environmental and scientific methods of creating biofuel from sewage sludge

Please write a thoroughly-researched and well-thought out paper on a contemporary Environmental Issue. The organiazion of this paper should be as follows: 1. Title page/Cover Sheet 2. Abstract 3. Table of content 4. Introduction 5. Methods 6. Discussion 7. Conclusion 8. References 9. Appendices The length of the paper for items 4 through end of 7 should be 5 pages. Minimum number of scientific paper reference cited: 5 You can start by reading the relevant news papers and/or magazines to come up with a topic, then conducting a Google search on the topic and then an in depth library research. Please remember to list every single reference you use and refer to each one in the body of the paper. No reference should be listed without any reference to it in the body of the paper. The conclusion must include your own opinion about the topic. general suggested plan : Sewage treatment is about the removal of contaminants from waste water and one of the results of treatment is the remaining sludge. In order to reduce the by-products of waste water treatment and their effects on environment, there are several methods for turning sludge into fuel. Producing bio-solid fuel as a substitute for coal can reduce greenhouse effects and can offer financial return through the sale of the resultant bio-solid fuel. There are such facilities that are currently applying these methods and creating a more cost-effective way of recycling dewatered sludge instead of disposal. The research topic was chosen after looking through online science and engineering news websites like ( cen.acs.org ) that specializes in contemporary engineering and environmental issues. Further research for scholar articles about the topic showed the availability of such sources. In addition, the idea of benefiting from waste and recycling is important for the environment and such methods should be explored and applied. As previously mentioned, scholar articles regarding production of biofuels from sewage sludge were found through google scholar function and the university library database. Next step of analysis is narrowing down the final sets of sources based on relevance and level of complexity in order to be used in the paper. Focusing on the methods of producing sludge and briefly, due to the lack of extensive sources, discuss the recent additions and research in the field. In conclusion, it is expected that the paper can provide a background on the methods of turning sludge into fuel based on previous research and current applications. In addition, present the challenges and future expectations of applying such methods.

Enzyme Kinetic

Scientists are curious.  We notice things about the world (maybe at a very molecular level, but still about the world) and we want to understand those things better.  We want to be part of the process of developing new human knowledge.  This is why we do experiments.


In the introduction to the report about your experiment you need to make it clear why it was worth doing your research.  What was the unanswered question?  What seemed confusing or too complex?  What needed clarification?


You also need to place your research in context.  How had previous scientists tried to learn more about this topic?  Or what experiments had other scientists performed that led you to develop your sense of curiosity about this topic? Answering these questions will help you to place the experiment within the broader context of biochemistry, making it clear that you understand the relevance of the experiment


While the lab manual contains many experimental details that will be useful in preparing your introduction, it is important that you do not simply use this information directly, but rather extend it, demonstrating your full comprehension of the material.  Using outside references (which may include the internet) is essential.Write 1 page of introduction for a lab report accordingly to the instruction in the uploaded files. Also, indicate the importance of enzyme kinetic, Michaelis-Menten kinetic , Papain, and Azocoll. You may also use the introduction from the lab.

Career in Nursing (E.R. Nurse)

In the early days, becoming a nurse was seen as a voluntary service rather than professional kind of job. Their main job was to make beds, take care of the patients and even sometimes check on their temperatures. However, their roles have changed greatly today. Registered nurses are the more common today being the largest number of health care professionals and their work is highly appreciated in the whole of this nation. Nurses are always in the frontline in fighting for the well being of the patients (Educational Portal). They cannot be compared to other health professions. As an Emergency Room (ER) nurse, one becomes a part of a team that responds to emergency cases in a health centre. Nurses in an emergency room need to provide fast and accurate care to patients in an emergency situation (Educational Portal). This research paper will focus on the qualities and the qualifications that an ER nurse has to have in order to make it the nursing career which can be quite fulfilling if done for the right reasons.

Paper is to be 7 pages which includes a works cited page, no title page, Times New Roman 12 pt. font, double-spaced, 1″ margins, include header with last name and page number in header. Section headings are not necessary. Should have 5 sources with 4 coming from different types of media.

African Americans at the World’s Fair

Check out the following sites for ideas. If you have a topic not listed here, please let me know.

