Staying Healthy

Staying Healthy

For citing need two journals, one book (it can be an ebook) and the other 2 of your choice. No more then 2 blocked quotes. Direct quotes must be cited. Have author and page number unless used author name in quote

Health is a condition of a person’s mind and body. Being health is one of the most important things in an individual’s life since it controls how our body functions. Lifestyle choices play a crucial role in an individual’s life of good health, which can prevent diseases and prolong a person’s life. There are many methods we can take to staying healthy and staying young especially by getting an ideal diet and exercise. Proper nutrition and exercise are important because it keeps our body and mind healthy. By taking care of the aging process now you’ll be able to enjoy many years to come. Many people don’t realize that their daily choices affect them with living a long healthy life.

There are many factors in a person’s lifestyle in staying healthy, one of the most important is practicing good nutrition.



Parental Dominance in Imprinted Genes

Research Paper Outline
Parental Dominance in Imprinted Genes


  • Survival of the fittest struggle begins inside a fertilized egg and throughout pregnancy
  • Parent’s DNA competes for gene control
  • Fetal genes are imprinted with either paternal or maternal molecules.
  • About 100 of the tens of thousands of genes are gender-specific but critical for survival
  • Imprinting mutations can lead to illness or death of a fetus or mother.



  • Azim Suranià biologist at University of Cambridge lab of Robert Edwards
  • In vitro fertilization
  • Parthenogenesisà healthy offspring created from an unfertilized egg
  • Can occur in fish and reptiles, but no known mammals
  • Studied parthenogenesis in mice.
  • Two sets of genes from males or two sets of genes from females = failed attempts
  • àmaternal and paternal genes each donate something crucial to offspring.


  • Offspring will each try to get more resources than available from parents
  • Example
  • Kinship Theoryà males & females want their offspring to survive, but their reproductive strategies are different, causing them to want different things for their offspring.
  • Female mammals almost always have multiple partners. Male partner will devote every possible resource to develop his offspring.
  • Females want to maximize amount of offspring – each could have a different father. Females give the embryo just what it needs to have enough for other offspring.
  • à



  • Imprints stamped on fetus’s genes can be turned on or off, and could change how the body reads genetic code.
  • Expressed genes are turned on only if inherited from a mother/father.
  • Fathers encourage growth
  • Mothers provide resources while in the womb. Inherited by mothers = slow the growth and allow her to conserve resources for embryo.


  • Lgf2 gene produces a protein key to growth.
  • Directs production of a receptor for the protein that keeps embryo growing
  • In mice, they are imprinted in mother and father
  • Mother = lgf2r on
  • Father = lgf2 on
  • The imprints cancel each other out. If one copy is taken out = effects on growth depending on which parent’s is taken out.
  • Turning off mom = large offspring
  • Turning off dad = dwarf offspring


  • Elizabeth Robertson – Columbia University – first to identify a printed gene.
  • Igf2 encouraging growth – demanding more from mom
  • Take out Igf2 with moms = normal
  • Take out Igf2 with dads = embryos only grew about 60% of normal size
  • à competition between mom and dad. When the gene is from a father, it is necessary for growth.


  • Imprinted genes can influence behavior via a number of mechanisms
  • Direct effects are illustrated by SNORD 115 and MAGEL2 = key genes underlying PWS
  • Imprinted genes regulate maternal supply and demand of nutrients
  • Imbalance in nutrient supply caused by lgf2 leads to abnormal offspring behavior
  • Imprinting genes may also be influenced by the environment; pre-natal and post-natal

Raeburn, Paul. “Genetic Battle of the Sexes”. 23 May 2014. Web. 29 Oct. 2014. <>

Davies, Jennifer. Dent, Claire. McNamara, Grainne. Isles, Anthony. “Behavioural Effects of Imprinted Genes”. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences Vol. 2. pp 28-33. Web. 4 Aug. 2014. 29 Oct. 2014. <>

Dent, Claire. Isles, Anthony. “Brain-expressed imprinted genes and adult behavior: the example of Nesp and Grb10”. Mammalian Genome Vol. 25, Issue 1-2. pp 87-93. Web. 24 Aug. 2013. 29 Oct. 2014. <>


Roe v. Wade

Political Science 110H Research Paper

For this course, you will be asked to write a 7-9 page research paper (typed, double-spaced, with a

bibliography of cited sources) on one of the following areas of American politics and government. For

options A and B, it is easier to find a court case or piece of legislation which is more recent. However,

you are free to choose any federal/state court case or piece of legislation:

  1. A) a Supreme Court case of your choosing, in which you provide:

1) a brief summary of the particular case in question, as well as the Constitutional question involved

2) a brief background of the Court’s previous rulings in this issue area

3) how you think the case should be/should have been decided, based on Constitutional precedent and/or

interpretation (not simply your gut feeling!)

