Causes of Obesity in the USA and how it can be prevented

Obesity is a condition of persistence increase of fat and weight in the body as a result of overeating, environmental and genetic factors. The condition has been classified as having a Body Mass Index of thirty or even greater. The BMI is a tool that is used by scientists to measure obesity (Renee, 2016). According to Renee 2016, the major leading causes of Obesity condition in America has been over eating of foods which are highly saturated with fat and sugar  which has significantly contributing to increased calories in the body and in the diets. The causes of obesity in America are complex and varied. Nevertheless, the major causes of obesity exposure are as a result of fast foods, socio-economical status, environment, overeating, unhealthy snacking and genetic predisposition.  The role of the work is to illustrate the major causes and prevention of obesity in America.

Regularly eating of fast foods in America has strongly led to overweight. The fast foods items significantly contribute to increased daily intake of calories within our foods. Given the fact most Americans are used to eating fast foods, it is the main reason for overweight. According to a research conducted and published by the Preventing Chronic Diseases journal, fast food has about 33 percent or three times likelihood of causing obesity (Renee, 2016).  Large intake of energy giving foods has greatly resulted to obesity. The low energy foods are full of high fiber and water which supply increased amount of calories in the body.

As a matter of fact, poor diet is not the sole source of obesity among the Americans.  Basically failing to engage in physical activity is the major source of obesity among the Americans. Given that most Americans are much busy, they normally have little time to engage in physical activities in order for them to burn excess calories as a result they end up being obese (Renee, 2016).  The inactive lifestyle in America has been as a result of most Americans spending most of their time in leisure activities, schoolwork, computers and television hence leaving little time for them to be in active activities. Inactive lifestyle leads the Americans into high blood pressure, diabetes, health problems, colon cancer and coronary heart disease.

In addition, family history and genes has been associated with obesity and overweight among most of the Americans. Obesity and overweight has been associated with certain families in America. As a matter of fact, the chance of a child becoming overweight or obese is greater for individuals whose parents are also obese (Renee, 2016). Someone’s gene might influence the amount of fat or calories being stored in the body given families share physical activities, habits and foods there is a relationship between the environment and the genes.

There are various ways in which the Americans may use to prevent themselves being obese of overweight. The Americans must ensure that they do away with the fast foods which are the major causes of obesity amount. The Americans should reduce intake of fast foods because they contain huge amount of fats and sugars which result to increased levels of calories in the body (Renee, 2016).  The Americans should shun away from consumption of huge amount of energy giving foods which supply huge amount of calories and substitute them with lean protein, vegetables, fruits legumes, beans and whole grains.  The Americans should engage in physical exercises which would assist them to burn the accumulated amount of calories in their bodies. Exchanging in physical exercises and activities would generally result into reduced weight. The Americans should ensure balanced and healthy eating in their budget in order to ensure that they reduce and avoid being obese or overweight.


Renee, J. (2016). Leading Causes of Obesity in America. Retrieved from: