Compare Bible Creation myth vs Norse Creation myth

In an essay of a MINIMUM of 1250 words, compare two flood myths or creation myths from different cultures. Discuss how each reflects their relative cultures. You will need to do a little bit of research into the background of the societies you are researching. Where were they located? What are their societies like? What cultural values do they have that might be reflected in their mythology? What are they trying to explain? Use specific passages from the texts to make your argument. Keep in mind the four functions of myth we have studied, and write about how their myths satisfy the functions. This paper is not just a research paper where you summarize one myth, and then another. The focus of your paper should be WHY the myths are different as a result of their relative societies. The Judeo Christian flood myth has commonalities with the Babylonian myth, for example, but there are differences that reveal values of each culture. Use primary sources, and include quotes to defend your argument. Keep your focus on the WHY, and not raw facts that only answer WHAT questions. This paper should demonstrate scholarship and analysis, instead of just researching and regurgitating information.

IB Theory of Knowledge Essay: “With reference to two areas of knowledge discuss the way in which shared knowledge can shape personal knowledge.”

IB Theory of Knowledge Essay: “With reference to two areas of knowledge discuss the way in which shared knowledge can shape personal knowledge.”

I already have an outline of what approach I would like to take. I’ve also chosen the AOKs (Areas of knowing) and WOKs (Ways of knowing). Examples are also selected. I do not have a draft, but a brief plan. I would like to find a responsible writer who is willing to discuss with me if i have any inquiries of the amended version of the essay. Since I’m paying on my own, I do not wish to have bids that are too expensive. I am aiming for a Grade A by the way. Anyone who is experienced with IB and TOK, please contact me through the chat box. Thanks.

Should they increase prize money in lower level tennis tournaments?

Essay 1: Mapping A Controversy General: Your purpose in this 5–7 page essay is to map out the various positions within your chosen controversy, stating clearly what those positions are and then highlighting the relationships among them. Do not—no way, no how—present a one-sided view, as if those who argue certain positions don’t know what they’re talking about. If this is really a controversy, there are several legitimate positions possible, and your job is to articulate each position’s most compelling arguments. One way to avoid bias in this paper is to give each “side” an equal opportunity to present its position from its own perspective. Be sure to attribute statements to their original speakers or organizations: Use phrases such as “According to…“ and “As stated by…” Also, use verbs that indicate that someone has stated a particular position, such as: “argues,” “advocates,” “asserts,” and “contends.” Such verbs will indicate that the argument you are presenting is not necessarily your own. Your audience for this essay will be concerned and interested but not particularly informed citizens who are looking to you to provide an unbiased lay of the land. Specifics: In the first few pages, you’ll want to sketch out the basics of this controversy for your audience and offer a sense of its significance. For example, you may want to explain what events turned this issue into a controversy, whom this controversy affects, how the outcome of the controversy may affect them, and why this controversy is important to others (why should anyone else care?). In the following pages, you’ll need to accomplish both of the following: Describe the positions ranging across the entire field of the controversy or the various proposed solutions to the controversy: What should we do to fix the problem? Or describe the various positions concerning some sub-topic within the controversy: For example, assuming that marijuana has medicinal purposes, in what cases or by what guidelines should its use be considered legal? Feel free to choose any of the approaches presented, but once you choose, stick to it throughout. Indicate the points of agreement and disagreement among the viewpoints. Don’t forget to document your sources according to the MLA documentation guides in your handbook. Conclude with a reiteration of the relations among the various positions. Minimum Requirements: For a C or above, your essay must: • be 5–7 pages long, typed, double-spaced; have 1-inch margins, and name, class, and date at the top left-hand corner of the first page with title centered two lines below the date • strategically and effectively incorporate at least three sources, at least two of which are print sources • summarize and analyze all positions fairly, without advocating or slanting • document all sources accurately (in text and on Works Cited page) according to MLA guidelines • cite at least three sources, two from print venues, such as a newspaper or magazine • be written effectively and coherently, with few errors in grammar or mechanics • have been peer-reviewed at the in-class workshop • be turned in on time and be accompanied by all previous drafts, prewriting exercises, and written peer reviews.

