Sony’s Blues

Use your notes from class to develop an interpretive thesis using the two music scenes from Sonny’s Blues. What message does Baldwin convey to the reader?


  • You must quote at least twice from Sonny’s Blues
  • You must quote at least once from James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”: A Message in Music


Audience and Purpose: Your audience is someone familiar with the story so summary should be limited. The purpose of the essay is to demonstrate your critical thinking skills as well as your understanding of the essay form as described both in class and this handout.


This essay addresses the following curriculum goals:

  1. Analysis of elements in a primary literary text
  2. Using a secondary source to support this analysis


Essay Structure

Meeting these standards is a requirement for acceptance of your draft and revisions.



  • Open the essay with:
  • A question
  • A quotation: NOT a quotation from the text, but perhaps a quote from a Baldwin interview
  • OR an anecdote to help engage your reader and introduce them to the general ideas that are important in your essay
  • For this essay, be sure to state title and author somewhere in the first paragraph; your thesis may occur anywhere in the first paragraph.


Body Paragraphs

The job of a body paragraph is to persuade the reader

  • Use summary of text sparingly. If in doubt, limit your summary to Context. Use 1-2 sentences of summary to orient your reader and move on to evidence and analysis.
  • Use CQC format Context (set up), Quote, Commentary for body paragraph structure. Commentary should not summarize the quote but interpret the passage and explain to the reader how evidence supports your thesis.



A good conclusion helps readers understand what they have learned.

  • Refer to your thesis, and then expand to a more general conclusion that reminds readers of the significance of your discussion.
  • If you have covered several main points, you can remind the readers of them. Do more than provide a summary.
  • End with an impact: a provocative quotation, a vivid image or call for action.


Grading Criteria:

  • See outline of the essay form above and the rubric used in class for analysis/discussion of anonymous student work. Please include all process work with your drafts.



  • New Times Roman 12pt font, double space
  • Proper MLA format and citation standards observed.
  • Paper is edited for spelling, sentence structure, punctuation and grammar.
  • You will not need a works cited page for this paper.


Selecting Evidence

  • Does your quote help the reader understand your thesis?
  • Limit your quotes to phrases or one sentence for this paper.


Quoting Accurately

Use quotation marks to indicate exact words from the text, include page number in parenthesis at the end of the quote.

Example of MLA format:

If you use the author’s name, cite page # only: Wordsworth stated that Romantic poetry was marked by a “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (263).

If your sentence does not use author’s name cite name and page #: Romantic poetry is characterized by the “spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings” (Wordsworth 263).


Paraphrase example: Wordsworth extensively explored the role of emotion in the creative process (263).


Spoon River

  1. George Gray
  2. A life not lived to potential
  3. Hobbled by fear of risk
  4. Worse—the knowledge that he has lived what he terms a “life without meaning”
  5. refers to it as “torture”
  6. Imagery and Irony
  7. Studies his grave’s inscription—inaction
  8. “chiseled” out by someone else
  9. could not even influence his own epitaph
  10. A boat’s “furled” sail is unable to catch even a breeze
  11. “[H]arbor” symbolic of a place sheltered from storm and wave
  12. How would he have defined “meaning” while still alive?
  13. Harry Wilmans
  14. A young man killed in his prime, never having the chance to reach his potential
  15. Inspired to enlist in the Spanish American War by a patriotic speech given by a

Sunday School superintendent too old himself to go to war

  1. Lives long enough to recognize life’s ugliness; never has the chance to see the


  1. Imagery and Irony
  2. This superintendent did not uphold the flag’s honor by enlisting himself!
  3. The final image of the flag upon his grave—this is what he followed; this is

what he gets

  1. Both sail and flag are moved by the wind

III. Reason for Selection

  1. They present the concept of risk and search for meaning approached from polar

opposite directions

  1. Gray—his inability to risk in order to find meaning
  2. the image of a becalmed boat “at rest,” at the same time floating atop

the turbulence of his “hunger” for meaning in his life

  1. Wilmans—his willingness to risk, albeit blindly, to uphold “the honor of the


  1. Is either one the “happier” in his death?
  2. How have we, how do we, how will we define, find, and determine what is

“meaningful” for our life?

