Qualitative and Quantitative research

ABSTRACt The abstract should concisely summarize the content of the paper. It should be no longer than one paragraph (approximately 75-100 words). INTRODUCTION Provide your reader with an overview of your topic: what you will review in the paper, what you hope to accomplish. The background of the issue (i.e., trends related to the problem, unresolved issues, concerns) should be identified with specific statement of the issue (i.e., basic difficulty, area of concern, felt need) included. The theoretical framework(s) referenced (i.e., theoretical concepts or relationships related to your problem) as well as the importance of your analysis (i.e., why is it important to be aware of this literature base) should be explained. LITERATURE REVIEW Your review of related literature must include an introduction of topics that will be discussed along with a review, critique, and summary of theory and research related to your topic (organized from general to specific). A summary of reviewed literature must be provided, noting areas of agreement and disagreement, strengths and weaknesses. Finally, include conclusions

Global Warming

Format (10 points):


  • Cover page with name, class period, date, and title
  • One to two pages, hand written, not including cover page


Background Section (30 points):


  • Explain the overall process of global warming.
    • How does it work?
    • What are the major greenhouse gases and where do they come from? Include both natural and manmade sources.


  • Explain historical temperature changes
    • How many ice ages have we had? When did they occur?
    • Describe how global temperature, carbon dioxide, and methane levels have changed over the course of human history. Explain reasons for these changes.


  • Explain consequences that are occurring right now as a result of global warming. These could include:
    • Coral reef bleaching
    • Increased droughts
    • Longer and stronger hurricanes
    • Sea level rising
    • Ocean temperature increasing
    • Ocean acidification


Astronomy Section (20 Points)


  • What other planets/moons have experienced “Global Warming”?
  • What do scientists think has caused their climate change?



Opinion Section (40 points)


  • What effects have humans had on the atmosphere? How does this relate to temperature change and climate?
  • How fast is the global temperature rising? Is this part of a normal cycle or due to human influences?
  • What other factors, besides the greenhouse effect, could account for some of the climate and temperature variations we’ve seen? Example:  Increased solar activity
  • Do you think Global Warming is fact or fiction?





Objective Articles To Read for a Background on Global Warming


Earth 2100: The Effects of Greenhouse Gases

Excellent article about global warming, its causes and effects.




Good summary of the global warming controversy.  Don’t use this as a direct source, but a starting point.  Take a look at some of the articles they reference and footnote.



US EPA Global Warming Site

The official website on global warming from the EPA.  Contains the most recent facts and figures about climate change.



Global Warming Frequently Asked Questions

This is a last of FAQs published by NOAA, a government agency that is in charge of much of the global climate change research.



Videos To Watch for Ideas From Both Sides


“The Most Terrifying Video You Will Ever See”

Presents arguments for and against taking early action against global climate change.



“20/20 John Stossel – The Global Warming Debate”

ABC news special about the opposing views of global warming.



CNN Debate:  Bill Nye vs. Richard Lindzen

Bill Nye the Science Guy debates Richard Lindzen, a meteorology professor and global warming skeptic.



Persuasive Articles (Global warming is completely caused by human actions)


Global Warming Myths and Facts (Environmental Defense Fund)



Official “Inconvenient Truth” Website:  Facts & Evidence



Persuasive Articles (Global warming is a hoax or due to natural causes)


Top 10 Global Warming Myths



Global Warming Hoax:  Facts and Fictions of Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truth


