Choose one of your van Gogh favorites and discuss why this particular painting speaks to you.

Wk 5: Discuss 2
Remember: You may need to scroll down in order to view and complete this assignment.

Discussion Prompt: van Gogh
Vincent van Gogh was considered a tortured artist, yet his paintings leave us breathless. After reading pgs. 387-392, walk through this virtual art exhibit of his paintings:

Choose one of your van Gogh favorites and discuss why this particular painting speaks to you.

Assignment Instructions
Please scroll down to the input box to type your response to the discussion prompt. After keying in your response, click the SAVE button. Once you’ve posted your initial response to the question, you can join your fellow learners in the discussion forum by clicking the “Discussion” tab on the top of the “Course Outline” page.

Grading Criteria
Click the “Grading Criteria” button below to view the rubric, which will be used to evaluate your contributions for this activity.

Grading Criteria
Discuss (Discussion field can’t be blank).