Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP)

Develop a Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) OUTLINE for a supply chain of an organization of your choice from any time period: past, present or future. Do not include any secure, confidential or private information in your plan. Your TIP should include background about the organization, its products and services, markets, and supply chain strategies (e.g., green chain). Also describe its current freight flows and future freight flows after implementation of one or more of your recommended improvement projects would be executed. Use a multi-year (more than one year) planning horizon. Support your Plan with theories, concepts, and best practices from the course textbook and scholarly resources. Outline: Maximum of three pages, including title page and bibliography, Word Document, APA Style and include an abstract. Paper: Minimum of 20 and maximum of 25 pages, including title page and bibliography, Word, APA Style and include an abstract. Please note that this should be Masters level writing. The course text is Coyle, J.J. Transportation: A supply chain perspective, 7th edition. Example Template for the TIP Paper: Demographic information about the organization: industry classification; markets, locations, # of employees, products & services, suppliers, other pertinent information How does this supply chain support the organization’s strategic goals? What are the strengths of this supply chain? What are the weaknesses of this supply chain? What metrics does the organization utilize for its supply chain? What transportation initiatives and innovations has it implemented? What transportation initiatives and innovations should it consider? What should be the next step be to improve the supply chain? Provide details to support your conclusions as necessary.

changing policing styles in America


The final project for this course is the creation of a final paper. Select a criminal justice topic that interests you either personally or professionally or both.


Possible paper topics: Below are some possible topic ideas for your final paper. If you decide to select a topic that is not listed here, it must be preapproved by your instructor.


  • DNA evidence
  • Eyewitness identification
  • Community policing
  • Search and seizure
  • Causes of crime (from Chapter 3)
  • Public defenders
  • Capital punishment
  • Alternatives to incarceration
  • Juveniles and crime
  • Human trafficking
  • Terrorism
  • Organized crime
  • Drugs


Requirements of submission: Written components of projects must follow these formatting guidelines when applicable: double spacing,
12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and discipline-appropriate citations. The paper should be a minimum of five to eight pages in length, not including title page, abstract, or reference page. Also, be sure to use APA format.


The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Four, and Five, with the final project due in Module Seven.




Main elements: Include the following elements in your final paper:


  1. Cover page
  2. Executive summary page/abstract page (introducing the content)
  3. Your topic
    1. Overview of topic
    2. Historical data that has shaped topic
    3. Current situation
  4. Conclusion (can include implications for the future)
  5. Reference page




Milestone One: Topic Selection

In task 2-2, you will submit a topic with a brief description that explains how you feel this topic affects practitioners (or any one practitioner) in the American criminal justice system. Please write a full paragraph explaining why you chose this topic, why it is important, and how you plan to approach the topic in your final paper. This assignment will be graded pass/fail. If you turn in your topic in the way prescribed in the guidelines, you will earn full points. The purpose of this assignment is so that you can get feedback from your instructor and incorporate it into your final project.

Milestone Two: References

In task 4-2, you will submit a references list. Your list should include five to six references that you will be using for your final paper. Briefly summarize how you qualified your references and what aspects of your topic they cover. The list should be cited in APA format. Just for information, Wikipedia is not considered an appropriate reference. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone Two Rubric.


Milestone Three: Topic Outline

In task 5-4, you will submit a topic outline of your paper. The outline is the basic plan for your paper and should be 1–2 pages in length. Your outline page should include the following:


  • Paper title
  • Thesis statement
  • Major points/arguments indicated by Roman numerals (I, II, III, IV, V, etc.)
  • Support for your major points, indicated by capital letters (A, B, C, D, E, etc.)


This website should be helpful as you prepare your outline. This milestone will be graded using the Milestone Three Rubric.

Final Project Submission: Final Paper

In task 7-3, you will submit your final paper. The research paper should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the main elements of the final project. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This milestone will be graded using the rubric below.


Critical Elements Exemplary Proficient Needs Improvement Not Evident Value
Main Elements Includes all of the main elements and requirements and cites multiple examples to illustrate each element


Includes most of the main elements and requirements and cites many examples to illustrate each element


Includes some of the main elements and requirements




Does not include any of the main elements or requirements



Inquiry and Analysis Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of multiple concepts


Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of some concepts


Provides in-depth analysis that demonstrates complete understanding of minimal concepts


Does not provide in-depth analysis




Integration and Application All of the course concepts are correctly applied


Most of the course concepts are correctly applied


Some of the course concepts are correctly applied


Does not correctly apply any of the course concepts


Critical Thinking Draws insightful conclusions that are thoroughly defended with evidence and examples


Draws informed conclusions that are justified with evidence



Draws logical conclusions but does not defend with evidence



Does not draw logical conclusions




Research Effectively incorporates many scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research


Effectively incorporates some scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research


Incorporates very few scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research


Does not incorporate scholarly resources that reflect depth and breadth of research




No errors related to organization, grammar and style, or citations


Minor errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations


Some errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations


Major errors related to organization, grammar and style, and citations


Earned Total




Driving experiment proposal

APA format (20 points)


Abstract (10 points)

A brief introduction of your proposal.


Research problem (20 points)

Discuss the problem your research will attempt to address.


Research question(s) (10 points)

Discuss the specific question(s) your research will attempt to address.


Specific aims (10 points)

State the goal of the study.


Hypothesis (10 points)

What you expect to find.

(Alternate or Research hypothesis)


Background (20 points)

The introduction of your research paper.

History of the topic.

At least 7 references.


Significance (20 points)

State the reasons why this research should be done.

(ie Why is it important to answer the questions addressed in your proposal)


Theoretical or Conceptual Framework (20 points)

The mechanisms underlying the phenomena you are studying.


Research Methodology

Methodology (20 points)

The design of your study.

(ie. Basic Between-Subjects Design, Between-Subjects Factorial Design, Within-Subjects Design)

Sample Population (10 points)

Were will you get your sample.

Sample Size (5 points)

The number of people in your sample.

State that you used power analysis to determine this number.

Sampling Techniques (10 points)

What sampling method did you use?

(Must use a probability sampling technique)

Sample inclusion characteristics (5 points)

Given the population that you are sampling from, who will be included.

Sample exclusion characteristics (5 points)

Given the population that you are sampling from, who will be excluded from your sample.

Data collection (10 points)

How the data will be collected.

Data analysis (20 points)

What statistical test will be used to analyze your data.

A Raisin in the Sun

Discuss the issue of race and/or class status in “A Raisin in the Sun”, by Lorraine Hansberry. Include discussions of the historical context: de facto segregation, lack of civil rights, the emerging civil rights movement, linking back to the novel. Sources like Wikipedia will not be accepted

“A Raisin in the Sun” is a play written by Lorrain Hansberry in the 1950s that focused on a lower class black family who are struggling to gain middle class acceptance in the society.  Lorrain Hansberry was an American playwright and writer; her personal experience inspired the writing of this play. The play centers on a family that faces racism, classism and oppression of the African Americans by the Caucasians back in the early days. Since its discovery, racism has been a major factor affecting the United States. Racism can be The belief that some races are inherently superior (physically, intellectually, or culturally) to others and therefore have a right to dominate them. In the United States, racism, particularly by whites against blacks, has created profound racial tension and conflict in virtually all aspects of American society.

Long Distance bus trip to philadelphia

This paper is based on observing a new situation, likely to present behaviors I can analyze based on course concepts. Describe the setting, people who are part of it, their behaviors, or interactions. A statement of the problem, hypothesis, methodology and implications of the proposed investigation. Write the Introduction, (which include a literature review which places the proposed investigation in perspective, a statement of the problem, and your hypothesis. Also indicate the importance of the project and its potential impact on the science of psychology). It methods ( Participants, material necessary for the research to be conducted and a detailed description of the proposed project) and analysis.

