The Caribbean Islands

Over the years, the Caribbean has been under the influence of the forces from outside countries such as European countries and United States in particular. The intervention from the foreign countries began with the intervention of the sugar plantations and the use of the slaves who were kidnapped from the African states (Neil, 2015). Over the decades, the outside forces originated from the European countries but more recently these forces have shifted to United States. The role of this work is to illustrate the various ways in which United States continue to control the sovereign states of Caribbean.

Traditionally, United States had been attempting to maintain and establish secure, peaceful, friendly and stable relationship with the Caribbean countries but without success. Nevertheless, the United States was forced to intervene with the affairs of the Caribbean region in order to prevent the region from hostile foreign powers by establishing military facilities, bringing to place balanced power and supporting economic activities. As a result, United States has managed to access strategic materials, investment opportunities, protect its territories, enhance trade and promote economic development in the region (Neil, 2015). More specifically, the United States intervened with the affairs of the Caribbean countries for security, communication, natural resources, control of narcotics trafficking and enhances immigration. For many years, the Caribbean region has been the major route for drug trafficking and narcotics smuggling into the territory of the United States. The United States government was therefore forced to establish legal systems which would control illegal immigration and drug trafficking from the Caribbean countries. The radical leaders in Granada forced other countries such as Jamaica to invite the United States military to come and intervene with the chaotic nature of the country.

In conclusion, strategic interest in the 19th century forced the United States to intervene with the affairs of the Caribbean region. The fact that the Caribbean region is proximately to the mainland; it was a strategic area where the United State could defend itself and the Caribbean region. In addition, United States was interested in exploitation of the natural resources such oil and gases which had remained unutilized over the decades (Neil, 2015). The drug trafficking issue which has been occurring now and then in Caribbean region has motivated the United States intervention in order to protect its citizens from consumption of the narcotic drugs being smuggled into its territory.


Neil, G. (2015). Caribbean Islands: The Increased Role of the United States. 5th Edition. New York Publishers.

African-American Literature


Langston Hughes depicted traditions in his poem “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by claiming that he knows the rivers which are old just like the world. He goes ahead to link the rivers with his own blood that flows in his own veins. The speakers of the poem connect him with the ancestors and explain that they are the significant cultural religious and historical sites in the whole world. He connect the traditions of human beings with the old rivers which basically the connection of the human race and human civilization (Bodenner, 2015). Despite the fact that the whites treated their black counterparts as non-human, Hughes uses the history of the rivers all over the world to provide a proof of the human race equality. The speakers of the poem sites Euphrates River to be the birth of human civilization. He later cited other world features such as: Nile River, Egyptian Pyramids and the Mississippi river which he links with Abraham Lincoln and the American Slavery. As Hughes shares many of his beliefs in the poem, he presents himself as a universal figure. His poem serves as a voice of the voiceless African Americans as he endeavored to establish their lineage to the frame of civilization.

In addition, Langston Hughes in his poem “The Weary Blues” blends poetry with the blues and jazz to form a powerful poetry lyric.  The poem believes that despite the fact that the songs are associated with the whites who claim themselves to be civilized than the black, in the songs there were voices of the Negro. The Lines in the poem such as: “I got the Weary Blues” and “He did a lazy sway” are evidence of the quality of the poem and captures the rhythm and motion of the music (Bodenner, 2015). The stars and the moon are believed to be significant part of man. The writer believes that both the stars and the moon are connected just like the African Americans are connected with the Native Americans.



The “Atlanta Exposition Address” by President Booker T. Washington was a compromise to the black civil rights because while addressing to a predominant white audience. The speech aimed at improving the relationship between the whites and the black. He was encouraging the two races to work together for a common goal because there is no single race that could prosper not unless there was a compromise between the two races. He claimed that he was of a friendship that would cement the two races and bring them into cooperation in most of the political, social and economic affairs. At the beginning, he called the blacks to accept discrimination and segregation but concentrate on important aspects of learning trade, bettering themselves in every aspect as a race and work hard (Bodenner, 2015). According to him, it was of great significant for the black to concentrate on economic equality rather than political or social equality. He suggested that racial equality could only happen through racial discrimination and later be slowly eradicated. On the side of the blacks, Washington failed in his speech because he never made any effort of challenging the white supremacy which made the black race to continue waiting for their freedom. Despite the fact that many blacks believed that he was a traitor, in a matter of fact he was a supporter of the rights of the black race despite the fact that the freedom would not occur immediately it would occur in the future. He suggested that the blacks were responsible for their segregation by the white and there was need for their personal improvement in order for them to advance politically, socially and economically.



The story of the “Space Traders” by Derrick Bell demonstrates that the lives of the blacks in America do not matter. The was set in regard to the American near future when the coal and the oil shall have gone, the government shall be financially broke, the air shall be spoilt, the civil rights shall have been overturned and most blacks shall be at a status of poverty. The Space Trader shall be in rescue of the Americans especially the white and provide machines which would produce clean and cheap power, chemicals which would clean the air and provide enough gold which would settle the entire Americans’ debt in order for the country to regain its wealth in exchange for all the black people in American territory (Bodenner, 2015).The whites are in support of the Space Trader’s idea while the blacks are solidly against the move. The story in regard to the Space Traders exchanging the necessary commodities required by the Americans to regain their economic and social prosperity illustrate that the rights and the lives of the black Americans is useless and can be traded just like any other commodity in the market. The whites sees no value to the lives of the blacks and suggests that if their economy and social prosperity can be regain through the trade, The Space Trader should go ahead with the trade.


