comprehensive Business Continuity Plan

Download the BC Plan Template from the Business Continuity Planning Suite ( Using the material and your knowledge gained over the term, use the Planning Sutie to develop a comprehensive Business Continuity Plan for a fictional business of your choosing. will be required to hand in the following information: An introduction of your fictional business including industry information, industry/business assumptions, and any other relevant business information Completed business continuity template Presentation of completed plan to senior management of organization including purpose, scope, and objectives of program methods, activities, and models used in program development strategies chosen plan maintenance objectives recommendations for acceptance of plan and ongoing maintenance program

Baroque Art/Literature midterm, synthesizing two works

For this project, you will focus primarily on one or two of the works we have already studied together in class this term. In order to write this paper, you should choose the work or works that have interested you most—a piece of visual art or text that we examined in seminar and that excited you, or a pairing that reveals new and exciting cross-currents between works. Whatever you choose, you should write about work(s) that you feel deserves more attention, or that can be explored farther and in new directions. Once you have selected your primary object(s), prepare to write by thinking about the formal properties of the work (or works) that elicit feelings of excitement in the reader or beholder. How do these properties work? Then, begin the brainstorming or pre-writing process by asking: Beyond what we discussed in class, what questions does this object raise that remain unanswered for me? These questions should open-ended—allowing you to draw meaningful connections with other topics we have covered in class—but also specific, so they remain manageable within the frame of a short paper. Then, begin to write about your work or works. – For this paper, you do not need to formulate your reflections into an argument with a thesis. – Even without a thesis, your paper will still need a cohesive structure. (It should not be free-form reactions.) – Since we have encountered these works together, there is no need to summarize them for you reader. – You will need to quote from the readings, and use appropriate citation methods. – You will also need to format your work according to the formatting guidelines in our Syllabus Policy Sheet. – For this paper, it is not necessary to incorporate outside source materials. – Your writing should work analytically, that is, by examining specific and important details in depth. – Your writing should also work synthetically, by drawing connections between unlike materials. To this end, while your paper will be predominantly about one or two objects, you should find ways to relate the questions raised by your primary material to ideas that appear in other works from our syllabus. If you are writing your paper mainly on The Masque of Queens, how do ideas raised by Wölfflin, Leibniz, or Bernini (or any of the other figures we’ve examined) help to shed light for you on this text? Or if you are comparing Bronzino and Velazquez’s portraits, how might ideas from Nietzsche, Descartes, or Donne help? How can these readings and artworks respond to, critique, supplement each other?

Community Policing

Community policing is the collaboration between the community and the police. Information regarding their policies and procedures can be retrieved from your local town, county, state, or even a federal law enforcement agency. Utilizing these agencies, research your current community policing policies and procedures. Where possible, obtain a copy of the community policing policies and attach them as an appendix to your 11 page paper (exclusive of the APA title and reference pages) utilizing at least 5, scholarly outside sources. At a minimum, your paper will discuss: – The goals of the community policing plan – The methods of implementation – Job descriptions for law enforcement engaged in community policing – Efficacy studies (where available) – Technological aspects of the program – Diversity considerations – Community outreach plans and goals Present a value-judgment analysis of whether or not the community policing plan is effectively meeting its goals. Present improvements to the plan and provide analyses which point out the best practices approaches found in the plan. Provide forward looking strategies in both the areas of practical application of policies and future careers which will enhance the plan you have chosen over the next two decades. You can supplement your findings and your presentation by interviewing law enforcement personnel involved with the plan.

1.Write a memo to discussan issue or problem at work from the perspective of the employee. 2 Write a secon memo second memo in reply to the first memo from the perspective of the manager rejecting the employees suggestions.

1. Write a memo in which you discuss an issue or problem at work from the perspective of an employee. This issue or problem may be real or hypothetical. Include your recommendations or suggestions for handling the issue or problem 2.2. Write a second memo in reply to the first memo from the perspective of the manager. Reject the employee’s suggestion or proposed solution in a professional manner. Give several important reasons for your rejection, including at least one key item the employee overlooked. Ensure that your tone is neither confrontational nor demeaning Each of the two memos should be about two to three pages (about 600 to 900 words). Short memos will be given a proportionate deduction in score. Note that the formatting and layout of the memo are not graded. The content and technical writing ability is the focus for all assignments for Comm 101.

Warburg In Rome

Guidelines for writing the assigned Book Review Paper


  1. 3-5 Pages of the actual content.  You should also include a cover sheet that contains your name, my name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your paper. A final sheet should include the version of the book you are using, including copyright and year of publication.  Include page numbers and staple it before submitting it to me.
  2. Double Spaced without additional spaces.
  3. 12 Point Ft.
  4. Identify the author’s thesis and your response to that thesis.
  5. Your paper should be a combination of the book’s content and your own reaction to the book.
  6. Use quotations sparingly and ones that support your thesis. Use the Parenthetical Method of Sourcing.
  7. Ask appropriate and critical questions of the book.
  8. End with a conclusion where you provide an analysis of both the book and your final thoughts on the book.