American Airlines Financial Analysis

A 12-15 page research paper (excluding appendices, table of contents, abstract, reference and bibliography) is
required. You will select an aviation firm or aviation related firm operating in the international business
environment. This will be prepared consistent with the current APA Publication Manual and will have a minimum
of ten separate references (No Wiki’s or Pedia’s). Some of the bibliography and references will most likely come
from the firm you have chosen, e.g., source documents, annual reports, and financial statements. As such, this
reduces the need for peer-reviewed sources. However, peer reviewed sources are still important and should be
listed in the bibliography/reference section(s) and cited in the paper as appropriate.
This paper is due the last scheduled day of the course. Grading rubrics are provided in the online course. The
research paper is worth 30% of the final course grade. 80% of the research paper grade is based on content
and 20% of the research paper grade is based on format.
Late submissions are subject to a 2% per day or part of a day penalty. In addition, the research paper will be
prepared consistent with the following guidelines:
1. This serves as an introduction to the Research Paper. Introduce the various topics that will be
addressed in the research paper. Identify the method(s) that will be used to collect the data for the
topics and how that data will be evaluated.
2. There will be a brief discussion of the firm to include its principle goods and services, market share,
geographic locations where it operates, and major competitors.
3. Evaluate the firm’s leadership and management philosophies.
4. Evaluate human resource management policies. This includes any recent labor disputes, the use of the
local area labor market, and recruitment strategies.
5. Describe and discuss the organizational design and describe any marketing strategies for your firm.
6. Discuss how your firm manages cultural and ethical issues throughout the world.
7. Describe and analyze any recent or ongoing strategies related to global operations for your firm.
Examples include expanding operations to other geographic areas, entry modes into markets, or
strategies to increase market share for their goods or services.
8. Evaluates the companies’ e-commerce initiatives and discuss whether or not these strategies have
enhanced the growth of the firm.
9. Discuss the political environment for your firm and its effect on import/exports of the principal good or
service. This discussion could include trade blocs, trade barriers and/or regional trade agreements.
10. The discussion should provide a brief summary of the previous sections and the conclusions you have
11. Organize your research paper to logically flow and address all requirements. This research paper will be
graded on both content and format.
12. Provide an Appendix that lists the page number(s) in your research paper where the answers to
requirements 1-10 can be found.

Macroeconomic Questions

I have to complete the following questions where each question must consist of at least half a page. Which is why I’ve selected five pages to ensure this is properly completed. The four questions that must be answered in this essay are the following: 1) What is not included in the measure of national GDP? Suggest how we could included them in the future. 2) If the US dollar drops in value against the Japanese Yen, what would happen to the volume of exports from USA to Japan? Why? 3)Give an example of a “leading Indicator” and explain how it can predict how the general economy will behave. 4) Discuss the role of the Federal Reserve in getting an economy out of a recession by eliminating the Recessionary GAP. Be specific, what are the tools and how are they used?

Select three of the authors that we have read and explain how each expresses a unique vision of the human experience. Three authors are khaled hosseini-Thousand splendid suns, Drown-junot diaz, narrative of the life of frederick douglass-Frederick dougla

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way….”


Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities


Final Assignment :


This is one of those defining moments in American history. Current events have created an environment in which people around the country have decided that something must change. In places as far away as India and Palestine, demonstrators have come out to support those seeking change in the United States. I have attempted to bring alternate information and opinions forward using the media platform that I have access to (terrestrial radio.) There is a lot more work to be done. In light of all of this, I have decided to slightly scale back your final assignment. Your concluding task is as follows:


Narrative is a truly human activity. It is through narrative that we share experiences and gain greater understanding of the world. This semester, we have read a number of narratives that present very different pictures of the world. Select three of the authors that we have read and explain how each expresses a unique vision of the human experience. In the instances in which an author uses short stories or vignettes (Drown and The Woman Warrior) use a single story or vignette. Use examples from the texts to amplify your ideas. You may use outside sources to support your arguments. This final essay should be a minimum of 5 pages. This assignment is due on Saturday, December 20th. Use the conventions of MLA formatting to complete this assignment. No emailed papers will be accepted.




