The Golden Age of Television

  1. Introduction
    Was Television a reflection of the family life or was family life influencing what was on TV?
    Competition between new york and Hollywood.
    Thesis: Television didn’t just bring the world into the home but took the home out to the world.

  2. Post WWII era
    a) brief history of the invention of TV
    -Lee De Forest and the audion tube
    b)the FCC
    -“One Nation Under Television: The Rise And Decline of                                          Network Television” – J. Fred McDonald
  • New york v. Hollywood competition
    network competition
    b) development of syndication
  1. Pop Culture in America
    a) Reflection of the morals and values people had at the time
    family life and family roles portrayed in media
    – the father’s roles
    – “Man of the House” –  A PBS broadcast
    -women on TV
    – “Independent Women” – A PBS broadcast
    b) Middle class representation & economy
    c) Minorities
  2. Conclusion



America in Primetime. Distributed by PBS Distribution, 2011. Film.


Ganzel, Bill. “Television during the 1950s and 60s.” Television during the 1950s and 60s. Ganzel Group, 1 Jan. 2007. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.


“History of Communications – Historical Periods in Television Technology: 1930-1959.” History of Communications – Historical Periods in Television Technology: 1930-1959. Ed. FCC. Federal Communications Commission, 21 Nov. 2005. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.


“Land of Television.” Independence Hall Association. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.


McDonald, J. Fred. “Postwar Television.” Postwar Television. J. Fred MacDonald. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.

Raw, Laurence. “Form And Function In The 1950S Anthology Series.” Journal Of Popular Film & Television 37.2 (2009): 90-96. Academic Search Complete. Web. 16 Feb. 2015.


Shmoop Editorial Team. “Culture in The 1950s.” Shmoop University, Inc., 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.


Smiley, Chance. “Television in the 1950’s and Transformation of American Entertainment.” Television in the 1950’s and Transformation of American Entertainment. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.


Spigel, Lynn. Make Room for TV: Television and the Family Ideal in Postwar America. Chicago: U of Chicago, 1992. 256-262. Print.


Stratford, Michael. “The Impact of TV on the Economy in the 1950s.” Everyday Life. Demand Media. Web. 16 Feb. 2015. <>.

Oil and Coal Production

Write a journal entry proposing a preliminary hypothesis. The purpose of this assignment is to. Based on the feedback you received in the Module Four journal, write a journal entry proposing a testable hypothesis for your final research study. Hypothesize a relationship between an independent variable and a dependent variable. State the control variables you intend to introduce in your model and describe why you believe these controls belong in the model. Insure that you have developed good conceptual definitions for each of the variables you plan to use and describe how you will achieve validity and reliability. Finally, assess the level of measurement you believe you will be able to achieve for each of the variables. Research question: With oil and coal production how can environmental polices be met but keeping energy sources around?

Motivational Theories

Paper #1:  Motivation theory

In this paper you will explore the different aspects and variations in Motivation theory.  For this paper you need include the following to:

  • Briefly describe each motivation theory.
  • Select two motivation theories and then compare and contrast those theories.
  • Describe a situation where an improvement in motivation was needed and select a motivation theory which you believe would work best for that situation and why.  The situation can be from your present or previous work or even a personal setting if appropriate.

The paper will be scored on the following

  • Clear and concise description on each motivation theory (There are 5)
    • 30pts
  • Compare and contrast.  Accurately compare and contrast the features of two theories.
    • 20pts
  • Good description of situation and how the theory you selected would provide an improvement in motivation.
    • 20pt

Paper length: 3-4 pages in length (excluding title and reference pages).