  1. What did visitors to the World’s Columbian Exposition experience? How did the Exposition’s White City compare to the actual city of Chicago?



  1. http://arcadiasystems.org/academia/cassatt8.html Overview of the Fair

3.      The 1893 Columbian Exposition: Remembering Chicago’s White City

By Chris Linden, managing editor & web editor // Winter 2012



  1. The Fair represented a meeting point for many strands in American culture and was a manifestation of contemporary ideals of civilization and progress. “Chicago was the first expression of American thought as a unity,” Henry Adams wrote later; “one must begin there.” The Fair produced much discussion of the sources of America’s greatness and speculations on its future. At a historians’ conference during the Exposition, one of thousands of meetings and conventions held in conjunction with the event, Frederick Jackson Turner presented his famous paper, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History.” He argued that a great era in American history was ending with the closing of the Western frontier. As a complement to this argument, demonstrating the enduring mythologies of the West, Buffalo Bill set up his Wild West Show only a few blocks from the Fair site. During the Exposition his troupe gave 318 performances for a net profit of almost a million dollars.



  1. African American Presence at the World’s Fair


http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=76,4,3,9 (click on picture links for more information

  • Read No Nigger Day No Nigger PamphletRead “(1893). Why did Ida B. Wells and Frederick Douglass propose to write a pamphlet for distribution at the 1893 World’s Fair? Why did the editors of The Freeman oppose the proposal? What does this conflict reveal about splits within African-American leaders at this time?

Read documents 10 and 11 of this project, World’s Fair Appeal “World’s Fair and Pamphlets.” What new arguments emerge in these editorials? In the end, which side of the debate do you support and why? http://www.wttw.com/main.taf?p=76,4,3,9 Brief description of African Americans at the fair.


http://digital.library.upenn.edu/women/wells/exposition/exposition.html African Americans at the fair and elsewhere


http://www2.webster.edu/~corbetre/haiti/history/1844-1915/douglass.htm (Frederick Douglass’ speech at the fair)


Excerpt from: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/INCORP/TEXT/ch07.html



The message of the Columbian Fair may have been clear, but actual lessons varied with perspective. If it stood for culture, its symmetry indicated relative positions of value, even of inclusion and exclusion. American blacks stood beyond the gates,  petitions for an exhibition, a building, or a separate department all rejected. They were denied participation in the Fair, in its administration, on the National Commission, even on the construction force and ground crews (except as menials). Indians found themselves included among the exhibitions of the ethnology department, part of a display (in Julian Ralph’s words) “to exemplify the primitive modes of life, customs, and arts of the native Peoples of the world.” Quoting the chief of that department, Ralph writes that native Americans will appear as “a living picture … each family to be living in its native habitation; the people to be dressed in native costume, surrounded by characteristic household utensils, implements, and weapons, and engaged in their native occupations and manufactures”: not exactly a Wild West show, but nevertheless a spectacle of the “savage” in a lower state of progress. Prominent blacks organized an independent ‘Jubilee” or “Colored People’s Day,” at which the distinguished Frederick Douglass renamed White City “a whited sepulcher.” Former slave, author, and statesman, Douglass attended the Fair a s commissioner from Haiti-not as citizen of his own country. In his speech at the “Jubilee” he clarified one of the lessons of the distinctions incorporated into the Fair’s spatial scheme, the contrasts between the Court of Honor and the Old World customs


and folkways, the African, Asian, and Islamic people sprawling in their costumes along the Midway Plaisance: “As if to shame of the Negro, the Dahomians are here to exhibit the Negro as a repulsive savage.” Yet a significant portion of the civilization celebrated in White City, Douglass pointed out, represented the labor of black Americans.


