grammar, and punctuation.


Choose one of the topics below.


For each topic, you are being asked to develop an original argument that draws on textual evidence as well as on your own cultural experiences—if relevant—for support.



  1. Discuss the author’s use of figurative language. Identify three examples of figurative language in the work.  Why did the author use these examples?  What impact does the figurative language have on characterization, description of setting, mood, foreshadowing, theme, or the poem overall?  In your essay, use a different example in each body paragraph.  Be sure to explain the significance of each use of figurative language.


  1. A character’s attempt to recapture the past is important in many plays, novels, and poems. Choose a poem we have studied in which a narrator or character views the past with such feelings as reverence, bitterness, sadness or longing. Show with clear evidence from the work how the character’s view of the past is used to develop a theme in the work


Pick ONE of the poems below.


  1. Robert Frost, “Acquainted with the Night”
  2. Robert Hayden, “Those Winter Sundays”
  3. Martín Espada, “Latin Night at the Pawnshop”
  4. Linda Pastan, “Marks”


Additional Instructions


Do not format the paper and if you do make it MLA. Do not create small paragraphs just for the sake of word count and space. Ill ask you to change it if I see any unnecessary paragraph with little to no information. Please quote the poem. I expect it to be 3 pages touching the bottom. I am not afraid to ask for changes. Please do you best work.


Thank You !

Compare two examples of intermodal container and freight technology.

Provide a 8 page paper choosing ONE of the three topic choices given below: (1) Compare two examples of intermodal container and freight technology. (2) Discuss how new container tracking devices will improve international intermodal transport of goods. (3) Discuss the Article “The Containerization of Commodities” at This paper should be in APA format using appropriate sources. Remember to keep this paper clear, concise, and succinct. The paper will be graded on content, grammar, and format. Use this as one of your references; Transportation Decision Making: Principles of Project Evaluation and Programming. Author: Sinha, Kumares C. / Labi, Samuel


This paper asks you to do some critical thinking about that value it brings by writing a 3 – 4 page paper, double spaced and in a 10 or 12 point font. The minimum is 3 pages. In this paper, you are to do some research- You need to mention specifics and you must include a citation page. Here are the areas you need to cover in this paper: 1) The importance of the contributions of ancient societies to public speaking. 2) How Freedom of Speech influenced the development of public speaking. 3) The role of technology in public speaking. 4) The responsibility a speaker has with ethics and public speaking 5) What it means to be audience-centered and how this affects the value of the public speaking 6) Finally, what value does the process of researching, designing, outlining, and finally rehearsing bring to public speaking? This paper is due on Wednesday, March 25, 2018 before 3 pm Eastern time.

which three are the most effective at promoting stability within a culture? Why?

Over the course of the semester we have seen a number of different styles of government and leadership(priest-kings, demi-god pharaohs, emperors, democracies, republics), beliefs and ideologies (Ma’at, Exodus, Mandate of Heaven, Confucianism, Taoism), and models of building a society (Sparta v. Athens, Rome). Out of all of the ideas we have explored, which three are the most effective at promoting stability within a culture? Why? For this essay you are asked to think about the different readings and materials from lecture and provide three concepts which you believed were the most effective at promoting a stable civilization and explain what about these concepts made them so effective of maintaining a culture to continue to operate in that fashion.