religion and family relations

ANTH 260 – Anthropology Department.


You have a choice: you will answer either one or both questions.  If you choose to answer both, each answer should be 4-pages long.  If you choose to answer one question only, it should be 8-pages long.





Chapter 11 of the textbook (by Karl Heider) looks at religion and at several theories offered by anthropology to explain religion.  You will watch Altar of Fire, by Robert Gardner, which we watched and studied in class on week 11, and apply all the relevant theories to this film.


To do so, you will clearly define and explain each theory you will use in your own terms; and then choose at least one scene in the film that can be analyzed through this theory.  For instance, if you choose the “anxiety theory of magic”, you should define and explain it, and then say what behavior/events/practice captured by Robert Gardner can be explained by this particular theory. You will most certainly need to identify at least one scene, possibly two, for each theory. That is, you must “recognize” the theories on the screen.


Altar of Fire is available at:

(you will need to use your name and Healey Library access code)


In order to complete your understanding of Hinduism, you may also want to watch the documentary Hinduism, available here:

(you will, again, need to enter your name and library code)


You will use the following concepts: religion; community; spirituality; taboo; human mediators.  For each, you will have to provide a definition (in your own terms) before using it in context.




You will watch the film Summer Pasture, about a nomadic Tibetan people in eastern Tibet.  It tells the story of Lobo and his wife Yama herding yaks, raising children, and maintaining community relations in a cold and remote land.


Summer Pasture is available here:



About Summer Pasture:


Filmed in the high grasslands of eastern Tibet, Summer Pasture offers an intimate glimpse into the life of a young nomad couple and their infant daughter. Locho and his wife Yama live in Dzachukha, eastern Tibet – nicknamed ‘5-most’ by the Chinese for being the highest, coldest, poorest, largest, and most remote county in Sichuan Province.They depend on their herd of yaks for survival, much as their ancestors have for generations. In recent years however, Dzachukha has undergone rapid development, and Locho and Yama are finding their traditional way of life increasingly more difficult to maintain.Summer Pasture evolves as a patient exploration of Locho and Yama’s personalities, relationship, and the changes taking place around them. Over its course we witness their travails with illness, infidelity, and the dissolution of their community. In the face of mounting challenges, Locho and Yama ultimately reveal the personal sacrifice they will make to ensure their daughter’s future.With rare access to a highly insular community, Summer Pasture is at once a deeply personal account of a vanishing way of life and a universal story of family survival.Film Festivals, Screenings, Awards Winner, Grand Prix Nanook, Jean Rouch International Film Festival, France, 2011 Winner, Jury Award for Visual Achievement, San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival, 2011 Winner, Silver Apricot, Yerevan International Film Festival, Armenia, 2011 Winner, John Schlesinger Award, Palm Springs Int’l Film Festival, Palm Springs, CA, 2011 Winner, Grand Jury Prize, Trento Film Festival, Italy, 2011 Special Jury Commendation, RAI Award, RAI Int’l Festival of Ethnographic Film, England, 2011 Nominee, “Truer Than Fiction,” Film Independent Spirit Awards, Los Angeles, CA, 2011 Winner, Best Feature, BANFF Mountian Film Festival, Canada, 2010 Nominee, “Best Film Not Playing at a Theater Near You,” IFP Gotham Independent Film Awards, 2010 Honorable Mention, Inspiration Award, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, Durham, NC, 2010 Winner, Grand Prix, Autrans International Mountain Film Festival, France, 2011 Winner, Grand Jury Prize, Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival, Nepal, 2011 Winner, Mountain Life Award, Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival, Germany, 2011 Winner, Mountain Life Award, Cervino Cinemountain Film Festival, Italy, 2011


Clip 1: Summer Pasture

Filmed in the high grasslands of eastern Tibet, Summer Pasture offers an intimate glimpse into the life of a young nomad couple and their infant daughter. Locho and his wife Yama live in Dzachukha, eastern Tibet – nicknamed ‘5-most’ by the Chinese for being the highest, coldest, poorest, largest, and most remote county in Sichuan Province.

They depend on their herd of yaks for survival, much as their ancestors have for generations. In recent years however, Dzachukha has undergone rapid development, and Locho and Yama are finding their traditional way of life increasingly more difficult to maintain.

Summer Pasture evolves as a patient exploration of Locho and Yama’s personalities, relationship, and the changes taking place around them. Over its course we witness their travails with illness, infidelity, and the dissolution of their community. In the face of mounting challenges, Locho and Yama ultimately reveal the personal sacrifice they will make to ensure their daughter’s future.

With rare access to a highly insular community, Summer Pasture is at once a deeply personal account of a vanishing way of life and a universal story of family survival.