The scientist In Hollywood, Physics and Politics, Can Thinking About Evolution Be Improved?

Please choose 2 out of the 3 topics for your assignment (each essay 900 words):


  1. The scientist In Hollywood

The image of the scientist is poorly depicted in Hollywood. Would you agree with that?

Science fiction, Star Wars, Dr. Spock are really great movie or television topics. The image of the dedicated honest scientist rarely makes it to the Los Angeles studios.Can you provide an explanation and discuss whether this could be a reason why the image of the dedicated scientist does not appear among the career projects contemplated by this TV generation. There might be other reasons? Discuss.


  1. Physics and Politics

Since the beginning of the 20th century scientists like Pasteur, Niels Bohr and Marie Curie have maintained strong positive images of dedication to science and humanity. Discuss what has changed in the background to create such a climate of critical evaluation of science and scientists later in the century. This has become even more crucial now in the competition for scarce resources and the deterioration of the global quality of life. Discuss.


  1. Can Thinking About Evolution Be Improved?

Evolution appears as either a major topic or as a powerful example in practically every chapter of your book- yet even very recent US statistics claim that over 70% of the North American population dispute or ignore the ideas or the consequences of evolution theory.

Of course the emergence of new antibiotic resistant diseases could be used as a good example of evolutionary processes but can you think of more potent arguments you could advance in education to reduce the stubborn 70% statistics?




Sample Excerpts

The following excerpts are taken from different essays, and designed to provide you with a sample of an A level essay a B level essay and a C level essay.


A range essay excerpt

“A scientist in his laboratory is not only a technician…We should not allow it to be believed that all scientific progress can be reduced to mechanisms, machines, [and] gearing”. 1 When a young student decides if the field of science would be the correct topic to study in university, he or she is often influenced by myths and rumours rather than facts. A common myth that stereotypes many scientists is that they are computers who use pure logic to obtain their respective results; however, history has repeatedly shown that “science cannot be done my mere computers: developing scientific knowledge requires skills that computers cannot have”. 2 Logic alone cannot allow an individual obtain scientific knowledge as “logic is self-containedA, and doesn’t by itself hook onto the material world” 3, ­therefore a person with a logical mind may not be suited for the field of science. Individuals with the ability to reason gives them to opportunity to figure out what makes sense thus allowing them to expand their ideas onto the world around them and create innovations that change their respective environment. This trait is often more challenging than obtaining the logic behind the idea itself.4 Young students who are entering university who wish to enter the studies of science should have the ability to reason rather than an ability to carry out calculations in a logical sense as these traits are required to become a successful scientist. Marie Curie and Edward Jenner– two outstanding scientists whose work greatly impacted the world – effectively used their ability to reason to amazingly utilize their respective discoveries to better European society. A good scientist is not created on the basis of logic alone; one must be able to connect his or her theory onto aspects of this material world, which requires intuition. Through the lives of universally accepted outstanding scientists – Marie Curie and Edward Jenner– one can understand how both scientists used their ability to reason in order to connect their theories to the world around them.


The most impressive trait of an outstanding scientist is not his or her discovery, but it is figuring out how to make sense of it and how to connect it to the material world. Marie Curie’s ability to utilize her and her husband’s research in radioactivity and X-rays   to help her adoptive country France in the First World War brilliantly exemplifies why history defines Curie as an outstanding scientist. Curie came to the realization that X- rays could save soldiers’ lives by allowing doctors to see bullets, shrapnel, and broken bones in a wounded soldiers body.5 Curie convinced the French government to allow her to set up France’s first military radiology centers by creating the Petit Curies. The Petit Curies were a set of radiology vehicles that transported X rays apparatus to the wounded at the battlefront. Currie gave herself a quick lesson in anatomy and made her way to the battlefront to help operate some of the Petit Curies in order to treat wounded soldiers.6 Curie’s ability to reason allowed her to connect her research to her world around her in order to save the lives of many wounded men in the war and greatly aid the French military during their war efforts. A great scientist such as Curie must be able to do more than pure calculations driven by logic; these scientists must possess the ability to reason and connect their research to the material world to create a change in their respective society.


Eve Curie, Madame Curie: A Biography. Boston: Da Capo Press. 1937. Print

Boris Castel and Sergio Sismondo, The Art of Science. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated. 2008), 55

Boris Castel and Sergio Sismondo, The Art of Science. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated. 2008), 71

Boris Castel and Sergio Sismondo, The Art of Science. (Toronto: University of Toronto Press Incorporated. 2008), 72

“Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity: War Duty (1914-1919)”. American Institute of Physics. 13 October 2014.

“Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity: War Duty (1914-1919)”. American Institute of Physics. 13 October 2014.








B range essay excerpt

First of all, this discussion should begin with a look at what logic, intuition, and reasoning is and how each helps science. Logic is “the science of statements, describing which statements follow strictly from others” (Castel & Sismondo, 2008, p. 71). It can be compared to a computation in that it produces the same rational conclusions from a given set of information for anyone, anywhere, anytime; one downside to its reliability and consistency is that it has no room for innovation. On its own, it cannot move past drawing the conclusions and depends on the rest of reasoning to take it any further and make the conclusions useful.


In contrast to logic, intuition is creative, without limits, and all about making connections and taking the findings to a direction, while it may lack the scientific evidence to ground what comes out of it. It is a certain notion one gets on a matter or a group of facts that may form before there is enough science to support it; it often guides scientists on their work, providing purpose and directions, but is dependent on evidence or logic to be validated.


According to Castel and Sismondo (2008, p. 74), reasoning is a pattern of contemplating, which is specific to a domain of science; it evolves over time as gradually more people reach consensus in the process of attempting to use their own to explain the findings, but it never completely converges, for it has no end, like time. Reasoning as a collective skill is honed over time (Castel & Sismondo, 2008, p. 74) and involves a range of scientific skills, from defining a problem to supporting theories with relative evidence or successful applications. Each of those skills requires logic and/or intuition, thus reasoning as a whole requires both logic and intuition. Reasoning helps to strengthen, develop, enhance, and expand and/or extend its specific domain of science, as does the stitching in holding together, making more durable, embellishing, making bigger, and/or modifying the clothing.


C range essay excerpt

Using logic alone can tell us nothing new about the world, especially since there are things in this world that are not self evident.  When studying science, one cannot solely use the logical part of their brain, but one must incorporate reasoning into it as well. “ Science cannot be done by mere computers: developing scientific knowledge requires skills that computers cannot have.” (Castel & Sismondo, 2008:56)  If people just used logic, we would just be like a computer, and computers are not able to do science. If scientists were just like computers, there would be no room for judgment, questioning and discussion, and without them, their discoveries and findings can become very bias and flawed. Without reasoning in science, we would not be able to come up different streams of science or different scientific theories, instead we would all just agree and disagree on the same thing and everything would be black and white. It is difficult and nearly unfeasible to completely connect logic to the real and useful part of the world. However, with the use of patterns of reasoning, scientists are able to perceive and understand the world better and as well, are able to figure out what makes sense. In order to learn how to use patterns of reasoning, one must be able to understand what they have learned and apply it to different context. This can be applied to an everyday situation. Suppose that one just learned a new word. They have no idea what it means, how to apply and use it in context, but through the hearing of the word being used, understanding the meaning of the word and being corrected, one will be able to know the word’s range of applicability. Scientists do this as well.  They come up with a new theory and they learn to understand and how to apply it to our daily lives. By doing this, they are able to understand the theory’s range of applicability and how to reason with it.

