Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically).

 Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically).
Beowulf: A Look at History
There are several passages in the poem which discuss the histories of other families and peoples not central to this storyline. Choose 1 of these histories and identify it by line numbers, then explicate the meaning of your chosen passage (who is being discussed and what is happening historically). Then connect it back to Beowulf explaining why you think the poet included this passage in the poem. You may also need to look back at the “Introduction” (pp. 3-28) for information on history of this time period. Book is the Norton Anthology Engish Literature 10th edition The Middle Ages.