Should environmental studies become a mandatory part of science curricula in public schools?

The body of the essay should identify 5-7 main points of the issue’s debate. These points should be extracted either explicitly or implicitly from each opposing article and reiterated by you in the form of a question. Each point that is identified should be stated in the essay as a topic sentence. Each topic sentence should be evidenced showing both the PRO and CON point-of-view. To do this, each point-of-view should be evidenced with a direct quote, paraphrase, or summary taken from the article that represents that side’s stance. Internal documentation should be used to indicate where in each article this information could be found. Remember: For each piece of PRO/CON evidence (direct quote, paraphrase, or summary) an explanation of how and/or why it represents that side’s point-of-view must be given.

Personality Development

The Final Project for this course requires that you apply the material that you have studied during the term to a case study of your choice. For this Assignment, you must choose a well-known current or historical person for an in-depth analysis of personality development. Some examples of the type of person you can choose are famous politicians, philanthropists, entertainers, businesspersons, or individuals who made significant contributions to your field of study or career. You should choose a figure whose biographical information can be easily researched. During this course, you have studied several models of personality development. For your Final Project, you will write a 5–7 page paper that describes the way in which each of the models that you studied in the course applies to the personality development of the case study that you chose. Your paper must include the following components: A summary of the person’s life experiences. This section must include all relevant background, including family history, significant life experiences, and important contributions that may have influenced or resulted from the individual’s personality development. This section should be a maximum of 1–2 pages in length. A discussion and evaluation of the ways in which each of the following models would explain the individual’s personality development: Psychoanalytic and Neoanalytic theories Psychosocial theories Trait, Evolutionary, Genetic/Biological approaches Cognitive, Behavioral, and Social Learning theories Humanistic theories Be sure to include an explanation of the advantages and disadvantages of applying each model to your case study. This section should be 3–4 pages in length. If you wanted to measure and assess this individual’s personality, what specific methods of personality assessment would you use that we have learned during this course and why? What information would you gain from each of the assessment tools that you chose? This section should be at least 1 page in length. Include references from the text and course learning activities. Your project should be double-spaced, include a reference page, include a minimum of three resources, and adhere to APA guidelines. You can find additional help on APA in the APA Quick Reference on the Course Home Page or in the Kaplan Writing Center.