Ta-Nehisi Coates attempted to make the lives of the blacks to matter in his book “Between the World and Me” in section II and III because he describes the aspects of racial reality which would surprise the white race and readers. He links the social inequalities with climate inequalities. In the book the writer rejects the Americans mythos of white supremacy and suggests that the white supremacy in America is a reality rather than a structured reality.  The action of the government not to take the necessary measures to Prince Jones who had committed murder illustrated that he was a force of nature. Ta-Nehisi Coates uses the case of the Prince Jones to demonstrate that despite the fact that supreme law in America might be protective of the Whites there would come a time when the blacks would be empowered and they would become hope of the future (Bodenner, 2015). They will be concerned with the nature of the laws and treatment occurring in the country just like nature decides where to cause destruction. The two sections cite how the Typhoon decides where to cause destruction and the Blacks would also have a chance of supremacy in the future.


Bodenner, C. (2015) Between the World and Me Book Club: Your Critical Thoughts. Oxford University Publishers.

Long Term Career Development

I am a freshman in the Albertus Magnus College and have enrolled in a Criminal Justice Course. I hope to do my internship with the FBI and graduate with a criminal justice degree. In the future I want my career to be in criminal justice either in the police force or the FBI or in particular to be based on juvenile detention department (Houck, 16). As of now I am a former athlete and want to continue with my passion for basketball and football through coaching and giving back to the youth and later becoming a paid coach. Coaching will be part of my secondary career. Nevertheless, I will climb the ranks from an aau volunteer and pop warner to a bigger position of being paid as a coach. The approach would allow me to continue my passion in sports and build my financial strength. The work will illustrate the different professional steps which I will need to adopt in order to become a professional both in the sports management and criminal justice sector.

As a former athlete with passion in basketball and football, I have always understood the importance of delivering before deadline. As a result, given that I want to achieve two goals at the same time, of being a sport manager or couch in the future and build my career in Criminal justice, I am confidence that I will deliver the promise even before the deadline. I will therefore be required to walk an extra mile in order to deliver according to my promise. During the process I expect to be assigned many assignments for the case of perfecting my skills (Houck, 21). I would therefore be required to be proactive and volunteer in assignments which occur hand in hand in order to learn and grow. I will ensure that my supervisors in the criminal justice course understand and realize that I am interested in projects which will build my career in the future. In the case of sport management which I also expect to build my financial muscle in becoming a paid coach I will search for opportunities which will make me famous in the community as far as game planning and management is concerned.

I do understand that asking for help is just a sign of strength rather than a sign of weakness. Given that the career process I am passing was already passed by other people, I will search for those individuals so that they can inform me the mistakes they made in their career development so that I can learn from their mistakes. Learning from the past mistakes will assist me in avoiding pitfalls and at the same time improve my both careers in the future (Houck, 22). I will therefore have an open mind in regard to the policemen or FBI personal in services and learn how they manage themselves into better career men and women. Given that I am determined to become either an FBI or police officer in juvenile detention and at the same time to become a professional couch that shall be paid, I will have to choose my battle wisely. As a matter of fact, I understand that there is nothing worse than to fight a battle than I will lose. Therefore, having two careers to be developed simultaneously I will have to make it upon my effort to achieve the two careers together.

It has always been my policy to fix the processes and systems before they break again. During my career development I expect to come across barriers and I will ensure that I come up with fast solution before they develop into huge challenges. I will always take time to dissect the systems and processes and establish the ways of providing improvement. A career in criminal justice is similar to the one of the football or basketball coach. Therefore, engaging in training regularly will definitely assist me in understanding the process (Houck, 25). It will be my hobby to ensure that the environment and the condition I live in are at better condition than I met it. The fact that I understand my strength is in athletes and my passion is in sports I will go ahead to exploit them by choosing careers of the FBI or Coachman because I am confident that I will excel. I will go ahead to seek for advice from those people with complementary talents and build my workplace so that I may be in position to exploit my strength. I will also look for my weaknesses so that I may improve them through reading, training, and special assignments.

As determined individual in becoming the best coach and police officer I believe that I will be regarded to be successful when my subordinates shall have excelled. Having acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in my career development I will ensure that the subordinates will achieve their objectives and goals by giving them the opportunities to learn and to grow. During my criminal justice course I will ensure that I give my supervisors easier time to train and impact knowledge upon me.  Moreover, I will ensure that I establish a personal support system which will provide me with a safe place and emotional support for me to be heard and to blow the whistle (Houck, 29). I will always ensure that I am high even if I shall not be in position to attain the target. In conclusion, I will regularly use the introspection and retrospection to guide my beliefs and goals as well as establish my priorities and personals goals. As a result I will develop my career as an FBI or police officer in juvenile detention and a professional coach who shall be paid.

Work Cited

Houck, R. “Spitting on Superman’s Cape” and Other Dos and Don’ts throughout Your Career. 2012. Oxford University

Social Work placement Journal

Entry: 1

What happened?

When I visited Mr. Xia who originated from China to understand the current Chinese economic and political development, he took time to explain to me his cultural life experience program with St John. In his conversation he promised me that we shall explore all the issues in regard to our topic and some of his personal experience. Based on his promise, I felt comfortable and enjoyed in the conversation. During the conversation, Mr. Xia shared a lot on his feeling and experience with the current economic and political development in China. Nevertheless, he was also interested in conversation in regard to the current life in Australia and listening aspects related with Hong Kong.

Critical moment that occurred

During the conversation with Mr. Xio in regard to political and economic development of China, my client was flexible because prior to discussion of the main aspects of our conservation, he introduced me into his cultural life experience with St John program. The move was to make me comfortable and joyful in the conversation. During the conversation he explained to me the major political and economic developments which were happening in China. He also showed interest of listening in issues relating with Hong Kong and he was also interested with the daily life in Australia.

My feelings

I rely enjoyed the conversation because my client made me comfortable by first introducing me into his personal life and later elaborated to me my topic. As a social worker, the conversation improved by interpersonal skills experience in relation to listening and communicating with other people. Moreover, I learnt how to remain calm, to build trustworthy relationship and reveal professionalism in such situations and in public. Despite how long the conversation was I learnt how to be tolerant while engaging in fruitful conversations.

