Comment on the following statement; The fill rate of a product reflects the magnitude of a stockout. Is this true or not? Why or why not?

1. Comment on the following statement; The fill rate of a product reflects the magnitude of a stockout. Is this true or not? Why or why not? 2. “If the inventory is not able to sustain the demand of the market for a long time, then such a stock out is deemed to have high levels of magnitude.” Can you give an example of this type of situation? 3. “Phantom inventory”. Discuss how this happen? 4. It’s noted that both the reorder point and safety stock quantity should be reevaluated periodically. In determining reorder point, statistical safety stock is commonly used. How does service level affect the safety stock level? 5. “Many drugs after close research and scrutiny are later on found defective with adverse side effects that may hugely affect the consumer’s health”. How are these drugs are found defective? Give an example of such drugs. How are adverse side effects affected? 6. In the Bluebell recall, did the company state why they changed from one product to all products? How do you feel this will affect the company’s overall image? 7. Here’s a video to review and comment on: What does the video state about avoiding undeclared allergens?