Globalisation and London – The Results of Migration

The paper is separated in two parts; Maximum of 700 words for each parts (Questions 1+2=700 words and Questions 3+4=700 words). I don’t mind if both parts are in the same document of course 🙂 Here are the instructions (the referenced literatures are located in 3 PDFs which are included in the request instruction): Globalisation and London Unit 3: The Results of Migration Developing a critical assessment of the claims made about the consequences of migration into London is the purpose of this Unit. As in many countries, immigration policy is controversial, not least because of its alleged economic, social, and political consequences. While debates about such policies can be emotive, this matter can also be analysed dispassionately from different perspectives and with different outcomes in mind. That is what we propose to do in this Unit. (For background on migrant population into London, take a look at the charts and tables in the following two readings: Anna Karosova and Carlos Vargas-Silva, “London: Census Profile,” Migration Observatory, Oxford University, 20 May 2013. Kerwin Datu, “Settlement patterns of migrants from rich and poor countries into the London Metropolitan region since 2001”, chapter 1 in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014.) The core of this assignment is to begin thinking through the competing claims made by analysts about the effects of migration on London and the methods and evidence necessary to test those claims. As the Unit covers two weeks, so do the readings. For the first week please read the following: Jonathan Portes, “Immigration and the UK economy” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (8 pages). Ian Gordon, “Migration and the case for a higher National Minimum Wage in London,” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (9 pages). Jonathan V. Beaverstock, “Sustaining the City of London: the role of highly-skilled immigration in banking, financial and professional services,” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (17 pages). Please prepare answers of a maximum of 700 words in total to the following two questions: 1. Making reference to facts about migration into London where relevant, succinctly summarise the claims made about the effects of migration on the labour market in London in the short term and longer term. 2. For a claim made about the effects of migration on London living standards, propose a way to employ quantitative or qualitative evidence to evaluate that claim. Repeat this for two other claims. Notes: 1. Many claims relate to different types of effects, so care is needed in assessing the material. 2. A way or method of evaluating a claim made should identify evidence or circumstances that falsify the claim. For the second week, please read the following: David Goodhart,”London’s Churning,” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (10 pages) Shamit Saggar, “London as a migration city in the context of UK politics,” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (15 pages). Ian Gordon et. al. “Conclusions,” in Ben Kochan (ed.) Migration and London’s Growth, London School of Economics electronic book, 2014. (4 pages). Ben Gidley, Migrants in London: Policy Challenges, Migration Observatory, Oxford University. 2011. Also available on video at Please prepare answers of a maximum of 700 words in total to the following two questions: 3. Succinctly summarise the evidence advanced in support of the most prominent claims about the effects of immigration into London on social wellbeing and political life in London. 4. Identify the policy questions raised for borough and city-wide policymakers of immigration into London bearing in mind that immigration policy is set by UK central government.

In this first position paper, you will discuss your schooling experiences in relation to the Students’ Multiple Worlds framework set forth by Phelan et al. (1991).

In this first position paper, you will discuss your schooling experiences in relation to the Students’ Multiple Worlds framework set forth by Phelan et al. (1991). In their article, which you are assigned to read during week 4 (but you can read earlier), they describe how students cross family, peer, and school cultures. They posit four crossing patterns. In this paper, you will choose the pattern that most reflects your own experience and then discuss whether or not (and in what ways) the framework can be useful for teachers. Please use your own high school experiences. The paper should be approximately 4 double-spaced pages (12 pt. font). Some questions to consider? How much did my family, peer, and school worlds overlap? If you attended high school in another country, are the patterns the same as those explained in the article? If not, explain. Do you think that other “worlds,” such as religious or political worlds, need to be included in the framework?

In the 1790s, Federalists and Jeffersonians (Democratic Republicans) debated the nature of the new national government under the Constitution. On what specific issues was this argument conducted?

Short Answer Essays (Roughly 1.5 to 2 paragraphs for complete response.)

  1. In the 1790s, Federalists and Jeffersonians (Democratic Republicans) debated the nature of the new national government under the Constitution. On what specific issues was this argument conducted?
  2. What was the Whiskey Rebellion? What were its causes, course, and repercussions?
  3. Explain either James Madison’s or Alexander Hamilton’s role in establishing a sound foundation for the new government begun in 1789.
  4. Describe the role loyalists played in the American Revolution.
  5. Explore the implications of the American Revolution for black Americans (both slave and free). What did they hope the revolution might do for them? Why?
  6. Describe the war between the colonists themselves that commenced with the beginning of Revolutionary War hostilities in 1775, and got worse during the Southern Campaign.
  7. What was the purpose of the Stamp Act?
  8. Describe the regulator movements. Where did they occur? Why? What do they indicate about the nature of government and rules for the colonial backcountry/West?
  9. Examine the colonial response to the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts of 1774.
  10. Examine the founding of the Georgia colony. What were the goals of the founders? The successes of the colonists? The failures of both?
  11. Compare and contrast the development of the “old South” (both upper and lower) versus the middle-Atlantic region during the eighteenth century.
  12. Examine Bacon’s Rebellion. What were its causes, course, and results?
  13. In what ways were the North American colonies most alike in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
  14. In what ways were the North American colonies most different in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries?
  15. How could Englishmen, crossing the Atlantic at roughly the same time, end up creating such radically different societies in the Chesapeake, the West Indies, and New England?
  16. Examine the early Jamestown settlement. What were the problems and successes there?
  17. Why, despite the French alliance, did the United States nearly lose their Revolutionary War between 1779 and 1781?


Long Answer: (Roughly 2.5 + paragraphs for complete response.)

  1. Describe the political warfare between the Federalists and their opponents, the Jeffersonians, during the 1790s. What larger argument about democracy was going on beneath their conflict?
  2. Discuss the presidency of George Washington and include examples of both his domestic and foreign policies.
  3. Explore the impact of the American Revolution on both women and black Americans (both free and slave). What role did they play in the war? What effect did independence have on them?
  4. Explain the development of British imperial policy following the French and Indian War (or, “7 Years War”), from roughly 1763 to 1773.
  5. Describe the response of the colonists to the British imperial policy from 1763 to 1773.
  6. Describe the Enlightenment and its impact and reception in North America.
  7. Explore the English Acts of Trade and the Navigation Acts in the mid-seventeenth century. What were their goals, and how successful were they?
  8. Discuss the various differences and similarities across the English colonies in the early 1700s. Then describe the four unifying trends of colonial life that existed across all 13 colonies, despite any other differences between them.
  9. Examine the theory of mercantilism. How did this policy shape the British imperial system (of which the colonies were a part)? How effective was England’s mercantilist system at reaching its goals?