Journal: 2

What happened?

When I first visited my client Jane she was very much welcoming. As a stranger to her I was worried how we would communicate with each other. Nevertheless, Jane provided me with a warm well come by requesting me to join certain pictures in a board to form a lion. During my interaction with the board, I realized that there is much innovation and creativity that has not yet been discovered and that there is still room for creativity in the world. My interaction with the game board trying to come up with a picture which resembled a lion made me feel happy and relaxed.

Critical moment that occurred

During my visit to Jane premise I was introduced to a game board that necessitated me to come up with a picture of a lion. During my interaction with the board I realized that one can be creative in his or her own ways. Despite the fact that the parts of the picture were disorganized, I was motivated and fully of confidence that after some time I would manage to come up with the lion picture.

Personal Opinion

The interaction with the game eliminated the fear of the strangers between me and Jane. The warm welcome warm up game eliminated the barriers of communication between Jane and I and we were able to communicate with each successfully and easily. With both enjoyed the conversation and we were willing to share even more stories. As a social worker I realized that barriers of communication among individuals may be eliminated through various strategies such as warm up games before individuals engage in the main conversation.

Journal Three

What happened ?

When I visited Josephine who was my former schoolmate she was reading a novel and looked disappointed. She greeted me will the shoulders down and no warm welcome.  At first I was furious and wanted to know why my friend was not in a sober mood.  When I asked him why she was in such a bad mood, she opened the page she was reading inside the novel and the heading was related to alcohol related violence in the community. I was eager to know why she was so much concerned with the violence caused by alcohol.

Critical moment

She informed that she was a victim of alcohol related violence. She informed me that she had divorced her fiancée because he was a drinker. She told me that high levels of alcohol consumption had led to fund embezzlement by her husband which was later translated in marriage through violence.  The husband had turned out to be abusive and lack of morals. Although she loved him she believed that he was a burden to his life.

Personal opinion

As a matter of fact, I was amazed by the status of my friend and the challenges she was going through in her marriage life. The story of Josephine enabled me to control my mood, gain confidence in tackling life issues and understand that there are many people in the society who are suffering alcohol related violence either physically or psychologically. Josephine despite the fact that she was not suffering from the physical trauma she was suffering the psychological challenges as her marriage was just being distorted by the habit of alcohol drinking. The incident enlighten the aspects associated with alcohol related violence and crimes.

Journal 4

During child neglect workshop, I visited street children in the children home to establish why the children were there. When I first visited the rehabilitation I was introduced to one of the child undergoing the rehabilitation process. The name of the client I was given was called John. When I started to talk to him he was disappointed, discourage, de-motivated and demoralized. He was shaky and stammering every time I would pose a query on to him. After some minutes of encouragement John became composed and informed that many children in the community were engaging in children delinquency because of being neglected by their parents.

Critical moment

John who was in the rehabilitation centre was a product of parent neglect. Despite the fact that John had an opportunity to express his status he was unable to so because he believed that it was not his own fault but the fault of his parents for him to b in rehabilitation centre. After encouraging john to take heart she regained his confidence and explained to us how children neglect may be dangers both at individual level and as a community. As a matter of fact, children neglect was the main reason for increased rate of juvenile delinquency.

Personal reflection

In order to curb the increased tendency of children neglect and curb the increased level juvenile delinquency, it is the high time for the parents to avoid children neglect. It is their responsibility to bring the child in the society with good morals and to become role model to other children in the community. Hence, it is important to understand that children neglect is the major source of immorality in the community which needs to be tamed before it develops into soar.

Journal: 5

In the high school dropout workshop, I experienced a businessman who dropped school at a very young age to join the business world. Given the current education systems which bring out more job seekers than job creators, the businessman informed me that despite being a school dropout he was successful in his social life in comparison to the educated people who were always seeking for jobs in the streets. When I visited him in his business he was together with her first born who had complete O-level and was requested by his father to join him in the field of business and investment if she wanted to be successful in life. The notion that the level of unemployment has been skyrocketing has forced many children and students to drop out of school in order to engage in business.

Critical moment

The issue of the businessman discouraging his first born in going ahead with further study was a culture that attracted poverty, ignorance and illiteracy in the society.  High rate of school dropout is associated with lack of trust to the education system and the government concerned in providing the necessary employment. As a matter of concern, the school dropout normally engages in criminal activities which lead to most of the young children into rehabilitation centers.

Personal reflection

Social neglect is one of the major sources of the increased rate of school dropout in most countries. The high school dropout has increased the government concerned budget as it has to deal with rehabilitation of the school droppers who end up in crimes which later lead them into rehabilitation centers. Through the increased school dropout menace I was able to understand the social theory and the strategies which need to be adopted in order to reduce or eliminate the rate at which school dropout is currently happening.


Cate, T. (2013) Community Impact the Standard for Measuring Social Service. New York Publishers.

Jordan, K. The Impact of Hate Violence on Victims. Cambridge university press.

Jabbeth, L. (2009) The Role of Social Work in Mental Health. 5th Edition. Oxford University Publishers

International Planned Parenthood Federation

The main points of the case

Just like any other social affair organization, International Planned Parenthood Federation was confronted with serious operational and funding challenges despite being launched to improve and increase the level of service delivery to approximately 152 associate member countries. Prior to the adoption of the performance initiative which aimed at providing crucial care for the thousands of people, the international planned Parenthood Federation was facing various risks which include: potential termination as Some of the IPPF members had failed to embrace change as the environment around them was fundamentally changing, the funders were likely to be eroded and poor performance. Moreover, the IPPF leaders had drastically failed to drive and improve the productivity and performance of its members. The federation was generally at a point of failing to provide the necessary services to the vulnerable groups of individuals in the community due to lack of commitment, appropriate leadership and low productivity (Green, 2013). The IPPF which is an organization which was established in 1952 in London became a globe organization who mission was to improve the reproductive health of women in the society. The grassroots members of the federation were required to provide sexual health, education and planning, provide safe abortion and the family planning services.

The main issues or problems associated with IPPF

The Federation faced the risks of population shifts in most of the areas in which it was providing the health related services. In the year 2000, most of the Federation donors switched their donations to the treatment of the HIV/AIDS because the IPPF was providing abortion services and counseling. After the 2008 global crunch, most donors to the IFFP federation were forced to establish watchdog groups which would assist in ensuring that the IPPF federation aid projects were of value and effectiveness. Ion The Federation had inadequate financial resources which would enable it to acquire and invest in new health systems which would be used in provision of efficient and effective health care services to the vulnerable communities and individuals. Given the fact that the federation was aimed at providing health care assistance to the less privileged and marginalized communities the federation was faced with the problems of contraceptives shortages and service options. In general, the federation was characterized with poor performance in health care services delivery, low productivity and embezzlement of funds. As a result, the federation was at a high risk of being denied donations from the main donors.

The actions taken in response to the IPPF problems

The low productivity, performance, inefficient health services and inadequate funds were the major problems associated with IPPF which were in need of urgent resolution. There was need for the IPPF leaders to understand how important the aspect of performance and productivity was to the future of the organization and the clients especially in the marginalized areas (Dawood, 2015). In attempt to increase efficiency, productivity and accountability in the IPPF federation, the donors necessitated its leaders to establish watchdog groups which would evaluate the aid projects in order to establish value and effectiveness. The pay for performance approach was embraced in the process of encouraging result based management in the IPPF federation. Pressure from the international donors revealed strong signal onto the IPPF leadership both at regional and central level to observe accountability and high performance in healthcare services. The managers of the IPPF were required by the international body to act fast as they were at risk of losing the donors (Green, 2013). The IPPF was necessitated to implement sophisticated technology which would ensure effective and efficient health care services and treatment to the marginalized communities. There was need for the federation to serve the marginalized communities which were previously abandoned, monitor performance and track the clinics data in order to establish the areas which needed more physical and financial resources. The approach adopted by the IPPF members resulted into increased network coverage and accountability. The IPPF leaders and workers were required to be flexible in the counseling, health care and treatment services in order to provide quality health services (Dawood, 2015). The performance task force was established in order to build a performance culture in all the sectors of the IPPF federation. The success of the IPPF federation proved that it is possible to management performance and ensure high productivity if the necessary networks are connects and the necessary financial resources are provided.

Action taken and recommendation of the alternative

The action taken by the international donors’ organization to pressure the IPPF leaders to embrace accountability in all areas in order to improve productivity was a good action. The action ensured that the donations were distributed equally and in accordance with the community necessities. Through accountability the IPPF federation would be in a better position to serve the marginalized communities effectively and efficiently (Green, 2013). The federation would also ensure that the resources donated improve productivity and performance through acquisition of the modern equipment which will provide accessibility and efficient service delivery to the community. As a matter of fact, I would not recommend another alternative action to be taken because accountability in the federation would definitely ensure high performance, accessibility, high productivity and quality health care and services for the marginalized community. The success of the IPPF federation in the last few years is evidence that support the action of accountability in most of the organization especially those supported by international donors.


Green, J. (2013) Planned performance in international organizations. New York publishers.

Dawood, O. (2015). The challenges facing international planned parenthood federation in Africa. Oxford University Press.

Alcohol Related Violence

Background of the research

Alcohol related violence is a harm that is related with alcohol consumption more specifically among the youths and is an area that is of great concern for the community and the governments across the globe. The initiative of developing initiatives and policies which attempt to influence the drinking habits has become difficult for most governments and communities because alcohol consumption is a world acceptable culture. Excessive and consumption of illicit brews is believed to be responsible for health and social problems being experienced in most young people in the world (Morgan, 2009). High levels of consumption of alcohol are a great risk factor that is associated with violence among many people in the community. Alcohol related disorders and crimes may have adverse effects upon the broader community. The perception or concern of the alcohol related issues extend far beyond the individuals who directly consumed the alcohol to other individuals in the community who never participated in alcohol consumption. The research will illustrate how high levels of alcohol consumption shall eventually result into violence in the community.

Alcohol related violence

According to the past sociological research conducted previously, there is strong evidence to associated violence with alcohol consumption. Alcohol related violence is associated with increased criminal justice system costs, family destabilization, homicide, genocide, suicide and more so loss of life in extreme cases. The rates of verbal and physical abuse by a person who have consumed alcohol are considered to be twice than a person who has consumed other kinds of drugs (Rhodes, 2011). The extent of alcohol related violence normally varies from one person to the other. In order to curb alcohol related violence there is need for an individual or the government to understand the characteristics of the violence incident

As a matter of fact the status of being single, young and a male is the major factors which are associated with significant alcohol related violence in the community.  Males under the influence of alcohol are more likely to engage in alcohol related victimization than female under the same influence. Young people between 14 and 19 years are more likely to be victimized with alcohol related violence than the adults because they are yet to mature and control their emotions. Most of the suicide or homicide reported cases in most areas in the community are normally associated with drinking or toxicology during the alcohol drinking process. High levels of alcohol consumption increases stress, depression, victimization and low emotions control (Hamlet, 2013). As a result, individuals under the control of alcohol end up engaging in violence activities either for themselves or against other people in the society. Alcohol is also a contributing factor towards domestic violence, child neglect and abuse.  Families with alcohol consumption partners are more likely to experience violence than families whose members do not consume alcohol. Cases of child neglect and abuse particular physical abuse are much likely to be experienced in homes where the parents of the family members engage in alcohol consumption behaviors (James, 2014). Alcohol  is basically the source of all evil in the community because it result into women bartering in the families and children neglect which eventually leads to increased cases of juvenile delinquencies in the community.  Neglected children as a result of alcohol related violence are likely to engage in juvenile crimes hence leading them to juvenile rehabilitation centers.



Just like other complex social phenomena in the society, the relationship between violence and alcohol in the community is not straightforward or simple. Research indicates that high levels of alcohol consumption may be associated with physical violence and aggression among many individuals in the society. Nevertheless, the relationship between violence and alcohol consumption are determined by pharmacological impacts of the alcohol towards individuals’ behavioral and cognitive functioning, individuals’ traits such as age, attitude, personality and gender, the drinking environment and the societal culture of drinking. Therefore, there is a strong relationship between high levels of alcohol consumption and violence in the community.


Morgan, A. (2009). Key issues in alcohol related violence.  Australian institute of Criminology Journal. Vol. 2(4), 33-39.

Hamlet, J. (2013). Drugs and Alcohol related violence in the community. New York Publishers.

James, G.(2014) Reducing Alcohol related violence among the Australian community. Australian University Press.

Rhodes, H. (2011) Reasons for increased rate of alcohol related victimization in the society. Oxford University Publishers.

Forecasting In Operational Management


Forecasting is a planning tool that assists the managers from different organizations and businesses in coping up with uncertainty in the future while relying on data from the analysis trends, data from the past and in the present. The forecasting process is normally based on the management knowledge, experience and judgment. Controlling and planning of the logistics systems necessitates predictions of the future economic activities in order for the management to be in position to match the time lag between supply and demand of the communities (Waters, 2011). The logistic requirements which need to be predicted include: times, labor costs, raw material prices and customers demand. As far as demand forecasting is concerned, demand forecasting involves the estimation of product quantity and service necessitated by the consumers. In order to project the future demand the management is necessitated to analyze the historical sales and trends data.

Moreover, demand might be projected using the event or the seasonal trends. The information and the data collected from the production, marketing, sales and finance department are normally considered. Forecasting or the future projection of the various aspects of the logistics usually assists someone to be a better Operations manager by ensuring that the different aspects from the operational and finance sector are used appropriately (Waters, 2011). Based on the results from the forecasted data the manager can be in position to predict the future uncertainties, serve the organization as a whole instead of in terms of segments, increase sales and ensure that the business remain profitable.

Capacity Management

Capacity management is a strategic management approach that assists the managers to overcome the limits faced by the organization in terms of inadequate resources such as: office space, equipment, technology, inventory and the raw materials. The capacity management also comprise of the challenges attained when the different resources are brought together, during marketing and new product development (Bobby, 2015). The fact that capacity constraints of the resources and processes might be a huge bottleneck for the organizational success, capacity management approach might be an important tool for ensuring a smooth operation for the company.  Basically, improper or inadequate capacity management will definitely affect the financial performance and business prospects of the organization. The overall objective of the capacity management is to establish the strategic optimal level where the products and services production potentials reaches the demand, capacity management is related to the long term concerns given the fact that the organization shall be committed to the long term resources commitment.  As a manager one needs to understand the broader impacts of resources capacity management towards the entire organization. In order to have an effective capacity management the managers should put into consideration different factors such as:  business location, nature of products and services, the processes to be used, human factor, policy, external, supply chain, and operational factors.

Technology Management

Technology management is a discipline of management that enables the organizations and the managers to manage the fundamentals of technology within the organization in order to gain competitive advantage. Technology change within the organization leads to the changes in its processes. Organizations operations are associated with the management processes which deliver and create value for the end user consumers (Salter, 2010). The use of the technology by various organizations ensures improved processes and production of the high quality products and services within the supply chain. The adoption of the technological management in an organization will eventually reduce the costs of operation for the business, enable new market and products creation through innovation and enable the organization to adapt to the format and changes in the business arena. The use of the technology will eventually enable the organization to improve the customers’ services and recognize the administration operations.

The fact that the technology is a vital force in the operation and management of the business, the managers should use it in the business operations and strategies spearhead change. In the modern time, it is difficult to manage the technology because it is changing constantly in a manner that cannot be predicted. Technology management can therefore be viewed as a set of practices and policies which assists in building, enhancing, maintaining and ensuring that the organization remain competitive in the market (Salter, 2010). Understanding the impact of technology management will assists the managers in the operational management of the organization because they will be able to forecast the future trend of the products and services, financial performance of the organization and the market trend. The manager would therefore be in position to coordinate, plan, create new products and services, and manage production and distribution processes with the organization.

Budget planning

The moment the business becomes in operation, it is important to manage and plan its financial position. In order to keep the business on track, it is important for the organization management to establish budgeting processes which are effective to the business. While managing the business it is possible to be challenged by day to day challenges and this might hinder the management from realizing the future success of the organization. Nevertheless, successful managers normally invest their time in creating and managing budgets of the organization (Salter, 2010). Through the budget they are usually in position to regularly prepare, monitor and business plans and organization financial performance. As a matter of fact, structured budget plan usually make a difference as far as the growth of the organization is concerned. Budget plans enables the managers to concentrate the organizational resources on improvement of its profit, increase the return on investment and reduce costs in the processes. The budget planning strategy shall assists the manager in the operational management in anticipating the problems and improvement of the business, use sound financial aspects in decision making, improve focus and clarity. In addition, the budget plan would enable the manager to gain greater confidence in matters related to the organization decision making.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management is an approach where goods and services flow are managed. It comprises the storage and movement of raw materials, inventory in the process of manufacture and the finished goods from the original destination to the consumers. In general the supply chain management is the oversight of the finances, materials and information as they move from the supplier to the consumers through the manufacturers, wholesalers and retailers. The SCM normally involves the integration and coordination of the flows with and among the companies. The main reason for the company adopting supply chain management is to reduce the amount of inventory and all the inventory associated costs. The role of supply chain management in an organization is to assist it achieves competitive advantage that is sustainable and to adopt approaches and strategies in the supply chain which maximize value for the customers. The supply chain management deals with various activities such as: product development, production, logistics information systems and sources all of which needs management and coordination in order to achieve the organizational goals and objectives (Lyia, 2014). Organization which adopt supply chain management in its management structure normally link information flows together with the physical flows. The physical flow within an organization refers to the movement, transformation and the storage of materials and goods. The different supply chain partners normally enable the managers to bring together their long term plans and control the movement of materials and goods smoothly down the supply chain. The supply chain management may assist a manager in the operation management by ensuring that the business has a smooth product flow from the supply to the consumer hence reducing the inventory associated costs.

