Nurse Satisfaction


Quality improvement in health care organization is normally linked to the organization’s systems of care and the nature of the service delivery. In order to attain an improved and quality level of performance, health care organization management needs to transform the current systems and service delivery in order to meet the expected change (Roberts, 2014).  Quality improvement in the hearth care organization incorporates: quality improvement of the processes and systems, teamwork, appropriate use of data and focus on the patients. The nurses in health care organization play fundamental roles in delivering high quality health care services and in supporting clinical decision making. The research will illustrate how nurse satisfaction can play a fundamental role in ensuring quality improvement throughout the processes, systems and outcome of the patients.

Quality improvement through nursing satisfaction

Health care organizations demand the management to ensure that the nurses working within the organization are satisfied at all the time. In the process of establishing smart care strategy for the health care organization and ensuring that the nurses are satisfied, it is of great importance to ensure that the nurses are equipped with the necessary knowledge (Melvin, 2013). The modern health care demands the nurses to be equipped with the technological knowledge in order to transform care and improve the quality of health care outcome as well as clinical efficiency.

Quality improvement through nurses’ satisfaction is a path that simplifies the nursing path, support the nurses with the necessary knowledge to use the machines and take care of the patients and reduce the non-value adding tasks in nursing (Allaine, 2012). Proper remuneration of the nurses encourages them to take care of the patients with due diligence and care. As a matter of fact, patients with the necessary knowledge in regard to the systems and the processes required to take care of the patients will basically provide individualized care and evidence based practices.


Quality improvement is a process and a system that ensures that once the nurses are equipped with the appropriate knowledge, they will transform the health care services within the process and systems to give the patients the expected quality health care (Jones, 2010). Therefore, nurse satisfaction is a major determinant of quality improvement in health care process and systems and the outcome of the patients.


Roberts, A. (2014). The Influence of Quality Improvement Efforts on Patient Outcomes And Nursing Work: A Perspective from Chief Nursing Officers at Three Large Health Systems. Vol. 18(2), 23-28.

Melvin, K.(2013)Tools and Strategies for Quality Improvement and Patient. New York Publishers.

Allaine, V.(2012).Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI): nurse satisfaction.  American healthcare publishers.

Jones, Z. (2010) Improved health care quality: The path towards transformed health care delivery. Oxford University press.

Leadership Practices

Question: 1

Leadership practices reflection

Leadership practices are the best personal traits within a leader which are looked at and admired by others because of being effective, efficient, credible, accountable, reliance and resilience to life challenges. According to Kouzes and Posner, there are thousands of leadership traits within different leaders but the leaders perform best when they: model the way, inspire a vision, challenge the process, enable others to act and encourage the heart. Inspiring a shared is one of my strength as a leader because I always believe that I can make a difference (Kouzes & Posner, 2012). I always think about the future, establish an idea or an image of what will happen tomorrow in order to manage how to face the challenges.  Having a vision provides to be the possibilities of succeeding in the future. Modeling the way is the most natural leadership practices because it is concerned with the way people should be treated and the manner in which goals should be achieved. The leadership creates the fundamental standards of excellence and set examples for others to follow. Since the future challenges might overwhelm people, the model set interim and stifle actions to achieve little wins as they wait for the main objectives. I plan to incorporate this model the way leadership practice in my life by eliminating some of the bureaucracies which hinder me from taking quick action during the time of crisis and establishing opportunities which are based on victory.

Question: 2

Despite being a visionary leader and being in position to model the way to achieve the goals and objectives of the future, I do believe my weaknesses are built on the failure to foster teamwork in my leadership practices. I sometimes fail to keep determination and hope alive (Titus, 2010). In addition, I fail recognize the achievement of others and this hinders celebration of the team achievement. Enabling other to act is the least natural because the organization’s objectives and goals can be achieve without others participating in decision making process. The practices of encouraging the heart and enabling the others to act toward improvement of the leadership skills and strategies within an organization are my personal plan action that I need to improve in my leadership.

