

Circumcision is a cultural or a religious ritual. It can also be a matter of personal hygiene, medical purpose, family tradition or preventive health care aspect. Male circumcision is one of the highly debated sexual health issues in the modern society and medical community. It is normally discussed everyday by both women and men (Stopes, 2015). Most people argue that the male who are circumcised are medically better than the uncircumcised especially when it comes to prevention of the sexually transmitted diseases. The work will support circumcision that it is crucial to ensure that the boyfriend is circumcised.

It is crucial to ensure the boyfriend is circumcised

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, the benefits of circumcision among men overweigh the risks. First and foremost, male circumcision normally decreases sexually transmitted infections such as HIV as it ensures safe sexual practices among couples (Stern, 2012). Secondly, circumcision should be emphasized in the relationship because is a crucial cultural and religious rites. Therefore, in order to ensure that your boyfriend abide with the traditions and religious aspects of the community it is important for him to be circumcised (Whybray, 2013). Thirdly, there are other benefits of circumcision for a boyfriend which may include: easier hygiene since it makes bathing easier among the circumcised, decreases risk of urinary tract infections, prevent penile problems and reduces risks of penile cancer problems. Therefore, based on these benefits of circumcision, it is vital for the female in relation to ensure that their boyfriends are circumcised as they shall be at a safe side especially when it comes to prevention of sexually transmitted diseases.


Circumcision among men and female in relationship should not be an option but must be compulsory as its benefits are more than the risks. Circumcision is a medical, tradition and religious rite which every male should undergo as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics.