Discuss why a manager should, or should not, be considered a stakeholder. Justify your reasoning with a minimum of 2 scholarly references.

Discussion Board: Length: Threads are 500–700 words; replies are 200–300 words each. So if you exceed the word count, it is not considered exemplary by the university. Remember it is not about how much you can write about something but rather the university wishes to promote at the Masters level the ability to write with conciseness and clarity. Please see the C rubric content below which results in exceeding the word count. The video presentations bring connectivity between our readings and Christian thinking so take the time to jot down important items that you can include in your discussions that relate to Christian thinking. Using one of the audio or video (PointeCast) presentations by Dr. Fischer is a requirement in both responses to the discussion questions and replies to your classmates. For those who have any accommodation issues dealing with hearing the “audio” presentation does have presentation notes so you will never be left out of the richness of the material Dr. Fischer brings to this course. Let me know if you need any assistance with this by sending me an email. Please note from the rubric below that omitting the required number and type of references from a discussion response or reply to classmate, is an automatic “C” (see highlighted area below from the C rubric content). However, I want to caution each of you that only during the first two weeks of the class will I be open to a student “forgetting” to use one of Dr. Fischer’s presentations; thereafter, please carefully review the Failing portion of the grading rubric (see Discussion Board Grading Rubric) with respect to refusal to meet minimum requirements of graduate work. These presentations provide not only a depth to the learning topics but also a real world view of the topics but also connection to Christian thinking. Equally important, they are a requirement by the University in this course. Please ensure that the information you are taking from Dr. Fischer’s presentation exists in the presentation you are citing and referencing. Doing otherwise is an egregious violation of the Code of Honor and will be dealt with sharply. As a reminder, if you do not include the required sources then your work will fall under the “C” area of the grading rubric automatically. Please see below: Content from the C rubric component: Fair work in most areas. Need for improvement is exhibited in most areas regarding content, analysis, writing style, and/or participation. Deficiencies in any of the areas listed below will result in a C. Please note that numerous deficiencies receive progressively lower points on the C scale. Content: Question is answered minimally and in a less-than-clear manner. Basic instructions and requirements for the assignment are only minimally followed. Interaction/Replies: Research & Analysis: The replies only indirectly build upon some of the key ideas of the threads to which the student is responding and make limited contributions to the discussion. This new research and analysis is also different from the research and analysis done in the student’s own thread. Connectivity: The student demonstrates limited connectivity to the ideas of his/her classmates’ threads, so that the student’s replies fail to truly establish a meaningful dialogue of ideas. Less than 2 classmates are addressed via replies. Required Sources: Less than the required number or types of sources are used. When you do not use one of Dr. Fischer’s presentation you are not using the required sources and it is an automatic C. Length: Threads are less than 500 words or are too long; replies are less than 200 words each or are too long. Exceeding the word count, or not meeting the word count requirements both result in an automatic C. Contains numerous grammatical and APA errors. Grammar/Current APA So be sure to include all of the required sources, and more than the required sources if you wish to earn Superior (A), on your discussion postings, as well as maintain your responses and replies to within the word count minimum and maximum. Blessings, Dr. Henry

consider the relationship between French and English Canadians over the course of 19th and 20th centuries.

This assignment asks you to consider the relationship between French and English Canadians over the course of 19th and 20th centuries. Using the sources below, consider the following questions and construct a unique historical argument to address them. What accounts for tensions between these two groups and what events or practices have heightened and lessened these tensions over time? How have both groups responded to differences between them and specifically, what do Quebecois political movements and protests in the 1950s to 1970s tell us about this long history? Taken together, what do these events tell us about protest, Canadian unity, and the future of French-English relations? How is this significant? Your essay will use all of the sources listed below. Essays that do not follow the source and formatting requirements will automatically fail. Pierre Trudeau, 130-152, from Trudeau: Memoirs, Toronto: McClellan and Stewart, 1993; José E. Igartua, “The Sixties in Quebec,” Debating Dissent: Canada and the Sixties, Lara Campbell, Dominique Clement, and Gregory S. Kealey, eds. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012): 249-268; “Francophone- Anglophone Relations,” in The Canadian Encyclopedia, _http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/francophone- anglophone-relations/_

Identifying the causes of addictions and treatment approaches

The addictions and treatment research paper will be on identifying the causes of addiction and treatment approaches. (12- font- times new roman, double spaced.) 1st page will be the cause of addiction- You can choose Heroin. And the 2nd page is based about the treatment approaches. How to treat this addiction. For example- Rehabs, Inpatient, Outpatient, therapies, family relations, etc.. -The minimum of 2 related journal articles are necessary for the research. -This Research paper must be written in APA format and APA style citations are required. -This project must be a minimum of 2 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page.

Article Reviews


  • Proper citation and formatting
  • 1 page, no more and no less, formatted as in the example on the back of this


Choose an article about any topic related to your major and review it. This review should be equal parts summary and commentary on the article. Tell me what you think, what you agree or disagree with, or what connections you can make between the article and other parts of your life.


Grammar Total
15 8 2 25


Proper citation here at the top: Stewart, Cortney M. “Instructions for Article Reviews.” Blackboard. 29 Dec. 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2015.

This is where the text will go with no space between it and the citation; just hit enter at the end of the citation and start typing. It should be double spaced with extra space removed after paragraphs. Size 12 Times New Roman font with 1” margins all the way around. Your name and such go in the header as seen above. It might just be easiest to save this document to your computer and insert your information into the already formatted page. Make sure you pick the correct section number and don’t just leave it saying both. 022 is the 11:30 class. 029 is at 12:40.

how my image relates to my study

First: Choose a visual image(s)/ad(s) that is related to the major you are studying (it cannot be from our textbook). It can be one you have created. Analyze the image/ad using five of the Modes of Observaation. Second: Explain how you will be using visual communication in your future career Finally: Discuss the pros/cons of visual communication. Use first person point of view. A minimum of 4 pages plus works cited using MLA format is required. Include 3 outside sources (scholarly articles) that deal with visual communication in your field. Cite those somewhere in your paper and in the end of the essay in a works cited.