Question: 3

Just in case the threat of the gridlock become a reality, I would first understand the time trade-offs and the cost being built in the logistic system.  To solve the problem of the gridlock, it would be important to understand the measures which are most likely to increase cost of transportation such as the loading and the unloading costs of the containers. By ensuring efficiency in shipping and containerization time would be saved, stock-outs avoided and prevent overstocking. I would encourage the strategy of direct to store shipments by the manufacturers (George, 2013). I would also encourage improved flow of information within the supply network in order to enhance the predictability and speed within the system. In addition, the mother companies should establish other subsidiary companies in the foreign companies which will basically eliminated the crisis associated with the gridlock challenge. The supply chain management should ensure that there is integration of business process from the manufacturers, suppliers and end users in order to ensure internalization and globalization. The management concerned should ensure that appropriate expertise in product management. There need to be integration in the supply chain processes which interfere with information exchange and transportation of products from one destination to the next (Dawn,2008). Embracing of the necessary modern technology is of great importance as it ensures that the necessary expertise and efficiency through total quality management is embraced.  In conclusion, there must be collaborative logistic in the supply chain management in order to eliminate all the logistic challenges.

Homeless Problem in Richmond

In the town of Richmond there is increased number of the homeless. The increased number of the homeless in the city has necessitated them to engage in criminal activities such as drug trafficking, robber and us of drug. The society should understand the homeless in the city are just people like others and their rights and freedom must be respected just like other people in the society (Peterson, 2014). Many people in the street despise the homeless for being beggars in the city without putting into consideration the various reasons which lead them to this situation. The work will illustrate the unethical problem associated with homeless beggars in the city of Richmond.

It is the role of everybody in the society to be considerate while dealing with the misfortunes in the society. Problem of increased homeless in the city of Richmond has revealed the unethical behavior of the society in the street who mistreats, discriminate or even isolate the misfortune people in the society. When on the street most people in Richmond city keeps on despising the homeless for not working and being able to get their daily basic needs and only keeps begging in the city (Peterson, 2014).. As a matter of fact, it is ethical for everyone to be courteous and respect the misfortune in the society even if we might not be providing the necessary support required by the homeless in the city. We might not be in possessing of the financial support required by the homeless in the city but it is always unethical to discriminate, isolate or despise the homeless. In conclusion, instead of being unethical in dealing with the homeless, it is always good to morally and psychologically encourage the homeless that they life shall be better in the future.  Moreover, it is important to understand that being courteous and respectful is a means to end.


Peterson, L.(2014) Forgotten Faces: The Homeless of Richmond. New York Publishers

Absinthe and Stilton cheeses

Absinthe is a green anise-flavored spirit manufactured from a wormwood shrub. The spirit spirit migfht also be composed of components from sweet fennel, culinary and medical herb and green anise. Despite the fact that the spirit is naturally green it might be distilled further until it become colorless. On the other hand, the Stilton Cheese is a British made cheese made from the locally pasteurized milk. The cheese is usually made in a cylindrical shape but it might be allowed to form its own crust or coat. The magical nature of the Cheese is that there are blue veins originating from the middle of it (Amy, 2013). The Stilton is a good choice which can go hand in hand with the breads, biscuits, crackers and walnuts. The work will illustrate the similarities and the differences found in their compounds and the modes of actions between the two foods.

Both Absinthe and Stilton Cheese are manufactured from the natural compounds. The Absinthe is manufactured from grand wormwood leaves and flowers and other culinary or medicinal herbs. On the other hand, the Stilton Cheese is normally produced from pasteurized local milk.  Both Commodities are good for ceremonies and celebration because of their flavored taste and smell (Amy, 2013). Absinthe is obtained after the medicinal herbs are fermented and distilled while the Stilton Cheese is usually pasteurized in order to attain the expected smell and taste.  The mode of action for the Stilton Cheese is that it is an energy giving compound but the Absinthe is an alcohol that stimulates one’s brain.

The government concerned should encourage their citizen to consume the Stilton Cheeses and make it as part of their balance diet (Amy, 2013). Nevertheless, the consumers should be cautious with poorly pasteurized Stilton Cheeses because it might bring health complication.  Despite the fact that the absinthe among the best alcohol in Britain it was latter banned by the government after it was discovered to be contaminated hence causing madness among the consumers.


Amy, W. (2013). Stilton cheese under threat as young people ‘afraid to eat the mould.’ Retrieved from:


Program Evaluation


Educational evaluation is a process in which the management, educational systems and the students are assessed in order to establish whether they have the potential to perform as the educational organization expects them to perform.  Educational organization are the most sensitive organizations in the globe which necessitates regular evaluation in order to alter the systems and the process of offering the education curriculum and ensure the student who undergo through the pre-determined systems acquire the best skills and knowledge( Amy, 2014). The world today is so much competitive and required the students to be well equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge in order for them to compete in the overcrowded job market. The role of the educational plan is to evaluate the effectiveness and the efficient of the high education programs and the grades attained by the students.

Program identification

The education evaluation plan aims at investigating the grade level obtained in foreign languages in the undergraduate level. During the foreign languages evaluation process it is important for the researcher to understand the underlying principles of the program. Since the foreign languages are complex and challenging they are hard to teach and learn in the undergraduate level (Rose, 2009). Therefore, it is always important for the research to evaluate why the program is of importance, the resources required to complete the program successfully and the necessary supervision required by the management in order to ensure the undergraduate students attain the best grades possible.

The purpose of evaluation

The goal of the evaluation is to establish whether the undergraduate students studying foreign languages are in a better position to acquire the basic skills and knowledge in regard to the foreign languages being taught in the university. The evaluation plan aims at establishing whether the students are at a better position of learning, adapting, researching and analyzing the various aspects associated in the field of foreign languages teaching (Rose, 2009). The plan also evaluate the level of supervision and teaching offered by the lecturers in ensuring that the students acquire the foreign languages skills and knowledge with ease. During the evaluation process it is of great importance to evaluate the efficiency of the education systems within the university which will basically ensure that the necessary curriculum and syllabus are taught in the university.

Elements and activities associated with the program

Accountability, leadership, hard work and motivation are the major elements associated with the evaluation of the foreign language in a university program. Accountability is a major element in the field of learning where the students, administration and the lecturers needs to be accountable in their roles in order to ensure that the right goals and objectives in attaining high grades are obtained ( Amy, 2014). Leadership is of essence in the educational development strategy because it provides properly driven data that facilitates planned learning. Evaluation of the leadership status of the institution ensures that there is credibility of the teaching and learning program. It is the role of the teachers and the management to encourage the student to work hard in order to be in position to acquire the basic knowledge and skills while studying foreign languages. The program evaluation shall involve assessment, improvement and implementation of the basic skills taught in classroom.

Persons to be included as participants

The undergraduate foreign languages students would be the best participants of the study because they are the ones going through the curriculum and the university systems. The student will assist in evaluating the efficiency of the system being used in order to pass knowledge and skills from the lecturers to the students (Morris, 2015). The lecturers and management would also be proper participants for the study. The lecturers understand the challenges encountered by them and the students in their attempt to acquire the best grades in the foreign languages subjects. The management would be used to assess the appropriate actions and systems being put in place in order to enable the students enjoy their learning and acquire the appropriate grades.

Survey research design

How long have you being studying the foreign languages?

How many are you in the foreign languages class?

How do you assess the level of teaching in the foreign language class?

Do you believe the right systems and teaching techniques are used by the lecturers?

Are there motivational packaged offered to encourage foreign languages students to perform well?

Is the management concerned with the performance of both the lecturers and the students?



Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7
Planning for evaluation            
  Collecting the necessary material for evaluation          
    Grouping the participants of the study        
      Interviewing the participants assessment the data collected    
          Analyzing the data ACTUAL results of the study

How the data might be used

The graduation data of the undergraduate foreign languages student would be used to establish the efficiency of the learning systems and its compatibility with the students. The graduation data would go hand in hand with the student retention. High student retention in the university will demonstrate that they are motivated to learn and the system allows them to acquire the knowledge and skills with ease in comparison to low retention (Peter, 2011). High student persistence proves that the students are satisfied with the services being offered by the university while low student persistent would be clear indication of student being unsatisfied with the administration and the systems of teaching within the university. High productivity from the faculty is a clear indication of sufficient education to teach and learn foreign language in the university while low productivity indicates poor management, inadequate resources and poor reading and teaching habits among the students and lecturers within the faculty.


Amy , J. (2014). Program Evaluation: An introduction to evidence-based research. Cengage learning.

Peter, K. (2011). Handbook of practical program evaluation. New York Publishers.

Morris, O. (2015). Program evaluation in practice: Core concepts and examples for discussion and analysis. John Wiley & Sons.

Rose, A. (2009). Timeless techniques for program and project managers (Vol. 56). John Wiley & Sons.

What is a Research Question?


A research question is a focused, specified and arguable question that guides the direction of the research. As a matter of fact the research question should not at one time have a noticeable answer but should always compel the participant to make an original claim. The thesis statement of the research should answer the research question. Good research questions in a research allow the researcher to take an arguable position but they do not allow room for ambiguity (Francis, 2015). The major characteristic of research question is that they must be arguable, solve a certain problem, must either be narrow or broad, must be researchable with a given location and framework and must provide the intended framework. The role of this work is to illustrate how research question might be specific, arguable and focused.

Despite the fact that all research questions are required to take a stand, in the field of social sciences they are required to have data that is repetitive in nature. The data in these research questions must be reliable in order to provide a strong and arguable research (Francis, 2015). The research question must assist the researcher to measure and gather certain facts of the specific phenomenon, match the theory and facts, compare to models or hypothesis and prove that a given strategy in more effective than other methods. It should be understood that have good research questions enables the researcher to endeavor in writing a strong, reliable and consistent research.

Research question one

What factors of peer support intervention which prevents suicide in high school males?

The research question is specific because it single out the supportive measures which might assist in elimination of suicide among high school males. The question open a room for argument because the researcher can decide to find the degree or to extent in which the high school male students are commit suicide or he may wish to establish the reasons  for the increased rate of suicide cases of male students in high school (Francis, 2015). The research question is specific in to what the researcher wants to establish. The research question directs the respondent and the reader of the research that the aim of the research is to find which gender in high school is influenced to commit suicide.

Research question two

Do the elderly in the society diagnosed with Alzheimer experience pain?

The research question is specific in nature because it single out the elderly in the society suffering from Alzheimer disorder. The question is arguable because the research can either argue that the elderly suffering from Alzheimer experience pain or they do not experience pain (Francis, 2015). The question is focused because it is focused on the pain experienced by the elderly people in the society suffering from Alzheimer.  Given that the research question is measureable and comprehensive in nature it has the potential to produce dependable research for the specific phenomenon in question.

Research question three

How do psychiatric hospital units designed in order to influence the patient’s hostility.

The question is arguable since it provides a room of determining the influence the psychiatric units have in controlling the level of violence in a given incidence (Francis, 2015). The research question is specific in nature because it single out the psychiatric hospital units for research instead of just covering all the hospital units for the research.  The research question is focused because it necessitates the research to focus on the patient’s hostility in the Psychiatric hospital units. The researcher does not have to focus on other patients within the hospital or other units but specifically those occupied by hostile patients.