Strategy and Innovation

IMPORTANT: Before you begin working on the assignment, please view the Video Instructions located in the Resources section. This is your biggest paper for this course and covers information from Units 8, 9, and 10 directly (corporate new business strategies, innovation, partnerships and alliances, and executing strategic priorities), while also linking to previous topics covered in Units 1 through 7. Review the Growth Strategies, Innovation, Alliances, and Execution video, linked in the Resources, for additional information that will help you complete your assignment. For this assignment, select one specific strategic business unit (SBU) of a publicly traded organization. (Your choice must be a different industry and different company from the ones you used in previous assignments.) An example would be Commercial Aviation, which is an SBU for Boeing. Using the SBU you have selected, complete the following: •Analyze the overall competitive environment, including market conditions. •Evaluate the current growth and new business strategies, along with implications. •Analyze the organization’s primary business model. •Evaluate the organization’s competencies and resources. •Evaluate the leveraging of growth strategies and resources through partnerships and alliances. •Identify future opportunities for innovation (disruptive, value, blue ocean, and/or fast second) based on past success and failures. •Assess the organization’s ability to effectively execute its growth strategies. Show how the strategies compare, based on past results, with the eight components of the strategy execution model referred by Thompson et al. in Chapter 10 of your text. •Analyze the organization’s corporate culture and leadership and how they are evidenced in this organization. •Develop a strategy map (balanced scorecard). In addition, your submitted assignment must meet the following requirements: •Be a minimum of 2,400 words. •Follow APA (6th edition) guidelines for style and formatting, and include a cover page and appropriate headings. •Use a minimum of seven PRJs and PJs and other references in addition to the assigned readings; you must include one or two references on theory and five or six references on your case study organization. Reminder: Be sure you clearly articulate your analyses and support your case study with information from multiple sources. Note: This assignment is due no later than 4:59 p.m. Central Time Friday. Note: Your instructor may also use the Writing Feedback Tool to provide feedback on your writing. In the tool, click the linked resources for helpful writing information.

how to balance USA national budget

Paper Five Research Paper: Argumentative Synthesis This final paper is a type of research paper called an argumentative synthesis. You are asked to identify a problem of regional, national, or global importance, discuss proposed solutions in published sources, and develop and propose your own solution. The solution you propose may be similar to one or more of the solutions proposed by your sources, may combine aspects of the ideas proposed by your sources, or may be entirely your own. Your task is to (a) give the reader a clear overview of the problem, (b) accurately represent the views of your sources, (c) discuss their strengths and weaknesses, and (d) make a case for our own proposed solution. For your annotated bibliography, every 5 of the articles you use must propose solutions to the problem you select. 2 may simply provide data on the topic in a neutral manner. For this annotated bibliography assignment, please do the following: 1. Write a one- to- two sentence introduction that explains your topic and lets the reader know you’ll be presenting a bibliography of sources for your research paper. 2. Research and find a minimum of seven published articles that propose solutions for your topic. 3. List those sources according to MLA style. 4. Under each MLA style listing, write one paragraph of roughly 200 words in which you summarize and evaluate your source. Your paragraph must include a summary of the solution proposed by the source AND your assessment of the potential effectiveness of the author’s proposed solution. The second element is key. The reader should know exactly what you think of the solution put forth in the text, how useful you think it might be, and why you think it might or might not work. You are not critiquing the writing in the article, but rather you are determining whether the solution proposed sounds like a good one, or not, to you. 5. The articles you choose must come from a minimum of TWO scholarly journals and may come from a maximum of THREE highly respected publications of national scope such as Time, Newsweek, The Nation, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, etc Structure your paper in the following way: * Provide an introduction to the topic you plan to address. In this introduction, establish the nature and ramifications of your topic using stats and argumentation. * Compare, contrast, and evaluate/critique your sources throughout your paper. Be sure to cite each source according to MLA style. * Propose your own solution to the problem, offering evidence and reasoning to convince the reader that your way is the most effective and advantageous way. * Finally, include a Works Cited page that adheres to MLA style. . Go Class. Engage your voice and influence to push for a solution. Join the academic conversation with confidence as you write to make a difference. I will be grading for thoughtful and inspiring content with attention paid to individual progress concerning grammar issues.