Graded Assignment Practice: Stiff Competition Oligopolies exist in many familiar places. Here is a list of some oligopolistic industries: • Automobile industry • Diamond industry • Airline industry • Aircraft manufacturing industry • Steel industry • Cereal industry • Oil industry • Photographic equipment industry • Telecommunications industry • Media industry 1. Choose an oligopolistic industry from the list provided. List at least three companies in this industry. (5 points) 2. What types of products do these companies sell? (5 points) 3. How many major companies are in the industry, and what percentage of the market do these companies control? (5 points) 4. Why do you think this industry is characterized by an oligopolistic market structure instead of another market structure, such as monopolistic competition? (5 points) 5. What types of incentives are effective in attracting customers to buy the industry’s product(s)? (5 points) 6. What are the barriers to entry into this industry? (5 points) 1. Describe the role that workers play in the game of economics. (2 points) 2. Explain why the worker’s role is unique. (3 points) 3. Explain why it is important for producers to conduct market research. (2 points) 4. Give at least one example of a type of market research that producers conduct. Explain the kind of information this research provides. (3 points) 5. Describe what utility measures, and explain why it is different from one consumer to another. (3 points) 6. Explain why utility is a useful tool for understanding consumer behavior. (2 points) 7. List two characteristics of an oligopolistic industry. (2 points) 8. Why are so many familiar industries oligopolies? (3 points) 9. Explain why circulation and ratings systems determine how much money different advertisements cost to run. (5 points) 1. Name something you have purchased in the past year. Describe in as much detail as possible how much this good or service increased your utility. (5 points) 2. Does the principle of decreasing marginal utility apply to this good or service? Have you reached the point of noticing the decreasing marginal utility? Explain. (5 points) 3. Describe a situation in which your budget was constrained. How would your purchasing decisions have been affected if you had had a higher budget? (5 points) 4. List two inferior goods that you use regularly, and describe why they are inferior. What normal goods could substitute for these inferior goods? What would it take for you to switch to using these normal goods? (5 points) 5. Describe something that you think is a public good. Explain how it is non-excludable and non-rival. State whether you think the good should be provided by the government or by private industry, and explain the reasoning behind your position. (10 points) 1. Calculate the hourly wage associated with the two annual income levels listed below. Assume that an individual works 40 hours per week for 50 weeks each year. (5 points) Annual income Hourly wage 2005 U.S. federal poverty line for a family of four $19,350 2005 U.S. median household income $46,326 2. For each of the professions in the left column, calculate the annual pay based on full-time, year-round employment consisting of 2,000 hours a year (40 hours per week for 50 weeks each year). Record your calculations under “Annual income” in the table. Then, find the difference between each annual wage figure between both the poverty threshold and the median household income. If the difference is a negative number, record it as such. (15 points) Hourly wage Annual income Difference between annual wage and federal poverty line Difference between annual wage and median household income Federal minimum wage $5.15 Oregon’s minimum wage $7.50 Average for all occupations $18.21 Marketing managers $49.03 Family practice doctors $67.50 Veterinary assistants $9.90 Police officers $22.73 Child care workers $8.73 Restaurant cooks $9.54 Air traffic controllers $50.88 Data source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 3. Choose a profession for which the annual income is higher than the U.S. median household income. Why might this job pay more than the median? How could productivity, the law of supply and demand, and international competition and technology affect wages for this job? (5 points) 4. Choose a profession for which the annual income is lower than the U.S. federal poverty line. Why might this job pay less than the poverty line? How could productivity, the law of supply and demand, and international competition and technology affect wages for this job? (5 points) 1. Describe the effect each action below will have on the money supply. Explain your reasoning. A. The Fed raises the discount rate from 5% to 10%. (5 points) B. The required reserve ratio is lowered from 20% to 10%. (5 points) C. The Fed sells $5 billion worth of T-bonds on the open market. (5 points) D. The Fed buys $5 billion worth of T-bonds on the open market. (5 points) E. Banks decide to keep more of their assets as reserves in order to avoid risking a shortage of the required reserve. (5 points) 2. How does expansionary monetary policy promote economic growth in the economy? (5 points)

What is GIS and how is it related to Transportation Economics?

1. What is GIS and how is it related to Transportation Economics? What can GIS do to help transportation economists to save money? What impact might GIS have on future projects in transportation? Use this as your reference: Sinha, K. & Labi, S. (2007). Transportation decision making: Principles of project evaluation and programming. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.: Hoboken, NJ. 2. While the causes of congestion might be understood the solutions may not be. Do you agree or disagree? State your views in terms of transportation geography. (Note: Carefully explore what the term ‘congestion’ means before you answer.) Use this as your reference: Transportation Decision Making: Principles of Project Evaluation and Programming. Author: Sinha, Kumares C. / Labi, Samuel


