TJX Companies

Organizational Behavior topics to address throughout the essays: Diversity, Employee motivation, workplace environment, communication, decision making, organizational structure and management style, and culture
Summary and conclusions: How does the company manage organizational behavior to it benefit? What does the company do especially well or not so well? What does the company need to focus on for improvement? Why? How have the company’s organizational behavior programs affected employees? What additional conclusions can draw?Introduction
Organizational Behavior topics to address throughout the essays: Diversity, Employee motivation, workplace environment, communication, decision making, organizational structure and management style, and culture
Summary and conclusions: How does the company manage organizational behavior to it benefit? What does the company do especially well or not so well? What does the company need to focus on for improvement? Why? How have the company’s organizational behavior programs affected employees? What additional conclusions can draw?

Journal #4

We all like to think that we work for organizations that have high ethical standards, but when we begin reading about whistleblowing, we realize that there are often situations that occur that could or should have resulted in a whistleblowing situation. In your final journal entry, describe how ethical principles of your organization (or an organization you have worked for) impacted the care of patients positively or negatively.

We all like to think that we work for organizations that have high ethical standards, but when we begin reading about whistleblowing, we realize that there are often situations that occur that could or should have resulted in a whistleblowing situation. In your final journal entry, describe how ethical principles of your organization (or an organization you have worked for) impacted the care of patients positively or negatively.

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with its supporters, ACS is committed to helping people stay well and get well by finding cures and by fighting back. Critical Thinking Questions:

The American Cancer Society (ACS) is a nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem. Together with its supporters, ACS is committed to helping people stay well and get well by finding cures and by fighting back.
Critical Thinking Questions:
Imagine that a family friend or colleague has just been diagnosed with cancer. Explain how the American Cancer Society might provide education and support. What ACS services would you recommend and why?
According to statistics published by the American Cancer Society, there will be an estimated 1.5 million new cancer cases diagnosed each year over the next decade. What factors contribute to the yearly incidence and mortality rates of various cancers in Americans? What changes in policy and practice are most likely to affect these figures over time
Select a research program from among those funded by the American Cancer Society. Describe the program and discuss what impact the research will have on the prevention or treatment of cancer.

Abusive Situations: Elder Abuse: Physical and financial

Please discuss an the ethical issue discussing abusive Situations in Elder Abuse both Physical and Financial. Please cover the following 2 topics pertaining to this ethical issue
1. History and current state of the issue
2. Impact of technology on the issue.

Please discuss an the ethical issue discussing abusive Situations in Elder Abuse both Physical and Financial. Please cover the following 2 topics pertaining to this ethical issue
1. History and current state of the issue
2. Impact of technology on the issue.

Please discuss an the ethical issue discussing abusive Situations in Elder Abuse both Physical and Financial. Please cover the following 2 topics pertaining to this ethical issue
1. History and current state of the issue
2. Impact of technology on the issue.

Magnet & Pathway to Excellence certification

Topic: Magnet & Pathway to Excellence certification
Question: What is Magnet designation?

Use APA format to cite references. No title page necessary. Be cautious of casual conversation, colloquialisms, or other vernacular.

You must post at least one reference from a peer reviewed nursing or healthcare journal. Venues used by the general public (i.e., WebMD) are not acceptable resources. The article should be published within the last 10 years. Textbooks may be used as 2nd, 3rd, etc. resources/references, however, NOT as your primary or ONLY reference.

Post & Response Guidelines:
• Initial Posts should be 250-500 words (3 paragraph minimum)
o Recall that paragraphs typically contain 3 or more sentences

All initial posts should include:
• Introduction of topic and specific question
• Relevance to contemporary Professional Nursing practice
• Historical (or future) context
• Its relationship to Safety, Quality, Human Experience, Financial Implications, Use of resources (supplies or people), etc. if applicable
• What does the literature reflect on the issue? Best and worst case scenarios
• Potential outcomes of “opposite action” (not doing what the literature recommends)?
• Evidence of gaps in current practice and/or opportunities for improvement
• Summarize information

Accounting and Finance Final Project

This is a thesis final project. The interim (introduction) of the thesis has previously been completed and is attached below as “111.pdf”. You need to do the Final Project now (4000 words) which must be a continuation of the attached interim project. Attached file 0.jpg shows what is needed. 02,03 and 04.jpg is the marking rubric. Please follow accordingly to the “Detailed Criteria” and answer what is asked in it. File attached as “screenshot” shows you how to go about the Financial ratios and how to present them. You are also to use relevant graphs, charts and references as much as possible in presenting your project. Our industry is on the Airline Industry’s budget airlines in the UK, the information is in the interim project pdf. Just expand from there for the final project.