Elderly abuse in nursing homes

The individual term paper is designed to encourage students to research, reflect and explore their personal views regarding a selected topic related to health, healthcare, health care access and:


Student Learning Objectives


  • How religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, age, and/or identity are shaped by cultural and societal influences within contexts of equality and inequality;


  • How historical, social, political, and economic processes producing diversity, equality and structured inequalities in the U.S.;



  • How social actions by religious, gender, ethnic, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age groups leading to greater equality and social justice in the U.S.


One-Page Concept Paper: Due Tuesday, February 17


A one-page term concept paper must be submitted and approved by Professor Shaw. This paper is designed to ensure your chosen topic meets the assignment criteria and to demonstrate that you have begun thoughtful preparations for the research paper. You must describe your selected topic as it relates to the course Student Learning Objectives (see above). You must include APA references to illustrate that you have begin preliminary research. All papers must be typed, double-spaced and submitted as a hard copy in class during the date that it is due. No exceptions will be made.


Format of Research Paper


*Due Tuesday, March 17


Pages:  7-8 (not including cover page, references pages)

*See also Grading Criteria below


  1. Factual information regarding the health issue (2-3 pages).


  1. Cited research on cultural factors and societal influences/actions (religion, gender, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, disability, age) related to the issue-see the Student Learning Objectives above (3 pages).


  1. Discussion – How the issue relates to you and your chosen profession (2 pages).


  1. References — use of at least 3 academic, peer reviewed sources. In addition, but not instead of, you may also use reputable websites, and/or scholarly books (your reference page is not included in your paper page limit).



Grading Criteria (100 points total):


  1. Attach your graded/reviewed concept paper with instructor notes to your research papers. Failure to do so will result in a loss of credit for your concept paper.                                        10 points
  2. Introduction using current research or data (from literature) on the topic


  1. Factual information regarding the health issue (2-3 pages)              15 points


  1. Examples include prevalence of health disease/condition, socio-demographic and cultural characteristics of persons afflicted, morbidity/mortality of disease, other descriptions of the health disease/condition.


  1. Cited research on cultural factors related to the issue     15 points


  1. Examples include description of culture(s) such as persons, geographic regions, traditions, faith, belief systems, norms, etc.
  2. how do specific cultural factors/aspects affect the persons’ belief systems and practices re: the health disease/condition?


  1. Cited research on cultural factors and societal influences/actions 30 points religion, gender, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, disability, and age, related to the issue-see the Student Learning Objectives above and in the course syllabus.


  1. Discussion and Summary/Conclusion – (2 pages)      20 points


  1. How the selected topic relates to you
  2. Examples include school, work, chosen profession, identity, family, your unique worldview.


  1. Grammar (2), spelling (2) and other format considerations (e.g. APA format; no more than 8 pages in length, use 12 point font size, subtitles and have 1 inch margins). (6)                                                                                              10 points




– Your topic selection needs to be approved by Professor Shaw.

– The research paper should be no more than 8 pages in length, no fewer than 7, use 12 point font size, double-spaced, and have 1 inch margins.

-The research paper must be submitted electronically to canvas no later than 12:00pm on Tuesday, March 17th.

– *All papers must also be submitted in hard copy in order to receive credit.*

– All written work must be typed, proofread, and properly referenced. All work is to be submitted directly to Professor Shaw. No emails or faxes of assignments will be accepted. Your writing must be original, paraphrased and properly cited using APA.

-No credit will be given to papers that do not have your name on it!

– Any plagiarism will result in an automatic grade reduction or failure of the assignment.



American History X


It is a midterm paper for a film as a cross culture class. I chose the film American history x and I am supposed to talk about how the film touches on issues going on in society today and at the tie the movie was made. I was told to look into the many layers of the film, and dig into all the subtext as well. I attached a word document of what I started to type up but I got stuck.

Racism is a touchy subject. When racism is brought up in a conversation it ignites heavy opinions. We are all racist against some nationality at some point in our life. We would be lying to ourselves if we said that we never had racist thoughts against certain race groups. Some are passionate about their dislike towards certain races and some are not. As life moves along we go through certain experiences that may change our opinions on racism. Interaction with different races changes your opinions towards them. Where does this racism originate from? It can vary from how we were raised, where we are from, or from what we go through in life. In the 1998 film American History X we take a look into the life of a Neo Nazi racist who has no shame in expressing his hate against minorities, as the film moves a long that slowly but surely changes.