Advertisements and Appeals

Select a product whose advertisement can be readily found on television and radio, in magazines,
and other media. Write a 7-10 page essay (2,250 – 3,200 words in length) in which you interpret
the ad campaign based on pre-persuasion, source credibility, message control, and appeal to
emotion as Aronson and Pratkanis describe in their book Age of Propaganda. Avoid supercommon
products that have already been thoroughly examined for their propaganda, like CocaCola
and McDonald’s. (See me if you think you have a surprising new take on one of these
companies or products that deserves expression.) Choose a product for which you have access to
a number of ads that show a number of different appeals and try to analyze the advertisement on
all levels, even di
Sources • You must use and cite Pratkanis and Aronson’s Age of Propaganda and you must draw
from one other source regarding media advertising that you have found on your own.
• You should position the advertisement and product in light of the ideas communicated in
Century of the Self.
• You must also cite the advertisements (see MLA for citation information). Remember to
keep track of your advertisements—where you found them or when you viewed them and
from what channel, website, etc.
• You will need to position this argument in the rational world, and references to your own
opinion and the relativity of your own experiences are not acceptable. You must rely on
the information your community shares—in other words, facts. Do not introduce personal
opinions, beliefs, or tastes.
• Finally, as you will with all papers for this class, you must adhere precisely to the MLA
style manual for research papers.
• Some Internet resources are acceptable like,,, etc. But be attentive to scholarship and distinguish between academic
and popular media. Better essays will value academic research over popular media. Still,
you may use information found on the companies’ websites, but be sure to compare this
information to independent studies.
Product History
A history of the product may be helpful, but do not sacrifice analysis of the advertisement with
pages of history that can be easily drawn from Internet sites. You may place a brief history of the
product near the front of your essay (perhaps the second paragraph or distributed reasonably
throughout), but essays that merely recount history or explain the product will suffer (these
essays may earn 40% at best). The product history should not detract from, but contribute to, an
analysis of the persuasion strategies characteristic to this advertising campaign.
Control the Issue
Do not mistake the purpose of the essay. Do not directly argue an issue that may lie on the
outskirts of the product. For instance, if you are going to analyze an industry advertisement like
those for the beef industry or those for “clean coal” do not get caught up in arguing that raising
beef destroys the environment or that coal (carbon sequestration) is or is not a reasonable
alternative to petroleum. Although these are important arguments to consider, such a focus lands
off the mark for this essay. Such companies, industries, and products that are part of ongoing
controversies are interesting to examine and represent important issues; they inform the adversity
the ad campaign must overcome. So I encourage you to choose these kinds of advertisements,
but you must be attentive to the primary goals of this essay: application of pre-persuasion, source
credibility, message control, and appeal to emotion to an advertisement promoting a product to a
consumer audience. Better papers will balance the issue with analysis of the ad.
Choosing topics • Do not choose movie advertisements.
• Do not choose products that lack typical media exposure.
• Select products that address controversial issues. For instance, Chevron’s “Human
Energy” campaign is an attempt to depict this massive energy corporation as an average
person, like you and me, concerned with supporting the conservation of existing energy
supplies, funding the development of alternative energy, and securing human rights, an
image that probably runs contrary to most people’s view of Chevron. More than this, the
advertisements attempt discussion of serious issues, in particular the emerging threat of
conflict over energy resources as the developing world begins to rival western rates of
consumption. You might also consider how Monsanto, a century old chemical company
whose unfair business practices, monopolization of seed, poor environmental record
(pollution, development of synthetic hormones and genetically modified seeds), and
historical role in developing DDT and Agent Orange, attempts to re-brand itself.
• This suggestion of controversial topic does not contradict the previous point about
controlling the issue. Be sure you are explaining and analyzing the nature of the
propaganda of these advertisements. Occasionally students will neglect the advertisement
and begin to argue the issue. The controversial nature of the advertisement makes your
essay topic more attractive, lending a sense of urgency and significance to the
propaganda strategies employed, but remember that the primary purpose of this essay is
to apply the principles of propaganda as developed by Pratkanis and Aronson.
Audience • Your audience includes, but is not limited to, the students in this class. You, therefore,
cannot assume those reading your essay are already familiar with the authors, the reading,
the issues, or other material with which this class is acquainted.
• Your audience is a mixed group of college students and academic professionals of mixed
political and religious belief, and varied levels of expertise.
• Some members of your audience may already agree with you, but many may disagree
with you, and others may not have made up their mind about the issue or have never
considered it. Do not assume your audience already thinks what you think, and it is thus
your obligation to address those that happen to disagree with you. Your object is to
change their minds, to persuade them to accept your conclusions.
• Argument will use both expository and argumentative modes of writing: to some extent
you will inform them of the issue and to some extent direct their thought (argument) or
tell them what to think about the facts—what the facts mean.
• They may not be familiar with the authors you are using for support or are responding to,
but they do respect and endorse the academic community as, although not infallible, still
a valuable institution for developing critical ideas and tools to understand reality.
Works Cited and Other Details • All sources must be listed in a Works Cited page, which should appear sequentially
paginated as the last page of your essay, though not contributing to the assigned page
minimum. Produce this page in the same computer document as the rest of your paper.
• Your title should creatively engage the content of the essay.
• Essays that do not engage the required reading for the class in a meaningful way will
receive a failing grade.
• Do not use Wikipedia, or any other encyclopedia, as a source for anything you write for
this class.
• Define words according to the discipline of their origin, not by Webster or
• Use 12 point, Times New Roman font. Double space between lines, no more and no less.
Do not increase space between letters or words. Align your text on the left margin. For
further details, see the MLA style for research papers.

Travel Brochure

Have you ever gone on vacation? Where did you go? How did you learn about the place before you went there? More than likely, you used a travel brochure to learn about your destination. For the project in this unit, you will be designing a travel brochure for the perfect trip. A travel brochure is a pamphlet containing useful information about a particular place, including various facts, pictures, and other special points of interest. Travel brochures are designed to sell the destination to a traveler. If the traveler likes what he or she sees, the destination may be visited. Before you design your own travel brochure, take some time to find models of travel brochures online. Using your favorite Internet search engine, type the key words travel brochure pdfs to find examples. What do you notice about the brochures? How are they written? How do they attract readers? How do the designers use techniques such as layout, images, and font to influence the intended audience? In Book I of Utopia, More outlined several of the predominant problems in European society. In Book II, More designed a place of perfection in Utopia, but he did so addressing many of the problems in 16th century Europe. For example, 16th century European kings were greedy and desired property. In More’s Utopia, private land ownership did not exist. You have already identified significant problems with the United States today in lesson 5, so basically, you have taken care of your Book I. Your travel brochure will be the equivalent of Book II of Sir Thomas More’s Utopia. You will design a brochure that features your own utopia, but you will create a utopia that addresses the problems that you identified with the United States. In addition to addressing the problems, your brochure should also contain the following information: a name for your utopia that is the title of the brochure sections that are identified with headings, such as geography and history, agriculture, cities, government, occupations, education, war, and religion details written in sentences and paragraphs underneath the headings; these details should fully explain each aspect of your utopia; write 300-500 words graphics that enhance the color and content of your brochure Remember the travel brochures you studied earlier in the lesson to get design ideas. Before you write your brochure, please continue to the next two pages for more details about this assignment. When you have finished writing your brochure, please submit the assignment.

ake sure your newspaper includes: A Masthead A Headline A Byline Columns Look at your local newspaper and examine the layout carefully. You will want to use it as a model.

Make sure your newspaper includes: A Masthead A Headline A Byline Columns Look at your local newspaper and examine the layout carefully. You will want to use it as a model. Your newspaper can be dated either in the past or in the future. However, the theme of wealth and poverty should be clearly apparent to the reader. You will need at two pages to lay out all of the required articles. Your newspaper must contain these items: 2 Advertisements, each 50-100 words 1 Satirical Essay 100-200 words 1 Opinion Piece 100-200 words 3 Articles about local, national, and international news events, each 50-100 words Your advertisements must be original. Please do not copy and paste advertisements directly from the Internet. Design your own. You may use the graphic organizer you have completed for this unit to write your satirical essay. Good humor counts! Your opinion piece must reflect the theme of wealth and poverty. It must also state a clear opinion. Your articles may reflect a real life event or they may be completely fictional just written like a standard newspaper article which answers the questions: who, what, when, where and why. You may use the columns feature in MS Word to create newspaper columns. If you are more experienced, you may also try your hand at using MS Publisher which is a popular desktop publishing program. There are tutorials available for using both of these programs on the internet.

Discuss the role of transport and logistics management in developing regional clusters and economic activity.

Discuss the role of transport and logistics management in developing regional clusters and economic activity. The Research paper should consists of a full analysis of your chosen topic. The paper should incorporate the outline areas that we worked on. APA format is required. This paper will be graded on contents, grammar, and format. Required: 10 pages and 6 references. Use this class text as one of your references, Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications. Below is the Rubric to follow. Title and Abstract Title and abstract are informative, succinct, and offer sufficiently specific details about the problem, variables, and proposed methods of the study. Introduction: Problem, Significance, & Purpose of the Study Presents a significant research problem related to Transportation & Logistics Management. Articulate clear, reasonable research questions given the purpose, design, and methods of the proposed study. All constructs and variables have been appropriately defined. Propositions are clearly supported from the research and theoretical literature. All elements are mutually supportive. Literature Review: Organization Structure is intuitive and sufficiently inclusive of important constructs and variables of the proposed study. Literature Review Narrative integrates critical and logical details from the peer-reviewed theoretical and research literature. Each key construct and variable is grounded to the literature. Attention is given to different perspectives, common themes, threats to validity, and opinion vs. evidence. Methods: Research Design The purpose, questions, and design are mutually supportive and coherent. Attention has been given to eliminating alternative explanations and controlling extraneous variables. Appropriate and important limitations and assumptions have been clearly stated. Methods: Context, Population, and Sampling The description of the context and population was meaningful. The sampling process was reasonable to recruit a representative sample of the population. Attention was given to controlling for extraneous factors and sampling error. The participants in a qualitative study fit the characteristics necessary to gather data relevant to the specific research problem. Methods: Instruments Descriptions of instruments and observation protocols included purpose statements, type and number of items, and type of scores. Evidence of the validity and reliability was presented. Methods: Procedures Procedures were thorough, manageable, coherent, and powerful for generating valid and reliable data. Procedures were chronological and replicable, with clear distinctions between researcher and participant actions. Clear and reasonable strategies were presented for seeking permissions and for the ethical treatment of human subjects. Methods: Data Analysis Proposed Analytical methods were sufficiently specific, clear, and appropriate given the research questions, research design, and scale of measurement, and type of distribution. APA format Consistently apply assignment of APA guidelines, especially in regards to citations, references, headings, table of contents, page numbers, and running headers. Please follow this Research Project Structure Outline Title Page Abstract I. Introduction A. Background of the study/topic B. Problem/purpose statement C. Research question/hypotheses D. Significance of the study (who benefits from it) E. Theory/models/framework II. Literature Review A. Introduction (introduce the reader to what the chapter will include) B. Sub-topic 1 C. Sub-topic 2, etc… III. Methodology A. Type of research design (qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods and why) B. Challenges in using this design and how they will be addressed C. Reference and inclusion of a visual diagram D. Data collection (What data was collected? How?) E. Data analysis (How would you analyze the data?) F. Validity approaches in this design IV. Other Areas A. Researcher’s resources and skills B. Potential ethical issues C. Timeline for completing study V. References & Appendix A. Instruments B. Protocols C. Visuals