Project Management

Project Management is the use of strategies and approaches which aims at supporting the business through integration and execution of the strategic goals which are aligned with the business operations with external and internal customers. Project management assists businesses in meeting their organizational objectives and at the same time responding to the external environment. Most businesses and organizations in operation use project management to change their operations services and products in order to meet their business needs respond to the new market needs and gain competitive advantage (Randolf, 2013). Projects are important tools in the organization because they drive change within the organization through re-engineering strategies in order to align the needs of the business with the customers’ expectation. Project management in an organization involves the application of the experience, skills, knowledge, methods and process in the project in order to ensure that the organization achieve its holistic goals and objectives. The project undertaken within an organization is normally undertaken in order to assist the management and the organization in achieving the pre-planned objectives in terms of benefits, outcomes or outputs. The project management might be used by the manager in the operational management in re-engineering the operational of the organization in the future. Given that project management is basically in specified areas in the organization, the manager would be in position to estimate the future performance of the organization in terms of estimating the cost and financial returns of the organization.

Quality Management

Quality management is the management and assembly of all activities within an organization to ensure that the products and services produced within the organization are of high quality standards. Quality assurance and control are the two major components which are used by various organization to ensure that the final consumer receive quality products and services. Quality assurance in quality management demands demand the organization to adopt systematic actions which shall provide enough confidence to the customers that the product, service of process to be used in manufacture and delivery will basically satisfy the quality requirements. Quality control necessitates the operational activities and techniques which are used in satisfaction of the quality requirement (Rouse, 2009). As a matter of fact, quality management is basically a strategic way of managing the organization in order to meet all the stakeholders’ expectations and needs effectively and efficiently while putting into consideration the ethical aspects. For a leader planning to use the quality management strategy in operational management, he or she will need to understand the following principles of quality management.  The manager would need to understand the principles of:  beneficial suppliers’ relationships, factual decision making approach, continual improvement, management system approach, the process approach, people involvement, leadership and customer focus on the organization.


Bobby, A. (2015) Strategic Capacity Planning for Products and Services. New York Publishers.
Lyia, Y. (2014). The role of budgeting in management planning and control. Oxford University Press.
Randolf, S. (2013). Importance of Forecasting in Supply Chain Management. Retrieved from:
Rouse, M. (2009) Supply chain management (SCM). Cambridge University Publishers.
Salter, G. (2010).Technology and Operations Management. Harvard University Press.

Waters, O. (2011) Organizations Total Quality management programs . New York Publishers.

Tesla Global Crisis Management

Background of the study

Tesla Motors Company was founded in 2003 by Mare Tarpenning and Eberhard. The company manufactured and designed high end electric motor vehicles. Tesla Roadster was the first electric sport vehicle that was manufactured by the company. Unlike other motor vehicles company in United States, the California based company decided to launch its products at a premium price (Putros, 12). The high price limited the company’s potential to expand into the target market and more so the number of vehicles sold. In the first few years after the company was launched, it failed to be profitable despite financial investment from the shareholders. As a result, the company was necessitated to embrace leadership transformation by adopting charismatic leaders who would shape up the company. Global economy recovery and charismatic leadership fueled the company’s increased vehicles demand and prosperity of the company.  The research will illustrate how Tesla Motor Company manage global crisis, risk management, financial crisis and brand protection.

How the company manages global crisis

Tesla Motors Company which has failed previously due to poor leadership and global economic crisis had now adopted new marketing strategies and selling strategies. Given the California market was not performing the company management decided to open foreign markets in Netherlands in order to assist it to increase the demands of its vehicles in the European market. The company decided to merge with large companies especially those which produced lithium ion battery in the world because it mainly depended on the lithium ion battery (Putros, 16). As a major transformation, the Tesla Company changed from the use of the traditional sales strategy of selling its products through sales people and dealership to the factory direct method. In attempt to target the high end consumers of its product, the company opened factory based selling points in Canada and United States. Through the strategy, the company did not only eliminated the costs associated with dealers commissions but enabled its customers to purchase the vehicles at a lower cost.

In its move to manage the global crisis, the Tesla Motors Company partnered with other world recognized Companies. The fact that the electric vehicles technology and design were distinct a company like Toyota and Mercedes agreed to partner with the company. Moreover, in order to assist the consumers to finance their purchase process, the company decided to partner with U.S Bank and Wells Fargo. The AT& T also intervened and ensured that the Consumers of the Tesla Motor vehicles were in position to purchase the company’s premium vehicles through the internet (Putros, 9). Through the adoption of the factor based direct selling approach, Tesla Motors Company managed to attract 3 groups of customers. First, it attracted the eco-friendly consumers whose number the company would expand vigorously in the future. Secondly, Middle Upper Class Professionals who were looking for premium cars and the technologically savvy consumers who wanted to test the new technology in the market. Unlike other motor companies in the globe, Tesla Motors Company did not rely on traditional advertisement strategies to promote its products but the communication in relation to its products was disseminated through social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter. In addition, the company relied on the direct sales strategy and technological transformation to drive it sales in the global market. The better view of the company is that it was multi-functional because served all classes of consumers such: environmentalists, car lovers, designers, investors and techies. The company’s safety ratings and satisfaction were the best advertisement strategies which enabled it to solve managerial and overcome global crisis during its operation in the global market.

