Communications and the Information Technology Field


Information technology has been in existence for thousands of years ago because even in the olden days people used to communicate through the technology. The history of information technology can be divided into four main ages which include: pre-mechanical, mechanical, electro-mechanical and electronic. The pre-mechanical age is one of the oldest ages in the history of information technology. During this age human being were starting to communicate through the use of drawings and language (Hayley, 2011). Communication was through writings on the walls, stones and clay. Given that people were writing information on temporally location they needed permanent information to store this information. The desire to have permanent storage led to the discovery of the first libraries and books. The mechanical age is where the connection between the ancestors and the current technology started to be revealed. Most of the technology that we experience today was discovered during this era.  Electro-mechanical age is regarded as the beginning of the telecommunication and computer era because the first computers started to be used during this age. The electronic age is the current era of communication where digital electronics and computers are passing on communication within the shortest time possible. The research presents the history of the information technology and indicates how communication has evolved in the field of information technology over the years.

The way communication has evolved in the field of information technology over the years

Over the years, development of information technology and communication has transformed consistently. The modern discovery of the mobile devices and the internet has resulted into communication advancement to a new level. As a matter of fact, human communication has transformed with the transformation of the information technology. The transformation of the information technology has brought great revolutions in the field of communication that it has never been expected before. The invention of the pictures in the olden days became the first written communication of the ancient times (Francis, 2010). The fact that these communications were immobile the humans were motivated to discover mobile communications. The invention of the wax, papers and papyrus paved way for the print press which made it possible for communication to be transferred from one location to another. The invention also allowed the uniformity of different languages over the long distances. The modern revolution is characterized with the widespread use of electronic technology where information can be spread from one location to another within the shortest time possible over the Web or the internet.

The significant part of information technology on communication is the spread of the internet and the possibility of people chatting and emailing each other at any time or location. In the past, the document was required to be typed and retyped before a final version was obtained. In order to communicate any information to another person in a long distance once was required to visit the post office and buy stamps. The telegram medium which was regarded to be fast has numerous limitations and costly (Nayab, 2014). The invention of the internet and the computers has made creation of documents and editing natural and easier. The availability of the emails makes sending of documents cheaper and easier as compared to the use of the telegrams. Therefore, the use of the internet has increased the speed of communication and dropped the cost of communication drastically.

The huge amount of information obtained from the internet through the use of the computers has assisted in improving the quality of communication in the modern time. It has become possible for individuals to translate information from unfamiliar language to a familiar language which they can understand and get meaning of it (Nayab, 2014). The information technology has allowed retrieval and storage of the communicated information with speed and accuracy. The storage of verbal communication which was unheard off during the olden days has become possible and reliable. It has also become possible to clear and rewind misconceptions rather than making assumptions of the mistakes which can be rectified.

The invention of the mobile phones has made communication easier as people can now exchange information from anywhere around the world. The discovery of the mobile phone has brought about high quality communication at low cost (Margie, 2008). In addition, the invention has resulted to decline in face to face communication and there has been increased reliance on written and verbal communication over the electronic gadgets. The new technology has resulted into change of the style as the traditional grammar rules are no longer adhered to as people can now shorten the words while passing on information to one another. In fact, communication in the modern time has become short and concise as it is full of brevity.

The transformation of the information technology has greatly improved the peoples’ access to information and has significantly dropped the cost of communication (Francis, 2010). The online forums, media related initiatives and live coverage of the news have made it possible for everyone in the world to participate in communication and information sharing. The ease of information has change the business world as there has been competitive advantage. Technology has removed most of the barriers of trade and leveled the business playing ground.


The Interactive and ease of communication such as video conferencing and instant messengers has basically increased communication volume over a given period of time. People can now communicate the ideas within their minds and break them into different communications (Nayab, 2014). Basically the advancement and evolvement of the new communication and technology has brought out new business opportunities and has increased the level of social networking in the globe.


Hayley, E. (2011) Communication changes with technology, social media. Retrieved from:

Nayab, H. (2014). How Communication Has Evolved With New Technologies. New York Publishers.
Francis, L. (2010). The history of information technology: Information communication technology. Oxford University Press.
Margie, D. (2008).A brief history of how information technology has transformed the world of communication. New York Publishers.