Compare and contrast etiologies, symptoms, and risk factors for various communication disorders including articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, feeding and swallowing, cognitive-communication, social aspects, and communication modalities.

Although less prevalent than other communication disorders, fluency disorders are among the most commonly recognized and have a tremendous impact on clients’ lives. Persistent developmental stuttering, for example, may lead to frustration, embarrassment, speech avoidance, and an overall negative attitude toward communicating in social and academic settings.

The purpose of this essay is for you to examine a clinical case and explore assessment and intervention strategies for a client with a fluency disorder. A successful response to this essay question will include:

1) Compare and contrast etiologies, symptoms, and risk factors for various communication disorders including articulation, fluency, voice and resonance, receptive and expressive language, hearing, feeding and swallowing, cognitive-communication, social aspects, and communication modalities.

2) Explain the impact of prevention, early identification, assessment, and intervention based on evidenced-based practices in improving the outcomes of people with communication disorders.
You need to use the document I have attached called case study Jonathon to formulate your essay. I have attached other documents as well which are excerpts from:
Fogle, P.T. (2019). Essentials of Communication Sciences & Disorders, (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle Ridge, NJ:
Jones and Bartlett Publishing. ISBN: 9781284121810.

The additional sources I have attached in order labelled S1-S8 are all excerpts from the Fogle book I have specified above. You must reference information from this source at least once in the essay. That means having at least one in text citation with this source. Additionally in your essay you need at least 2 other scholarly sources. Scholarly sources are defined as websites ending in .edu and .org or textbooks, or journal articles. You must have a reference page.
Topic Question:
Look at Case Study Jonathon then write an explanation of one assessment strategy (i.e., evidence-based practices, case history questions you would ask, standardized assessment procedures, or key factors you would want to observe, etc.) and one treatment strategy (i.e., evidence-based practices, treatment activities, data collection, etc.) that was evident in the case study or that you might use for the client described in the case.