Rhetorican Analysis

Your Task
Pick one of the following articles: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr or “Just One More Game” by Sam Anderson.
Then, write a rhetorical analysis on that article–analyze the article’s rhetorical moves. In your analysis, you must examine the
text’s argument and then determine what’s effective or ineffective about the overall argument. The goal here isn’t to express
your personal opinion about technology or particular points raised in the article; rather, you are looking at how the author has
made their point. How were some rhetorical strategies used, and do you think they were used effectively? Ultimately, you
must show how the author’s rhetorical strategies make his/her argument strong or weak. You don’t have to examine every
device used–you should focus on the ones that help you best evaluate the argument’s effectiveness. Remember, a rhetorical
analysis is not a literary analysis.
Your intended audience for this will be first-year college students.
The purpose of this assignment is to:
* apply skills in summarizing and synthesizing information
* apply knowledge of rhetoric, specifically the situation and appeals
* gain experience in citing and integrating sources
* critique a writer’s argument and how he/she uses rhetorical devices & strategies
An ‘A’ paper will:
* have a specific argument that comments on an article’s rhetorical effectiveness
* support its argument with evidence from the text
* demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the rhetorical situation and appeals
* address its audience appropriately
* follow MLA style and other guidelines
* be clear and concise
* be free of grammatical and stylistic errors

Nursing care of pregnant inmates

JOURNAL ARTICLE RESEARCH FOR ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND LEGAL SAFEGUARDS Directions: 1. Locate professional nursing journals or internet websites that have articles relating to maternal, newborn, or women’s health issues. (article attached) 2. Review Ethical Principles & Legal Safeguards (chapter 3 in your text). (text attached) 3. Review the article. 4. Using APA format, type your research paper. 5. Include the following areas in your paper: a) Summary of the article b) A comparison of the topic to your text c) Identify the ethical principle and how it applies to your article d) Discuss how the three safeguards for health care apply to your article. (See Texas Nurse Practice Act- rule 217.11, Standards of Care, Hospital Policy/Procedures, etc.). (*you can skip the section about the nurses employer)

Race and ethnic issues around the world

Race/Ethnic Issues around the World Paper: For this research paper, select any topic or case study that directly relates to race and ethnic relations outside the United States. The research paper has a page requirement of 5-6 pages and must incorporate at least 5 traditional academic sources (i.e., peer-reviewed journal articles and books). Your research paper must include a thesis, and it will be graded on organization, inclusion of academic texts and grammar. Your paper should include: -A thesis statement (which clearly expresses the topic of your research paper); -The body of your paper should include present the findings of your research (be sure to organize your discussion in a meaningful way, using subheadings if necessary); and -A brief but thoughtful conclusion In addition to the 5-6 pages above, I would like an abstract page typed up, title page, and reference page (total of 8-9 pages) and in addition to the 5 scholarly references including peer-reviewed journal articles, I would like the textbook used as an additional reference (6 references). The textbook is (Scott, M. (2012). THINK Race and Ethnicity. Boston: MA, Pearson. Companion website: Must be APA style formatted, Times New Roman font size 11, double spaced throughout except on the title, abstract and reference pages.

Should the United States consider decreasing the size of its defense budget, and why?