Tesla Motors Company risk management

The company has been based on its leadership strategies. Given that the company had failed previously it had bring into place enthusiastic and charismatic leaders who have the vision of the company at heart. In order to avoid market risks, the company decided to merge with other big companies in order to secure the market in the future. The company has also invested heavily of social media networks advertisement.  The company produces all round vehicles which meets the consumers demand as well as the environmental demands. To avoid competition risk the company has ensured that the price charged for its products are affordable and reliable (Putros, 18). The company has also partnered with the financial institutions to assist the consumers in purchase of the company’s products. In attempt to avoid and solve the foreign related risks, the company has opened new distribution channels in European countries such as Canada. The company understands that risks associated with insufficient production materials can cost it a lot and it has already partnered with the Panasonic ion Lithium Company to ensure constant supply of batteries because the company vehicles mainly depend on the batteries to operate and move. The political and policy risks in the company are solved by the company by ensuring that it invest in countries which are more lenient with the operation and management of the company. Finally, the company understands that financial risks can be dangerous and harmful towards the operation of the company. As a result, the company issues stocks to new investors in attempt to raise more funds to run the company even in the financial difficult times.

The manner in which Tesla Motors Company managed financial crisis

At initial stages, the Tesla Motors Company seemed to be failing financially as there was little progress. In 2010 when the company issued its initial public offering  of about $167 million it ended up losing more than $150 million a figure that was estimated to be three times more than what the company had lost in the previous year. The fact that the Tesla Motors Company was still a new business in United States and it was operating in the middle of the global financial recession the management of the company still believed that the company needed more time in order to assess its true financial position. In its attempt to solve the financial difficulties the company was facing it agreed to partner with Toyota and expand its market to Asia and Europe (Putros, 24). Moreover, in the coming year the come decided to manufacture more affordable cars which were of high class in order to attract more consumers and at the same time increase profits.  Through the use of the strategic marketing and production approaches, the company was able to produce motor vehicles which were competitive in the market and environmentally friendly as a result it sold more vehicles than other motor vehicle companies. Therefore, the company’s financial strength was associated with its pricing strategies, product diversification and partnership with other motor vehicles companies such as Mercedes and Toyota.

Tesla Motors Company brand protection

Tesla Motors Company based its production strategy on environment friendly electric vehicles. Unlike other huge motor vehicles production companies which solely produced fuel consuming vehicles the company depend on Lithium ion batteries to power its vehicles.  As a result, it managed to attract different consumers such as the environmentalists, techies, investors, designers and car lovers. The strategy enabled the company to sell more vehicles than its competitors. The strategy also enabled to remain competitive in the market hence forcing companies like Toyota and Mercedes partner with the company in fear of being competed in the near future (Putros, 19). The company produced sport utility vehicle model such as the Model S which was an additional model it its target market. The new model was aimed to compete with other high end brands from the companies such as Mercedes and Toyota. The management attempt to increase production velocity and to eliminate supply uncertainty of the battery Packs, the Tesla Company decided to sign a four years deal with the Panasonic batter cells which was estimated at 1.8 billion dollars. The strategy was aimed at enabling the company to produce enough vehicles which would match with the consumers demand and satisfaction.

The company also protect it brand by adopting word of mouth and direct selling strategy where it would negotiate with its consumers directly. The word of mouth was the best advertisement strategy which would uplift the customers’ satisfaction while at the same time improves the company safety rating in the global market (Putros, 26). The company adopted eco, friendly consumers, and middle upper class professional and tech-savvy consumer marketing strategy in order to ensure that it build brand loyalty to its customers. The company was interested in ensuring that the company remained competitive and attractive to the customers by partnering with the big companies and opening new selling networks in different countries in the European countries.




The Tesla Motor Company is such a company in the globe which has been a role model in solving financial and global crisis. Few years after its launch the company experience financial and managerial crisis which would bring it into down fall. Nevertheless, adoption of charismatic and enthusiastic leaders enabled the company to be fully transformed (Putros, 33). The company managed to build its financial muscle by marketing in foreign markets in European countries, producing high end affordable vehicles, partnering with huge companies such as Toyota and coming up into deals with Panasonic Battery producing company in order to secure its future production.

Work Cited

Putros, K. Tesla Motors: Burning up in the road to domination or doom. 2013. California publishers.

Technology and Culture

Question: 1

Machine deep learning is an artificial intelligence used by scientists in various machines applications to recognize words and objects in a different perspective in order to avoid harmful conclusions from the devices and application users. Through the artificial intelligence the machines and application platforms are taught how to recognize pattern of data and draw ethical conclusions (Pitney, 2013). The strategy has enabled the machines to process differentiated huge volumes of data that is differentiated something that was unimaginable and unmanageable previous. Jackie was right to be angry with Google Company classifying her as a Gorilla. It is unethical for such a company to make such a harmful and unethical mistake. Nevertheless, her anger was of great importance because it enabled the company to realize the mistake which might be sourced automatically from the machines applications. The complaint enable the company to prevent the machines from coming up with offensive conclusion because we now live in a complex society. Nevertheless, it is impossible to come up with codes which shall not fully be in conflict with human affairs.

Question: 2

In the modern time when the society is highly diverse there is need for organizations to embrace diversity in their products too. Diversity in organization encourages teamwork, high productivity, efficiency, effectiveness, quality and timely production and collaboration. Different organizations in the modern time have embraced diversity in all the departments because they understand the significance of diversity (Pitney, 2013).  The forces of globalization have also played a crucial role in ensuring that the organization embraces diversity. The diversity within the organization might be in term of ethnicity, culture and product differentiation. Organizations in the globe which embrace diversity in their processes and systems have increased their competitiveness in the market, increased their market share and increased their productivity in general.

