Monasticism – Many scholars have argued that monasticism is the living out of a utopian ideal. How is a “utopian” behavior, and to what degree is it also a form on countercultural living?

Papers will adhere to the following guidelines: • 12 point Times or Times New Roman font • Double-spaced body (i.e.: no extra space between paragraphs) • Begin the text of the entire paper at the left margin, indent paragraphs • 1 inch margin all the way around the page–No more, no less • No bullets, bold, or italics • Minimum word count for papers is 500 words • work must be original not submitted before. (paper will be submitted to SafeAssign tool to check for plagiarism) • must follow current MLA format • Well-developed introduction with a strong hook and a concise thesis statement • Essay is tightly controlled by the thesis without being formulaic • All parts of assignment are present; ideas from thesis are fully developed w/ major & • minor details that are very supportive and/or give strong sensory images; outside sources • (if used) support thesis • 20 Essay has an effective organizational pattern & smooth transitions Paper Needed: Many scholars have argued that monasticism is the living out of a utopian ideal. How is a “utopian” behavior, and to what degree is it also a form on counter-cultural living?

Importance of COOP Planning

Continuity planning is essential for every type of organization but most senior executives treat continuity programs as either a necessary evil (legislated or regulated requirement) or dismiss the program all together leaving their organization vulnerable. Write a 750-1000 word essay on the importance of continuity planning in business and how to gain senior management support. NOTE: All submissions must be independently written and in proper APA formatting. Consistent grammatical errors, unexcused late submissions, and plagiarism will not be tolerated. The instructor reserves the right to ask for resubmission through Turnitin for any reason and without reservation. Sources: Seow, K., (2009). Gaining senior executive commitment to business continuity: Motivators and reinforcers. Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning. 3(3), pp. 201-208. (e-journal available at Barry University Library) Sawalha, I.H.S., (2013). Organisational performance and business continuity management: A theoretical perspective and case study. Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning. 6(4), pp. 360-373. Bird, L., (2013). The need to balance content between business continuity and emergency planning. Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning. 6(3), pp. 196-197. Smith, J., (2013). Strategic continuity planning: The first critical step. Journal of Business Continuity and Emergency Planning. 7(1), pp. 6-12.

Geography Questionnaire

Program: Master in Physical Geography
Geography Questionnaire
1- What specialty in geography do you wish to pursue, and why?
In point of fact, I really enjoy knowing Physical Geography particularly in hydrology, geomorphology, and remote sensing. I will also have better understanding and application of Physical Geography concepts such as knowing how Saudi Arabia`s environment was during wet periods (quaternary study). The degree will bequest me a chance to find out with professor Ronald, who is the expert in geomorphology desert, how can we use rock varnish to investigate and study ancient wet periods in Saudi Arabia by using the technique FIB with electron microscopes which ASU has. The course will help me to gain knowledge and skills to understand and address issues of Desert and its causes. Moreover, the study of the usage of remote sensing would be of great help in my teaching programs since the study would help me explore deserts in better ways.
2- Describe the aspects of your education that will enable you to pursue this specialty.

The education in geography would create a chance for me to find better ways of benefiting humankind race without harming the environment. A master degree in Physical Geography would similarly service me in understanding ancient environments and the future of his planet. Furthermore, I find it so intriguing to further my education since I am a beneficiary of the scholarship that will cover my both my master’s and Ph.D. degree tuition fee. Since I already have financial support, I will work hard towards achievement of the university mission and goals. I look forward to interacting with the students’ fraternity and talented professors at Arizona State University. I would like to continue my education at Arizona State University- department of geography in geography major particularly in geomorphology, hydrology, and remote sensing in desert areas because I found myself very comfortable and familiar with them. Every place in Earth has advantages but it varies from place to another. As a matter of fact, there are many differences between Saudi Arabia and United States of America. For instance, the location for each country has different features. However, Saudi Arabia has large deserts same like the Western region of the United States. In fact, The Arabian Peninsula has huge desert areas, which mostly are located in Saudi Arabia. Actually, ASU is located in the western area, which gives ASU an advantage over other universities. This is an advantage for me because its infrastructure is quietly similar to my country. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia does not have any records to track the noticeable desertification at various location. Saudi Arabia is very rich of natural resources, which makes it really worthy and suitable location to conduct several researches. For instance, oil, gas, and gold are examples for these natural resources located in Saudi Arabia. Establishing detailed geological studies will facilitate benefiting humanity appropriately without affecting the existing ecological balance.

