Change Management Part 2

You will use the same scenario that you used for the assignment, and expand your thinking to evaluate strategies that the organisation might use to mitigate problems and maximise the opportunities presented by the change. This assignment asks you to synthesise your learning over the prior weeks of the module in the context of organisational change.

To complete this Individual Assignment:
Complete a 1,500-word paper in which you propose and evaluate different strategic options for addressing HR issues in your scenario organisation, including the cultural, ethical and CSR issues identified in your first part of the assignment. Add further detail about your organisation and the scenario if needed.

In completing your assignment, consider the following questions:

What measures or tools might you use to better understand the issues you identified previously and their impact on the organisation and its staff?
What HR strategies, practices or systems might you implement or enhance to address the identified issues? Why would you choose these options and not others?
With whom would you need to work or collaborate in order to implement these strategies?
Might the strategies you are proposing create any new issues or problems, and how might you mitigate those?
How would you know if your decisions had the desired effect? What kinds of measures or metrics might you use to assess your impact on the organisation?

References to be used:
Armstrong, M. (2006) A handbook of human resource management practice. London:
Kogan Page.
Battilana, J. & Casciaro, T. (2012) ‘Change agents, networks, and institutions: a
contingency theory of organizational change’, Academy of Management Journal, 55 (2),
Boxall, P. & Purcell, J. (2011) Strategy and human resource management. 3rd edition.
London: Palgrave.
Lengnick-Hall, C., Beck, T. & Lengnick-Hall, M. (2011) ‘Developing a capacity for
organisational resilience through strategic human resource management’, Human
Resource Management Review, 21 (3), pp.243–255.
Pucik, V., Björkman, I., Evans, P. & Stahl, G.K. (2011) ‘Human resource management in
cross-border mergers and acquisitions’. In: Harzing, A.-W. & Pinnington, A.H. (ed.).
International human resources management. 3rd ed. London: Sage.
Vazirani, N. (2013) ‘An integrative role of HR in handling issues post mergers and
acquisitions’, SIES Journal of Management, 9 (2), pp.82-88