Circuits of Struggle

Currently we are examining case studies from the three circuits of capital – money, productive, and commodity. In each circuit, we see different kinds of capitalist enterprise, different kinds of workers, but also different kinds of crises and struggles. For example, the money circuit includes struggles between indebted populations and their creditors.

In this essay, the first task is to pick either the class perspective of capital or labor. Depending on which perspective you take on, you need to think poltically and strategically about the three circuits of capital today.
Your core argument must address which circuit is most important to advance the specific class interests of your chosen perspective (capital or labor). Picking the perspective of capital requires you to make an argument as to which circuit is most important to increase/ensure profitability.
Picking the perspective of labor requires you to examine which circuit is best suited for the working class to improve their lives and working conditions. Both perspectives require you to propose the methods that are best advance your interests.
In making this argument, you should also explicitly explain why the other two circuits are less important. You also must address how circuits differ in terms of geographical location – how does geography matter in advancing one’s class interest? You might also consider what kind of crisis is most likely in your chosen circuit. Can capital/labor take advantage of crisis conditions to perpetuate their own class interests? what are some limits that arise in the particular circuit that you are focusing on?