3- What additional training do you feel you can obtain at Arizona State University to realize your education and career goals?

I am interested in this course since my primary objective is to achieve the geography prize awarded at your University. I am confident that Geography presents a brighter future to the world through understanding of the earth and nature. I am determined to be one of the best graduate students at your university and become a reputable researcher in the field of Physical Geography. The achievement has been my motivation from my childhood and my heart desire. I will feel complete in my career once I finish my masters and enroll in Ph.D. education of my field. In addition, the Physical Geography experience during bachelor’s degree will aid me to develop conception and understanding of nature coupled to understanding of human being developments without interference. Another reason that I am applying for master’s degree to Arizona State University is the fact that it offers cutting-edge units in the field of Physical Geography. Recently, I have done primary research for the faculty of Geography at your university and I have found that professor Ronald I. Dorn who could be my advisor in my master degree is the best professor in my major. Its goals and objectives are to understand environment and improves it. In I will impart the knowledge acquired to Students in Imam University where I work as a faculty member. Hence, I am determined that taking a master’s degree will have a positive impact to education and research institution in America and global world.

4- Please provide other information (for example: research experience or information which might be drawn from your resume) that you feel we should consider in your application for admission.
I understand that Arizona State University consistently works to explore the limits of nature through Geography to meet the expectations of the students. Geography is the fundamental subject that helps the human being to apprehend the earth and its environments better. Actually, I am a graduate of Imam University with a Bachelor of geography. In fact, I worked very hard when I was studying in Imam University- Department of Geography and ultimately I got an excellent GPA which is 3.82. In addition, after I graduate form Imam University- Department of Geography, I got a job which is faculty member (Teaching Assistant) in the same department. From the experience of geography, it encompasses a lot of impact on the surrounding, and I am passionate to continue with it to master’s and Ph.D. degree. I am currently applying for master’s degree in Physical Geography at Arizona State University. I have a scholarship that will cover masters and Ph.D. degree. Hence, admitting me for a master’s degree will give me a chance to benefit from the scholarship and advance my career. Moreover, there are various reasons that make me feel to continue pursuing Geography. The chief reason is that it was one of the most favorite courses in high school. Likewise, because of my interest and love in Geography, I had done two projects. Photographic explanation about ERDAS IMAGINE program (remote sensing) and its use in deserts (Remote sensing applications that can be applied on Saudi Arabia’s deserts) and the other one is photographic explanation “about how to make a map of a specific area in desert” using ARC/GIS 10 program. Physical Geography and its explanation of the processes and pattern of the natural environment like geomorphology, hydrosphere, and other environments have been critical during my teaching and studying experience at Imam University- Department of Geography.

how differing attitudes between native americans and invading british towards nature and the use of the land created an inevitable cultural as well as political conflict.

Many of the writers we have read in the first part of the course have different attitudes towards the land and nature. And this difference may, in part, account for the conflicts between native peoples and European colonists in early America. Select two different authors (European, Native or African) we have read this term and analyze how their differing attitudes towards nature and the use of the land created an inevitable cultural as well as political conflict. Be very specific in your analysis, creating arguments and offering evidence from the literary text for proof. You can also use critics to support your argument. Please remember that this paper should be a literary argument and not just a summary of literary texts. Create a thesis about one of the topics above and provide evidence from the texts to support your point of view. The works cited is limited to the texts included in the uploaded file.

