2. The use of gene therapy in neurological disorders 3. The impact of coffee co * ‘Primary research article’ will be explained in Tutorial 1 **Bonus mark if ONE of your research articles reports on the results of a human clinical trial (explained in lecture) Approximate word count: 1500 words +/- 10% (not including the citations)

ust A4, and I have add the assignment question
Assessment 1

Your task:
–To undertake an annotated bibliography (using two primary research articles*) on one of the topics listed below:

1. The role of vitamins in metabolic syndrome

2. The use of gene therapy in neurological disorders

3. The impact of coffee consumption on human health

* ‘Primary research article’ will be explained in Tutorial 1
**Bonus mark if ONE of your research articles reports on the results of a human clinical trial (explained in lecture)

Approximate word count: 1500 words +/- 10% (not including the citations)

Your task:
–To undertake an annotated bibliography (using two primary research articles*) on one of the topics listed below:

1. The role of vitamins in metabolic syndrome

2. The use of gene therapy in neurological disorders

3. The impact of coffee consumption on human health

* ‘Primary research article’ will be explained in Tutorial 1
**Bonus mark if ONE of your research articles reports on the results of a human clinical trial (explained in lecture)

Approximate word count: 1500 words +/- 10% (not including the citations)

Financial Statement Analysis Assignment

1- This is an equity analysis report.
2- This report must not exceed the 3000 words.
3- you have to produce me a tearsheet for this assignment at first so that I can get feedback from my professor
4- Read the assignment brief carefully.
5- The company that I chose is Apple Inc for this assignment, for its financial statements it shows no name on all the statements except for the Income statement so I will upload it, for the other statements you can access my Gmail, email address: Mubarakzureikat1@gmail.com Password: Mubarak@1996 access the second thing in the inbox which is Apple Inc Final.
– I will upload every powerpoint slides that will be related to this assignment.
– for the ratios, it is stated in the lecture 4&5 file, and the other files they might help you with the work.
– I have to clarify with my professor for how many years we should do the analysis part, so I should get back to you tomorrow with the answer.

These are my teachers comments. Please revise and edit included essay accordingly. I commented on grammatical, stylistic, and formatting issues through the first page, or the first occurrence. I expect you to identify similar issues throughout the rest of the paper and address them. I marked many of these issues with a highlight, but did not distinguish the issue. If you have any questions about the reason for any mark, please come see me. Do a more complete analysis of one text rather than trying to include both Tendency to wordiness

These are my teachers comments. Please revise and edit included essay accordingly.
I commented on grammatical, stylistic, and formatting issues through the first page, or the first occurrence. I expect you to identify similar issues throughout the rest of the paper and address them. I marked many of these issues with a highlight, but did not distinguish the issue. If you have any questions about the reason for any mark, please come see me.
Do a more complete analysis of one text rather than trying to include both
Tendency to wordiness
Reading your work aloud can help to eliminate awkward phrasing, word choice issues and clarify punctuation use
Please use Chicago Manual of Style for citations; check www.chicagomanualofstyle.org for templates
Missing citations
Remember your audience
I strongly suggest having someone else review your work for readability, word choice, clarity, and concision.
I stopped commenting about midway through the second page; the language is too convoluted and indirect to effectively convey meaning. You use ten words where two will convey clearer meaning, and your analysis gets lost in unclear phrasing.
I appreciate that you are analyzing 18th century philosophical treatises, but your language, word choice, and stylistic choices should be your own, rather than mirroring the subject matter.


I need to do an online coursework which is worth a lot of credit, could you please write it on word each section one by one the answers, I will provide as much as information and documents possible, deadline is soon

I need to do an online coursework which is worth a lot of credit, could you please write it on word each section one by one the answers, I will provide as much as information and documents possible, deadline is soon

I need to do an online coursework which is worth a lot of credit, could you please write it on word each section one by one the answers, I will provide as much as information and documents possible, deadline is soon

Legal Issues in Business

Rarely does one individual’s decision or action create an ethical crisis entirely by itself. More often, someone’s unethical or illegal idea is adopted by other members of the company, and the problem grows within the organization until it erupts in headlines, bad publicity, and sometimes criminal penalties. After the fact, the questions always arise: How did that happen? Didn’t anyone know it was going on? Why didn’t someone stop it?

Recently, Volkswagen found itself in just such a position, when it was discovered that the software in the company’s diesel vehicles had been programmed to provide false data to regulators regarding the level of emissions produced by the cars.

In his article “Volkswagen: Where Were the Lawyers?” Lippe (2015) questions the role that several groups within the company played in the scandal, most notably the company’s lawyers and engineers. See http://www.abajournal.com/legalrebels/article/volkswagen_where_were_the_lawyers/.

