Chap. 10: Families in Palliative and End-of-Life Care

Respond 1n 100-150 words
After watching the You Tube video, respond to the following:
Share your impression of the information deliberated about by the physician, Dr. Diane Meier. Select one of the ten steps to discuss based on Dr. Meier’s explanations. Relate how the ten steps might be applicable for nursing. (Ten Steps)
Watch video:


Respond 1n 100-150 words
See Box 10-1: Palliative Care Principles. Select one to discuss in relation to one of the critical concepts identified at the beginning of the chapter (pg. 277). Discus whethers there is application for the nurse. (Palliative Care Principles)
Question 3
Respond 1n 100-150 words
1. Discuss when palliative care began for Emma. Specify when the change occurred to end-of-life care. (#1_Emma’s care)
2. Discuss one of the six qualities of palliative care and how the assigned team met that particular quality. (#2_Garcia’s palliative care)
3. Discuss how the ICU staff and care team helped the Garcia family through Emma’s dying and death. Relate whether there anything else that could have been done to assist this family with their grieving process. (#3_Emma’s dying & death)
4. Choose a theoretical model that fits the Garcia family situation. Describe how this case study would unfold or change if viewed through this theoretical perspective. (#4_Garcia’s theoretical model)
Respond 1n 100-150 words
Jones Family (Linda)—–Respond to one of the following:
1. Discuss one of the six qualities of palliative care and how the assigned team met that particular quality. (#1_Linda’s care)
2. Discuss how the nurse helped this family through the terminal stage of Linda’s care. (#2_Linda’s terminal stage)
3. Discuss a barrier the Jones family faced and how they overcame the barrier to improve the dying process. (#3_Jones Family Barrier)
4. Choose a theoretical model that fits the family situation. How would this case study unfold or change if viewed through this theoretical perspective? (#4_Jones’ theoretical model).


Family Health Care Nursing

Joanna Rowe Kaakinen; Deborah Padgett Coehlo; Rose Steele; Aaron Tabacco; Shirley May Harmon Hanson