Society’s influence on Hippie Fashion

Step 1:  Decide – first subject, topic (narrow enough to fulfill assignment), then thesis

Step 2:  Plan – what goes where?

Step 3:  Write – body paragraphs and conclusion

Step 4:  Cite supporting sources

Step 5:  Revise and proofread

  1. Decide on a topic for research in your major.


You may choose any topic related to your AiTN major field of study.  We will brainstorm a list of possibilities in class to get you started.


You do NOT yet know what your research topic will be.  You must first do preliminary research to find out what’s possible, what’s manageable, what’s accessible, and what’s interesting.  You do NOT know any of that without first spending time reading about your area. Although I will give you some class time for research, expect to spend a MINIMUM of 3-6 hours researching and reading about your topic.  This is not optional.


You should spend a lot of time just deciding on the right topic for you.  Be prepared to choose and discard several ideas before you hit on the right one.


Methods of an initial topic-search can include:


  • googling “trends in ____” and “controversy in ____”,
  • looking at class textbooks
  • asking instructors for ideas, and
  • looking at the contents of current trade journals, browsing through magazines in the AiTN library, and searching on-line databases.


As you read preliminary material searching for a topic, start thinking about whether a topic will allow you to create a specific thesis statement.  For example, you may consider a focus such as one of these:


  • Explain how _____ has changed.
  • Describe a specific chapter in the history of _____.
  • Show how and why _____ started.
  • Explain the influence that _____ has had on _____.
  • Explain the current trend of _____.
  • Define _____.
  • Discuss and explain the controversy surrounding _____.


You must write a one-two sentence thesis that pinpoints exactly what point you intend to make about your subject.  You cannot cover every possible aspect of a topic.  You must narrow your topic.  A strong thesis is specific and clear and will help you plan your Research Report Essay and stay focused.  THIS IS A VITAL STEP.


Weak thesis:    Blues music has a long history.  (too vague and too broad)


Strong thesis:   The American South often claims to be the birthplace of the Blues, but the real roots of Blues music go much further back than most people realize.


Weak thesis:     India has a lot of interesting festivals.  (too vague and too broad)


Strong thesis:  Diwali is a particularly important festival for Indians because they celebrate life, remember traditional legends, and enjoy time with their families.

Weak thesis:     The North and South fought the Civil War for many reasons, some of which were the same and some different.  (too vague and too broad)

Strong thesis:   While both sides fought the Civil War over the issue of slavery, an important difference between the North and South was that the North fought for moral reasons while the South fought to preserve its own institutions.

Weak thesis:     Chocolate is a very popular flavor.  (too vague and too broad)

Strong thesis:   Chocolate’s popularity is at an all-time high in America.  This is most obvious in the wide array of new products and unique restaurants in America now featuring chocolate in unusual recipes.

  1. Decide on sub-topics for your body paragraphs.

Based on your reading of the sources, make a list of 3-6 general sub-topics that you want to use to explain and support your thesis statement.  Each of these sub-topics will turn into a body paragraph.  Put them in a logical order.

  1. Choose information for each of your body paragraphs.

Go through all of your sources again, and this time highlight or underline interesting information that you want to include in your Research Report Essay, making note of which body paragraph that information will best fit into.  Make a note of which pieces of information you want to copy directly and which you want to put into your own words.

  1. Write your body paragraphs.

Use an outline to give each body paragraph a job to do before you write any of them.  The more differentiated your body paragraph topics are, the easier they will be to write.


Begin each body paragraph with a topic sentence.  This topic sentence will alert the reader about what that paragraph will discuss.  This shows the reader how you have decided to organize and present the information you have on your topic.

Include transitions between each paragraph.  You can do this at the end of one paragraph or at the beginning of the next one or both.  Consider repeating a word, phrase or idea to make connections for the reader.  Google a list of good transition words and phrases and decide whether any of them fit in your essay.

  1. Include a minimum of 4 cited pieces of information from each of 4 separate sources in your Works Cited page; you may also include new, additional sources.