In conclusion, the research questions relate to my field of discipline because they are specific, measurable, arguable, and comprehensive and focused upon a particular phenomenon. The sources which might be required to answer these questions might be the hospital administration, newspaper articles, journals, websites, internet and past research.


Francis, K. (2015). Identifying and defining research questions. 5th edition. Duke University Press.


Background and purpose

The explanation of the meaning of compassion begins with a demonstration of an encounter with a homeless woman. The homeless woman is among other homeless people in the street who are drug users and who keeps borrowing money from the strangers who pass by. The story illustrates how I used to turn them down every time I had an encounter with them.  Being compassionate with the homeless enabled me to learn how to control my anger and mood in order to accommodate the homeless at all the time. I came to learn that being compassionate to the homeless is more than giving them money is no longer a short or long term solution (Alex, 2013). The researcher’s hypothesis is to illustrate that compassionate is being sympathetic and empathetic to the needy and homeless at the same time.

Summary and description of the methods

Compassionate is all about being empathetic and sympathetic. According to the study empathy is all about responding to other people’s emotions with similar emotions where as sympathy is about having regrets for suffering people. Nevertheless, compassionate is caring for other people happiness as if they belong to those of one-self (Alex, 2013).  Compassionate is not all about giving people all what they demand from us, sacrificing ourselves, being consistently gently, expectance of rewards or liking everyone. Compassionate is all about having unconditional acceptance, enduring, being courageous and taking action.

The age of the population studied in establishing the meaning of compassion is that of grown up because the researcher encountered regularly with the homeless woman. The researcher expresses the meaning of being compassionate to others and the meaning of being compassionate through an encounter with a homeless woman. Despite using the encountered woman she site men being the major population of the homeless and the greatest drug users. Depending on a case study done in Munich Germany, about 95 % of the homeless men in the street suffered from mental disorder as a result of substance abuse (Alex, 2013). As a result many people in the street gave this homeless money as a way of being compassionate to them but I do believe that the best way to show compassionate to them is being compassionate to them. The length of intervention was around six months because the research stated that she used to seen and encounter with the old homeless women in her vicinity.

Results of the study

The study found that compassionate is all about endurance, having unconditional acceptance, being courageous at all time and taking action even when uncalled for.  Nevertheless, compassionate is not all about giving people all they want, making sacrifices, always being gentle, receiving rewards for our actions and liking everyone. The results were unexpected because what many people believed to be compassionate was actually the opposite. The findings of the study were significant because it enabled the researcher to expand his knowledge of compassion to others (Alex, 2013). According to the researcher, being compassionate to others is one of the most joyful experiences for human beings available. It is impossible for one to be happy while all others in the surrounding are unhappy. The finding of the study indicates that compassionate cures social awkwardness. The results of the study finding enabled us to believe that enlightenment is possible within the society and people in the society shall be enlighten they will be full of compassion. The results and the finding of the study could be applied to a larger population in all sectors such as in the religious arena and in the society.



Key points

Compassionate is not all about being sympathetic or empathetic to others but is all about being both.

Compassion is all about becoming a force for good.

Enlightenment is possible and that enlightenment is compassion.


Alex, L. (2013). Happiness of the world: What it means to be compassionate and why we should try to be it. New York Publishers.

Panera Case Study

As a CEO of the Panera Bread Company his vision is to focus on competitive advantage rather than financial success for the company. He believes in the creation of an experience that is more enjoyable by the customers and getting the company ready for the future. Preparation for the company’s future begins with observation and research in order to understand the customers’ needs (Leigh, 2014). The strategy is what made the Panera Company to succeed both in the market and financially. According to Ron, being innovative, protecting discovery, painting the pictures of the future and understanding the needs of the customers is what is required from a CEO of a company like Panera Bread. The role of the work is to demonstrate the CEO Ronald Shaich’s Vision for Panera Bread.

The management of Panera Company led by the CEO Ronald Shaichhad a vision of enhancing the company’s technological advancement, competitive position, seek further growth opportunities, drive operational efficiency, embrace innovative marketing and upgrade its stores format. It was the vision of the CEO to ensure that the company encouraged its customers frequently purchase their products from the company and perceive the products and the pricing strategies match the quality of the products manufactured (Leigh, 2014). He hoped that the company would accumulate enough market force that would enable it to become a world leader in providing intelligence solutions to the customers.  The CEO passion for the company in adoption of the modern technological systems which would advance the company technologically proved that Mr. Ronald Shaich was a visionary leader as the company has remain successful in many areas for a long period of time.

According to Ron Shaich, the CEO of the Panera Bread, the company has digitalized its marketing systems which enable the customers to place their order online. The company has also established non-profit chain cafes where the customers may place orders of the breads they can afford to pay.  The CEO believes that there are two parts of the business which are delivery and discovery. He suggests that the language of discovery is actually the language of imagination for the business. Moreover, the language of delivery is the language of accounting and numbers.  The most significant for a CEO like him is to protect the discovery process for the company. In conclusion, based on his vision he believes that Panera Bread Company will remain competitive and financially capable in the future in United States and Canada markets.


Leigh, B. (2014). The CEO’s Most Important Job, According to Panera’s Ron Shaich. Retrieved from :

Organizational Learning and Development

I do agree with the concept of Knowledge management which started to be hard two decades age. Through knowledge management organizations seeks to ensure that they are at the location, place and time in their decision making process. Knowledge management in organizations is usually supplemented by organizational learning. As a matter of fact, organizational learning usually establishes a knowledge structure which would eventually respond to business decision making (Horace, 2011). The critical role of the managers is to make decision for the organization. Organization shareholders usually their resources and trust in an organization where the management usually makes consistent decisions which makes secure returns and profits on investment. The work will illustrate how organizational learning is important for its development.

The significance of organizational learning is that it creates an environment that makes the management to understand and determine the effectiveness of organizational learning in decision making. Innovation within an organization requires an integral system in the process. In order for the organizations to maintain a competitive advantage in the market, there is need for it to be knowledge and innovative driven in order to meet their goals and profits (Levitt, 2014). Knowledge learning is of great import for the organization because it assists the organization to establish the stock in order to eliminate the stock out costs for the organization. The organization usually adopts innovative structures and conduct research which assist the management in decision making.

In conclusion, organization learning is basically a crucial necessity when it comes to the success of the organization. Organizations which have the knowledge to differentiate themselves have the potential to create a competitive advantage (Nonaka, 2013). Organizations such as Samsung and Apple are best examples of organization which have benefited from competitive advantage and organizational learning. Through organizational learning these organizations have become innovative and creative.


Nonaka, I. (2013) ‘Handbook of organizational learning and knowledge’. Oxford: Oxford University Press

Levitt, R. (2014). ‘Organizational learning’. Annual Review of Sociology 14: 319–340.

Horace, L. (2011). ‘Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning’. Oxford University Publishers.

Corporate Social Responsibility


It is the responsibility of the Flotation Therapy & SPA to make the act of citizenship to be its core business. Corporate social responsibility is a form of corporate self regulation, governing and control that is integrated in the organization systems and processes in order to ensure that the affairs of the surrounding community are at the heart of the business model. As the Flotation Therapy & SPA effort to reduce its impact on the environment on its core business there is need for ethical conduct by the service providers (Ali, 2014). It is the role of the service providers in the SPA to ensure that they provide tailored care to their clients while at the same being delicate to the environmental balance. The service providers should endeavor to support environmental sustainability through water conservation and use of the towels. In order for the Flotation Therapy & SPA to enhance corporate social responsibility in its core business there is need for the service providers to observe perfect energy efficiency, prevent water wastage and do away with the unique habits. The role of this work is to illustrate how Flotation Therapy & SPA might enhance corporate social responsibility in its processes and systems.