Twenty-five percent of your grade in this class will be based on your major writing assignment, which you
are required to submit online. This guide is designed to direct you as you complete this assignment, and to
help you make the best of this task –both in terms of grades and in terms of experience. Please read this
document carefully before you begin working on your writing assignment. In essence, everything I am
asking from you is outlined in this guide. This means that if you stick to the rules and expectations, as
outlined here, you should receive top marks for your papers, and be able to replicate this positive result in
future undergraduate or graduate assignments.
On the last page of this guide, you will find a broad selection of topics from which you can choose the title
of your paper. Please copy verbatim your selected topic at the beginning of your paper. The choice of
topic is up to you. All topics pose a number of challenges and require careful deliberation. You may come
up with your own topic for your paper, if you so wish. If this is something you want to do, then you
must consult with me before you begin completing the assignment, so that I can approve your selection.
Your grade will be negatively affected if you fail to do so.
The end-term writing assignment will be due in my email inbox by the predetermined deadline. Barring a
serious personal or national emergency, a thermonuclear holocaust, world revolution, or the Second
Coming, absolutely no exceptions will be made to this rule. Failure to submit the assignment by the
deadline will automatically result in a zero mark. All assignments are to be submitted electronically in
Microsoft Word format. If you use non-Microsoft word-processing software, please consult with me
prior to submission to ensure that I can access and read your work.
The limit for the writing assignment is 2,000 words. Your grade will be partly assessed according to how
well you manage to cover the topic in question within the assigned word limit. If you find it humanly
impossible to stay within the assigned word limit, please include a separate paragraph at the end of
your paper explaining why.
Presentation matters. I will give points for papers that are well laid out and easy to read. When someone
else reads your writing, it is as if they are paying you a visit at your home. The better you treat them as
guests, the better their overall impressions are going to be. In other words, make sure you guide me
through your paper. Devote a short paragraph at the beginning, letting me know how you will address the
subject in question, and why. Then stick to what you said you would do. Separate your essay in sections and
give them headings —to act as signposts— so that I know what’s coming. Feel free to use images and
photographs to illustrate your points. Avoid unnecessarily lengthy sentences and overly complicated
statements. Finally, be consistent in your technical presentation. If you usually include periods or
commas within quotes “like this,” as opposed to “like this”, then stick to this throughout your paper. If you
like to leave two blank spaces following periods, as opposed to one, do so throughout the paper. In other
words, do not contradict yourself in your technical presentation.
Assignment T
Good writing style is the best way to ensure good ideas are adequately communicated and comprehended
by the reader. I’ve seen too many good ideas hampered by bad writing in students’ papers. This means it is
important for you to ensure that your writing is lucid and fluent, your sentences meaningful and well
constructed, your prose succinct and your language economical and precise. Go back and read your paper
carefully after you have written it. You will be surprised how many words or even sentences you can chuck
and still retain the core meaning of what you are trying to communicate. Finally, ensure your grammar and
spelling are correct and that your punctuation is consistent and effective. In my experience, writing your
paper at the last minute is the most reliable way of producing a clumsy and erratic writing style. So
please do not wait until the last minute to complete your assignments.
One of the most heartbreaking jobs I have ever had to do was marking down an absolutely fantastic student
paper that was off topic. To avoid this happening to your paper, read the title topic carefully before you
attempt to answer it. Spend some time thinking about it and deconstructing the sentences in it, isolating
the key words that describe what you should do. Then use the first couple of paragraphs to explain how
you intend to address the topic, while briefly outlining the structure of your paper. Don’t get overly
ambitious in tackling the subject in question. You’re not trying to solve the world’s problems, just answer
the title topic. This means you need to concentrate on a particular subject and remain focused. Don’t let
your analysis or your explanation get too broad or generalized. Most importantly, ensure your paper
successfully meets its aims. Simply put, explain what you are going to do upfront, and stick to your promise.
A good paper structure usually starts with an interesting, effective introduction. I know you know I have to