Co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse

Assignment 2 (35 Points)–Paper on Co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse (DUE WEEK 8) Papers should be between 5 and 8 pages and must incorporate a minimum of 3 sources from the course material and your own research. Although APA format is not required, this paper should be written in a professional voice and include a works cited page at the end. You must use the articles in our course Blackboard that are specifically noted as being the required content for this assignment. They are designated by the phrase “USE THIS FOR ASSIGNMENT 2” Required Content: The documented co-occurrence of domestic violence and child maltreatment requires that social workers respond to families in ways that adequately address both the best interests of the child and the safety of the abused/non-offending parent. For the purpose of this paper, focus on child abuse that is perpetrated by the batterer. In your paper, outline and discuss the following issues: 1. Prevalence of and reasons for the co-occurrence of domestic violence and child abuse/neglect; 2. Barriers to collaboration between child protection workers and advocates against domestic violence; 3. Proposed solutions to address these barriers which respond to the needs of abused children and parents–including best practices for the safety of the child and the non-offending parent 4. Cultural considerations affecting interventions and policy development regarding child maltreatment and domestic violence 5. Best practices for perpetrator containment and safety found in your research

Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The explanation of its evolution within the American tradition should include the general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties.

1. Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The explanation of its evolution within the American tradition should include the general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties. 2. Provide examples from U.S. history of the suspension of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present. 3. Analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by as enemy combatants or illegal combatants. 4. Explain the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to enemy combatants or illegal combatants (i.e., the views of the five justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices). 5. Evaluate a minimum of four perspectives on this topic expressed by justices of the Supreme Court, leaders in other branches of government, and commentators in both the academic and popular media. Your evaluation should consider perspectives on the following topics as they relate to habeas corpus: a. The role of the President as Commander-in-Chief. b. The role of Congress in determining when habeas corpus can be suspended. c. The role of the Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties, including the judicial philosophy which should guide the Court in this role, and d. In your evaluation, you should also include your personal philosophy, values, or ideology about the balance between civil liberties and national security in the context of an unending war on terror. Follow these requirements when writing the Final Paper: 1. The body of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) must be at least 1,500 words long. 2. The paper must start with a short introductory paragraph which includes a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate. 3. The paper must end with a short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent. 4. The paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning. 5. The paper must address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic five, listed above (your evaluation of perspectives on the topic). 6. Your paper must cite at least three academic articles (excluding the course textbook) and at least four other kinds of sources (e.g., Supreme Court opinions, magazine or newspaper articles, the course textbook, and reliable websites or videos). 7. Use your own words. While brief quotes from sources may be used, altogether the total amount of quoted text must be less than five percent of the body of your paper. 8. When you use someone else’s words, they must be enclosed in quotation marks followed by an APA in-text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source on the reference page at the end of the essay. 9. When you express in your own words someone else’s ideas, arguments or facts, your statement must be followed by an APA in-text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source in the reference page. 10. The form of the title page, the body pages, and the reference page must comply with APA style. Additionally, the title page must include the course number and name, the instructor’s name, and the date submitted. 11. The paper must use logical paragraph and sentence transitions, complete and clear sentences, and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

Developing a work-at-home (telecommuting) policy

Writing assignment #6 is designed to help you get started on organizing the research-based report.  It will be an outline of the report.


For writing assignment #6, we continue our Research Report Package for the class. You will want to read the instructions for the research-based report so that you have an idea of what types of topics to consider as you construct your outline for the report. Please click here to read the instructions for the research-based report.

For this assignment, you will write an outline, along with some other brief explanations, for the plan for your research-based report.

For your outline, you will submit the following items:

  • statement of the problem – This section should be one or two sentences stating the problem you are addressing.
  • purpose and scope of the work – This section should be one paragraph explaining why you have conducted your analysis.  You will state why you think the problem you are addressing needs to be addressed.
  • sources and methods of data collection – This section should be one paragraph explaining how you went about gathering data.  You might mention interviews you conducted, searches you conducted in OneSearch, or other methods of information gathering you used.
  • preliminary outline – This section should use Roman numerals to outline, even roughly, the plan for the report.   You might have, for example, Roman number I, with A, B, and C under it; Roman number II, with A, B, and C under it, and Roman numeral III with A, B, and C under it.  Overall, you should not need more than three or four Roman numerals.  Again, this can even be a fairly rough outline.  Do not feel you have to stick with the outline you have developed when  you write your actual report.


Length: The outline has no word count minimum or maximum. It should be one to two pages long.