Lack of implementing Diversity and Inclusion in the Army has caused a negative impact on morale

Diversity and Inclusion will have an Influential Impact on the Morale and Cohesion of Army Soldiers


As an Army Reservist Soldier, I see an increasing need for the Army to incorporate best practices of diversity and inclusion that penetrates deeply throughout and within the ranks so that tomorrow’s Soldiers will not be disadvantaged as I was.  I seek to determine in this paper that enhanced commitment to diversity and inclusion throughout the ranks will have a positive impact on military personnel/Soldiers.

My independent variable is enhanced commitment to diversity and inclusion.  My intervening variable is within the ranks and my dependent variable is impact military personnel/Soldier morale.

My argument is simple, the Army preaches about diversity and inclusion but they really haven’t taken the necessary steps needed to incorporate the fundamentals of diversity and inclusion throughout and within the ranks.  This paper will define diversity and inclusion; analyze why diversity matters to Army Soldiers; how it will impact how leaders lead and thus result in an influential impact on Soldier morale, unit cohesion and overall productivity in relation to the overall mission.

Diversity and inclusion within the Army structure will foster better working relationships, unit cohesion, more engagement and Soldier satisfaction.  The lack of diversity and inclusion within and amongst the ranks in the Army creates ineffective leaders, an exclusive working culture and a lack of cohesion which results in low morale.  Ensuring leader commitment to diversity and inclusion practices at all levels and capitalizing on talent management processes that identify, recruit, develop and retain a pool of high-performing Soldiers and Civilians from diverse backgrounds and implementing diversity training and education programs will help create a military culture that is diverse and inclusive to all of its members and beneficial to the accomplishment of today’s mission and future missions to come.

Anthropolgy of Tourism

Identify, compare and contrast the main arguments in the following articles; Jamaica Kincaid (A Small Place), David Wilson (Times and tides in the anthropology of tourism), Hall and Tucker (Tourism and post colonialism), Cohen and Cohen (Current Theories……2012), and Thompson (Medical migrations aterword: Science as a vacation), discuss the major contribution each makes to the literature in the anthropology of tourism and discuss the applicability of these arguments to policy or strategy.

Discuss the Treatment of Women in The Thousand and One Nights


Equality, Justice, and Feminism

When reading the prologue of “The Thousand and One Nights” there is no doubt that women are demonized. As the story continues the reader falls into a paradox of stories to save the life of the viziers daughter, Shahrazad. Each story is very different and shows women in numerous circumstances. First they are shown to be completely powerless, and then on the contrary, some women are depicted to have absolute control. These stories have an overall meaning and theme that ties in to the symbolic change of the King, his thoughts and appreciation of women. This leads to the question; how are women treated? In “The Thousand and One Nights” women are treated as unfaithful and inferior to men but, Shahrazad represents the implementation of justice, and feminism of women in her stories.



Justice is Justice-women who was changed to cattle because of changing others to cattle



Feminism-When she asks to go to save the other women, Hero for saving women from death, The woman who collects rings controls situation,

All of the women that Shahrazad tells about creates a realistic view of women. Using this she relates these stories to herself and the women the king is murdering. There is definitely not one general image of women described. There are the many multiple images showing every kind of woman, this showing that not every woman is the same and they may or may not be like his wife that had been unfaithful to him. Each woman in their own way shows feminism. Breaking strict unsympathetic category that the king has placed them in. The stories that were told were intended to broaden his views, and to use herself as an example of a good woman.

Human Resource Management

The Reflective Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading assignments as well as the implications of new knowledge. The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class discussions into work and life experience. It may include explanation and examples from previous experience as well as implications for future application. The purpose of the Reflective Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field of human resource management. Focus of the Reflective Paper The primary function of human resource management is to increase the effectiveness and contribution of employees in the attainment of organizational goals and objectives. Consider all the areas of HRM that have been discussed in class: EEO and Affirmative Action, Human resources planning, recruitment, and selection, Human resources development, Compensation and benefits, Safety and Health, and Employee and labor relations. Submit a Reflective Paper in which you explain how these aspects work together to perform that primary function. Are any aspects more important than the others? Why or why not? How do you believe the HRM role can be optimized for shaping organizational and employee behavior? The Reflective Paper must: (a) identify the main issues in the chosen area, (b) demonstrate new learning that has occurred, (c) include class activities or incidents that facilitated learning and understanding, (d) identify specific current and/or future applications and relevance to your workplace, and (e) reflect the potential impact to your future career plans or even in your personal life at home. The emphasis of the Reflective Paper should be on parts ‘d’ and ‘e,’ and on the application of new learning. Explore, in depth, the benefits of the new learning and understanding that has taken place.