Art I Love- Art I Make

Paper due as follows: There are two parts to this assignment. 1)To get us started in the course and to get you thinking about art and the place it has in your lives, your assignment is to choose an art work that is very important to you and describe what it is and why it is important. At best, it should be a piece that you respond to deeply and that has had some effect on your experience of life and the world. Write a typed hard copy paper. Illustrate if possible with a photo 250 words 2) Think about a personal creation that you made and write about its significance to you. This could be a simple drawing from long ago, a part in a play performance, a musical piece, or anything defined as an artistic creation. Illustrate if possible with image. Write 250 words about this and hand in your papers as scheduled.

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror

Soon after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration developed a plan for holding and interrogating captured prisoners. They were sent to a prison inside a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on land leased from the government of Cuba. Since 2002, over 700 men have been detained at Gitmo. Most have been released without charges or turned over to other governments. In 2011, Congress specifically prohibited the expenditure of funds to transfer Gitmo prisoners to detention facilities in the continental United States, making it virtually impossible to try them in civilian courts. As of April 2012, 169 remained in detention at Gitmo (Sutton, 2012). An assumption made by the Bush administration in selecting this location was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. courts. The administration wanted to avoid any judicial oversight of how it handled detainees, characterized as enemy combatants. A possible legal challenge to indefinite detention with no formal charges or judicial proceedings might arise from the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution. Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution states, “The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.” Under this provision, persons detained by the government are entitled to a judicial hearing to determine if there is any legal basis for their detention. Some legal commentators refer to the right of habeas corpus as the “great writ of liberty” because it is a prisoner’s ultimate recourse to an impartial judge who can review the possibility that he is being held illegally by the executive (e.g., the police or the military). In nations that do not honor habeas corpus, people simply disappear into prisons without ever having their day in court. Several controversial Supreme Court cases have come out of Gitmo. One fundamental question that has been debated, but not clearly resolved, is to what extent the war on terror justifies the President’s indefinite detention of enemy combatants without the possibility of the minimal judicial review protected by habeas corpus? Another issue in the debate is to what extent Congress must clearly authorize the President to conduct extrajudicial detentions in order for them to be legal? In 2008, the Supreme Court’s decision in Boumediene v. Bush offered some answers to these questions. However, the deeply divided 5-4 Court and the likelihood of the protracted nature of the war on terror suggest that debate around these important questions will continue. Writing the Final Paper in this course will prepare you to participate intelligently as a citizen in this ongoing debate. Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics: Explain the historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions. The explanation of its evolution within the American tradition should include the general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties. Provide examples from U.S. history of the suspension of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present. Analyze the relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by as enemy combatants or illegal combatants. Explain the U.S. Supreme Court’s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to enemy combatants or illegal combatants (i.e., the views of the five justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices). Evaluate a minimum of four perspectives on this topic expressed by justices of the Supreme Court, leaders in other branches of government, and commentators in both the academic and popular media. Your evaluation should consider perspectives on the following topics as they relate to habeas corpus: The role of the President as Commander-in-Chief. The role of Congress in determining when habeas corpus can be suspended. The role of the Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties, including the judicial philosophy which should guide the Court in this role, and In your evaluation, you should also include your personal philosophy, values, or ideology about the balance between civil liberties and national security in the context of an unending war on terror. Follow these requirements when writing the Final Paper: The body of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) must be at least 1,500 words long. The paper must start with a short introductory paragraph which includes a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate. The paper must end with a short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent. The paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning. The paper must address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic five, listed above (your evaluation of perspectives on the topic). Your paper must cite at least three academic articles (excluding the course textbook) and at least four other kinds of sources (e.g., Supreme Court opinions, magazine or newspaper articles, the course textbook, and reliable websites or videos). Use your own words. While brief quotes from sources may be used, altogether the total amount of quoted text must be less than five percent of the body of your paper. When you use someone else’s words, they must be enclosed in quotation marks followed by an APA in-text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source on the reference page at the end of the essay. When you express in your own words someone else’s ideas, arguments or facts, your statement must be followed by an APA in-text short citation (author, year, and page) to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source in the reference page. The form of the title page, the body pages, and the reference page must comply with APA style. Additionally, the title page must include the course number and name, the instructor’s name, and the date submitted. Cheri Miller POL 201 American National Governments Instructor Matthews January 2, 2015 The paper must use logical paragraph and sentence transitions, complete and clear sentences, and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation. For this paper you need to do research in peer-reviewed journals or other sources that are considered to have reliable information. In addition to your required course text, you need at least seven scholarly sources, three of which must be peer-reviewed journal articles from the university Online Library. Academic research papers must meet university level standards of quality. What constitutes quality, academic research? Primary sources written by experts in the field of study Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources Credible sources (experts in the area of study) Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study) Peer-reviewed journal articles (journal articles reviewed by recognized experts in the relevant field of study). Educational and government websites (those ending with a web URL suffix of .edu or .gov) may be appropriate in some cases but should be evaluated carefully. The paper must be at least 1,500 words in length and formatted according to APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page.