Preventing water wastage

Sustainable waste management systems and water conservation are equal efforts in Flotation Therapy & SPA in provision or reliable, effective and efficient relaxation services. The SPA management is committed in improvement of its water management systems in installing water flow restrictors in the floatation tank. The adoption of the floatation tank by the SPA has been the greatest achievement in ensuring water conservation while at the same time providing optimal relaxation and recreation services. The machine has enabled the SPA save water that was previously wasted while washing, cleaning the clients and the towels (Carter, 2010). The Flotation Therapy & SPA strongly believe on technological improvement and observe it as the only best solution in providing high quality recreating and relaxation services to its client while at the same time conserving the environment through water conservation. It is the main reason for the organization using the flotation tank to provide recreation and relaxation services to the client because the machine shall ensure that water is used appropriately without wastages.

The floatation tank shall play a critical role in water conservation and more so the corporate social responsibility because the tank shall ensure that 525kg of Epsom Salt shall be mixed with water to create a solution of 1000 liters. The scientific nature of the solution would enable the service providers to use little water while providing relaxation and recreation services to the clients. The solution manufactured through the use of Epsom Salt and water is part of water conservation and the organization corporate social responsibility because the organization understands Kuwait to be a desert country where water is very scarce (Cameron, 2015). Therefore, coming up with strategies in which little water shall be used in providing recreation and relaxation services to the client would be a mile ahead for the community and the organization in observing corporate social responsibility. The SPA believes in the policy of “catch a drop” as part of conserving the environment and ensuring corporate social responsibility. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been in the forefront to train its service providers, clients and community the importance of water conservation through decreased water use in the process of relaxation and recreation. The use of the Floatation Machine has assisted the company in being in the forefront in maintain corporate social responsibility as the machine has eliminated some environmental endangering processes of air and water pollution as the machine has the capability of heating the water to be used by the clients.

The floatation tank has the potential to provide both recreation and relaxation services to the patients using water and air. The tank has been in the forefront in regard to the corporate social responsibility because it has enabled both the service providers and the Flotation Therapy & SPA to provide safe water to be used by the clients, better sanitation to the client who seek recreation and relaxation services from the institution and ensuring quality services to the client hence fundamentally eliminating the contagious infections associated with poor quality services and use of contaminated water (Carter, 2010). The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been at the center of the corporate social responsibility in providing both medical and social responsibilities to the Kuwait community. The use of flotation water tank by the Flotation Therapy & SPA has assisted the injured in the community in speeding up the recovery of injuries, reduce risks of future injuries, enable the body to release endorphins, reduced blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen consumption and pulse rate.

The provision of well being and health related services by the Flotation Therapy & SPA has basically led to brighter future for the athletes and the injured in the community. The use of flotation tank that has reduced the financial burden in providing treatment services for the athletes and the injured in the community (Carter, 2010). As a social amenity the Flotation Therapy & SPA continue to provide employment and career development for the community as some of the youths in the community are employed in the facility to provide services to their community.

Perfecting energy efficiency

It has been the effort of the Flotation Therapy & SPA to minimize water wastage and carbon emission in the environment. Through the purchase of the Floatation tank into the organization the Spa has been in the forefront in reducing energy consumption while heating water and while providing recreation and relaxation services to its clients.  The implementation of the floatation tank has been the organization strategy of ensuring energy efficiency in its processes and systems. The use of the floatation tank has eliminated some of the process of water heating and disposal which will basically lead to environmental pollution. The floatation tank has the potential to heat water and to regulate the water temperature according to the individual body temperature (Rose, 2008). The best side of the floatation tank is that it does not emit carbon dioxide gases in the atmosphere which can be dangerous to the environment. The use of Floatation tank remains the Flotation Therapy & SPA commitment in reducing energy consumption by about 3% every year. The heating system has basically been made greener through the installation of the solar photovoltaic system which will power the Floatation tank for heating and regulating the temperature of the water according to the client’s body temperature. The Floatation tank has reduced the use of towels in providing relaxation and recreation services to the clients. The use of towels in the Flotation Therapy & SPA has been a tedious process because it led to water and time wastage. The  Flotation tank has reduced both the water used in cleaning the clients while providing the relaxation and recreation services to the clients and the water used for cleaning the towels used for cleaning and drying the clients. The use of the flotation tank has been the greatest achievement for the Flotation Therapy & SPA in its effort towards corporate social responsibility because it has been able to conserve water, cost and time used by the company purchasing water for cleaning the towels and clients.