You must use the research you collected for your Works Cited page to help explain and support your thesis.  You are knowledgeable about your subject, but you are not yet an expert.  Use the information from your research to support your discussion as you go through your essay.

NOTE:  No long direct quotes allowed.  You may not use a direct quote that is longer than two of your essay’s text lines long.

You may use direct quotes or paraphrases or a combination of both.  Either way, you must cite information you get from other sources.  To cite information means to include in parentheses a word or last name and a page number if one is available.  This citation refers to the source you listed in your Works Cited from which you got that information.

You must cite

  • information that you copy directly (a quote),
  • information you put into your own words but is still someone else’s idea (a paraphrase),
  • all statistics and research results conducted by someone else,
  • any other writer’s comment that could be viewed as controversial, and
  • anything unique to a particular source.

You do NOT need to cite

  • common, general knowledge (information that can be found by anyone in a number of different sources and that doesn’t change and isn’t controversial); for example, you do not need to cite the fact that Richard Nixon is the only U.S. president to resign the position.
  • dictionary definitions (just don’t use them at all).

You MUST use only college-level sources.  You can find these in the AitN library’s online databases like Ebsco with no trouble. It will likely take a few hours of digging, so don’t give up if don’t find what you’re looking for right away.  Take advantage of the resources you have at hand like our librarian, Cory Lyon, and/or:

Top of Form


Bottom of Form

If you cannot locate 4 college-level sources for your topic, then that topic is not an appropriate choice for this assignment.

You may NOT use generic sources such as Wikipedia, fan websites, Brainyquotes, single and abbreviated online comments, etc.  You may use Wikipedia to start your search, but you may not cite Wikipedia itself or any source like it.  Make sure you investigate the sources listed at the bottom of a Wikipedia entry.  There may be acceptable sources listed there. 

NOTE:  If you use sources that aren’t from one of our research databases (or a widely-know publication like a major newspaper or journal) and you do not get instructor approval for those sources in advance, be prepared to have to delete a source or sources and find new ones after the rough draft is turned in.

  1. Write your concluding paragraph.

While your conclusion can restate the thesis, it should also offer a “take away” for your reader.  A “take away” is a final thought that your reader can think about after reading your Research Report.  You may explain how and why the information in your Research Report is important to the reader, relevant to the reader’s present and future, or can be used productively by the reader.

  1. How long should your Research Report be?

Your Research Report is required to be a minimum of 3.5-5 pages (no longer).  Focus on making your points clear instead of making your Research Report Essay a certain length.  Then the length will take care of itself.

  1. What should you do when you need help or have questions with your Research Report Essay?

Ask your instructor.  Get rough draft feedback.  Plan to have enough time.  Ask your instructor.

marketing plan

A 10-20 page paper on a population health outcome with patterns of determinants within the inland northwest is to be written. Any policies impacting the outcome need to be addressed in the paper. The paper is to be in 6th edition APA format and have a minimum of 10 references. Text for the paper does not include title page, abstract or references. It is expected that you will use high-quality references, primarily from peer reviewed journal articles for this paper. Wikipedia may not be used as a reference. You will work on the topics in small groups, but the papers will be written individually. This paper will follow the CDCynergy Lite handbook. You will work in a small group to investigate an issue, but will interpret and synthesize the work independently. so the big picture is vaccine and my specific topic is flu vaccine, which is the paper that i want from here. you can find the example in the attachment, which i want my paper to be like. thanks.


Autobiography generally tends to be selective: the author includes and omits material in order to fashion a certain image of himself or herself. In religious autobiography this self-portrayal is meant to be instructive in some way that benefits piety. Select either Ignatius or Teresa and describe what the author seems to be emphasizing in the text. What is his or her relation to the ecclesiastical (and secular) world around him or her, what (if any) are the points of development or spiritual self-awareness, and is the author trying to justify himself or herself? Please indicate whether you think the author is conveying a message; and if so, describe it.

Select a current issue in healthcare information systems, provide the necessary background and your position, along with a conclusion and future direction.