Film Festivals, Screenings, Awards Winner, Grand Prix Nanook, Jean Rouch International Film Festival, France, 2011 Winner, Jury Award for Visual Achievement, San Francisco Int’l Asian American Film Festival, 2011 Winner, Silver Apricot, Yerevan International Film Festival, Armenia, 2011 Winner, John Schlesinger Award, Palm Springs Int’l Film Festival, Palm Springs, CA, 2011 Winner, Grand Jury Prize, Trento Film Festival, Italy, 2011 Special Jury Commendation, RAI Award, RAI Int’l Festival of Ethnographic Film, England, 2011 Nominee, “Truer Than Fiction,” Film Independent Spirit Awards, Los Angeles, CA, 2011 Winner, Best Feature, BANFF Mountian Film Festival, Canada, 2010 Nominee, “Best Film Not Playing at a Theater Near You,” IFP Gotham Independent Film Awards, 2010 Honorable Mention, Inspiration Award, Full Frame Documentary Film Festival, Durham, NC, 2010 Winner, Grand Prix, Autrans International Mountain Film Festival, France, 2011 Winner, Grand Jury Prize, Kathmandu International Mountain Film Festival, Nepal, 2011 Winner, Mountain Life Award, Tegernsee International Mountain Film Festival, Germany, 2011 Winner, Mountain Life Award, Cervino Cinemountain Film Festival, Italy, 2011


You will use Chapter 8 of the textbook to analyze and comment on this film.  You will choose key theories and concepts on marriage, family and kinship that can explain specific scenes in the film.  (You have to do exactly the same exercise as in the first question, but with a different film and a different chapter.)  Again, you will clearly define and explain each theory or major concept you will use in your own terms; and then choose at least one scene in the film that can be analyzed through this theory.  For instance, if you choose to talk about polygamy, you should first define and explain it, and then say what behavior/events/practice captured by Summer Pasture can be best explained by this particular concept. You will most certainly need to identify at least one scene, possibly two, for each theory or major concept. That is, you must “recognize” the theories on the screen.


You will use the following concepts: kinship; motherhood; marriage; community; endogamy.  For each, you will have to provide a definition (in your own terms) and using it in context.




You should always answer questions as scholars.  That means that you must be as scientific, logical, methodical, explicit, didactic, and exhaustive as possible.  That means that you must also: avoid general, vague statementsl avoid moral judgments and moralizing statements (no substitute to critical thinking); avoid emotional statements; avoid colloquial expressions; stay on target and avoid digressions (always keep the question(s) in mind).


You must demonstrate critical viewing, critical reading, and critical thinking.  If you assert something, you must back it up with evidences.  You cannot write a merely descriptive, factual paper.  Again, your answer should be supported by arguments and clear, specific references (including page number). Your own arguments should be illustrated by relevant scenes from the films (do not make the descriptions too long).  The memos distributed in class contain the names of all main characters.


Quotes should be between brackets, and include the author’s name and page number.  Same thing if you write about/synthesize an idea or an argument from any text (mention the name of the author, place year of publication and the page number).



Dining Room Table

Question that needs to be answered is: Some students have a background or story that is so central to their identity that they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story. The story is about my dining room table. It’s shaped my identity to who i am today. I would like this essay to be descriptive and very emotion felt to do that you can use this story My mom had an awful relationship with her mother and she’d always tell me this story about when she was younger she’d come home after a long day of work and her mother would never have any dinner on the table for her. And i came to realize that when i would arrive late my mom would always have the dinner on the table. The dinner table was a place where my mother showed me her love with out having to tell me. Where i did my homework, Not only that but at the dinner table was where i came to grow the most through though conversations with my parents, laughter, tears, arguments and everything in between. Again, id like this to be a heart felt essay with emotion and many descriptions


i need to edit this research paper to receive a better grade. I gather the information through a survey i am experimenting the significance difference between female and male drivers. which genders tends to speed more, be more aggressive and cause accidents. I submitted a total of 16 surveys; 11 to females, 5 to males, to determine what gender speeds more but i found no significance difference in the genders. I don’t have to attach any tables so no need to do so. In the attachment you can see my first draft. i need a lot of work in my introduction, method, results and discussion. Feel free to use different reference, no need to be the same. I need to revise this paper for Monday to receive a better grade. (The red word in the parentheses are my teachers comment.)


Instructions for the Article

  1. 1. What is the key hypothesis tested in this paper?
  2. For each figure in the article, please answer the following questions.
  3. What is the purpose of the experiment in Figure?
  4. How did they do it? What were they measuring?
  5. Describe the control(s). Why was this useful?
  6. What results did they see?
  7. What is the conclusion?
  8. Overall, what is the significance of the findings in this paper? Why are these findings



Please be concise and also REMEMBER to explain all the Figures following the steps on question 2.