Write a brief proposal for a new study based (your proposed study) on what you learned from the review.

Instructions: Last week you completed a Literature Review on your research area of interest. Write a brief proposal for a new study based (your proposed study) on what you learned from the review. My project is to identify the role of transport and logistics management in developing regional clusters and economic activity. This proposal should include: 1. A purpose statement, 2. Problem statement, research questions and/or hypotheses, and 3. An overview of the planned procedures to carry out this study (proposed research methods and design). 4. Your writing should follow the standards established in the course and in-text and end-of-text references should follow APA style manual format. 5. This paper should be a minimum of 5 pages. Use this, as one of your references Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications.

From experience, 3PLs are very helpful when an organization has reached capacity and/or is trying to target a new market. This is where their expertise and capacity come in so handy. Thoughts

1. 1. From experience, 3PLs are very helpful when an organization has reached capacity and/or is trying to target a new market. This is where their expertise and capacity come in so handy. Thoughts? 2. So at what point should one believe that a 3PL is a better choice for a company? 3. Do you see a time in the future where water transportation will be as dominant as road transportation? Discuss 4. Do you have any Narrative hooks in mind for a research paper? What is your method for drawing readers and convincing them that your proposal is a worthwhile pursuit? 5. Which of the three steps that is a proposal, abstract, or introduction in your opinion is the most challenging to write and why? 6. With that success rate a research proposal plays a big role in whether the study takes place or not. Out of the three areas that is the proposal, abstract, or introduction, which one do you think is the most important? Please use Coyle, J.J. Transportation: A supply chain perspective, 7th edition. And Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications. As your references Thank you.? 2. So at what point should one believe that a 3PL is a better choice for a company? 3. Do you see a time in the future where water transportation will be as dominant as road transportation? Discuss 4. Do you have any Narrative hooks in mind for a research paper? What is your method for drawing readers and convincing them that your proposal is a worthwhile pursuit? 5. Which of the three steps that is a proposal, abstract, or introduction in your opinion is the most challenging to write and why? 6. With that success rate a research proposal plays a big role in whether the study takes place or not. Out of the three areas that is the proposal, abstract, or introduction, which one do you think is the most important? Please use Coyle, J.J. Transportation: A supply chain perspective, 7th edition. And Creswell, J.W. (2009). Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, 4th edition (University of Nebraska, Lincoln: SAGE Publications. As your references Thank you.