Theater of Pure Form, Grotesque and Cruelty

write at least 15-sentences. Use class lectures, articles in your anthology and Supplementary Notes in your responses. Cite at least two of the sources indicated in addition to the plays listed. Address all aspects of the question selected.
1. Discuss in what ways does The Cuttlefish represent the reaction against the traditional drama. What is the effect of changes in the dialogue and action of the play?. How changes in costumes and color anticipate the unpredictability of Witkiewicz’s reality in the play.1. Discuss in what ways does The Cuttlefish represent the reaction against the traditional drama. What is the effect of changes in the dialogue and action of the play?. How changes in costumes and color anticipate the unpredictability of Witkiewicz’s reality in the play.

I need a literature review (12 pages) and a good introduction (3 pages)

I want a literature review about why students succeed in accounting as a college major. I need it broken down into areas such for example background, etc.. but I need a little section on how Asians are outperforming US whites because that is what I am researching in a qualitative interview of first year accounting students who have successfully passed a first year sequence course, My research question is related to that. However a intro about why students succeed in accounting and then

I want a literature review about why students succeed in accounting as a college major. I need it broken down into areas such for example background, etc.. but I need a little section on how Asians are outperforming US whites because that is what I am researching in a qualitative interview of first year accounting students who have successfully passed a first year sequence course, My research question is related to that. However a intro about why students succeed in accounting and then

Molecular Cloning Exercise

Report 1: Molecular Cloning Exercise – Instructions

Learning Objectives
Once you complete this report you should be able to:

Read and analyse a plasmid map
Calculate the sizes of DNA fragments that result from restriction endonuclease digestion and PCR
Predict the positions, after agarose gel electrophoresis, of DNA fragments that result from restriction endonuclease digestion and PCR
Predict the amino acid sequence of an encoded protein.
Imagine that you have recently joined a research laboratory and have been asked to clone the coding sequence of a novel protein (RKSG) into a plasmid vector to allow expression as a GST-fusion protein, very similar to the GST-GFP construct used in the LEAPS practicals and the same principle as the His-tagged Ta1a construct used in ALURE.

Your supervisor provides you with a protocol for the PCR amplification of the coding region of the new protein, including the sequence of the primers RKSG-Fwd and RKSG-Rev. Your supervisor asks you to amplify the coding region following this protocol.

You then have to clone the amplified fragment into the GST-containing expression vector pGEX6P2 (related to the pGEX2T vector used in LEAPS) and determine if the cloning has been successful.

To accelerate the cloning process the decision has been made to cut the vector with Sma I, giving blunt ends, and then ligate the blunt-ended PCR product into the vector.

Information Provided
A restriction map of the plasmid vector pGEX6P2
Details of the multiple cloning site of the pGEX6P2 plasmid
DNA sequence of the region containing the coding sequence of RKSG
The sequences of the primer pair RKSG-Fwd and RKSG-Rev
The sequences of the generic screening primers – SCREEN-F and SCREEN-R. Note that these primers bind to positions in pGEX6P2 some distance from the multiple-cloning site and so you won’t find their binding sites in the MCS diagram.
The recognition site and cutting patterns of key restriction endonucleases
The genetic code
A template gel image
What you need to do.
You need to create a document that includes the information required for both Task 1 and Task 2.

Assignment submission
Please submit your assignment online (through Turnitin). We expect that a lot of this assignment will include hand drawings – hand drawings are still the easiest way to show working for the skills we are testing here. To submit your hand drawing through Turnitin, just take a photograph of your work and import it to a Word document as a PDF or JPEG. Sometimes Turnitin refuses to accept assignments with a lot of PDF or JPEG material, so just type a few lines of text above the first PDF/JPEG in your assignment. Your name, student ID, and the name of the assignment will do. Once you do this, Turnitin will recognise the text and accept the assignment.

The Assignment Tasks (2 tasks total, 30 marks total)

[Revision] Financial Statement Analysis Assignment

1- This is an equity analysis report.
2- This report must not exceed the 3000 words.
3- you have to produce me a tearsheet for this assignment at first so that I can get feedback from my professor
4- Read the assignment brief carefully.
5- The company that I chose is Apple Inc for this assignment, for its financial statements it shows no name on all the statements except for the Income statement so I will upload it, for the other statements you can access my Gmail, email address: Password: Mubarak@1996 access the second thing in the inbox which is Apple Inc Final.
– I will upload every powerpoint slides that will be related to this assignment.
– for the ratios, it is stated in the lecture 4&5 file, and the other files they might help you with the work.
– I have to clarify with my professor for how many years we should do the analysis part, so I should get back to you tomorrow with the answer.