Ayres, J. S., & Schneider, D. S. (2012). Tolerance of infections. Annual review of immunology, 30, 271-294.

  1. The hypothesis of the paper was pathogen tolerance play an important part in understanding of disease and infections treatment and vaccinations.
  2. 2. Figure 1: Resistance and Tolerance graphical definition
  3. The purpose of the experiment was to determine the relationship between microbe load, resistance and tolerance.
  4. Data was collected for patients who had microbe infections after getting sick and recovering. The microbe load and health of the individual were determined and then plotted on a two-dimension graph. The study was measuring tolerance.
  5. The control of the experiment was healthy status at zero parasite loads, Vogor.
  6. There is a relationship between microbe load, resistance and tolerance.
  7. Tolerance can be measured through use of adequate data

Figure 2: Immunological mechanism

  1. Measuring tolerance based on different elicitors.
  2. It was done through activation of TLR4 using different microbes. Deferent tolerance and resistance of immune response
  3. Alkaline phosphatase was useful in determining the effect of LPS in immune response
  4. TLR4 leads to activation of pathology and prevention of bacteria from infection, tolerance and loss result in defects in resistance
  5. TRL4 play major role in tolerance and resistance

Figure 3: microbe space and health

  1. Measuring individual resistance and tolerance based on health properties.
  2. The study started with a healthy sample and changes in properties monitored with respect to resistance and tolerance.
  3. The control of the healthy sample at the initial position before experiencing resistance or tolerance
  4. Changes in host environment results to changes in health thus is reflected by increase or decrease in either resistance or tolerance
  5. Changes in health has effect on resistance and tolerance of the host

Figure 4: Tolerance classes

  1. Explain various tolerance classes
  2. Through analogous explanations
  3. Different types of tolerance
  4. There are different types of tolerance depending the immune response of the host
  5. Immune response is important in development of resistance and tolerance
  6. Conclusion

Tolerance and resistance play important role in understanding treatment of various microbes. Tolerance and resistance depends on elicitor, health status, microbe space, and immune response.



Geology of northeastern New Jersey

You are assigned to write a term-paper on topic – Geology of northeastern New Jersey. The paper is basically a summary of understanding of literatures about the geology of the area. The paper should not exceed 4 pages. All pertinent figures, tables, references should be part of the 4 pages. The paper should be written in Times New Roman font with 11 font-size, with 1.5 line spacing and 1″ margin on both right and left sides. If you plan to submit the paper electronically, it has to be written either in Mac’s Pages or Microsoft’s Word. Piece of advice – do not wait until the last moment to write the paper. A carelessly written paper may not worth any points at all. WPU library is a good source of references. To grasp some ideas how the geology papers are written, skim through some papers from the “Geology” journals on any topics in the library. Our library carries Geology journals. Just a reminder that the term paper carries 10% towards your final. The paper is due on the day of the final exam, which is December 15th. Hardcopy deadline is during the period of the final exam and electronic submission deadline is 11:59 pm on the day of the final exam. I stop receiving any electronic submissions after midnight. After a sememster long geology, you should now understand some of the fundamental concepts of geological processes. So, i would say a couple of days of labor should bring out a decent term-paper. Also, don’t get caught plagiarising other’s content. Write in your own word. Basically, you are writing a story how the landscape of northeastern NJ area is formed, going back in 400-500 million years. You should emphasize, geologically, how each of these physiographic divisions is formed – in brief – from west to east. You should also talk about the tectonics of the area. Start from around the Cambrian time, about 550-600 my ago, when the westernmost physiographic division of NJ was formed as part of the convergence of proto-north american plate to an oceanic plate. The convergence continued for about next 300 million years, giving rise to two westernmost physiographic divisions of NJ. Around Permian time, roughly about 270 my ago, Pangea started to break. At that time the proto-North American plate started to rift from the mainland Pangea – a situation very similar to current East African Rift system. As a consequence, many of the proto-North American lands were down thrusted, forming current Ramapo fault system. Rifting process involved a lot of volcanic activities in the area, giving rise to the Watchung mountain systems. There are three Watchung mountain systems formed during that time. WPU is located on the piedmont of second Watchung mountain. Continued erosion and ice covering for next several hundred million years brings the topography that we see today. You need to elaborate these summarized story in your own understanding. You can also shed lights on other aspects too, like, economic resources, water systems, natural hazards, etc.

