Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.


Please get references from this book Crone, Eveline A. (2017). The Adolescent Brain. Psychology Press: Routledge

Also please get references from Australian Sources and that they are recent as in the last 5 years

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Choose one of two case studies to analyse and critically reflect upon.

Each case study will comprise of a description of a student’s learning and bio-psycho-social characteristics. There will be some details regarding their family background, such as would be readily available to you as a classroom teacher.

You are to analyse the case study, looking for elements that might impact upon the student’s learning and bio-psycho-social development.

You will use theories of development and learning to justify your analysis, with reference to appropriate texts.

You are then to identify three (3) appropriate teaching strategies to support the student’s learning and development, based on your analysis. These teaching strategies will directly address the student’s needs as identified by you. They will be designed to engage the student in successful learning.
To do well in this task

To do well in this task, you need to think carefully about what the student is showing you and what conclusions you might reasonably draw from your observations. For example, if a student loses their temper one day and lashes out against another student in your class, would you consider that this is within the range of expected behaviour from a fifteen year old girl? If you do, you need to explain what you know of the emotional and physical development range of fifteen year old girls, with references to support your comments.

Would you think she might require instruction in emotional intelligence? If so, you need to provide the information already mentioned and then explain how emotional intelligence education might help this particular girl, (with references to support your conclusions).

Would you think she has a disorder and should be examined by a professional? In this case, you need to highlight what it is that makes you think this, what disorder you are referring to (with references), how you would work with this student to support her, and so on. Any underlying condiiton would be one of those covered in class to date.

Do you believe there are pressures from peers and/or family that might play a part in this analysis? If so, you need to identify the evidence in the case study and discuss the developmental impact of such pressures (with references). How will you plan for and support this student in the future?

However you analyse the case study, you must provide the evidence from the observations in the study (explain why you think this), provide academic theory with references to support your conclusions (explain what experts have to say about it), and then provide strategies for supporting the student in the future (describe how you as a teacher will respond).