Pride and Prejudice and Chronicle of a Death Foretold

The Paper 2 exam consists of six essay questions, only one of which must be answered during the timed period. The essay is to be written about the Part 3 literary texts. Therefore, it is a test of understanding literature in context. Although the questions will change from exam to exam, they will always focus on the connection between, style, form, author, purpose and audience. Selecting good Part 3 texts is therefore essential. These pages offer an overview of the requirements, the criteria, sample student work and tips on Paper 2 essay writing. Besides familiarizing yourself with these pages, you will want to study previous exam questions, practice writing under exam conditions and research your literary texts carefully. You can find several activities that help you develop the skills you need for the Paper 2 exam on the ‘skills’ page. Although it seems as if a quarter of your IB grade is determined in one brief sitting, in fact you can do a lot to prepare for this exam so that it is not so nerve-racking. Careful planning and a clear strategy are half the battle. What one writes is only the tip of a very large iceberg. The basics Answer 1 of 6 essay questions. SL and HL students receive exactly the same 6 questions. Essay must answer one question in relation to both literary texts that were studied for Part 3. Essay must answer one question in relation to 2 or 3 of the literary texts studied for Part 3. has 1.5 hours to answer this essay question. has 2 hours to answer this essay question. Paper 2 grade counts for 25% of the final grade.

Trace the Scientific Method in a Primary Scientific Article

Addresses course outcomes 1 and 4: recognize and explain how the scientific method is used to solve problems weigh evidence and make decisions based on strengths and limitations of scientific knowledge and the scientific method Before starting this assignment you might want to revisit the Scientific Method Tutorial in the Science Learning Center under the Content area. Researchers recently investigated whether or not coffee prevented the development of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) in laboratory mice. The mice used in this experiment have a mutation that makes them become diabetic. Read about this research study in this article published on the Science Daily web-site New Evidence That Drinking Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Diabetes as well as the following summary: A group of 11 mice was given water, and another group of 10 mice was supplied with diluted black coffee (coffee:water 1:1) as drinking fluids for five weeks. The composition of the diets and living conditions were similar for both groups of mice. Blood glucose was monitored weekly for all mice. After five weeks, there was no change in average body weight between groups. Results indicated that blood glucose concentrations increased significantly in the mice that drank water compared with those that were supplied with coffee. Finally, blood glucose concentration in the coffee group exhibited a 30 percent decrease compared with that in the water group. In the original paper, the investigators acknowledged that the coffee for the experiment was supplied as a gift from a corporation. Then answer the following questions in your own words: 1. Identify and describe the steps of the scientific method. Which observations do you think the scientists made leading up to this research study? Given your understanding of the experimental design, formulate a specific hypothesis that is being tested in this experiment. Describe the experimental design including control and treatment group(s), and dependent and independent variables. Summarize the results and the conclusion (50 points) 2. Criticize the research described. Things to consider: Were the test subjects and treatments relevant and appropriate? Was the sample size large enough? Were the methods used appropriate? Can you think of a potential bias in a research study like this? What are the limitations of the conclusions made in this research study? Address at least two of these questions in your critique of the research study (20 points). 3. Discuss the relevance of this type of research, both for the world in general and for you personally (20 points). 4. Write answers in your own words with proper grammar and spelling (10 points). 5. Your work should be approximately 300 – 400 words, double-spaced. All of your references should be in APA format. The original peer-reviewed research article that the above Science Daily article discusses can be found in the Content area. You may want to look at the peer-reviewed scholarly article for more detail (not required). * Yamauchi et al. (2010). Coffee and caffeine ameliorate hyperglycemia, fatty liver, and inflammatory adipocytokine expression in spontaneously diabetic KK-Ay mice. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58 (9), 5597-5603. May 12, PMID: 20405946, ISSN: 1520-5118. Avoid plagiarism It is very important to write with your own words. If you do copy one or two sentences directly (use sparingly), use quotation marks (“) around the copied text. All information sources need to be included in the reference list and as in-text references.

Critical Review Paper

Critical Review Paper

This paper entails the analysis of a published research article drawn from a public administration or related journal.  It should be 5 to 7 pages in length (11 or 12 pt fonts, double spaced, 1-inch margins).

This paper should have a recognizable Introduction, Body, and Conclusion.  It should have an identifiable argument or thesis statement that provides the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s perspective on the article being reviewed.  To help with the analysis of the published paper being reviewed, students should focus on the following questions:

1)      What was the research question, or questions, that the researcher(s) set out to answer?

2)      What type of research design was used?  Was it appropriate for the research question or questions?

3)      How strong was the research design in terms of internal validity?  Did the design allow for unambiguous conclusions?  Defend your answer through examining this study in terms of threats to internal validity.