Explore the limited household participation in the stock market phenomenon and its relation to financial literacy

The paper will be assessed according to the following criteria: The in-depth analysis of the topic – you demonstrate an in-depth research conducted on the topic, mastery and familiarity of the concepts you discuss 8% Being up-to-date – make sure to include 2005-2012 data 2% Reader engagement – the paper should be interesting to read, an outside reader can learn something  2% Conclusion/evaluation – most papers are written with some particular aim or ambition in mind. You should draw some conclusions or recommendations from your paper. 3% Style – your paper is written in academic style with no “I think” or “derivatives are bad” etc. 1% Clearness and presentation – your paper is clear, logical, no spelling mistakes, formatted by MLA, APA (or other widely-known citation system, please drop me an email in this case), pages numbered and an overall impression is good.) ISM regulations regarding paper formatting are met 2% Citations/Bibliography sections 3%


REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(s) Required Text: Schiller, Bradley R., The Macro Economy Today, 13e. McGraw-Hill Irwin Companies, Inc., 2013. ISBN: 978-0-07-741647-8 Please choice three macroeconomic topics from textbook to write three short essays, each one needs at least one and a half pages. The total paper should not more than 5 pages. Topic 1 and 2 can choices as you want. The topic 3 must to talk about “what I learned in Macroeconomics”. Each topic needs at least 3 paragraphs. A. What about the topic? What is it definition? Etc. B. What does the text book talk about this topic? What is it function? Why is it important? Etc. C. What do you think about this topic? Using a example from the news to support your idea. Recommend topics: Unemployment, opportunity cost, international trade, Federal Reserve Bank, fiscal, monetary policy, etc.

Strategy and Innovation

Corporate and Business Model IMPORTANT: Before you begin working on the assignment, please view the Video Instructions located in the Resources section. This assignment focuses on the topics from Units 6 and 7. Review the Corporate and Business Model Strategy video, linked in the Resources, for additional information that will help you complete your assignment. Select a publicly traded, multinational corporation (MNC) to use as the case study for this assignment. The corporation you choose must have several strategic business units (SBU) and must not be a company that you have used in previous assignments. An example of an MNC is Walt Disney Corporation; one of Disney’s SBUs would be Pixar Animation. Once you have selected an MNC, complete the following: •Identify the organization’s corporate generic or base strategy (as defined in the text readings) and explain the overall direction for the corporation. What corporate guidelines are provided to the strategic business units? •Select one strategic business unit under the corporation: ◾What is the basic business model? How do the activities in the business model fit together? The most effective technique to use to answer these questions is to create a table or figure to illustrate how the elements fit together. Examples: customer segments, value proposition, revenue stream, customer relationships, channels, key activities (processes), key resources, key partners, cost structure. ◾Assess the success of the SBU business model. •Analyze the underlying competitive trends that have affected the SBU. •Identify any radical shifts that have occurred within the industry in the last five years and explain how those shifts affected the SBU. •Identify key company resources and explain how they are deployed within the SBU. •Identify how the corporate generic strategy is deployed within the SBU. •Assess how well the SBU aligns with the corporate generic strategy. Reminder: Be sure you clearly articulate your analyses and support your case study with information from multiple sources. Your submitted assignment must meet the following requirements: •Be a minimum of 2100 words. •Follow APA (6th edition) guidelines for style and formatting, and include a cover page and appropriate headings. •Use a minimum of five (5) peer-reviewed journals, practitioner journals, and other references not included in the required course readings—one (1) on theory and four (4) on your case study organization.

Assess and compare new strategic opportunities for Apple and Samsung

Instructions: •In the individual assignment you will assess and compare new strategic opportunities for two for-profit technology enterprises, both of which you likely already know. •The two enterprises are Apple Inc. and Samsung Electronics Company, Ltd, multinational makers of information and telecommunications technology products. Samsung is the current world leader in smartphone sales, while Apple is #1 in tablet computer sales. •Use the assigned readings, posted learning materials, online research (one of the current MBA Competencies that you have attained by now), and your personal knowledge and experience to develop the report. •You should also build on what you learned in these areas in earlier coursework, to include AMBA 640, AMBA 650, and AMBA 660 •Be succinct, a virtue in management reporting. Twenty double-spaced pages should be more than enough for this assignment. •As to overall report format, you should use A Format for Your Text Assignments (Mandatory Use). •Remember to include a results-filled executive summary at the beginning of your report.

Woman’s beauty according to science and according to nature

Using both The Birthmark and Rappaccini’s Daughter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, write a 7 page paper (times new roman, font 12): due to human science discuss how men desire to: A. perfect nature or purge woman of their nature results in the demise of the female protagonists. (first 3 1/2 pages) B. analyze negative effects of plastic surgery or cosmedic surgery.(last 3 1/2 pages) * at the end of section A, begin section B with, “But due to the proliferation of plastic surgeons, women continue to undergo surgery which can also result in the death. * For section B, you must use at least 2 journal articles. *The paper must be written in MLA style format, and the 8th page will be the Works Cited page must be written in APA format. *The Birthmark *Rappacinni’s Daughter