Select a current issue in healthcare information systems, provide the necessary background and your position, along with a conclusion and future direction. Select a subject in which you have interest and approach this assignment as a potential publishable work. Review the video on building the Big Picture Model (, found on YouTube. Skim the text to locate a topic you would like to research and write about. The final paper is 15 pages double-spaced (excluding the executive summary, footnotes and references) with a 10 or 12 point font. Tables, graphics, and diagrams must be placed in the paper as attachments. They do not count in the page length. There is no set organizational format for the paper but the work should include, at a minimum, the following: • Executive summary (1 page) • Background/Introduction • Statement and analysis of the issue / case (including your analysis of the sources of the problem, stakeholders, etc…) • Position (a clear statement of what your position on the issue) • Support for your position along with anticipated obstacles, stakeholders, and facilitating factors (designed to persuade the reader to your thesis and drawn from evidence and the literature) • Conclusion and future direction • References The paper MUST be in APA style. While there is seldom a “right” or “wrong” position in a given paper, students are expected to clearly and articulately support their argument using course and external materials. It is very important that you include not only background on the selected issue, but your specific assessment, recommendations, ideas, and suggestions. It is your original analysis, grounded in the class material and peer-reviewed publications , that is the hallmark of solid graduate level social science writing and will serve as the main basis for your grade. Select credible information/data and use (and cite) your research in support of a persuasive stance on the topic. Edit and proofread your written work to ensure correct grammar, spelling, word choice, and sentence clarity. Textbook: Information Systems for Healthcare Management, 8th edition. (2014) I attached the first 3 chapters of the book. You may use them for the research paper.

Research Project Assignment

The Assignment:

You will write a 6 – 8 page persuasive research paper in which you use limited research.  You will be required to use at least three of the essays in Chapter 14 of the Reading and Writing for Civic Literacy textbook and two other sources that you choose and have approved by your instructor, for a total of five sources.  These sources must come from the E.W. King Library databases.



The topic for this paper is bias in the media. You will need to determine if you believe that the media is biased or if it is not biased. While most of your sources will come from the textbook for this class, you will be doing some research to find two other sources that support your stance on the topic.



You will be engaging in both guided research (essays in Chapter 14 of the text) and your own personal research in the E.W. King Library databases. Remember that these sources must be approved.



Your research should support an original, argumentative, well‐crafted thesis statement.


You should cite at least five sources. Remember that:

  • Three of your sources must come from the textbook, and
  • Two of the sources must come from the E.W. King Library databases.


The order of pages in your paper, saved as a single MS Word file, should be:


(1) Title page

(2) Outline page with title and thesis. (This page does not count in the 6‐8 page limit)

(3) The body of the paper. (6‐8 pages)

(4) You should use proper MLA documentation. Failure to document as required is plagiarism and will be dealt with severely. Plagiarism will result in failure of the project and most likely failure of the class. If in doubt, consult me.

(5) A Works Cited page formatted according to MLA requirements. (Does not count toward 8‐10 pages).





In order to pass English 1115, you must earn a passing grade on the research paper. Failure to follow the guidelines in this assignment will result in a loss of points on the final grade and may result in failure of the research project and course.

Durkheim’s Division of Labor

Durkheim in The Division of Labor in Society writes about “the forced division of labor” as an “abnormal form.” He writes (p. 312-3): “We may therefore state that the division of labor only produces solidarity if it is spontaneous, and to the degree that it is spontaneous. But spontaneity must mean not simply the absence of any deliberate, formal type of violence, but of anything that may hamper, even indirectly, the free unfolding of the social force each individual contains within himself. It not only supposes that individuals are not consigned forcibly to performing certain determined functions, but that no obstacle whatsoever prevents them from occupying within the ranks of society a position commensurate to their abilities. In short, labour only divides up spontaneously if society is constituted in such a way that social inequalities express precisely natural inequalities. It is a necessary and sufficient condition for these inequalities neither to be emphasized nor played down through some external cause. In this essay, first explain the meaning of this passage: what does Durkheim mean by social inequality (i.e., how is it different from natural inequality?)? Why does social inequality compromise organic solidarity? What is the relation of spontaneity to organic solidarity? Why is solving the problem of external inequality necessary for the achievement of organic solidarity? Second, consider the implications of Durkheim describing non-spontaneous inequality as an expression of “the forced division of labor,” as an “abnormal form” of the division of labor. Is all inequality, for him, incompatible with organic solidarity, or only a certain kind of inequality? Stated differently, for Durkheim, is organic solidarity possible with social inequalities? This essay should be between 3 and 5 pages in length, typed, double-spaced, regular margins and fonts. It is important you organize your answer before writing, and you pay special attention to expressing your ideas in a brief space. You should use quotes from Durkheim, where appropriate, but it is most important you make your argument clear. There is no single right answer. It is, therefore, important you express your ideas as simply, powerfully and persuasively as possible. Pay attention to your writing as well—spelling, punctuation, grammar and sentence construction.