Additional sites


Experiential therapy

Your final paper must be a research paper. You must use at least six primary sources for the paper. Acceptable primary sources include scholarly books, chapters from edited books, or articles from peer-reviewed journals. If you use any secondary sources (articles from magazines/newspapers or textbooks) for your paper, it will not count towards fulfilling the requirement for the six primary sources. All of the sources you use for your paper should not be by the same author or group of authors. In general, your paper should present the following information regarding the therapeutic approach you have selected: a) theoretical perspective (e.g., key concepts, underlying assumptions about human nature, historical background); b) therapeutic procedure (e.g., assessment procedure, therapeutic techniques, nature of therapeutic relationship; c) critical evaluation/outcome research).Your paper should be at least 8 pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages) and must be written in APA style (font size 12, regular margins, double-spaced). The paper must be written in your own words. Closely paraphrasing someone else’s writing is plagiarism. If you present someone else’s ideas or data, you should give the author(s) credit by citing the source in the text of your paper and listing it in the reference section. Given that your final paper has to be only eight pages in length, you are allowed to use only one direct quote (which is no more than two sentences)! Also, do not fill-up space with anecdotes and case studies. If you have problems with writing, please let me know early in the semester so that we can make arrangements for you to receive individual help with your writing. I will be happy to give you feedback on your paper if you hand it in to me by November 24. If you submit your paper prior to the final due date for feedback, please be sure to attach the original draft with my comments to your final draft. The final due date for the paper is December 8. Your paper will be worth 30% of your final grade.

Godels Incompleteness theorem

Kurt Gödel proved the two theories of incompleteness in the year 1931 in what is known as the Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem. The Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorem is of concern to the limits of provability in formal axiomatic theories. Ever since this theorem was proved in 1931, it has been of great importance to various philosophies and especially philosophy of mathematics but it has also been applied in the philosophy of the mind.I need one and a half pages in total. Without a heading, its only about 1 page long. There aren’t any instructions except to write about the theorem. Also, I don’t need any citations, just information. My professor is not really strict about the sources, he just wants to make sure we understand the material. The paper has to be written so anyone who has no knowledge on the topic or any of the terms will be able to understand it.

E Commerce

For your e-commerce paper, you will analyze an e-commerce entity’s operations using the knowledge you have gained in this course. Although your paper is not limited to these areas, you must cover the following in order to receive full credit: Provide the name and web address of the company you are analyzing. Provide a brief history of the company. Did it originate online or was it originally brick and mortar? What was the rationale for starting the company or converting it to e-commerce? What kind of company is it? (B2B, B2C, etc.) What products and/or services does it offer and who are its target market? What are its marketing strategies? Are these effective? What are its distribution channels? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are the main security threats it faces? What security measures does it use? What are its main competitors or potential competitors? How does it or could it distinguish itself from its competition?

Drop Box

This week, you should writee a 5 pages report (double-spaced) on your experience using dropbox. Your discussion should include but is not limited to a discussion of cloud computing/storage and dropbox in general, their advantages and disadvantages as well as your personal experience with the dropbox tool. At the end of your report, please indicate your sources for the article. You should use a minimum of three articles. This is due on Sunday December 7th at 11:55pm. you can fill most of the paper about drop box, and the history, the uses and other forms of data storage, and ill fill in the rest with my personal usage, the teacher request that i use 3 sources too and have cited

Dowling v. United States, 473 US 207 – Supreme Court 1985

Business Law I Paper Requirements


Research and choose a US Supreme Court decision that interests you from the list provided—you need to contact me to make sure that no one else has chosen the case you are interested in.  Choose a topic that you feel that you can actually form an opinion about.


You need to get your topic approved by the instructor before you begin your paper—please send me an e-mail with your topic and I will respond to let you know if you can use the case you chose.  Your paper needs to be at least 10 pages and no more than 12 pages.  It should be typed with 1” margins all around, typed using a 12 pt Times New Roman font and use APA citations—the cover page and works cited page do not count toward the number of pages needed.  If you plagiarize on this assignment, you will fail the course for the semester.  Be sure to cite your work carefully.  If you have a question about your citations, the content of your paper or the mechanic of writing, please make an appointment at the Writing Center for help.


Your paper must use supporting material from four other sources and you have to take a position that agrees or disagrees with the decision and discuss why.  You can use Internet sources but you need to vet them before you include them in your paper.  Don’t use sources from personal pages, social networking pages or unsubstantiated sources (Wikipedia).


Your paper should have a cover page (not included in the page count), page numbering in the top right corner (use a header) and is due in class on December 8th, 2014.  Please staple your paper together; there is no need for a plastic cover.


No late papers will be accepted.  I will review your paper and provide you with feedback and suggestions.  The last day to ask me to preview your work is November 21st —the Friday before Thanksgiving Break.  You can either hand me a typed copy or e-mail me a copy of your preview that day.  I will return your work after break.


