compare and contrast prophets from Mari to one 8th century BCE biblical prophet

In this thesis paper, you will compare and contrast prophets from Mari to one 8th century BCE biblical prophet. Think about how what they do as prophets is similar and/or different. You don’t need outside sources. Only cite the Bible and the Mari text. Academic titles should be informative and interesting. I would imagine the words “Mari” and “prophecy” should appear, along with either Amos, Micah, Isaiah or Hosea. Then I read the intro paragraph. Please don’t start off with a dictionary definition of “prophecy” or something like “Since the beginning of time, …” You should be brief, and get to your thesis statement soon. The thesis statement is by far the most important part of your paper. I should be able to read your thesis statement and know how your argument will be structured. A thesis statement needs to argue something. Note: you won’t know your thesis statement until your body paragraphs are completed. Then the body paragraphs start off with a topic sentence. This summarizes the entire paragraph to follow and links back to the thesis. I should be able to read your thesis statement and each of the body paragraph topic sentences and know exactly what this paper is about. In each body paragraph, you are using text (Mari and biblical prophet) to argue your thesis. You should use no other sources. Just use the primary sources from Mari or from the Bible. I’d recommend printing out the Mari letters, reading them carefully, taking notes, and looking for patterns. Then do the same with your biblical prophet. Then come up with an outline. Maybe two body paragraphs about similarities, then one about differences. Look to earlier announcement on how to properly cite these texts. You can either quote directly or paraphrase, but then cite source. I would imagine you would have about 3 or 4 body paragraphs.