The effect Technology has had on society

Exploratory Essay Purpose: To continue problematizing, synthesizing, summarizing, analyzing, etc. To learn to see sources as participants in a larger conversation. To focus on letting sources speak to each other. To reaffirm the importance of open-minded exploration in scholarship. Format: 12 pt., Times New Roman font. 1 inch margins. Put your last name and a pg. number in the upper-left corner and center a title. Include a separate works cited pg. with alphabetized entries for each cited source. Double space your text. Exploratory Essay Outline: I. Introduction A. What’s the issue? B. What’s the cognitive dissonance? C. What’s your specific question? How do we fix this dissonance? II. First concept / first source A. Your first attempt at answering this question. B. Consider starting with the first source / best source from your proposal. C. Analyze, synthesize, and summarize this source. D. Respond to the source or concept: How does it answer your question? Is it enough? Why or why not? What does the source miss? What does it add? What’s the next step? E. Transition to your next source. III. Second concept / second source A. Why did you choose this source? B. How does this source add to your previous one? What does it miss? What’s the next step? Are these two sources / concepts enough to solve your problem? Why or why not? C. Transition IV. Third concept / third source . . . A. Continue the pattern until you hit at least 5 sources and your three concepts / approaches V. Conclusion A. Where do we end up? What’s the next step? Did you prove your argument by conversing with your sources? Why or why not? Notes: 1. Feel free to explore concepts rather than sources, but remember to keep an open mind. 2. Feel free to use a semi-formal voice, first person POV, personal narratives, etc.

PRIMARY TOPIC: The War Relocation Authority and the Incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II. SECONDARY TOPIC: Stephen C. Fox, “General John DeWitt and Proposed Internment of German and Italian Aliens during World War II”

The final project paper should follow these formatting guidelines: 4 to 5 pages, double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, one-inch margins, and citations in APA or Turabian style format. You will choose from several preselected topics and resources in the folder below to complete your final project paper. Click on the attached document above to review the grading rubric for this assignment. Your paper will investigate the role of your particular topic in shaping contemporary issues, problems, or realities. This paper should not contain your opinion on the events, but rather it should present a thorough analysis of the information and historical context specific to your topic using your analysis of the two primary and two secondary sources to discuss your topic. Look carefully at your sources as a whole. Do any of the documents provide conflicting accounts or viewpoints? Be sure to address possible reasons for this in your paper. Post any questions you have on this activity to the Final Project Q&A forum. Review the feedback you have received from your instructor on your topic choice as you develop your paper.

climate change, evolution

climate change is predicted to lead to mass extinctions of all types of organisms in the next 100 years. analyze what kind of effect this will have on evolution of at least three types of living organisms (for example, plants, animals, bacteria). what types of evolutionary mechanisms might be triggered by climate changes? consider mechanisms at both a microevolutionary and macroevolutionary level. consider the time required for micro and macroevolution in your answer. use evidence from the past mass extinctions to support your answer

climate change is any significant change in the measure of climate lasting for an extended period of time, this could mean that climate change consist of the changes in precipitation, temperature, wind patterns including other effects that occur within several decades or longer (Edmond, 15). The evident of climate change would be like the rise in temperature by about 1.4°F over the past century this is also constituted by changes in climate and weather. There has also been drastic change in rainfall pattern over many regions.

Abortion Tourism

Tourism Paper Outline


Topic: Abortion Tourism


Points to address:



Letter to My Successor

You need to write a letter giving advice to your successor – that is the person who will take over your LINKS firm. Go back in your mind to the time when you were “green behind the ears” and the LINKS simulation seemed to be a horrifying task looming at the horizon. You are now a LINKS “veteran” and, as such, you can give advice based on your personal reflections. You might think of this as your contribution to a chapter at the back of the LINKS Users’ Manual.

This is an individual assignment that counts for 75 point in your course grade. That’s the same number of points as your team’s final LINKS report, and it takes the place of a final exam. Be sure your work on this assignment is worthy of that weight in your course grade!

The letter should be about three pages long. Use 1” margins (on all sides) with single-spaced text typed in Word and at least 11 pt font. Submit through Canvas by the due date and time.

Be detailed and specific – not vague or too general – in this letter. In essence, you are trying to convince a LINKS beginner (a friend of yours) to believe you know what you are doing and to follow your advice. I’m assuming you are writing a letter to your friend Michael. He is taking this course in the Spring 2015.

The letter should not contain current firm, market and channel information, except possibly by way of illustration. For example, there is no point saying that market region #1 is quite volatile (even if so in your experience), because each LINKS simulation has different teams and industry variations. This is your individual reflection to help Michael take on your current role in the future. Therefore, the current firm, market and channel information may not be relevant – but your approach, tools, attitudes and feelings are.

Include these topics in the letter: (don’t forget the 3 page limit)

  • What should Michael expect when he first starts working on LINKS? What is of the highest importance? What do you think Michael needs to take care of in the beginning of the game? How might team dynamics impact the results?
  • Tell Michael about the parts of your LINKS experience that went well and led to successes – with regard to both managing the firm and in working with team members. Tell him what approach you recommend, the most important tasks and the things he should “do more of.”
  • Despite all your hard work, there were bound to be some bumps in the road. Michael is your friend, so you will honest about failures and other things that just seem to go unexpectedly wrong. Tell him what to avoid, what do differently and “what to do less of.”
  • Although the above reflection is not specific to your own firm’s results, you may have developed a unique approach or “spreadsheet tool” for data analysis and decision making. Explain one such approach or tool here. If you developed a spreadsheet tool, describe the what, why, and how of your spreadsheet tool and build a case for why it was useful. (Note: Little attention should be given to the mechanics of running the spreadsheet, but you may submit the spreadsheet along with this letter.)

ethics in the fire service

Complete a 15 to 20 page comprehensive research report that defines the approved topic; identifies the related Fire Service Management theories, concepts, and practices; identifies written and electronic media research relative to the topic; and which uses the identified Fire Service Management theories, concepts, practices, and research to develop and apply a possible solution(s) to the problem. Your research report must comply with the criteria and procedures of the APA and must include; a title page (see sample title page attached); an abstract; an introduction that consists of no more than 1 ½ double-spaced typed pages; a problem statement that consists of no more than two paragraphs; a body that reviews and presents the relative theories, concepts, and practices and is a minimum of eight (8) double-spaced pages in length; a recommendation that is a minimum of four (4) double-spaced pages in length; and a reference page with at least ten (10) references.

middle east

Go to Modern Middle East Sourcebook. Go to the section “The Islamic World Since 1945” Read the documents related to the various Middle Eastern nations. Select 3 documents and use them to craft your paper. As always, remember the following: For each source analysis question, The source analysis should be an examination of the source, NOT A SUMMARY OF IT!!! Think about who wrote the source and why it was written. Who was the audience? What were the main issues, and how do they elucidate our understanding of an event or issue? What questions are left unanswered by the source? How does this source either reveal a problem or help solve an area of contention? Does the source represent a particular bias? How are these sources useful? To whom would they have been useful? Are they reliable? What evidence supports the source? What evidence contradicts it? The Source Analysis Assignments are meant to build your skills analyzing primary sources and relating them to their historical context. You will learn about the historical context from the materials on our course site and your textbooks. You do not need to consult any outside sources – in fact, you SHOULD NOT consult outside sources. Please do not submit chunks of quotations from the primary sources – at best you should use only little snippets of 4-5 words interwoven into your own sentences. (NOTE: keep quotations to a minimum – 10% or less of the total essay – and make sure to cite appropriately, i.e. all direct quotations MUST be in quotation marks). Do not forget to cite words that are not your own (citing is not just for direct quotations but for ALL information). Be sure to cite appropriately in your preferred format: APA, MLA or Chicago Style. Make sure your factual claims are supported in-text (through the citing format of your choice) in addition to a final reference list or

Discuss the debate around Structuralist vs. Monetarists

Macroeconomics: The Structuralist Theory


Topic statement

The breakdown of the theory of structuralist macroeconomics and all the theses surrounding this idea, with a deeper look at how it relates to the Latin American economy.







Taylor, Lance. “Structural macroeconomics.” Nueva York, Basic Books Inc (1983).

  • This text applies the “structuralist” (a part of macroeconomics where the focus is centered on structure, both internal and external)macro model for  developing country’s economic state. Lance Taylor(who holds a PH.D from Harvard and is an Arnhold Professor of International Cooperation and Development at the New School for Social Research)goes in-depth with the theory, explaining the models, it’s components, how it is achieved, why it’s important and how it relates to developing economics.

Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. “From old to new developmentalism in Latin America.” JA Ocampo and J. Ros, eds (2009).

  • Bresser-Pereira (a political scientist from Brazil who was elected Minister of Finance in April 29, 1987) demonstrates in this essay how to transform Latin America with an alternative idea using structuralism and taking in the success of Asian Countries.

Bresser-Pereira, Luiz Carlos. “Structuralist macroeconomics and the new developmentalism.” Revista de Economia Política 32.3 (2012): 347-366.

  • Bresser-Pereira presents the structuralist development macroeconomics in technical manner. The system he talks about emphasizes the three models of structuralism. He also goes onto explaining a bit about a new model of Dutch disease(which is a term to describe the Dutch economy and effects).




Use keywords such as Aggregate supply/demand, inflation, GDP, nominal GDP, real GDP, Stagnation, open market, etc etc

Personal/Literary essay

Personal/Literary: This kind of essay balances two requirements: that the writer narrates one or more autobiographical events (presumably in the first person “I” form), and that these “personal” narrations have an interesting “universal” point to them. For example, one could write about the death of the family dog, but the event would have to reveal a theme more compelling than “my dog died and it bummed me out.” Perhaps the essay’s theme would be a reassessment of the “man’s best friend” idea or maybe be an exploration of the difficulties of having to change roles from pet-master to physician (E.B. White did this in his essay, “The Death of a Pig”). I don’t care which events you finally choose or which interesting theme you hope to convey, but the two must balance well.

movie “the devil wears prada”

Research Paper: Communication In the Workplace

You will turn in a 4-5 page double spaced research paper over a movie from the list provided.

Part 1: Introduction

You will need an introduction including a thesis statement that lays out the sections of your paper.

Part 2: A summary of the movie

Summarize the movie in your own words. I have given 0’s on papers because they copied summaries from online. It will not be tolerated and I will check every paper! You do not have to cover every single plot line. You need to give enough information that will be needed to understand the rest of your paper if the reader has not seen the movie.

Part 3: Critique the movie

What are your thoughts of the movie? How was the acting and writing? Did you enjoy the movie? How many stars out of five would you give the movie? What do credible critics say about the movie? Do you agree or disagree with them. (cite your sources)

Part 4: Analyze the movie using what you have learned in this class so far.


I want you to describe the communication in the workplace using vocabulary from the text book. Then I want you to offer tips to all of the main characters in the scene on how they could have improved the communication. I want you to find at least one scholarly article to back up your recommendations. (cite your sources)

Part 5: Conclusion

            Conclude the paper by restating your thesis and giving your final thoughts on the movie.

Part 6: References Page

            There should be at least two sources!