Johnson Controls Capital Investments

Visit the Website of Johnson Controls Inc., located at, and review its 2012 financial forecasts. According to the forecasts, Johnson Controls will increase capital investments to approximately $1.7 billion. More than 70% of the company’s capital expenditures in 2012 are associated with growth and margin expansion opportunities. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Suggest a methodology to supplement the traditional methods for evaluating the capital investments of Johnson Controls in the emerging markets to reduce risk providing a rationale of how risk will be reduced. Assess the potential impact of inflation on planned capital investments in China and examine approaches for an accurate evaluation of the investments. Suggest how this knowledge may impact management’s decisions. Contrast the modifications you would make in evaluating the projects to increase internal capacity in North America to evaluating expansion projects in the global market and how this information will impact the decisions made related to expansion. Examine the benefits of using sensitivity analysis in evaluating the projects for Johnson Controls and how this approach can provide a competitive advantage for the company. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The 5 best toys of all time by jonothan h. liu

Reading Response

For this paper your assignment is to respond to any of the readings we’ve gone over to this point.  Your task is to summarize the important points of the essay.  Use your close readings to show direct quotes.


Remember summary is: what happened.  What is the essay/story about.


The details are:


  • Focus on your thesis. Give a road map to the reader that shows you have read the essay/story and that you have something to say about it. Have a clear well-constructed thesis. (refer to lecture III on Blackboard)
  • Summarize the article. What is it about? What happens? Where does it take place? Who is involved?
  • Develop your thesis. Build on your main idea of what the story/essay is all about.
  • Use your close reading. Put your close reading in your paper. Respond to your close reading quote by showing why this quote is important to you as a reader and thinker. Before the quote, give a sense of what was happening. After the quote, show why the quote mattered to you or didn’t.  What made it the most important quote in this essay? What makes the quote memorable and worthwhile to you as a reader and thinker? Refer to the text.
  • Clear ending that shows why ideas mattered and were ALL used by writer. Show why the quote is meaningful when weighed in relation to the rest of the article.  Show the reader why you selected this reading and this quote and what is important about it to you as a reader and thinker.



Grading Rubric


Is a thesis present? Yes No
Is the article summarized? Yes. (Main ideas thoroughly covered.) Somewhat. (Some ideas covered, but some main points not clearly covered.) No
Is the thesis developed? Yes. (Thesis is focused on throughout and subsequent details continue to develop using 7 ways.) Somewhat. (Some development there but there is further developing needed in places.) No
Is a quote of the reading used? Yes.  (Quote used.  Formatted properly. Before and after quote it is clear why quote is significant to student’s essay.) Somewhat.  (Quote used, but not formatted, properly introduced, or it is difficult to understand why quote is important to student writing.) No
Does the ending convey what is meaningful about essay to writer? Yes.  (Conclusion shows why writer selected essay and quote and what they found meaningful about it.) Somewhat. (Conclusion shows why writer selected quote or essay but not both, and doesn’t clearly show what was meaningful about essay to writer.) No.
Is the essay clean and error free grammatically? Yes. (Errors are not distracting and there are very few.) Somewhat. (Errors are present and there are a few per page. Not distracting.) No. (Errors make reading difficult.)
Are transitions between graphs clear? Yes. (Transitions are present and make reading easy for readers.) Somewhat.  (Some transitions are there but transitions are awkward or abrupt.) No.


Mesoamerican Technology





The following question is based on the accompanying documents. (The documents have been edited for the purpose of this exercise). The question is designed to test your ability to work with and understand historical documents. Write an essay that:


  • Has relevant thesis and supports that thesis with evidence from the documents.


  • Uses all or all but one of the documents.


  • Analyzes the documents by grouping them in as many appropriate ways as possible and does not simply summarize the documents individually.


  • Takes into account both the sources of the documents and the authors’ points of view.




Essay Prompt


Identify the roles played by technology and intellectual accomplishments in the development of Mesoamerican society from the Ancient through the Post-Classical Periods. 


Based on the following documents, discuss the significance of technology in the Mesoamerican world. What types of additional documentation would help access the importance and impact of technology on Mesoamerican lifestyles and civilizations? 




Historical Background


When humans first reached the Americas, they brought with them their tools. This technology spread across the Americas and is often found buried in graves with their previous owners. As Mesoamericans became sedentary, technology changed to meet their needs. When the Europeans arrived in 1521, they found flourishing civilizations and cities as large as any in the Old World. 

James Harold’s “A Moral Never-Never Land:

Assignment 1: Summary and Response One of the most important and basic skills academic writers in all disciplines learn is the ability to take apart, understand, and summarize complicated academic writing, and to then formulate a response that is based on a serious intellectual engagement with the issues, evidence, and arguments presented. For your first assignment, you will write a summary and response to James Harold’s “A Moral Never-Never Land: Identifying with Tony Soprano” (Signs pp. 296-304). We’ll be practicing summary and response skills over the next couple of weeks, and we’ll be discussing various methods for breaking down an article and the ways that academics go about responding to texts. Summary (300 words) This assignment requires that you write a 300-word summary that pays attention to the overall conclusions, key terms, key examples, and main points of the author. Your summary should demonstrate how these ideas fit together and the implicit point of view of the text. Your summary should also reflect application of the methods we will read about from Writing Analytically and those we’ve practiced in class. Although you will be putting the author’s argument into your own words, you will also need to avoid misrepresenting and/or judging the author’s position. Analytical Response (300 words) After you summarize, use the analytical methods we have been practicing in class to write an analytical response to the text. Write a response that addresses the author’s claims and considers the implications of his argument for your own understanding of the issues at stake. You may draw evidence that supports your position from personal experiences and observation, but you must also return to the text to provide illustrations and examples to support your claims. You should refrain from offering a merely personal response that fails to position itself in relation to the ideas and arguments of the article. Criteria for Evaluation Summary • Accuracy & completeness • Comprehensiveness and balance: reasonable selection of main ideas, major points, and examples represented in proper relation to each other • Indication of how the main ideas fit together and the implicit slant or point of view of the text • Attention to the underlying structure of the text • Avoidance of judgment • Coherence: logical and smooth progression with 1) appropriate transitions indicating connections between ideas, and 2) signal phrases (“Harold claims/argues/states….”) 
 Response • Use of analytical methods we have read about and discussed • Serious intellectual engagement with the text • Use of specific supporting examples and details to support your claims • Reasonable and apparent choice of thesis/main point • Logical and coherent scheme of organization Grammar, Style, and Mechanics Appropriate use of citations, sentence structure, word choice, grammar, spelling, and punctuation that enables rather than hinders clear and effective communication Document Formatting You will format your paper in standard MLA style format (1″ margins on all sides, running header with last name and page number, double-spacing). Also, you will use Times New Roman 12pt. font. See Purdue University’s Online Writing Lab (OWL) for an example of MLA document formatting: _http://

Intercultural Communications

This assignment will provide you the opportunity to gain expertise in a specific aspect about intercultural communication. You are required to select a topic related to intercultural communication and analyze critically a segment of a published body of knowledge through summary, classification, or comparison. You should have at least 5 academic references. Do not use any Internet reference unless it is a published paper from an academic source. You can synthesize the overall trends in what has been published about the topic, summarize individual studies and critique them, evaluate the current “state of art” for the body of knowledge reviewed, and offer directions for future research or suggestions for overcoming the limitations.


Your Task “[…] asset prices such as stock prices always incorporate the best information about fundamental values and that prices change only because of good, sensible information […]” (Shiller, 2003, page 83). Describe a theoretical framework of classifying market efficiency and assess to what extent the above quote is relevant in terms of explaining the pricing of securities on the financial markets. Further Notes – You should make intensive use of the course text AND peer-reviewed academic source materials such as academic journals. This is a research project. – Use exhibits and appendices to provide succinct, relevant and clear information. Focus on the critical and most important issues. Assessment Criteria The value of your work will be assessed on the demonstration of critical understanding of relevant theories and their application within the wider practical world. The specific assessment criteria are: – Demonstration of competence, critical understanding and practical application – Demonstration of identification, evaluation and interpretation of appropriate techniques – Ability to analyse a range of complex scenarios and data for decision making – Ability to determine and evaluate appropriate planning methods and techniques – Evidence of relevant background research, supported by examples, citation and a bibliography in Harvard format

Activity-Based Costing (ABC) in Service Industries

Research a U.S. company in the service industry with e-commerce activities. Write a five to six (5-6) page paper in which you: Describe the company you researched in one to two (1-2) paragraphs. Discuss how a time driven ABC cost system can be implemented in the company you researched and the benefits that the use will yield to the business performance. Assess how using an ABC system can provide a competitive advantage to the company in the market space it operates and the resulting impact to the business performance. Examine the potential impact of time-driven ABC costing on services provided online with those provided through traditional channels, considering how this knowledge will impact decisions made by management about these services. Use at least three (3) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other Websites do not quality as academic resources. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

Teaching Complexities Toolkit Paper

You have been directed by your administrator to develop a toolkit in the form of an information paper to explain the complexities of being a teacher. This paper will be shared with local high school students who are considering a career in teaching.


Include the following sections:

  • Section One: Responsibilities – Outline the responsibilities of a teacher and how each of these contributes to effective teaching.
  • Section Two: Collaboration – Outline how you will collaborate with teachers, families, and the community to enhance teaching and learning.
  • Section Three: Professional Development – Explain why continuous professional development is important and provide three examples of professional development opportunities.
  • Section Four: Technology – Explain two advantages and two disadvantages of using technology in the classroom.
  • Section Five: Research-Based Strategies using the “Principles of Instruction: Research-Based Strategies That All Teachers Should Know” article – Describe five research-based strategies and explain how each promotes responsive teaching.


This is an informational paper and used as a resource guide. Include a title page, three references, reference page and use APA format. Each section should be a separate Level One Heading.


Briefly describe the main contentions of the Wahhabi movement and the two main ways this movement differed from other revivalist movements

Briefly describe the main contentions of the Wahhabi movement and the two main ways this movement differed from other revivalist movements. What are the origins of the American University in Beirut, and what are its connections to the rise of Arab nationalism? Who were the Young Turks, and what did they do? How did the neorevivalist Muslim Brotherhood (Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin) and Islamic Society (Jamaat-i-Islami) regard the Western concept of separation of church and state? What were six principles of reform in Turkey known as Ataturk’s “six arrows”? Which of these do you think had the potential to clash with traditional Islamic beliefs? Each question should be 100-300 words. Sources don’t have to be used if not needed.

Education on environmental issues in public schools

The body of the essay should identify 5-7 main points of the issue’s debate. These points should be extracted either explicitly or implicitly from each opposing article and reiterated by you in the form of a question. Each point that is identified should be stated in the essay as a topic sentence. Each topic sentence should be evidenced showing both the PRO and CON point-of-view. To do this, each point-of-view should be evidenced with a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary taken from the article that represents that side’s stance. Internal documentation should be used to indicate where in each article this information could be found. Remember: For each piece of PRO/CON evidence (direct quote, paraphrase, or summary) an explanation of how and/or why it represents that side’s point-of-view must be given.