Choose FIVE of the following topics to identify/define.

Identifications: 25 points

Choose FIVE of the following topics to identify/define. Each identification should be a short paragraph and should include the following: who, what, when, where, and significance. These should written in full sentences, NOT in bullet form. You may use information from the textbook and the lecture note ONLY. DO NOT use outside sources. Plagiarism will NOT be tolerated.


Cahokia                                                                      Enlightenment

Columbian Exchange                                                Conquistadores

Protestant Reformation                                            Bacon’s Rebellion

Indentured Servants                                                   King Philip’s War

Stono Rebellion                                                         Great Awakening

Mercantilism                                                              Salutary Neglect

Coercive Acts                                                             Common Sense 

Women’s work during the colonial period

Slave codes during the colonial period