read your paper, but this doesn’t mean you should turn it into a chore for me. Try to make me want to keep
reading your work after the first paragraph. So be creative and come up with a good opener. Following
that, ensure that your paper has a clear direction, and that it develops smoothly and orderly. Strive for
continuity and try not to ramble. The conclusion is important too, because it provides the reader with the
precious final impression of your paper and of your argument. Nothing can destroy your paper faster
than an inadequate and half-baked conclusion. Moreover a clumsy ending is usually an accurate
indicator of the time pressure you were under while producing your assignment.
The quality of your paper’s content will determine the majority of your overall grade. More specifically,
your paper’s content will be judged according to the following criteria:
• In-depth engagement with the subject in question. Try not to give superficial treatment to the issues under
consideration. Do not ignore obvious issues or questions that may run counter to your argument.
Furthermore, do not ignore the complexities of issues under consideration in your paper.
• Good use of evidence. Employing evidence in support of your analysis is an effective way of demonstrating
your knowledge of a given subject. You will be rewarded for substantiating your argument with current
and adequate evidence from reputable sources.
• Clear understanding of concepts. Before using any of the concepts or ideas discussed in the course,
ensure that you understand them. If you don’t, or if you are unsure about how well you have
comprehended them, seek my assistance before submitting your assignment. I will gladly help you.
Writing Style
• Logical argumentation. Employing logic is the only effective way of arguing in an academic setting.
Therefore the overall quality and consistency of your argumentation is essential in helping you achieve a
good grade. Make sure your argument has a logical structure. Think methodically and, most of all,
justify your viewpoints with the use of empirical or theoretical evidence. Do not engage in overgeneralizations
(“everyone knows that…”) and do not express broad, sweeping statements (“Muslims hate
America”) that you cannot back with evidence.
• Originality of thought and input. Creativity is something I highly value, as is personal input. Try as much
as possible to pour something of yourself into your writing. Make your personality come through. In
grading your paper, I will value your personal input more highly than borrowed ideas, even if the latter
end up being more solid than your own original input. In short, originality and creativity are the best way to
win me over to your side.
I expect you to employ a reasonable number of sources. These should include, but do not have to be limited
to books and scholarly articles. In fact the more varied your sources are, the more impressed I will be.
Use newspaper and magazine articles, journal articles, videos, films, websites —anything meaningful as a
source. However, make sure the presentation of your references is accurate and consistent. Please use the
referencing system suggested below. Keep in mind that I will check your references, so ensure that they
are accurate and truthful. Most of all, do not even think of plagiarizing. If you do, I will discover it, and
you will be severely penalized. I am very online-savvy, so if you can find something online, so can I. And
if you copy it without referring to it, I will find out and your assignment will earn you a big fat zero.
Please use the following referencing system for your bibliography:
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2002) Pandora’s Box: The United States’ Relationship With Al-Qaeda Prior to ‘9/11’,
Bibliologue Publishers, New York, NY.
Chapters in books:
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2007) “National Security Agency: The Historiography of Concealment”, in K. de Leewu
and J. Bergstra (eds.) The History of Information Security: A Comprehensive Handbook, Elsevier,
Amsterdam, pp143-198.
Academic Journals:
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2002) “State-Sponsored Communications Interception: Facilitating Illegality”,
Communication and Society, 6(3), pp403-428.
Newspaper or magazine articles:
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2010) “An Embrace Without Trust: The Downward Spiral in US-Pakistan Intelligence
Relations”, Pragati, February, pp28-30.
Television or Radio interviews:
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2010) Interview on Australian National Radio, Sydney, Australia, first broadcast on 31
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2011) Interview on RT Television, Moscow, Russia, first broadcast on 11 December.
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2010) “An Economic Role for European Spy Agencies?”, Research Institute for
European and Intelligence Studies, 10 May <
article&id=1217>, accessed on 2/14/2011.
Fitsanakis, J.G. (2012) “Terrorist Economics”, lecture delivered for the International Terrorism course,
King College, Bristol, TN, 12 March.

Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan, such as a process improvement, an organizational initiative, or a change that you could actually implement in a healthcare workplace or community setting.

Identify a specific problem or need to serve as the basis for a strategic plan, such as a process improvement, an organizational initiative, or a change that you could actually implement in a healthcare workplace or community setting. The scope of the strategic plan should be such that it can be accomplished within an eight-week period of time. Write a strategic plan including the following criteria: A three to six page paper with heading levels as explained on page 62 of the APA Manual (6th ed.). Clearly define the problem or need that you have identified and will address through the strategic plan. Background information supporting why this initiative is important and how the strategic plan will bring effective change or improvement. Substantive, current literature should be integrated to validate and provide rationale for your strategic plan. A comprehensive analysis of internal and external factors using the SWOT method described in chapter 16 of the Yoder-Wise textbook. Discuss stakeholders impacted by your chosen initiative. Write a problem statement. Develop one outcome statement for the strategic plan, including SMART characteristics (specific, measurable, realistic, and time- bound) Identify specific activities necessary to facilitate achievement of the stated outcome and congruent with the project scope and eight-week time frame. Establish a plan for evaluation to correspond with your stated outcome. The evaluation plan should specifically and clearly describe how successful achievement of the outcome will be determined. Support your plan with a minimum of three current scholarly sources.

Why do we assess your discussion-forum postings at all? There are four main reasons: (i)

Why do we assess your discussion-forum postings at all? There are four main reasons: (i) In the online medium especially, the amount of interaction between participants has been found to be a key factor in learning outcomes. If students feel that they belong to a community, they tend to feed off this synergy and learn more effectively. (ii) Postings create opportunities for the teaching staff to identify misunderstandings of key concepts which might otherwise go undetected. (iii) In writing six fairly substantial postings on different modules, you need to engage deeply with a reasonable proportion of the course content. (iv) Because 40% of the total marks available in LIN8001 are allocated to discussion-forum work over most of the semester, this obviates the need for you to do a relatively lengthy assignment towards the end (at a time when you might be busy working on major assignments for other courses). Second, why two sets of postings rather than only one? This is mainly in order to provide you, via assignment #1, with some formal feedback on your performance in LIN8001 in the first half of the semester. In particular, this feedback might help you to identify, in good time, aspects of your discussion-forum work (and your writing more generally) which are in need of improvement. For assignment #1, you need to select three discussion-forum postings you have made in the topicrelated forums over the first few weeks of the semester.


Each posting must be 300-350 words long (excluding the reference list at the end of the posting), with no 10% leeway. The word count for each posting covers the posting text only (including in-text citations and quotes). Note that it includes the question that you pose to the group (see below for more information), plus, if you are responding to a classmate, your acknowledgement of your classmate’s question. Please state the word count within each posting. This must go immediately before the reference list. You may include postings from modules 1 to 5. (Although there is no penalty for posting on module 1, we suggest that you avoid including a posting on this module in this assignment if possible. As chapter 1 of the textbook is introductory only, it lacks the depth of the remaining chapters. Consequently, it may be difficult for you to produce a substantial posting for this module.) All three postings must come from different modules. For example: 1. Forum topic 2 – Age 2. Forum topic 3 – Crosslinguistic influences 3. Forum topic 5 – Cognition Needless to say, please ensure that you make enough topic-related postings over the first few weeks of the semester to be able to complete this assignment. Within each of the topic-related forums, you will find a discussion-starter posting made by the examiner: ‘Comment on one issue in this module that struck you as particularly interesting/important/ controversial etc.’. Although you need to organise and integrate the ideas in each of your postings effectively, there is no need for the posting to have a conventional introduction-body-conclusion structure (cf. assignment #4). In particular, given its relative brevity, your posting needn’t include any background to the topic. In the first sentence of the posting (or shortly after that), state the topic of the posting explicitly (e.g., ‘One thing that has caught my attention in this module is …’). Ensure also that the content of the rest of the posting is related to this topic. Do not give the posting a title: this will just waste valuable words. However, your reference list does need a title (i.e., ‘References). In general, we suggest focusing on the quality rather than the quantity of


Your posting can relate to something in the prescribed textbook or in one of the supplementary readings. One good strategy is to post on an issue that is only mentioned in passing in the course materials for a given module. Alternatively, you can post on an issue that is not mentioned in any of the course materials, but is relevant to the topic of the module. In either of these cases, you are extending the coverage of the course content in a worthwhile direction, while keeping your discussion-forum contributions related to the relevant module.