4) if applicable, how this court case will affect American society at large (this can be from both what

you’ve researched and your own personal opinion)

  1. B) a recent or pending bill or legislative action of your choosing (national or California state level), in

which you:

1) provide a brief background and history of the legislation in question, explaining its purposes, as well as

the political issues it addresses

2) identify the major players or groups involved (supporters and opponents, including policymakers,

interest groups, etc.), as well as the basic parts of their public arguments and any private benefits which

they may get if the legislation is passed or rejected

3) identify and explain the reasons for the eventual outcome (will it or did it pass…and why?)

4) if it will or has already passed, what are the possible consequences for American society at large (this

can be from both what you’ve researched and your own personal opinion)

NOTE: The bill does not have to be recent or pending but newer bills are easier to find information


  1. C) a particular interest group, PAC, political party, or political organization active in current politics, in

which you discuss:

1) the organization, its goals, its primary issue area(s), its resources, and its leadership

2) its membership and/or target audience or constituency

3) the history of its involvement in the political arena, your assessment of its influence in the political

arena, as well as its potential for involvement and influence in the future

Paper Requirements

* 7 to 9 page length (you are allowed to go a page or two over 9 pages but you will be penalized if your

paper is less than 7 pages). The page count only includes pages of text. Any cover pages or works

cited/bibliography pages do not count as pages of text.

* The paper should be written with a size 12 Times New Roman Font. The margins should be one inch

all around. Please insert page numbers somewhere on the pages. Please also STAPLE your paper in the

upper left hand side.

A cover page is not required. However, you are free to include one if you wish. Either on the cover page

or top right of the first page of text, you should have the following information:

Your Name

Political Science 110H


Question (A, B, or C)2

You should have a title either in the middle of a cover page or in the middle above the beginning of the

paper’s text. Try to catch the reader’s interest with your title. Don’t just call your paper “Political

Science 110H Paper.”


You must cite AT LEAST 4 different sources in your paper. AT LEAST 2 of these sources should be from

“academic” type sources. These sources include a number of online resources, books, and academic


What is an Academic Source?

An academic source represents a scholarly writing that is reviewed by peers (academics have their work

reviewed by other academics). Most of these will be found in a reference directory online.

Magazines and newspaper articles are NOT academic sources. Academic journals and research studies

ARE academic sources. The instructor will also accept official websites (for organizations such as

political parties or interest groups), and government run and university run websites (ending in .gov or

.edu) as academic sources.

Check with the instructor if you are unsure about the acceptability of your sources. Unacceptable sources

include encyclopedias (both written and online, such as Wikipedia) and websites not approved by the

instructor (i.e. Ron’s Politics Site). If you have any questions about whether a website is a legitimate

source, simply e-mail it to the instructor. Official and academic websites are the most reliable and don’t

need to be confirmed by the instructor. Try to use sources outside of popular magazines (i.e. Time,

Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report) and newspapers. These sources are often good for background

information but don’t provide as much substance as books, academic journals, or online research


To begin your search for information, start at the Rio Hondo College Library website:

NOTE: You need your Rio Hondo ID number and pin number to access the search engines

There are several academic search engines listed along with library resources. You can also access library

resources by clicking on the Library button in the Access Rio Portal.

Helpful Websites to Begin Your Research With Beyond Rio Hondo Library Website

– list of research topics A-Z – Public Policy Issues and Groups – details of Congressional legislation – details on California legislation – information about Supreme Court decisions – Variety of government resources – Searchable government documents by topic – American Political Science links from University of

Michigan. Includes information about political parties, interest groups, and other political organizations. – Blog covering the latest Supreme Court decisions – Variety of government resources3


Because your paper contains a good deal of information which comes from outside sources, you must tell

the reader where you found this information through a system of citations. All the information you need

about citations are found on the front of the Rio Hondo Library website under “Citing Sources.”

As this is an honors course, you will be graded on the correct formatting and usage of your citations. You

MUST cite information that you use in your paper. The general rule of thumb is that any information that

you use in your paper which comes from outside sources (namely information that is not common

knowledge to you) must be cited. The library website provides information on how citations work and I

am happy to assist you with this process as well. I simply ask that you cite material thoroughly and

consistently throughout the paper (i.e. use one style of citation throughout the paper – MLA or APA).

Go to for guidance on



As I have stated before, I am an expert at detecting plagiarism and have resources to detect anything taken

from or purchased from the Internet. The Rio Hondo Library website provides a thorough explanation,

but I want to reiterate that you must fully cite any material that is not your own. It is far better to cite too

much than to not cite enough. Your paper will be penalized if you do not cite information. Part of your

grade will also depend on the quality and clarity of your writing.


I will read rough drafts of your papers, but you must provide plenty of time before the due date for me to

do so (a week at minimum). I will be happy to look at paper outlines as well. A paper outline should

include the following:

1) thesis statement (i.e. what is your argument)

2) a one line description of each section of your paper

3) conclusion

NOTE: After I potentially read a rough draft and supply comments, this does not mean that if you make

the recommended changes you have guaranteed yourself an “A” on the paper. Your grade is dependent on

how it stacks up against the papers of other students in the class.

Due Date and Late Papers

The paper is due in class on Tuesday, December 2nd. You will be penalized 1/3 of a grade for every

day that the paper is late. All late papers must be turned into me by the beginning on December 2nd.

Any late papers should be placed in my mail box in the Social Sciences Division office (in A221 and

look for my name on the mailbox – Colin Young) or in the mail slot on my office door at A221-A.

You will be penalized 1/3 of a grade for every day that the paper is late. If you want to minimize the late

penalty for your paper, you can e-mail me the paper ONLY AFTER CLASS ON DECEMBER 2ND.



PRINTED AND PUT IN MY MAIL SLOT. My e-mail address is:

If you have to turn in your paper late via e-mail, please send it in a Word Format and make sure that I

know who the e-mail is from. If you don’t have Microsoft Word, cut and paste the paper into the

message. However, remember that I still need a printed copy of your paper. Please talk to me in class,

office hours or by e-mail or phone if you have any questions or problems with the paper.4


  1. Introduction

– Explain to the reader what you will be talking about in the paper. Make clear what your topic is.

– Should be about a paragraph long

  1. Thesis statement

– Should go at the end of the introduction (one or two sentences long)

– It explains what you will be arguing in your paper (it is not an opinion statement but simply what you

will be discussing in the paper). Here are some examples:

  1. The Green Party has been a major force in both changing citizens’ perceptions of environmental issues

and forcing the two major parties to focus on the environment.

  1. Proposition 215 not only legalized medical marijuana in California but also created conflict between

the federal and California state government, as medical marijuana is legal in California and illegal under

federal law.

  1. Roe v. Wade has produced major controversy in American politics, as there is conflict between pro-life

and pro-choice forces and debate over whether the Supreme Court went too far in making its decision.

III. Body

– In as many paragraphs as you need, answer the questions that have been provided for each topic

– At the end of the body, you can provide your own personal opinion

  1. Conclusion

– Summarize your paper for the reader again

** Let your evidence make your argument. Evidence is far more persuasive than opinion.


  1. Find a topic.

– Go to OR

Go to Rio Hondo Library website and:

  1. Click on Online Databases
  2. On the A-Z list of databases, click on SIRS
  3. On the SIRS website, there will be a huge list of Leading Political Issues of the day. Scroll through

and pick issues that interest you. Each issue will be explained on the Pro and Con side and a number of

articles will appear about the topic.

  1. You will need to read through the article options and either click on them or narrow your search. It

will take some research. Once you have a general topic, you can narrow it down and figure out if you

want to do your paper on:

  1. A) a proposed law dealing with your topic OR
  2. B) a court case dealing with your topic OR
  3. C) an interest group or political party dealing with your topic

It is evident that E.B. Sledge was surrounded in his combat experiences with dead and wounded men. What other factors made the fighting on Peleliu and Okinawa such a hellish and horrible experience for him?

The take-home essay for the course is based on the only required text in addition to the textbook–E. B. Sledge’s With the Old Breed. It is evident that E.B. Sledge was surrounded in his combat experiences with dead and wounded men. What other factors made the fighting on Peleliu and Okinawa such a hellish and horrible experience for him? Respond in the form of a 750-word essay. I expect the essay to be more a matter of summary and synthesis than of interpretation–the book itself presents Sledge’s in interpretation of the war. The assignment allows for paragraphs to be constructed around the statement of general topics with the use of specific details

The marine fight against the imperial Japanese on Peleliu and Okinawa was undoubtedly a hellish and horrible experience for E.B. Sledge. Being a marine, Sledge and his colleagues took an oath to defend the American society and whole race of humanity against autocratic leadership eras (Sledge, 1). The imperial Japanese were the perfect match for the marines out of their autocratic mode of leadership that led to enslaving of innocent people. As it is a character of every dictator, imperialism in this case did not go down without its remorseful and unforgettable loss both to the marines and the local society (Sledge, 2).