Nevertheless, the failure of organization to embrace diversity has drastically ended up hurting their customers. Ethnicity and cultural differences within the organization normally leads to internal conflicts between the managers and the employees or conflict between the employees. The conflict associated with lack of diversity leads to production of low quality products, undifferentiated products and services and low productivity which do not match with the consumers demand (Pitney, 2013). As a result, the consumers are regarded to be the injured party in the process because they end up purchasing low quality products and products which do not meet the necessary standards according to each country’s bureau of standards.

An organization might increase diversity in the design process of the product development by ensuring that the products are differentiated according to the consumers’ needs and demands. The increased diversity in the design process help product development because understanding the culture, tests and preferences, mood, season , appetite and consumer behavior assists the manufacturers in producing products which meet all this demands. Diversity is of great importance to the consumer because it influences the consumers’ patterns of consumption and influences their product purchase pattern because their desires and demands are considered to be fulfilled during the product development.  For instance, the Double Amputee Company normally designs better limbs for the amputee which are multi-purpose and differentiated. Diversity in the organization has increased the productivity and success in the organization because the story of Dr. Chanda  being the 63rd Black woman in the united states history to attain Ph. D in Physics.

Question: 3

Executive parity index is the ratio of a certain group representation at the executive level in comparison to the representation in the professional level. The executive parity index is also referred to the percentage of the executives and the percentage of the professionals in an organization (Pitney, 2013). The situation means that in order for the organization to be regarded to be successful, the executive parity index must be proportional to the professionals within the organization.


Pitney, N. (2013) Meet the 63rd Black Woman in American History with A Physics Ph.D. New York publishers.

Pepsi Soft-Drink Company

Background of the study

After Pepsi Company had remained the long serving client for the Super Bowl, it made one of the greatest decision and choice of withdrawing it advertisement loyalty from the company. The Pepsi company customers were also amazed by the move because they were used to the cultural experience where the company was stuck into the game of Super Bowl. The Super Bowl being a prominent advertisement company used to advertise the products and services of different companies around the world during game time (Norton, 2013).  As a matter of fact, during the period between 1999 and 2008, Pepsi Company had spent more than $143 million on Super Bowl advertisement. The amount spent by the Pepsi Company was the highest on Super Bowl advertisement in comparison to Anheuser-Busch and Coca-Cola which had spent less than 30.5 million dollars in the same period of time. Previously, Pepsi Company used the Super Bowl to launch new products in the market.  Customers loyal to the Pepsi Company rate the company’s advertisement on the Super Bowl to be highly. The work will illustrate the key Branding Challenges associated with Super Bowl Advertisers and how the issues shall be addressed.

The key branding challenges associated with the Super Bowl advertisers

It is estimated that there are about 3.24 billion of followers Super Bowl Advertisements. By Pepsi Company advertising on the Super Bowl Platforms the company would increase its followers in social media and customers hence increased sales and loyal brand in the global market. The fact that Pepsi was the leading investor in Super Bowl advertisement platforms, it managed to gain only 300,000 fans in face-book while Coca-Cola managed to gain 390, 000 fans in face-book. The analysis of the result therefore resulted into Pepsi Company withdrawing from the Super Bowl advertisement program. Pepsi Company management believes that advertisement through the Super Bowl platform was sacrificed awareness to its customers. They believe the adverts in the platform required human but nothing like that was achieved. Given that there was no in game discussion in regard to the products of the Pepsi Company the Super Bowl had failed to successful launch the company’s brand into the social sphere. In addition, despite the fact that Pepsi Company was spending millions of dollars to advertise its brands through the Super Bowl platforms other companies such as the Coca-Cola took advantage and gained more followers than Pepsi (Lawrence, 2011).  It was therefore clear that the Super Bowl was at the forefront to assist Coca-Cola to have more followers than Pepsi. The Super Bowl had breached the advertisement contract and agreement with Pepsi Company. The Super Bowl failed to put into consideration the impact of the paid generated impressions from the social media.  Nevertheless, although Pepsi Company had traditional bought thirty seconds of commercial spot which was to be launched in different key networks, the Super Bowl brand team decided to co-produce programs which were integrated. As a result, the Pepsi company brand advertisement cost was no longer matching with the benefit the company was expecting from the huge advertisement costs.

How the Pepsi branding challenges were addressed

Although the Pepsi Company was spending huge amount of more in advertisement on the Super Bowl advertisement platforms it had lost highly as there were few followers in its social media networks compared to companies such as Coca-Cola (Neil, 2015). The Pepsi Company had lost the required extended reach of the funnies, there was sacrificed awareness and there were no fast launch campaigns. In order for the company to regain its glory, it had to intervene the Super Bowl advertisement strategy and requested it to match the contract agreement with the necessary 30-seconds commercials during and after the games in order to ensure that the Pepsi Company gained more fan and matched its payment with the services offered.


The adoption of the one on one interviews and discussion in the media and social media networks had assisted Pepsi in eliminating the high cost of advertisement it was spending previously in Super Bowl advertisements, extended its reach to the customers, increased the consumers awareness that was previously sacrificed and successfully launched the different brand campaigns in the social media sphere. As a result, the company remains successful in the market as it is still profitable and productive.


Lawrence, P. (2011). Ethical Dilemmas in Collegiate Athletics: The Role of Coaches. Oxford University Publishers.

Neil, K. (2015). Employee Training and Development: Transformation of the modern business. Oxford University Publishers.

Norton, M. (2013) The Pepsi Refresh Project: A Thirst for Change. Harvard University Publishers.