The Flotation Therapy & SPA understand that it has a corporate social responsibility in ensuring that the society lives a healthy and standard lifestyle. The SPA believes in a healthy community since it would be economically active. The healthy community would be a big source of profit for the SPA. The Floatation tank would assist the Flotation Therapy & SPA in maintaining and providing the social responsibility to the community while at the same time reducing water and energy wastage through regulators (Young, 2011). The Flotation tank has the potential to reduce water wastage, to heat the water to required levels and to reduce water wastage through the use of chemicals which clean and recycle the used water. The use of the flotation tank by the Flotation Therapy & SPA as part of energy conservation has been a great step towards encouraging the community the need for energy conservation in the community. The community has been in the forefront in sensitizing the client and the community the various ways of reducing energy and water wastage in their daily activities. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been a role model in educating the community the importance of changing our cultures in order to conserve energy while at the same time conserving the environment.

Saving unique habitats and habits

Flotation Therapy & SPA has made a great effort in the purchase of the floatation tank which will eventually eliminate the tedious process of providing recreation and relation services in the SPA through high volumes of water and drying those using towels. The need to be at par with the advancement in technology has been the role of the Flotation Therapy & SPA (Cameron, 2015). The traditional ways of providing recreation and relaxation services have basically been eliminated through the use of the Flotation tank which puts the needs and desires of the community at heart. Previously, the services provided in the SPA institutions only aimed at relaxation but the adoption of the flotation tank has basically change the functions of the SPA in the community.

The use of the Flotation Tank has transformed the social believe of the community that they are only meant for the high class community in the society. The Flotation Therapy & SPA has been in the forefront in providing quality, affordable and reliable recreational and relaxation services to the community (Fuso, 2013). The motivation has encouraged many people in the community suffering from different physical and psychological challenges to seek for services from the SPA. Basically, the Flotation Therapy & SPA and the flotation tank in the SPA have changed the playing ground as far as social and medical ground is concerned.  The SPA has been providing the psychological services to the depressed individuals in the society and they have been able to cope up with their mood swings. The service providers in the Flotation Therapy & SPA has been trained on how to provide the quality of service to provided to the clients in order to ensure that they are motivated to continue seeking the recreation and relaxation services from the SPA.


Flotation Therapy & SPA is committed in water conservation as part of its overall environmental conservation and sustainability. The commitment to corporate social responsibility has put the company on a path of more meaningful responsibility of respecting and supporting the community through provision of high quality recreational and relaxation services and provision of competitive employment for the community. The Flotation Therapy & SPA appreciate and acknowledge the strength of the community and responsible treatment of the environment because both of these parties have positive impact as far as the business operation, prosperity and security is concerned.


Ali, D. (2014). Environmental conservation and responsibility in health care services. Oxford University Publishers.

Cameron, A. (2015). Centara Hotels & Resorts Corporate Social Responsibility. 5th Edition. Harvard university Press.

Carter, D. (2010). Excellent and Luxury Hotels Services: Corporate Social Responsibility. New York Publishers.

Fuso, K. (2013). The impact of corporate social responsibility among health and recreational organizations. New York Publishers.

Rose, H. (2008) Water Saving Tips & sustainable initiative. United States medical and health related Journal. Vol.3(1), 22-34.

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