Canadian Banking System Stability

Research and describe Canada’s Banking system stability. – What is banking system stability? – Why have Canadian banks been historically stable? – Give examples of times when it has remained stable throughout crisis – Compare to US banking system – Give recommendations for the future of Canadian banking system -Any other points to add good, relevant content.

According to The World Forum report, the Canadian banking system has been ranked as the soundest banking system in the world for the last seven years (IMF, 2013). This means that banks in Canada are well capitalized, well regulated and well managed. According to an IMF report on the stability of the financial sector in Canada, the Canadian banks were found to have diversified assets and their composition has remained stable in recent years. This stability has been a consequence of historical decisions made which have guided the banking sector from the 19th century. This paper seeks to describe Canada’s banking system stability in terms of the reasons that have made the system to be historically stable, provide evidence on how the sector have survived different financial shocks, compare the Canadian system with the U.S banking system and give recommendations on how this system can continue to be stable and strong in a changing financial environment.

Survey of Political Theory

Explain Machiavelli’s political philosophy as it pertains to power, the Prince/ Sovereign/government, and the people. Compare this to Rousseau’s conception of sovereignty, the social contract, and the relationship between political power of the Prince/ Sovereign / government and the people? In conclusion , suggest whose concept of alienation Machiavelli would most agree with : Rousseau’s or Marx’s —————————————————– -I would like my paper to have an agreeing approach to Jean Jacques Rousseau from Machiavelli’s view point. ( However if Karls Marx position is more agreeable to Machiavelli’s the Jean Jacques Rousseau then please make that alteration.) – The paper must be single space, size 10 font —————————————- Write an essay (5-7 pages on the question provided below. Your paper should be well organized, coherent, and clearly address the required material in the question . Analysis and strength of argument will be an important part of the grading process: I want to see how well you understand and asses the subject matter. -Make sure that the position you take and the argument you make are strongly supported by logical analysis, facts, and example/ citations from the readings. I do not want mere opinions. I want analytical arguments supported and justified by evidence and logical consistency. You are not permitted to consult outside sources. Concentrate only on the assigned readings from class. —————————————- Assigned Readings: – Machiavelli : The Prince -Jean Jacques Rousseau : The social Contract -Karl Marx: Selected Writtings

Labour Relations Law

Should we take away the right to strike? What are the implications of taking away the right to strike? This is an individual assignment. In accordance with the course outline, this assignment will comprise 20% of the final mark for the course. Approximate length for this assignment is 8-10 pages. The assignment will be due Sunday November 30 at 11:59pm. To achieve top marks you will have demonstrated the following: -An outstanding understanding of the topic that is presented in a clear, focussed and detailed manner. -An outstanding level of personal analysis that reflects a high level of learning from your research. Must be in APA style of writing. Spelling and grammar errors will not be tolerated. Three or more spelling errors will result in a full grade level being deducted from the mark of the assignment. This is must be in Canadian Labour Law!

Immersion/Study Abroad: Is it the best way to acquire an L2

Evaluation Guidelines Your Senior Project should meet the following general criteria (1) Identify key points relating to the major. (Knowledge) (2) Demonstrate connection among courses or between coursework and major(s). (Application) (3) Synthesize cultural and linguistic elements of the major. (Synthesis) (4) Evaluate limitations of knowledge or make recommendations for future directions. (Evaluation) Paper Requirements . Specifics: You will be turning in a formal written 10-page paper. It should: •Use standard font, type size, indentation, be double-spaced, contain pages numbers •Contain a title page with your name, project title, and date (centered) •Contain a Works Cited page using MLA or APA style accurately As you begin to write, think about your audience and your purpose. What does your reader know, and perhaps not know? What do you want your reader to learn and/or think about? While you will be presenting your materials at the end of the semester, the essay is a formal, scholarly essay; the style should reflect this. Strive to get your information into good order with complete sentences. It is possible that you will still have some vague ideas that you can’t quite elaborate, but know you will include them.

Self relexity and Spectatorial distanciation in the films “Weekend” and “Do the right thing”

Limit is 1000 words


This is an analytical response paper. It is not a research paper nor an assignment where you merely give your opinion. An analytical response paper actively engages with the ideas presented in the readings and lectures, in an informed manner. You are being tested on your reading, writing and comprehension of the course material. You are therefore required to actively show that you have read the course material and are intelligently able to discuss, analyze and critique the ideas encountered in your readings and in lectures.




  1. In the introduction, present the main argument or thesis statement
  2. ii) Include three supporting arguments. Present a succinct outline (1-3 sentences) of three supporting arguments you will be taking up to support your main argument.
  • Your introduction should have no more than five well-crafted and thoughtful sentences.