Example Outline—you do not have to use this outline.


  • History of the case
    1. the defendant’s side
    2. the plaintiff’s side
  • Journey to the US Supreme Court—the appeals process
    1. original jurisdiction court and its outcome
    2. appeals court and its outcome
  • The issue that brought the case to the US Supreme Court
    1. civil or criminal
    2. constitutional issue
  • The resulting decision
    1. How would our society/culture/government be different if the case was decided differently?
    2. What impact does the decision have on your life or future?
  • Your opinion of the decision—substantiate it


Book Review Assignment REQUIREMENTS Format: Hardcopy (in-class) or Electronic (upload to Blackboard) Length: minimum 3-4 pages, double-spaced, typed DESCRIPTION First, it is important that we draw a distinction between a “book review” and a “book report”. Many of you have experience writing book reports in which your principal task is to summarize a book in a concise manner. In a book review, summarizing a book is just the beginning of your job and is really preparatory to the main task: critically appraising the quality and value of the book for our historical understanding. Critical appraisal operates on a number of levels. Most importantly, a strong book review will discuss how the reviewed work relates to other historical works or established historical knowledge more generally. The aim of this discussion is to identify the ways in which the book challenges or supports existing interpretations of a particular event, actor, or development in history, and therefore its significance for historical understanding. Less often, but equally important, some books introduce events that have received little to no attention by prior historians. Here you will want to appraise whether the author does a good job of connecting their study to related events and whether their study illuminates larger events or themes in United States history. Critical appraisal also includes an evaluation of the strength or plausibility of the claims made in the book by looking at the evidenced used to support them. This is not a question of whether we like or dislike a particular argument, but whether the historian mobilizes enough evidence to convincingly support their claims. A history book can challenge a common historical interpretation – for example, that slaveholding was the source of huge profits for southern planters – and stand to radically shift our historical understanding, but may ultimately fail because it does not mobilize sufficient evidence to make its claims convincing. Finally, critical appraisal should speak to the overall quality of the book as a whole. Does the book engage the reader, making them excited to reach its conclusion or is it dry and ponderous, requiring effort rather than pleasure to get through. The aesthetic quality of a book is important to its overall value – even if a book represents a major accomplishment of historical research, its significance will be greatly reduced if no one can bear to read it. Fortunately for you, all the books on our list are enjoyable! As with the other avenues of critical appraisal, when evaluating the quality of the work it is important to support your own arguments with evidence and examples from the text rather than simply stating your verdict. Was a book engaging because it quoted liberally from primary sources, allowing you to gain perspective on historical actors and the flavor of the past? Was it pure 1 drudgery because the author used a lot of words that are only found in dictionaries and referred to obscure theories that our only recognizable by specialists? You should describe which devices worked and why. Writings a strong book review begins not when you sit down to write but when you begin to read the book. To write a strong review you need to be an active reader that poses critical questions and records your reactions to key passages. These questions and reactions will form the material with which you build a strong review. STRUCTURE There is no single correct model for a book review, although all good book reviews contain the type of critical appraisals discussed above. Similarly, the structure of a book review can take many forms, especially as one becomes a more experienced writer. Below is a suggested structure that is easy to work with and will help you to organize your thoughts and their presentation. Please feel free to adopt it or attempt your own structure. Part I Briefly summarize the book. Describe the main subject and its scope in terms of time and place in history. Part II Identify and expand upon the book’s main argument or the overarching themes that emerge to interpret the book’s subject. Part III Discuss the book in relation to other history books, including textbooks you may have read, or to conventional understandings of United States history more broadly. Specifically state how the book challenges or supports existing historical knowledge, or introduces a subject that has received little or no attention. What does the book contribute to our understanding of history? Part IV Focus in on the quality of the book in itself. Does the author adequately support their claims with evidence? If so, what types of evidence or examples did you find convincing? If not, what kind of evidence or examples would you need to have seen to be more convinced? Briefly discuss the aesthetic quality of the book. Is the author’s writing style enjoyable? Does the narrative build anticipation or merely recount events. Be specific about what did and did not work and why. Part V Conclude by summarizing Part II-IV. Conclusions are important – they are the last chance you get to make an impression before you receive a grade!!!