Review this situation from legal, spiritual, and ethical perspectives. Fully explain the following:
As an employee or a manager in either the legal office or the engineering department, how would you have prevented this incident?
As the CEO of the diesel division of Volkswagen, how would you have responded when the situation became public? How would this response prevent future incidents?
Lippe, P. (2015, October 13). Volkswagen: Where were the lawyers? ABA Journal. Retrieved from http://www.abajournal.com/legalrebels/article/volkswagen_where_were_the_lawyers/

“cutting-edge” technologies (e.g., AI, automation, VR) as they relate to work.

This is for an Industrial & Organizational Psychology class.

Reading Reflection: you will read research article which relate to “cutting-edge” technologies (e.g., AI, automation, VR) as they relate to work. In addition to reading the article, you will write a two-page, double-spaced reflection on the articles. First, spend a page or less summarizing the research question, methodology, and findings of the study. Then, spend a page or less reflecting on what you learned from the study and what future studies could be done on this or related topics.This is for an Industrial & Organizational Psychology class.

Reading Reflection: you will read research article which relate to “cutting-edge” technologies (e.g., AI, automation, VR) as they relate to work. In addition to reading the article, you will write a two-page, double-spaced reflection on the articles. First, spend a page or less summarizing the research question, methodology, and findings of the study. Then, spend a page or less reflecting on what you learned from the study and what future studies could be done on this or related topics.

The Impact of Nursing Informatics on Patient Outcomes and Patient Care Efficiencies

Patient outcomes and the fulfillment of care goals is one of the major ways that healthcare success is measured. Measuring patient outcomes results in the generation of data that can be used to improve results. Nursing informatics can have a significant part in this process and can help to improve outcomes by improving processes, identifying at-risk patients, and enhancing efficiency.

To Prepare:

Review the concepts of technology application as presented in the Resources.
Reflect on how emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence may help fortify nursing informatics as a specialty by leading to increased impact on patient outcomes or patient care efficiencies.
The Assignment: (4-5 pages)

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

Describe the project you propose.
Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

How important and realistic for a healthcare leader to balance compassionate care and effective and efficient service delivery

1500 words critical assignment
Focussing on whether it is realistic for healthcare leaders to deliver compassionate care while they maintain efficiency.

1500 words critical assignment
Focussing on whether it is realistic for healthcare leaders to deliver compassionate care while they maintain efficiency.

1500 words critical assignment
Focussing on whether it is realistic for healthcare leaders to deliver compassionate care while they maintain efficiency.

1500 words critical assignment
Focussing on whether it is realistic for healthcare leaders to deliver compassionate care while they maintain efficiency.

1500 words critical assignment
Focussing on whether it is realistic for healthcare leaders to deliver compassionate care while they maintain efficiency.

Future of the workplace for healthcare management

Take some time to discuss how you see the future of the workplace in healthcare management. The issue of cultural diversity will continue to increase in importance, so make sure to take into account the change that you think will continue to happen over time.

As you do research, focus on what changes you will see specifically in healthcare management and the effects you see these changes having on you personally.


This is to be at least 4 page paper no less than 800 words in APA format.

NO WIKIPEDIA Google Scholar can be used

This is to be at least 4 page paper no less than 800 words in APA format.

NO WIKIPEDIA Google Scholar can be used

Shakespeare — Comparing Two Plays

In this paper, which asks you to compare two Shakespeare plays, I am looking primarily for three qualities: a significant argument; strong, sound use of evidence from the play; and clear, logical organization. By “a significant argument,” I mean one that, if read by a peer in our class, would add to his or her understanding and appreciation of the plays in question. In developing your argument, first explore possible ways of reading the speeches, scenes, and plays as a whole: since literary fictions are inherently ambiguous, there is no single, determinate meaning towards which literary interpretation is moving. There are, however, interpretations that are more or less persuasive than others, and an important part of literary interpretation is to weigh one interpretive possibility against another. Sophisticated literary interpretation often requires the ability to entertain simultaneously a range of different interpretive possibilities. By “sound use of evidence,” I mean that you should cite the text in order to bolster your claims and to focus the reader’s attention on specific aspects of language central to your thesis: the language of the plays is your greatest resource in building an argument and proving it. Shakespeare’s language is rarely straightforward, however, so these quotes should be followed by your own close analysis of the lines. Finally, this paper should be a critical reaction based on your own careful reading of the text, and no outside reading is necessary. If you do consult any outside written sources, you should credit all of them in your footnotes, even if you do not directly quote from them.

ESSAY PROMPT: This topic invites you to examine the depiction of love in Othello,Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Twelfth Night and/orThe Winter’s Tale (Only choose two out of these). Each of these plays offers multiple models of love. Yet in each case love is complicated by a financial, familial, ethical, or other problems that threaten to compromise the union. Examine two or more representation of love, analyzing how and to what ends Shakespeare depicts models of love: is love physical, spiritual, and emotional? Why does Shakespeare juxtapose frequently opposing models of love? Here your comparison will allow you to develop an argument on Shakespeare’s differing, or similar, representations of love in two plays.