Cities in Canada: Sustainable Practices? Or Promotional Jargon?

My research paper will be on the implementation, and policies of sustainable practices in Canadian cities. The research will pertain to metropolitan areas, corporations, and looking into provincial and governmental standards. Within metropolitan areas there has been a trend in using buzzwords like “eco-friendly”, and “green” cities however, in my research paper I am questioning how much is being implemented, or practiced with continuing promotion of being a sustainable city. Canada since 1999 have contributed to environmental acts although, it wasn’t until 2008 where the first sustainable development act was presented in order to balance environmental issues with economic and social considerations. Since then, there has been a massive growth in metropolitan areas of condominiums and apartments well above the national average. The metropolitan building industry is growing rapidly while simultaneously promoting sustainability. My research paper will look into the built environment of metropolitan areas and how they still are accommodating sustainable practices and materials. Within the built environment there are not only places of residency but as well places where humans work, and play. These need effective planning and policy making processes in order to achieve effective sustainable practices. Although, what policies or planning decisions are being made to increase sustainability, and how are they being followed through? In my research paper I will look into the planning initiatives that we have seen in promotional advertisements for main metropolitan areas such as, Vancouver. As well, the corporation policies that have been implemented to achieve a better environmental, sustainable future and have they done anything yet? This becomes relevant when looking at the multilevel governance framework in which Canada has to implement sustainability policies because there are a number of barriers in order to advance in urban sustainable practices…. This was my proposal for the term paper, my prof’s concerns were “what is my overall research question?” “How does this relate to planning theory specifically?” “What theory will you be engaging for your lit review? How will you investigate this theory in a particular case study?” This part is from the course syllabus, “Your term paper for this course will cover a topic related to theories and a case in urban planning. Your essay should include a literature review on a particular perspective or school of urban planning, along with a case study that demonstrates or contradicts your chosen perspective. The literature review should include three-five difference theory-based sources (from high-quality geography and/or planning journals).” The term paper rubric is within the additional materials.