While each supporting argument can have several paragraphs, each paragraph should be between 4-7 sentences.



Present a well-articulated conclusion that converges the 3 supporting arguments presented in the body of your assignment.

Tie it all up in 4-5 well thought-out sentences.



Comprehension and interpretation of course materials rather than only a summary or description. The best work not only describes theories, but also critically interprets them. Compare and contrast different approaches and identify their strengths and limitations. Try to be as balanced and impartial as possible.



Organize your materials as effectively as you can to support the orderly development of an argument. Do not leap from point to point. Take nothing for granted. Simply quoting assertions does not count as evidence. All assertions must be supported with the best evidence you can find. Evidence is provided by drawing upon the analysis and interpretation of findings. Support your main and subordinate points systematically and logically by way of illustration/example. Show persuasiveness and depth in the development of your argument.



Your thesis statement should be clearly expressed as the main argument you are making. It should be set within the introduction that gives your reader a context for an overview of your argument. In the introduction, state the aims/objectives of your assignment in explicit and specific terms immediately. Get to the topic immediately: long, general and winding introductions, which are not closely related to the topic, are a waste of space. Waffle, in particular, is guaranteed to lose marks. Make sure you only cover the key issues and do not try to cover too much.



Each paragraph should be clearly linked to your thesis statement and to the various developing stages of your supporting arguments. Each paragraph should develop a single point and should be between 4-7 sentences. Do not write one-page paragraphs!



Minimalize quotations, maximum 2




In mainstream Hollywood cinema, the impression of reality is created, reinforced and maintained through the mise-en-scène (eg. eye-level framing, natural lighting, natural colour, synchronized sound etc.) and continuity editing techniques (eg. the shot-reverse-shot, the 180 degree axis rule, the cutaway, inserts etc.). These conventions maintain the spectator’s identification with the protagonist and story, and do not draw attention to the artificial nature of filmmaking. What is real is thereby extended into film through the artifice of cinematic conventions, presenting the impression that the reality generated in film is natural, true and real. Hollywood filmmaking conventions are critiqued for reinforcing and maintaining the dominant social order (or ideology) in this way.


In counter-cinema, which runs counter to Hollywood conventions, the impression of reality is disrupted, deconstructed and denaturalized. In counter-cinema, the mise-en-scène (framing, lighting, colour, sound/music, dialogue) and continuity editing techniques (the narrative progression and plot logic) are disrupted and challenged. These disruptions draw attention to the film as artifice, rather than present film as a self-evident or true reality. This non-realistic and denaturalized style is referred to as self-reflexive filmmaking. Counter-cinema, therefore, actively seeks to disrupt and challenge the dominant Hollywood paradigm of realism. Instead of spectatorial identification with the characters and story, self-reflexive films cause spectatorial distanciation, to varying degrees.


Choose two stylistic elements that show self-reflexivity causing spectatorial distanciation in Godard’s Weekend (1967) and Spike Lee’s Do the Right Thing (1989). Consider why the filmmakers utilized these stylistic choices. Do these choices give rise to meaning that challenges or subverts dominant ideology? If so, analyze how the filmmakers challenge or subvert dominant ideology, and if they have been successful.


Sources that can be used and cited:

Marxism and Media Studies: Key Concepts and Contemporary Trends, Wayne Mike:
                        “Signs, Ideology and Hegemony,” 173-182.

 “Counter-cinema (also ‘oppositional cinema’)”:

The Last Weekend,” Gary Indiana:

The Philosophy of Spike Lee, ed. Mark T. Conard:
                        “(Still) Fighting the Power,” Elizabeth Hope Finnegan, p. 75-94.

Analysis of the case study: The evolution of lean thinking at K-Way: where to next

Please answer the question according with the case study and using examples from the text

Understanding lean thinking as a management system and not a mere set of tools for waste reduction, while recognizing the importance of waste reduction. An understanding of how to entrench lean thinking in an organization after initial adoption with specific emphasis on the following: Kata and scientific thinking – what it is and how it can be employed; Hoshin Kanri/Strategy Deployment – what it is and how it can be used; Leader Standard Work, what it is and how it can be used. Consider responses for a company that has been on a lean journey for 10 years, with a focus on how (or if) lean leaders can withdraw from the operation. ( aprox 500 words)

According with the case study in page 9 ” He wondered what else he could do to make this transition happen in a way that maintained and improved on performance and processes
Were they missing something from the lean philosophy? What else should they be considering and how could he best plot a path forward? ( aprox 350 words)