The company in the case has hired you as a strategist to produce a strategic analysis. Your analysis of this case should consist of 5 components


The company in the case has hired you as a strategist to produce a strategic analysis. Your analysis of this case should consist of 5 components (see “ExitCaseTemplate” for the rubrics):

  1. Critical Problem or Potential Critical Problem:
    • Narrow down to ONE strategic problem.
    • Start with “The problem is….”(Example: “High oil prices” is frequently considered a “problem”, but it really is the cause of problems like low profit margin).
  • Follow by “It’s a problem because…”(what, why where and how it is a problem)
  • End with “Not addressing this problem would …”( the consequences of negligence)


  1. SWOT Analysis:

Use the SWOT matrix to present a summary of your internal and external assessments, and your alternative solutions to the problem. Interpret the results of your analysis, precisely and concisely. Specifically:

  • Use both qualitative and quantitative data to produce a SWOT analysis
    • Identify 6+ major Strengths in the internal environment
    • Identify 6+ major Weaknesses in the internal environment
    • Identify 6+ major Opportunities in the external environment
    • Identify 6+ major Threats in the external environment
    • Generate 6+ alternatives
  1. Alternative solutions and decision:

Use the QSPM to select the most attractive of your top 3 alternative solutions. Discuss why it is better than the other solutions, precisely and concisely.


  1. Implementation:
    • Produce a 3-year planto implement the selected strategy, by specifying:
      • What resistance will there be from the stakeholders?
      • Why are they resisting?
      • How will you address it?
      • What are the ramifications for the stakeholders?
      • What needs to be done?
  1. Ethical Reasoning:

There may be one or more ethical concerns related to this case and the decision making process. Please identify the major ethical concern, and address it by following the ethical reasoning process:

  • Identify the ethical dilemma
  • Identify the cause of the dilemma
  • Identify the external (situational) pressures on decision making
  • Identify the internal pressures (biases) on decision making
  • Identify the parties that may be affected by your decision
  • Generate 3 alternative resolutions for the dilemma
  • Specify the potential consequences of each of these alternatives
  • Select 1 of the 3 alternatives and provide a rationale
  • Format & Submission:
  • Your exam must be typed.  You must use the template“ExitCaseTemplate” in the Canvas Module “CB Exit Exam.” The only file type acceptable for this exam is a MicroSoft Excel workbook.