Christian Organizational Behavior

Individual Learning Projects: (75 points each)
As a part of this Organizational Behavior class, students will need to complete a four small individual projects that will require them to apply their learning to fulfill the Student Learning Outcomes (SLO’s) defined within this syllabus.
Project #1 – Analyzing your Life Management Process (75 Points) – Chapter 1, Write a 1-2 page reflection paper, including both the analysis and reflections below.
IDENTIFY & ANALYZE: Using the Management Process in Chapter 1 (Planning, Organizing, Leading, & Controlling – Page 15) as your main reference point, analyze how you run your own life.
Think about what are you doing in each area? Why/How?
Is it effective? How do you know?
Who do you involve in this? How are they impacted?
REFLECT/CONSULT/RECOMMEND: Put your consulting hat on, given what you discovered about yourself reflect on these questions and provide sound consultation to yourself on how to be successful.
What changes would you recommend? You can use the START. STOP. CONTINUE. Method (what things could you start doing, you aren’t doing now, what do you need to stop doing, or change how you are doing them and what do you want to continue?)
How will you make those changes?
What support would you recommend/do you need to be successful?