Reflective Journal – The Rise of Dubstep

Written Work and Oral Presentation Marking
90-100: (Exceptional)
As per 80-89 and going significantly beyond what is required of them. They are achieving an
exceptional standard. Their work demonstrates great intellect and knowledge, as well as
outstanding creativity and flair.
80-89: (Exceptional)
As per 70-79 and going beyond the remit of the assessment brief in terms of originality, depth,
perspicacity, and excellent use of language.
70-79: (Excellent)
Work will show in depth knowledge across the areas in question, and candidates will express
themselves clearly and accurately. Work will demonstrate a consistent understanding of the
significant details, and will show that the candidate has been able to apply their learning to key
underlying concepts and important contemporary developments subjects in the music industry.
There should be very little or no issues with fundamental requirements, e.g. use of language,
clarity, referencing etc.
60-69: (Very Good)
All elements of the assessment are executed to a good standard. One or more the elements may
require improvement, yet this is not to any significant detriment of the overall clarity and logic of
the work.
50-59: (Good)
All elements of the assessment are of an acceptable standard. One or more of the elements
require improvement and have had a more significant impact on the overall clarity and logic of the
work. However, the student has demonstrated a good understanding of the assessment brief and
may have completed most of the elements of the assessment to a competent level.
40-49: (Satisfactory)
The overall clarity and logic of the work has been significantly compromised in at least one of the
assessment elements. However, the student has demonstrated a fair understanding of the
assessment brief and may have completed some of the elements of the assessment to a
competent level.
20-39: (Below Standard)
The work is under the standard required. It contains significant and unacceptable errors, either in
the specifics of the assignment brief, and/or in fundamental requirements, e.g. use of language,
clarity, referencing etc.
1-19: (Unacceptable)
The work is significantly below the standard required. It contains numerous significant and
unacceptable errors in several areas in the specifics of the assignment brief, and in fundamental
requirements, e.g. use of language, clarity, referencing etc.

Identify global variations of the family including region, religion of choice, and thoughts on how the specific region may lead someone to choose a particular religion.

This assignment reinforces information in your textbook and concepts presented in this unit. Your responses should be thorough, well-conceived college-level responses that are grammatically correct. It is recommended that you work on this assignment as you go complete your unit reading assignment and view the Power Point Presentations. Justify your responses with facts from your reading assignment. Write your answers in complete sentences. Please be sure to write your answers in your words. 1. Identify global variations of the family including region, religion of choice, and thoughts on how the specific region may lead someone to choose a particular religion. 2. Discuss patterns associated with marriage, residence, descent, and authority. 3. Discuss briefly each of the different theories associated with the family such as; Structural Functionalism, Social-Conflict, Feminist Theories, and Symbolic Interactionism. 4. Discuss and identify the stages of family life. 5. Discuss briefly the U.S. family in terms of class, race, and gender. 6. Identify and discuss the transitions and problems in family life. 7. Discuss the impact of technology on the family. 8. Identify future patterns of the family as a social institution. 9. Define religion as an institution. 10. Discuss briefly the Structural Functionalist, Symbolic Interactionist, and Social Conflict approaches and theories to religion. Grading Criteria You will be graded on the accuracy and thoroughness of your responses and on your ability to communicate. Please include some cited work