Q1-Specific learning goals
The coming week, I am planning to have a meeting with MHG Stroke Director to investigate more on her job responsibilities and what exactly she does in community outreaches. While meeting the Stroke Director, I am planning to have an efficient and thorough documentation of patent admission rates with reference to the stroke illness. At the same time, I plan to design a clear documentation on the nature of progress of every patient in both inpatients and outpatient encounters. After noting down the progress, I will go ahead and take notes on the common ambulatory conditions and settings for stroke patients. With guidance from the stroke director, I have a plan to effectively and efficiently navigate through the electric management record systems to look at all available records for patients suffering from stroke and after this plan on how to attain patient safety as discussed by Steven, Magnusson, Smith & Pearson (2014)
Question 2-Community Practice
During my community practice, I plan to attend a mental health community practice at the County of Los Angeles neighborhood. Because there are many agencies that have come in to provide us with support from shared resources, alongside my team, I will be planning to create awareness in the community on how these resources can and should be used to treat mental disorders. I realized that care givers are not only trained for meeting the hospital needs of mental patients alone but highly trained as well to meet community needs through finding resources that can help eliminate certain mental conditions in the community. At the community practice in the future, I hope to be highly involved in different and many kinds of community practices to help all community members. I am hoping to mingle on a personal level with community members to find out their individual special mental needs and respond to the from community practice as discussed by (D’Souza, Karkada, Parahoo, Venkatesaperumal 2015).