Scenario: You are a biochemistry specialist who has been asked to provide information on the role of DNA and RNA in the transmission of information within the cell. The audience for your report is a group of medical paraprofessionals at a community health center. Requirements: Assemble your work in a document (e.g., Microsoft Word, Google Document) (suggested length of 2–4 pages, including diagrams, text explanations, and references) for medical paraprofessionals in the scenario. Note: Please save submission documents as *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf, or *.pdf files. If you are using Google Documents, you must save the file in *.pdf format and upload the *.pdf file. A. Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels, that demonstrates the process of DNA replication at the biochemical level. 1. Describe the function of the enzymes (enzyme names end in “-ase”) as part of the labels for the diagram(s) you created in part A. 2. Label the following components in your diagram(s): • DNA • replication fork • helicase • single-stranded binding proteins • leading strand • lagging strand • 5’ and 3’ ends of all DNA • primase • RNA primer • DNA polymerase III • Okazaki fragments B. Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels that show the role of the ligase enzyme in the replication of DNA. 1. Describe the function of the enzymes as part of the labels for the diagrams(s) you created in part B. 2. Label the following components in your diagram(s): • DNA • Okazaki fragments • DNA polymerase I • DNA ligase C. Create an original diagram, or series of diagrams, with clear labels, that demonstrates the role of mRNA in transcription and translation. 1. Describe the function of the enzymes as part of the labels for the diagram(s) you created in part C. 2. Label the cellular locations of each process. 3. Label the following transcription components in your diagram(s): • DNA • mRNA • RNA polymerase • nucleus 4. Label the following translation components in your diagram(s): • mRNA • ribosome • tRNA • amino acids • growing protein/polypeptide • cytoplasm D. Explain the role of RNA polymerase inhibition in causing the poisonous effect of the death cap mushroom, based on your knowledge of the role of mRNA. Note: For definitions of terms commonly used in the rubric, see the Rubric Terms web link included in the Evaluation Procedures section. Note: When using sources to support ideas and elements in an assessment, the submission MUST include APA formatted in-text citations with a corresponding reference list for any direct quotes or paraphrasing. It is not necessary to list sources that were consulted if they have not been quoted or paraphrased in the text of the assessment. Note: No more than a combined total of 30% of a submission can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. For tips on using APA style, please refer to the APA Handout web link included in the General Instructions section. Web Links: 1. Rubric Termslink opens in new window

Freedom of Speech

Choose a particular context in which speech acts are made or disseminated. This context might be a physical location (e.g. a country or city), an institution (e.g. the House of Lords, a college campus, a street corner in Abidjan known for sidewalk orations, the Daily Show) or a medium (e.g. Facebook, Der Stuermer newspaper, SMS, the web). The context may be either present-day or historical. Then select at least two examples of speech that have been disseminated in that context, or that might be disseminated in it. Choose one speech act that is worthy of protection, in your view (e.g. a joke) and another that should not be protected (e.g. a threat). In a 10-12 page paper, do the following: a. Describe the context you have chosen, with special regard to the sorts of speech that are/ were disseminated in this context. Explain who decides what speech is permitted, and describe formal or informal restrictions on speech in this context. b. Explain why the speech acts you chose are worthy of protection, or not worthy, in your view. Is it always possible to distinguish between them? How? c. Recommend measures to protect the first type of speech and at the same time – if you believe this is necessary – measures to ban, inhibit, limit, or deter the second type of speech. For this assignment, you will be graded on the quality of your writing (it should be clear, concise, and free of errors), the quality of your research (be as detailed and specific as you can. Use references, including at least three readings from the course), and the quality of your ideas (are your recommendations feasible, innovative, effective?).

Statistical methods and concepts

The idea of statistics may be daunting for you. It is important to recognize that statistics are simply another method of communication. As counselors-in-training, you know that communication is one of your critical skill sets. As you learned the basic elements of effective communication and had your first practice session as a counselor, you likely struggled to find the right words. However, as you practiced, you probably became more comfortable in your role and found it easier to connect with your client. As you complete your field experiences and first years of professional practice, those communication skills will continue to improve. The same is true for statistics. As you are exposed to material, it may seem somewhat foreign, and you may struggle to understand how to appropriately interpret statistics for your practice. However, if you immerse yourself in the professional literature and continue to increase your awareness of research, your understanding of basic statistics will improve.

In this Application Assignment you critically analyze and evaluate the research and statistics contained in research articles.

The assignment: (2–3 pages)

  • Conduct a library search and select a research article from a professional counseling journal that employs statistical methods and concepts. Briefly describe the study and three statistical concepts that you think are important in the article. Provide a rationale for selecting the identified statistical concepts.
  • Analyze the statistical method used in the article and explain its appropriateness for counseling research and program evaluation.
  • Explain any ethical, legal, and socio-cultural considerations that may be relevant for the statistical analysis or interpretation of the statistics.