Communication-Concept in Nursing and Nursing Practice

Nursing and Nursing Practice has quite a vast number of few-worded concepts that at their mention, for those people who understand them, make great lumps of communication. It is therefore important to understand such Nursing and Nursing Practice communication conceptual words to foster quick understanding and therefore competency, efficiency and effectiveness. Among the very many concepts in the field of Nursing and Nursing practice, this paper is intended to discuss the nursing communication concept there is in the conceptual word ‘self-efficacy’.

Self-efficacy by definition is that personal belief that yes you is that intrinsic motivational belief in one’s own ability that they can make it successfully in some situations or in accomplishing a certain task as best expected. A person’s self-efficacy is therefore paramount and important for it has an upper hand in determining the way one approaches challenges, tasks and set goals. Greatly self-efficacy influence and impacts the way a person thinks, behaves, feels, and motivates themselves for their specific tasks or even for their day to day live roles. People who have a high sense of this important concept, self-efficacy, optimistically approaches and sees challenges and problems as tasks worth mastering but not threats worth avoiding. They easily develop inbuilt yearning and show more interest and are focused in their tasks and goal setting and going for challenging goals to foster and demonstrate the strength in their commitment sense with a quick recovery in case of disappointments and setbacks.

As a Nurse Practioner, self-efficacy is such a significant concept to me. This is because I was once a victim of low self-efficacy sense. This made me to avoid tasks that I thought were hard and challenging giving them a pessimistic approach with a inbuilt believe that I dint have the muscles to get through them, even before I gave them a trial. Tasks were more of threats than chances for growth an attitude fostered by a deficiency in faith in my abilities as a person with simple tasks causing me stress and depression. I dwelled on personal shortcomings, failings and took so long to recover form setbacks and negativities than I thought of succeeding.  However, after inculcating a high sense of self-efficacy, things turned around in my career and profession, meeting and loving hard and challenging tasks the more. This made me grow career-wise and gain a different positive approach to challenging tasks which has grown me professional so much. As an individual, self-efficacy has steered me to the top of my profession for it makes me believe in myself, my ability and take challenges as opportunities to grow further.

For nursing, self-efficacy is very vital. Nursing is such a challenging and widely involving field a person operating on a low gear in self-efficacy my find had to negotiate through the many challenging sharp and hard corners in it. Self-efficacy helps nurses feel confidence, able and competent in their practice, accepting challenges and hard tasks, taking them for an opportunity to get better but not as threats. With self-efficacy, morale to learn and to tackle tasks is high to the advantage of the clinical and nursing field. Self-efficacy drives the much needed hunger and thirst in skills development, consistency which foster competency, and gives nurses a sense of great mastery in their practice. Self-efficacy greatly contributes to better nursing behaviors for nurses develop better professional behaviors because they not only respond to influences and factors in the nursing environment but also gain the ability to self-influence and shape their professional systems socially.  It is therefore important to encourage self-efficacy in nursing for it warrants better results.

Words relating or expressing self-efficacy may include: self-drive, intrinsic motivation, self-believe, self-confidence, self-trust, ‘yes-I –can-make it’ attitude among others.

Sharing the concept with my colleagues, gave to moreorless of the same understandings as mine. One of my colleagues cited that self-efficacy is that self-confidence to meet head-on with challenges and trust that one will come out sharper and more-equipped than they were before going into the challenge. The other colleague cited self-efficacy as the inbuilt driving force that enables one to trust themselves to negotiate up and down the sharp and hard corners of their professional tasks and challenges for more growth and competency. Comparatively, many of the colleagues highlighted the importance of the concept citing that it is a vital one towards achieving success in the diverse and fast-changing nursing field.

Dictionary definitions

Self-efficacy is an inbuilt personal belief on one’s ability to tackle a certain task.

Self-efficacy is an internal strength in a person that drives them to take up challenges with an optimistic trust in their abilities that they can succeed.

Self-efficacy is that belief within an individual that they have the capacity to perform successfully a certain task.

List synonyms and antonyms of the concept

Synonyms: strength, force, energy, capability, capacity, capableness, effectiveness, adequacy, competence, vigor, influence, potency, performance among others.

Antonyms: inadequacy, Impotency, weakness, uselessness, inability, ineffectiveness, uselessness, idleness, failure, lethargy, unproductiveness among others.