4)      What were the variables that were used to answer the research question?  How were they measured?  What did the authors offer to convince you that their measures were reliable and valid?

5)      Assess the external validity of the study.  Specifically, what characteristics of the study support its generalizability?  What characteristics limit its generalizability?

6)      All things considered, how well did the authors support their conclusions with data?  How clear were the authors with the weaknesses and limitations of their study?

7)      How could a public administrator use the results of this study to improve their practice?  Why should a public administrator use research results this way?


The paper will be graded on the basis of the following criteria matrix:

Understanding concepts, ideas and Information: (20%)
Examples, analogies, comparisons/contrasts; link theory & practice; synthesis; coherence (10%)
Demonstrating critical thinking (15%)
Reasoning (20%)
Writing: (10%)
Clearly explicates a main argument or thesis (25%)
Bonus for Originality and/or Exceptional Quality: (10%)


AIDS, Condoms, and Carnival

AIDS, Condoms, and Carnival


Paper Format


  1. Start with a 1-page summary of the case.
  2. Research the topic (do searches on key issues raised in the case) and complete your report.
  3. Your total report (including the summary of the case) should be 5-6 pages long.
  4. You are expected to read and cite at least two scholarly journal articles in your report. If you have more than two, that is even better. You can use non-scholarly articles after you have met the two scholarly article requirements.
  5. Write well planned short paper. Do not write one big essay. You should work in sections (such as case summary, origin of AIDS, AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS medication and pharmaceutical firms, prevention measures in selected countries, the role played by International agencies, ….., conclusions, etc.).
  6. Remember newspapers or many popular journals do not count as scholarly sources. For example, articles from any newspaper (including Wall Street journal), Fortune, Business Week, Time, Newsweek, etc. will not count as scholarly articles. If you are not sure, use the following test:
  1. Go to Business Source Premier Database available at the library site.
  2. Check the “Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Journals” box.
  3. Do a search. Whatever is listed will be accepted as a scholarly journal article.
  4. If you have found an article elsewhere (Google, Business index, etc.), make sure that it passes this test. If you can not find an article in Business Premier with the appropriate box checked, it will not be accepted as a scholarly article.
  1. The following list of questions is provided to you to guide you in your research. You are not expected to respond to every one of them. You might want to choose the ones that are important for your 5-6 page essays. Of course, you could come up with questions of your own as you do the research. You can introduce them as you participate in the discussion and/or as you write your report.


  1. Provide some background about the AIDS epidemic. When did it start? Which countries/regions are affected by it most? Provide some statistical data.


  1. What is the annual cost of AIDS medication in the United States? Could the poorer countries afford it? What are their options?


  1. Comment on the Brazilian and Indian governments’ strategies for the prevention of AIDS via the marketing of condoms.


  1. How is the AIDS problem different in the United States compared with Brazil and India?


  1. Would the approaches described in Brazil and India work in the United States? Why or why not?


  1. Suggest additional ways that London International Group could promote the prevention of AIDS through the use of condoms worldwide.


  1. Do you think it would be good idea for Coke and Pepsi to participate in a condom distribution program in India, Brazil, and the United States?


  1. Could AIDS education at schools be effective in developing countries? Do you foresee any objections to such education? Why or why not?


Nelson Burtnick

Case Scenario Paper Guidelines and Topics




  1. Case Scenarios


          All of your research for this paper can be done on the Internet and using online resources available through the Utica College Library, especially Campus Research (the academic version of Westlaw), LexisNexis Academic, Business Source Premier and other UC library resources.


The process is fairly simple. I have listed more than 20 infamous cases, most of which are pretty recent. You will select your case (every individual will have a different case; more about the selection process later), conduct research about how the crime was committed and set forth the results of your research in as much detail as time allows. The rest of the paper will follow the format that is set forth below.


  1. Structure of the Paper


The case scenario paper for this course should follow the following components and structure:


Cover Page


o   A one-page (not more) summary of your paper

The Scenario (facts) of the Case

o   A detailed presentation of the facts of the case.

Statutory Law

o   A listing and description of federal laws that apply to your selected fraud or economic crime.

o   Do not include the actual text of the statutes unless they are brief.  Lengthy statutory provisions should be placed in an Appendix.

Regulatory Provisions

o   A listing and description of federal regulations, if any, that apply to your selected crime.

Legal Discussion and Analysis

o   A discussion of cases of how the facts of the case constituted the crime. In other words, what were the elements of the crime(s) charged and how did the conduct of the perpetrator(s) satisfy those elements.

Works Cited

o   A list of all sources you used in your research and writing.  This includes sources even though not cited in the text.

o   Although the preferred reference style for economic crime programs at Utica College is APA (American Psychological Association) Style, I will not mandate a particular style.  That said, whatever style you are used to using should be followed (for example, MLA, Chicago, Turabian) and you should be consistent.  Use in-text reference style for the text portion of your paper.  For materials obtained from online databases, the reference should be to the original work (for example, Wall Street Journal), not to the database (for example, Proquest).  Reference to Internet sources should be to the Internet web site.



  • Should include material too cumbersome to place within the text. You need not have an Appendix; it depends on whether you have material that, if included in the text itself, would make the reading too cumbersome and interrupt the flow of the paper.


  • The paper should be double-spaced (except for quoted material that is indented). The text portion of your paper should be a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 30 pages, exclusive of appendices, and depending on your font, no larger than 12 point for other than headings.


  1. List of Cases


You may select a case not on the list, but I need to approve your selection. Before the date you select I may add more cases to the list but here is the list of 20+ cases (arranged according to type of fraud) that you can select for your paper:


Insider Trading


  1. Raj Rajaratnam/Galleon Group
  2. Anthony Chiasson, Todd Newman, and Jesse Tortora (trading in Dell stock)
  3. Rajat Gupta
  4. Trent Martin/trading related to IBM acquisition of SPSS
  5. James Fleishman
  6. Scott London (KPMG)


Securities Fraud


  1. UBS Libor scandal
  2. Commonwealth Bankshares
  3. AmeriFirst Securities


Money Laundering


  1. HSBC (the 2012 charges)
  2. The Bank of New York (Benex Scandal)
  3. Nelson Burtnick (Pokerstars and Full Tilt Poker)
  4. Wachovia Bank (drug proceeds)


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act


  1. Siemens AG
  2. Albert Jackson Stanley
  3. Lindsey Manufacturing Co.
  4. Eli Lilly & Co.
  5. Garth Peterson (Morgan Stanley)


Public Corruption/Honest Services Fraud


  1. Conrad Black (Hollinger International)
  2. Kwame Kilpatrick
  3. Randy “Duke” Cunningham


Ponzi Schemes


  1. Allen Sanford
  2. Thomas J. Petters
  3. Scott Rothstein
  4. Marc S. Dreier



III.    Selection Process


I don’t want to read 20+ papers that involve the same case. The reason

is rather simple; you don’t want to be the last one that I read!!  So, here is how we will run the case selection process.  Starting Wednesday, January  14, you can send me an e-mail through the Engage course site with your top three selections in priority order.  I will give preference to first-come, first-served.  By the next day (or as soon as you submit your request), I will send you a confirmation and inform each of you of your selected case.

Biology discussion

Answer the following question and explain your reasoning. What is the hypothesis of this experient? Researchers recently investigated whether or not coffee prevented the development of high blood sugar (hyperglycemia) in laboratory mice. The mice used in this experiment have a mutation that makes them become diabetic. Read about this research study in this article published on the Science Daily web-site New Evidence That Drinking Coffee May Reduce the Risk of Diabetes as well as the following summary: A group of 11 mice was given water, and another group of 10 mice was supplied with diluted black coffee (coffee:water 1:1) as drinking fluids for five weeks. The composition of the diets and living conditions were similar for both groups of mice. Blood glucose was monitored weekly for all mice. After five weeks, there was no change in average body weight between groups. Results indicated that blood glucose concentrations increased significantly in the mice that drank water compared with those that were supplied with coffee. Finally, blood glucose concentration in the coffee group exhibited a 30 percent decrease compared with that in the water group. In the original paper, the investigators acknowledged that the coffee for the experiment was supplied as a gift from a corporation. The second part of the assignment is this: An individual can die after experiencing a high fever for a prolonged period of time. Using what you know about enzymes, explain why an individual who enters the emergency room with a high fever might be given an ice bath to lower his or her temperature.