Compare Bible Creation myth vs Norse Creation myth

In an essay of a MINIMUM of 1250 words, compare two flood myths or creation myths from different cultures. Discuss how each reflects their relative cultures. You will need to do a little bit of research into the background of the societies you are researching. Where were they located? What are their societies like? What cultural values do they have that might be reflected in their mythology? What are they trying to explain? Use specific passages from the texts to make your argument. Keep in mind the four functions of myth we have studied, and write about how their myths satisfy the functions. This paper is not just a research paper where you summarize one myth, and then another. The focus of your paper should be WHY the myths are different as a result of their relative societies. The Judeo Christian flood myth has commonalities with the Babylonian myth, for example, but there are differences that reveal values of each culture. Use primary sources, and include quotes to defend your argument. Keep your focus on the WHY, and not raw facts that only answer WHAT questions. This paper should demonstrate scholarship and analysis, instead of just researching and regurgitating information.