Why I am a worthy recipient of a scholarship

A generous Business education foundation is accepting scholarship applications from students who are completing a business degree. As a part of the scholarship application students are required to reflect on their major choices and discuss in writing their interest in their major and their progress as a student. Your task is to write the essay to accompany the Scholarship application. Because the scholarship committee is very busy. Your essay must be complete enough to convince them that you are worthy recipient of the scholarship in no more than 750 words. All essay must address the following 1. Explain your interest in the major you selected. You may describe a related experience you’ve had to that area of study and/or future career goals. 2. Discuss the qualities which you believe are necessary to be successful in the major you have selected. 3. discuss you biggest weaknesses as a student and how you plan to over come these weaknesses as you pursue your selected major.

Legislative branch

Hi it is a discussion paper with 2 questions they both have to have a minimum of 200 words each. There is a no right or wrong answers. (A). What are the checks and balances on the Legislative branch? Do you think they are working well? What recommendations would you make to improve the situation? (B). How should representatives resolve the conflict between what they think is best for the country and what their constituents want? Between the interests of the nation and those of the state or locality that elected them? Between the interests of their state and those of the locality that elected them?

Choose a scholarly book about any topic related to your major (Easy choices are biographies of people related to your field). Read the entire book and write a review of it.


  • Correct formatting, citations, and writing conventions for your area’s writing style.
  • 4 pages
  • Write a process comment in the comments section of the submission form.


Choose a scholarly book about any topic related to your major (Easy choices are biographies of people related to your field). Read the entire book and write a review of it. This means that you should not just summarize the content; you should also evaluate the books and answer some of the following questions:

  • Is this a good source? Is the author an authority? What credentials do they have?
  • Is the writing clear? Is it full of jargon? Is the information useful?
  • Is the argument strong? Does the author make their point well?
  • Do you agree or disagree with anything they said? Why or why not?
  • What questions did they leave unanswered?
  • What questions did this book make you think of?

If you need inspiration, read some book reviews for other scholarly works, examples of which can be found via Google.


DO give a good summary of the main points and important information before launching into the evaluation. This should take half of the paper, while the other half is your critique of the book.


DON’T tell me if you liked the book or not. I don’t care if you enjoyed reading it; I just want you to talk about it.


Summary Critique/
Process Comment Grammar Peer Review Total
50 40 25 10 25  






Select a Macroeconomic variable that you are interested in for example; unemployment, inflation, interest rates, gross domestic product, Etc.

Choose at least two sources of information about your selected variable, you may use your textbook as one source and perhaps a reputable website as another, ensure that you give proper credit to these sources in your paper.

Write a summary paper about the Macroeconomic variable, describe the economic theory as well as current information about the variable. Describe increases and decreases in the variable during the past several years and relate these value changes to United States economy. Explain how the change in your variable contributed positively or negatively to the economy during specific years. The main body of the paper should be no more that five pages.

Provide a time series graph of your variable, choose a reputable website to download the data from, transfer the data to an excel spreadsheet, and produce a line graph. Include dates and label your variable on the graph. Include the graph as the last page of your research paper.

Your paper is due to be turned in during week 4 of class. No need for special covers, please print your paper staple it, include name and course and turn into your instructor for grading.

Today’s Media is UnBaise or Baise

It is a Discussion assignment for my Poli Sci class so it is open minded no right or wrong answer. It only has to be a minimum of 200 words per question only 2 question that is all. The question follows: (A) At the time of the Founders and today in many countries like Great Britain, the media is openly biased. Today our media claims to be unbiased. Is it unbiased? Should we return to the system where the media proclaims itself to be the newspaper for liberals or the channel for conservatives? Why or why not? (B) The Founders guaranteed a free press to be a check and balance on government. Is it doing its job? Is it telling us what the government is doing right or wrong? Is it telling us about the problems of our society and the world? Is it telling us too much about the personal lives of candidates and their families? I need it by 9 am tomorrow sorry.