When watching American History X the main question that goes through my mind is where does all this hate towards minorities come from? The main character Derek Vinyard played by Edward Norton has so much hate within him that comes off as an obsession. This obsession has to have been ignited by something. The whole film you are led to believe that Derek hates blacks because his father was murdered by them. He has strong political opinions that he states that proves Derek is not just ignorantly obsessed with be racist. He states in many scenes that minorities should not have any more opportunities. He basically believes they have wasted their chances, and that the United States should not give them any sympathy. In the end of the film there is a flashback scene that in my opinion is somewhat a twist. The scene reveals that dereks father was somewhat of a racist towards blacks. This scene is crucial to the film because it finally reveals where Dereks hate towards blacks comes from. He was raised into racism. The way you are raised has a lot to do with how you view the world and who you trust and don’t trust. Whoever raises you teaches you right from wrong first hand. Schooling also lays a foundation of right and wrong, but your parents or whatever guardian you have in your life are the ones who lead the way for you. In this case Derek looked up to his father so this explains why he became so obsessed and angry after his father was murdered.

Derek losing his father left him with no father figure in his life.

Aviation Human Factors

For this assignment, you will develop a formal 2-3 page paper/essay on aviation human factors. Your paper should follow the APA format and be grammatically sound and free of spelling errors. The paper should be written in the third person and double-spaced including a cover page with your name, date of submission, and the topic and appendix. Review the Aviation Human Factors Case Analysis GuidelinesPreview the documentView in a new window for additional information about this assignment. Develop a case analysis on this topic: Select a commercial aviation accident that was concluded to have resulted from pilot error. Determine the primary and any secondary human factors contributions to the accident. Consider pilot training, organizational culture, organizational rules/policies, ergonomics, aircraft design limitations, etc., when identifying an issue for your case analysis. As always, draw upon previous module knowledge to help you conduct your analysis.

Bachelor Degrees are a minimum, like high school diplomas were 30 years ago.

Today Bachelor Degrees are a minimum, like high school diplomas were 30 years ago. The reason I selected this topic is because it is something I relate to & can see proof at my job. I work for a private company, that has recently moved manufacturing overseas, eliminating hundreds of local jobs in our town. However, as a severance, employees were able to go to school for training in a field of their choice. Many people took this opportunity, even though they were older. Today a bachelor’s just gets you in the door, many businesses want graduate degrees for senior positions. No longer does experience alone matter. This is a major change in our society, and it shows an evolution of the business world. 30 years ago upper management could be anyone with management skills and experience, now you can’t find the opportunity to establish experience without a degree. Assignment 2: Critical Thinking Paper Due Week 10 and worth 200 points Your paper should present a reasoned, convincing argument for a position on a selected topic. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: 1. Follow the five (5) steps of persuasion: establishing credibility, acknowledging the audience’s position, constructing a rationale, transplanting root elements, and asking for a response. 2. Clearly define your position and supporting evidence. 3. Include all the necessary “evidence” for the reader to reach the expected conclusion in each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph) 4. Ensure that each argument in the paper (whether the overriding argument or one contained in an individual paragraph) is valid and free from both formal and informal fallacies. 5. Include at least four (4) references (sources). At least one (1) of your sources must be obtained from the collection of databases accessible from the Learning Resources Center Web page. The paper should follow guidelines for clear and effectively organized writing: • The paper is well-organized, and every explanation is both complete and easy to understand. • Include an introductory paragraph and concluding paragraph for the paper. • Main ideas should be addressed in body paragraphs with a topic sentence and supporting sentences. • Adhere to standard rules of English grammar, punctuation, and mechanics. • The paper should be checked for spelling and grammatical errors. Your assignment must: • Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length. The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are: • Create written work utilizing the concepts of critical thinking. • Use technology and information resources to research issues in critical thinking skills and informal logic. • Write clearly and concisely about issues in critical thinking using proper writing mechanics.

To “sell” planners on the advantages of investing in public transportation, factors to make the decision must be weighed. What are some factors that would be considered as one attempts to sell city planners on additional investment in public transportation?

1. To “sell” planners on the advantages of investing in public transportation, factors to make the decision must be weighed. What are some factors that would be considered as one attempts to sell city planners on additional investment in public transportation? 2. What methods do city planners employ to adjust transit capacity to changes in people’s location and changes to locations of commercial businesses? 3. In Calif. the legislators are now thinking of imposing a tax on drivers based on miles driven. Do you think this is a good way to motivate people to switch to public transportation? 4.What do you think are the similarities and what are the differences between USTRANSCOM and DLA? 5.Discuss how the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) engages the commercial transportation sector. 6.Recent operations highlight the need to transform DoD logistics to improve speed, reliability of delivery and reduce costs. Any thoughts?? 7.What are some of the pros and cons of the international organizations and/or agreements and why? 8.Discuss how international freight distribution can be hindered by corruption, bureaucracy and customs procedures if there is no mutual agreement between nations on how to perform their function. Can you get a reference per question?